Chapter 8. Ensuring system integrity with Keylime

With Keylime, you can continuously monitor the integrity of remote systems and verify the state of systems at boot. You can also send encrypted files to the monitored systems, and specify automated actions triggered whenever a monitored system fails the integrity test.

8.1. How Keylime works

You can deploy Keylime agents to perform one or more of the following actions:

Runtime integrity monitoring
Keylime runtime integrity monitoring continuously monitors the system on which the agent is deployed and measures the integrity of the files included in the allowlist and not included in the excludelist.
Measured boot
Keylime measured boot verifies the system state at boot.

Keylime’s concept of trust is based on the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology. A TPM is a hardware, firmware, or virtual component with integrated cryptographic keys. By polling TPM quotes and comparing the hashes of objects, Keylime provides initial and runtime monitoring of remote systems.


Keylime running in a virtual machine or using a virtual TPM depends upon the integrity of the underlying host. Ensure you trust the host environment before relying upon Keylime measurements in a virtual environment.

Keylime consists of three main components:

Initially and continuously verifies the integrity of the systems that run the agent.
Contains a database of all agents and it hosts the public keys of the TPM vendors.
Deployed to remote systems measured by the verifier.

In addition, Keylime uses the keylime_tenant utility for many functions, including provisioning the agents on the target systems.

Figure 8.1. Connections between Keylime components through configurations

The Keylime components are connected through their configuration options.

Keylime ensures the integrity of the monitored systems in a chain of trust by using keys and certificates exchanged between the components and the tenant. For a secure foundation of this chain, use a certificate authority (CA) that you can trust.


If the agent receives no key and certificate, it generates a key and a self-signed certificate with no involvement from the CA.

Figure 8.2. Connections between Keylime components certificates and keys

The Keylime components are connected through the keys and certificates.

8.2. Configuring Keylime verifier

The verifier is the most important component in Keylime. It performs initial and periodic checks of system integrity and supports bootstrapping a cryptographic key securely with the agent. The verifier uses mutual TLS encryption for its control interface.


To maintain the chain of trust, keep the system that runs the verifier secure and under your control.

You can install the verifier on a separate system or on the same system as the Keylime registrar, depending on your requirements. Running the verifier and registrar on separate systems provides better performance.


To keep the configuration files organized within the drop-in directories, use file names with a two-digit number prefix, for example /etc/keylime/verifier.conf.d/00-verifier-ip.conf. The configuration processing reads the files inside the drop-in directory in lexicographic order and sets each option to the last value it reads.


  • You have root permissions and network connection to the system or systems on which you want to install Keylime components.
  • You have valid keys and certificates from your certificate authority.
  • Optional: You have access to the databases where Keylime saves data from the verifier. You can use any of the following database management systems:

    • SQLite (default)
    • PostgreSQL
    • MySQL
    • MariaDB


  1. Install the Keylime verifier:

    # dnf install keylime-verifier
  2. Define the IP address and port of verifier by creating a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/verifier.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/verifier.conf.d/00-verifier-ip.conf, with the following content:

    ip = <verifier_IP_address>
    • Replace <verifier_IP_address> with the verifier’s IP address. Alternatively, use ip = * or ip = to bind the verifier to all available IP addresses.
    • Optionally, you can also change the verifier’s port from the default value 8881 by using the port option.
  3. Optional: Configure the verifier’s database for the list of agents. The default configuration uses an SQLite database in the verifier’s /var/lib/keylime/cv_data.sqlite/ directory. You can define a different database by creating a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/verifier.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/verifier.conf.d/00-db-url.conf, with the following content:

    database_url = <protocol>://<name>:<password>@<ip_address_or_hostname>/<properties>

    Replace <protocol>://<name>:<password>@<ip_address_or_hostname>/<properties> with the URL of the database, for example, postgresql://verifier:UQ?nRNY9g7GZzN7@

    Ensure that the credentials you use provide the permissions for Keylime to create the database structure.

  4. Add certificates and keys to the verifier. You can either let Keylime generate them, or use existing keys and certificates:

    • With the default tls_dir = generate option, Keylime generates new certificates for the verifier, registrar, and tenant in the /var/lib/keylime/cv_ca/ directory.
    • To load existing keys and certificates in the configuration, define their location in the verifier configuration.


      Certificates must be accessible by the keylime user, under which the Keylime services are running.

      Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/verifier.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/verifier.conf.d/00-keys-and-certs.conf, with the following content:

      tls_dir = /var/lib/keylime/cv_ca
      server_key = </path/to/server_key>
      server_key_password = <passphrase1>
      server_cert = </path/to/server_cert>
      trusted_client_ca = ['</path/to/ca/cert1>', '</path/to/ca/cert2>']
      client_key = </path/to/client_key>
      client_key_password = <passphrase2>
      client_cert = </path/to/client_cert>
      trusted_server_ca = ['</path/to/ca/cert3>', '</path/to/ca/cert4>']

      Use absolute paths to define key and certificate locations. Alternatively, relative paths are resolved from the directory defined in the tls_dir option.

  5. Open the port in firewall:

    # firewall-cmd --add-port 8881/tcp
    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

    If you use a different port, replace 8881 with the port number defined in the .conf file.

  6. Start the verifier service:

    # systemctl enable --now keylime_verifier

    In the default configuration, start the keylime_verifier before starting the keylime_registrar service because the verifier creates the CA and certificates for the other Keylime components. This order is not necessary when you use custom certificates.


  • Check that the keylime_verifier service is active and running:

    # systemctl status keylime_verifier
    ● keylime_verifier.service - The Keylime verifier
         Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/keylime_verifier.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
         Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-11-09 10:10:08 EST; 1min 45s ago

8.3. Configuring Keylime registrar

The registrar is the Keylime component that contains a database of all agents, and it hosts the public keys of the TPM vendors. After the registrar’s HTTPS service accepts trusted platform module (TPM) public keys, it presents an interface to obtain these public keys for checking quotes.


To maintain the chain of trust, keep the system that runs the registrar secure and under your control.

You can install the registrar on a separate system or on the same system as the Keylime verifier, depending on your requirements. Running the verifier and registrar on separate systems provides better performance.


To keep the configuration files organized within the drop-in directories, use file names with a two-digit number prefix, for example /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/00-registrar-ip.conf. The configuration processing reads the files inside the drop-in directory in lexicographic order and sets each option to the last value it reads.


  • You have network access to the systems where the Keylime verifier is installed and running. For more information, see Section 8.2, “Configuring Keylime verifier”.
  • You have root permissions and network connection to the system or systems on which you want to install Keylime components.
  • You have access to the database where Keylime saves data from the registrar. You can use any of the following database management systems:

    • SQLite (default)
    • PostgreSQL
    • MySQL
    • MariaDB
  • You have valid keys and certificates from your certificate authority.


  1. Install the Keylime registrar:

    # dnf install keylime-registrar
  2. Define the IP address and port of the registrar by creating a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/00-registrar-ip.conf, with the following content:

    ip = <registrar_IP_address>
    • Replace <registrar_IP_address> with the registrar’s IP address. Alternatively, use ip = * or ip = to bind the registrar to all available IP addresses.
    • Optionally, change the port to which the Keylime agents connect by using the port option. The default value is 8890.
    • Optionally, change the TLS port to which the Keylime verifier and tenant connect by using the tls_port option. The default value is 8891.
  3. Optional: Configure the registrar’s database for the list of agents. The default configuration uses an SQLite database in the registrar’s /var/lib/keylime/reg_data.sqlite directory. You can create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/00-db-url.conf, with the following content:

    database_url = <protocol>://<name>:<password>@<ip_address_or_hostname>/<properties>

    Replace <protocol>://<name>:<password>@<ip_address_or_hostname>/<properties> with the URL of the database, for example, postgresql://registrar:EKYYX-bqY2?#raXm@

    Ensure that the credentials you use have the permissions for Keylime to create the database structure.

  4. Add certificates and keys to the registrar:

    • You can use the default configuration and load the keys and certificates to the /var/lib/keylime/reg_ca/ directory.
    • Alternatively, you can define the location of the keys and certificates in the configuration. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/registrar.conf.d/00-keys-and-certs.conf, with the following content:

      tls_dir = /var/lib/keylime/reg_ca
      server_key = </path/to/server_key>
      server_key_password = <passphrase1>
      server_cert = </path/to/server_cert>
      trusted_client_ca = ['</path/to/ca/cert1>', '</path/to/ca/cert2>']

      Use absolute paths to define key and certificate locations. Alternatively, you can define a directory in the tls_dir option and use paths relative to that directory.

  5. Open the ports in firewall:

    # firewall-cmd --add-port 8890/tcp --add-port 8891/tcp
    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

    If you use a different port, replace 8890 or 8891 with the port number defined in the .conf file.

