Chapter 8. Configuring IdM clients in an Active Directory DNS domain

If you have client systems in a DNS domain controlled by Active Directory and you require those clients to be able to join the IdM Server to benefit from its RHEL features, you can configure users to access a client using a host name from the Active Directory DNS domain.


This is not a recommended configuration and has some limitations. Red Hat recommends to always deploy IdM clients in a DNS zone different from the ones owned by Active Directory and access IdM clients through their IdM host names.

Your IdM client configuration depends on whether you require single sign-on with Kerberos.

8.1. Configuring an IdM client without Kerberos single sign-on

Password authentication is the only authentication method that is available for users to access resources on IdM clients if the IdM clients are in an Active Directory DNS domain. Follow this procedure to configure your client without Kerberos single sign-on.


  1. Install the IdM client with the --domain=IPA_DNS_Domain option to ensure the System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) can communicate with the IdM servers:

    [ ~]# ipa-client-install

    This option disables the SRV record auto-detection for the Active Directory DNS domain.

  2. Open the /etc/krb5.conf configuration file and locate the existing mapping for the Active Directory domain in the [domain_realm] section. = IDM.EXAMPLE.COM = IDM.EXAMPLE.COM
  3. Replace both lines with an entry mapping the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Linux clients in the Active Directory DNS zone to the IdM realm: = IDM.EXAMPLE.COM

    By replacing the default mapping, you prevent Kerberos from sending its requests for the Active Directory domain to the IdM Kerberos Distribution Center (KDC). Instead Kerberos uses auto-discovery through SRV DNS records to locate the KDC.

8.2. Requesting SSL certificates without single sign-on

SSL-based services require a certificate with dNSName extension records that cover all system host names, because both original (A/AAAA) and CNAME records must be in the certificate. Currently, IdM only issues certificates to host objects in the IdM database.

In the described setup without single sign-on available, IdM already has a host object for the FQDN in the database, and certmonger can request a certificate using this name.



  • Use certmonger to request a certificate using the FQDN:

    [ ~]# ipa-getcert request -r \
          -f /etc/httpd/alias/server.crt \
          -k /etc/httpd/alias/server.key \
          -N \
          -D \
          -K host/ \
          -U id-kp-serverAuth

The certmonger service uses the default host key stored in the /etc/krb5.keytab file to authenticate to the IdM Certificate Authority (CA).

8.3. Configuring an IdM client with Kerberos single sign-on

If you require Kerberos single sign-on to access resources on the IdM client, the client must be within the IdM DNS domain, for example You must create a CNAME record in the Active Directory DNS domain pointing to the A/AAAA record of the IdM client.

For Kerberos-based application servers, MIT Kerberos supports a method to allow the acceptance of any host-based principal available in the application’s keytab.


  • On the IdM client, disable the strict checks on what Kerberos principal is used to target the Kerberos server by setting the following option in the [libdefaults] section of the /etc/krb5.conf configuration file:

    ignore_acceptor_hostname = true

8.4. Requesting SSL certificates with single sign-on

SSL-based services require a certificate with dNSName extension records that cover all system host names, because both original (A/AAAA) and CNAME records must be in the certificate. Currently, IdM only issues certificates to host objects in the IdM database.

Follow this procedure to create a host object for in IdM and make sure the real IdM machine’s host object is able to manage this host.



  1. Create a new host object on the IdM server:

    [ ~]# ipa host-add --force

    Use the --force option, because the host name is a CNAME and not an A/AAAA record.

  2. On the IdM server, allow the IdM DNS host name to manage the Active Directory host entry in the IdM database:

    [ ~]# ipa host-add-managedby \

  3. Your can now request an SSL certificate for your IdM client with the dNSName extension record for its host name within the Active