  6. Start the keylime_registrar service:

    # systemctl enable --now keylime_registrar

    In the default configuration, start the keylime_verifier before starting the keylime_registrar service because the verifier creates the CA and certificates for the other Keylime components. This order is not necessary when you use custom certificates.


  • Check that the keylime_registrar service is active and running:

    # systemctl status keylime_registrar
    ● keylime_registrar.service - The Keylime registrar service
         Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/keylime_registrar.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
         Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-11-09 10:10:17 EST; 1min 42s ago

8.4. Setting up a Keylime server by using System Roles

You can set up the verifier and registrar, which are the Keylime server components, by using the keylime_server RHEL System Role. The keylime_server role installs and configures both the verifier and registrar components together on each node.

Perform this procedure on the Ansible control node.


For more information about Keylime, see 8.1. How Keylime works


  • You have prepared the control node and the managed nodes
  • You are logged in to the control node as a user who can run playbooks on the managed nodes.
  • The account you use to connect to the managed nodes has sudo permissions on them.
  • The managed nodes or groups of managed nodes on which you want to run this playbook are listed in the Ansible inventory file.


  1. Create a playbook that defines the required role:

    1. Create a new YAML file and open it in a text editor, for example:

      # vi keylime-playbook.yml
    2. Insert the following content:

      - name: Manage keylime servers
        hosts: all
          keylime_server_verifier_ip: "{{ ansible_host }}"
          keylime_server_registrar_ip: "{{ ansible_host }}"
          keylime_server_verifier_tls_dir: <ver_tls_directory>
          keylime_server_verifier_server_cert: <ver_server_certfile>
          keylime_server_verifier_server_key: <ver_server_key>
          keylime_server_verifier_server_key_passphrase: <ver_server_key_passphrase>
          keylime_server_verifier_trusted_client_ca: <ver_trusted_client_ca_list>
          keylime_server_verifier_client_cert: <ver_client_certfile>
          keylime_server_verifier_client_key: <ver_client_key>
          keylime_server_verifier_client_key_passphrase: <ver_client_key_passphrase>
          keylime_server_verifier_trusted_server_ca: <ver_trusted_server_ca_list>
          keylime_server_registrar_tls_dir: <reg_tls_directory>
          keylime_server_registrar_server_cert: <reg_server_certfile>
          keylime_server_registrar_server_key: <reg_server_key>
          keylime_server_registrar_server_key_passphrase: <reg_server_key_passphrase>
          keylime_server_registrar_trusted_client_ca: <reg_trusted_client_ca_list>
          - rhel-system-roles.keylime_server

      You can find out more about the variables in Variables for the keylime_server RHEL System Role.

  2. Run the playbook:

    $ ansible-playbook <keylime-playbook.yml>


  1. Check that the keylime_verifier service is active and running on the managed host:

    # systemctl status keylime_verifier
    ● keylime_verifier.service - The Keylime verifier
         Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/keylime_verifier.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
         Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-11-09 10:10:08 EST; 1min 45s ago
  2. Check that the keylime_registrar service is active and running:

    # systemctl status keylime_registrar
    ● keylime_registrar.service - The Keylime registrar service
         Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/keylime_registrar.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
         Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-11-09 10:10:17 EST; 1min 42s ago

8.5. Variables for the keylime_server RHEL System Role

When setting up a Keylime server by using the keylime_server RHEL System Role, you can customize the following variables for registrar and verifier.

List of keylime_server RHEL System Role variables for configuring the Keylime verifier

Defines the IP address of the verifier.
Specifies the directory where the keys and certificates are stored. If set to default, the verifier uses the /var/lib/keylime/cv_ca directory.
Specifies a passphrase to decrypt the server private key. If the value is empty, the private key is not encrypted.

keylime_server_verifier_server_cert: Specifies the Keylime verifier server certificate file.

Defines the list of trusted client CA certificates. You must store the files in the directory set in the keylime_server_verifier_tls_dir option.
Defines the file containing the Keylime verifier private client key.
Defines the passphrase to decrypt the client private key file. If the value is empty, the private key is not encrypted.
Defines the Keylime verifier client certificate file.
Defines the list of trusted server CA certificates. You must store the files in the directory set in the keylime_server_verifier_tls_dir option.

List of registrar variables for setting up keylime_server RHEL System Role

Defines the IP address of the registrar.
Specifies the directory where you store the keys and certificates for the registrar. If you set it to default, the registrar uses the /var/lib/keylime/reg_ca directory.
Defines the Keylime registrar private server key file.
Specifies the passphrase to decrypt the server private key of the registrar. If the value is empty, the private key is not encrypted.
Specifies the Keylime registrar server certificate file.
Defines the list of trusted client CA certificates. You must store the files in the directory set in the keylime_server_registrar_tls_dir option.

8.6. Configuring Keylime tenant

Keylime uses the keylime_tenant utility for many functions, including provisioning the agents on the target systems. You can install keylime_tenant on any system, including the systems that run other Keylime components, or on a separate system, depending on your requirements.



  1. Install the Keylime tenant:

    # dnf install keylime-tenant
  2. Define the tenant’s connection to the Keylime verifier by editing the /etc/keylime/tenant.conf.d/00-verifier-ip.conf file:

    verifier_ip = <verifier_ip>
    • Replace <verifier_ip> with the IP address to the verifier’s system.
    • If the verifier uses a different port than the default value 8881, add the verifier_port = <verifier_port> setting.
  3. Define the tenant’s connection to the Keylime registrar by editing the /etc/keylime/tenant.conf.d/00-registrar-ip.conf file:

    registrar_ip = <registrar_ip>
    registrar_port = <registrar_port>
    • Replace <registrar_ip> with the IP address to the registrar’s system.
    • If the registrar uses a different port than the default value 8891, add the registrar_port = <registrar_port> setting.
  4. Add certificates and keys to the tenant:

    1. You can use the default configuration and load the keys and certificates to the /var/lib/keylime/cv_ca directory.
    2. Alternatively, you can define the location of the keys and certificates in the configuration. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/tenant.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/tenant.conf.d/00-keys-and-certs.conf, with the following content:

      tls_dir = /var/lib/keylime/cv_ca
      client_key = tenant-key.pem
      client_key_password = <passphrase1>
      client_cert = tenant-cert.pem
      trusted_server_ca = ['</path/to/ca/cert>']

      The trusted_server_ca parameter accepts paths to the verifier and registrar server CA certificate. You can provide multiple comma-separated paths, for example if the verifier and registrar use different CAs.


      Use absolute paths to define key and certificate locations. Alternatively, you can define a directory in the tls_dir option and use paths relative to that directory.

  5. Optional: If the trusted platform module (TPM) endorsement key (EK) cannot be verified by using certificates in the /var/lib/keylime/tpm_cert_store directory, add the certificate to that directory. This can occur particularly when using virtual machines with emulated TPMs.


  1. Check the status of the verifier:

    # keylime_tenant -c cvstatus
    Reading configuration from ['/etc/keylime/logging.conf']
    2022-10-14 12:56:08.155 - keylime.tpm - INFO - TPM2-TOOLS Version: 5.2
    Reading configuration from ['/etc/keylime/tenant.conf']
    2022-10-14 12:56:08.157 - keylime.tenant - INFO - Setting up client TLS...
    2022-10-14 12:56:08.158 - keylime.tenant - INFO - Using default client_cert option for tenant
    2022-10-14 12:56:08.158 - keylime.tenant - INFO - Using default client_key option for tenant
    2022-10-14 12:56:08.178 - keylime.tenant - INFO - TLS is enabled.
    2022-10-14 12:56:08.178 - keylime.tenant - WARNING - Using default UUID d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-75bd81c00000
    2022-10-14 12:56:08.221 - keylime.tenant - INFO - Verifier at with Port 8881 does not have agent d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-75bd81c00000.

    If correctly set up, and if no agent is configured, the verifier responds that it does not recognize the default agent UUID.

  2. Check the status of the registrar:

    # keylime_tenant -c regstatus
    Reading configuration from ['/etc/keylime/logging.conf']
    2022-10-14 12:56:02.114 - keylime.tpm - INFO - TPM2-TOOLS Version: 5.2
    Reading configuration from ['/etc/keylime/tenant.conf']
    2022-10-14 12:56:02.116 - keylime.tenant - INFO - Setting up client TLS...
    2022-10-14 12:56:02.116 - keylime.tenant - INFO - Using default client_cert option for tenant
    2022-10-14 12:56:02.116 - keylime.tenant - INFO - Using default client_key option for tenant
    2022-10-14 12:56:02.137 - keylime.tenant - INFO - TLS is enabled.
    2022-10-14 12:56:02.137 - keylime.tenant - WARNING - Using default UUID d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-75bd81c00000
    2022-10-14 12:56:02.171 - keylime.registrar_client - CRITICAL - Error: could not get agent d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-75bd81c00000 data from Registrar Server: 404
    2022-10-14 12:56:02.172 - keylime.registrar_client - CRITICAL - Response code 404: agent d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-75bd81c00000 not found
    2022-10-14 12:56:02.172 - keylime.tenant - INFO - Agent d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-75bd81c00000 does not exist on the registrar. Please register the agent with the registrar.
    2022-10-14 12:56:02.172 - keylime.tenant - INFO - {"code": 404, "status": "Agent d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-75bd81c00000 does not exist on registrar port 8891.", "results": {}}

    If correctly set up, and if no agent is configured, the registrar responds that it does not recognize the default agent UUID.

Additional resources

  • For additional advanced options for the keylime_tenant utility, enter the keylime_tenant -h command.

8.7. Configuring Keylime agent

The Keylime agent is the component deployed to all systems to be monitored by Keylime.

By default, the Keylime agent stores all its data in the /var/lib/keylime/ directory of the monitored system.


To keep the configuration files organized within the drop-in directories, use file names with a two-digit number prefix, for example /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/00-registrar-ip.conf. The configuration processing reads the files inside the drop-in directory in lexicographic order and sets each option to the last value it reads.



  1. Install the Keylime agent:

    # dnf install keylime-agent

    This command installs the keylime-agent-rust package.

  2. Define the agent’s IP address and port in the configuration files. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/00-agent-ip.conf, with the following content:

    ip = '<agent_ip>'

    The Keylime agent configuration uses the TOML format, which is different from the INI format used for configuration of the other components. Therefore, enter values in valid TOML syntax, for example, paths in single quotation marks and arrays of multiple paths in square brackets.

    • Replace <agent_IP_address> with the agent’s IP address. Alternatively, use ip = '*' or ip = '' to bind the agent to all available IP addresses.
    • Optionally, you can also change the agent’s port from the default value 9002 by using the port = '<agent_port>' option.
  3. Define the registrar’s IP address and port in the configuration files. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/00-registrar-ip.conf, with the following content:

    registrar_ip = '<registrar_IP_address>'
    • Replace <registrar_IP_address> with the registrar’s IP address.
    • Optionally, you can also change the registrar’s port from the default value 8890 by using the registrar_port = '<registrar_port>' option.
  4. Optional: Define the agent’s universally unique identifier (UUID). If it is not defined, the default UUID is used. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/00-agent-uuid.conf, with the following content:

    uuid = '<agent_UUID>'
    • Replace <agent_UUID> with the agent’s UUID, for example d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-abcdef012345. You can use the uuidgen utility to generate a UUID.
  5. Optional: Load existing keys and certificates for the agent. If the agent receives no server_key and server_cert, it generates its own key and a self-signed certificate.

    Define the location of the keys and certificates in the configuration. Create a new .conf file in the /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/ directory, for example, /etc/keylime/agent.conf.d/00-keys-and-certs.conf, with the following content:

    server_key = '</path/to/server_key>'
    server_key_password = '<passphrase1>'
    server_cert = '</path/to/server_cert>'
    trusted_client_ca = '</path/to/ca/cert>'
    trusted_client_ca = '[</path/to/ca/cert3>, </path/to/ca/cert4>]'

    Use absolute paths to define key and certificate locations. The Keylime agent does not accept relative paths.

  6. Open the port in firewall:

    # firewall-cmd --add-port 9002/tcp
    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

    If you use a different port, replace 9002 with the port number defined in the .conf file.

  7. Enable and start the keylime_agent service:

    # systemctl enable --now keylime_agent
  8. Optional: From the system where the Keylime tenant is configured, verify that the agent is correctly configured and can connect to the registrar.

    # keylime_tenant -c regstatus --uuid <agent_uuid>
    Reading configuration from ['/etc/keylime/logging.conf']
    ==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n", "ip": "", "port": 9002, "regcount": 1, "operational_state": "Registered"}}}
    • Replace <agent_uuid> with the agent’s UUID.

      If the registrar and agent are correctly configured, the output displays the agent’s IP address and port, followed by "operational_state": "Registered".

  9. Create a new IMA policy by entering the following content into the /etc/ima/ima-policy file:

    dont_measure fsmagic=0x9fa0
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x62656572
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x64626720
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x01021994
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x858458f6
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x73636673
    dont_measure fsmagic=0xf97cff8c
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x27e0eb
    dont_measure fsmagic=0x794c7630
    # Do not measure log, audit or tmp files
    dont_measure obj_type=var_log_t
    dont_measure obj_type=auditd_log_t
    dont_measure obj_type=tmp_t
    measure func=BPRM_CHECK
    measure func=FILE_MMAP mask=MAY_EXEC
    measure func=MODULE_CHECK uid=0
  10. Reboot the system to apply the new IMA policy.


  1. Verify that the agent is running:

    # systemctl status keylime_agent
    ● keylime_agent.service - The Keylime compute agent
         Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/keylime_agent.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
         Active: active (running) since ...

Next steps

After the agent is configured on all systems you want to monitor, you can deploy Keylime to perform one or both of the following functions:

8.8. Deploying Keylime for runtime monitoring

To verify that the state of monitored systems is correct, the Keylime agent must be running on the monitored systems.


Because Keylime runtime monitoring uses integrity measurement architecture (IMA) to measure large numbers of files, it might have a significant impact on the performance of your system.

When provisioning the agent, you can also define a file that Keylime sends to the monitored system. Keylime encrypts the file sent to the agent, and decrypts it only if the agent’s system complies with the TPM policy and with the IMA allowlist.

You can make Keylime ignore changes of specific files or within specific directories by configuring a Keylime excludelist.

From Keylime version 7.3.0, provided in RHEL 9.3, the allowlist and excludelist are combined into the Keylime runtime policy.



  1. On the monitored system where the Keylime agent is configured and running, generate an allowlist from the current state of the system:

    # /usr/share/keylime/scripts/ -o <allowlist.txt> -h sha256sum

    Replace <allowlist.txt> with the file name of the allowlist.


    Use the SHA-256 hash function. SHA-1 is not secure and has been deprecated in RHEL 9. For additional information, see SHA-1 deprecation in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

  2. Copy the generated allowlist to the system where the keylime_tenant utility is configured, for example:

    # scp <allowlist.txt> root@<tenant.ip>:/root/<allowlist.txt>
  3. Optional: You can define a list of files or directories excluded from Keylime measurements by creating a file on the tenant system and entering the files and directories to exclude. The excludelist accepts Python regular expressions with one regular expression per line. See Regular expression operations at for the complete list of special characters. For example, to exclude all files in the /tmp/ directory and some subdirectories of the /var/ directory from Keylime measurements, create a /root/<excludelist.txt> file with the following content:


    Save the excludelist on the tenant system.

  4. Combine the allowlist and excludelist into the Keylime runtime policy:

    # keylime_create_policy -a <allowlist.txt> -e <excludelist.txt> -o <policy.json>
  5. On the system where the Keylime tenant is configured, provision the agent by using the keylime_tenant utility:

    # keylime_tenant -c add -t <agent_ip> -u <agent_uuid> --runtime-policy <policy.json> --cert default
    • Replace <agent_ip> with the agent’s IP address.
    • Replace <agent_uuid> with the agent’s UUID.
    • Replace <policy.json> with the path to the Keylime runtime policy file.
    • With the --cert option, the tenant generates and signs a certificate for the agent by using the CA certificates and keys located in the specified directory, or the default /var/lib/keylime/ca/ directory. If the directory contains no CA certificates and keys, the tenant will generate them automatically according to the configuration in the /etc/keylime/ca.conf file and save them to the specified directory. The tenant then sends these keys and certificates to the agent.

      When generating CA certificates or signing agent certificates, you may be prompted for the password to access the CA private key: Please enter the password to decrypt your keystore:.

      If you do not want to use a certificate, use the -f option instead for delivering a file to the agent. Provisioning an agent requires sending any file, even an empty file.


      Keylime encrypts the file sent to the agent, and decrypts it only if the agent’s system complies with the TPM policy and the IMA allowlist. By default, Keylime decompresses .zip files.

    As an example, with the following command, keylime_tenant provisions a new Keylime agent at with UUID d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-75bd81c00000 and loads a runtime policy policy.json. It also generates a certificate in the default directory and sends the certificate file to the agent. Keylime decrypts the file only if the TPM policy configured in /etc/keylime/verifier.conf is satisfied:

    # keylime_tenant -c add -t -u d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-75bd81c00000 --cert default --runtime-policy policy.json

    You can stop Keylime from monitoring a node by using the # keylime_tenant -c delete -u <agent_uuid> command.

    You can modify the configuration of an already registered agent by using the keylime_tenant -c update command.


  1. Optional: Reboot the monitored system before verification to verify that the settings are persistent.
  2. Verify a successful attestation of the agent:

    # keylime_tenant -c cvstatus -u <agent.uuid>
    {"<agent.uuid>": {"operational_state": "Get Quote"..."attestation_count": 5

    Replace <agent.uuid> with the agent’s UUID.

    If the value of operational_state is Get Quote and attestation_count is non-zero, the attestation of this agent is successful.

    If the value of operational_state is Invalid Quote or Failed attestation fails, the command displays output similar to the following:

    {"<agent.uuid>": {"operational_state": "Invalid Quote", ... "ima.validation.ima-ng.not_in_allowlist", "attestation_count": 5, "last_received_quote": 1684150329, "last_successful_attestation": 1684150327}}
  3. If the attestation fails, display more details in the verifier log:

    # journalctl -u keylime_verifier
    keylime.tpm - INFO - Checking IMA measurement list...
    keylime.ima - WARNING - File not found in allowlist: /root/
    keylime.ima - ERROR - IMA ERRORS: template-hash 0 fnf 1 hash 0 good 781
    keylime.cloudverifier - WARNING - agent D432FBB3-D2F1-4A97-9EF7-75BD81C00000 failed, stopping polling

Additional resources

8.9. Deploying Keylime for measured boot attestation

When you configure Keylime for measured boot attestation, Keylime checks that the boot process on the measured system corresponds to the state you defined.



  1. On the monitored system where the Keylime agent is configured and running, install the python3-keylime package, which contains the create_mb_refstate script:

    # dnf -y install python3-keylime
  2. On the monitored system, generate a policy from the measured boot log of the current state of the system by using the create_mb_refstate script:

    # /usr/share/keylime/scripts/create_mb_refstate /sys/kernel/security/tpm0/binary_bios_measurements <./measured_boot_reference_state.json>

    Replace <./measured_boot_reference_state.json> with the path where the script saves the generated policy.


    The policy generated with the create_mb_refstate script is based on the current state of the system and is very strict. Any modifications of the system including kernel updates and system updates will change the boot process and the system will fail the attestation.

  3. Copy the generated policy to the system where the keylime_tenant utility is configured, for example:

    # scp root@<agent_ip>:<./measured_boot_reference_state.json> <./measured_boot_reference_state.json>
  4. On the system where the Keylime tenant is configured, provision the agent by using the keylime_tenant utility:

    # keylime_tenant -c add -t <agent_ip> -u <agent_uuid> --mb_refstate <./measured_boot_reference_state.json>
    • Replace <agent_ip> with the agent’s IP address.
    • Replace <agent_uuid> with the agent’s UUID.
    • Replace <./measured_boot_reference_state.json> with the path to the measured boot policy.

    If you configure measured boot in combination with runtime monitoring, provide all the options from both use cases when entering the keylime_tenant -c add command.


    You can stop Keylime from monitoring a node by using the # keylime_tenant -c delete -t <agent_ip> -u <agent_uuid> command.

    You can modify the configuration of an already registered agent by using the keylime_tenant -c update command.


  1. Reboot the monitored system and verify a successful attestation of the agent:

    # keylime_tenant -c cvstatus -u <agent_uuid>
    {"<agent.uuid>": {"operational_state": "Get Quote"..."attestation_count": 5

    Replace <agent_uuid> with the agent’s UUID.

    If the value of operational_state is Get Quote and attestation_count is non-zero, the attestation of this agent is successful.

    If the value of operational_state is Invalid Quote or Failed attestation fails, the command displays output similar to the following:

    {"<agent.uuid>": {"operational_state": "Invalid Quote", ... "ima.validation.ima-ng.not_in_allowlist", "attestation_count": 5, "last_received_quote": 1684150329, "last_successful_attestation": 1684150327}}
  2. If the attestation fails, display more details in the verifier log:

    # journalctl -u keylime_verifier
    {"d432fbb3-d2f1-4a97-9ef7-75bd81c00000": {"operational_state": "Tenant Quote Failed", ... "last_event_id": "measured_boot.invalid_pcr_0", "attestation_count": 0, "last_received_quote": 1684487093, "last_successful_attestation": 0}}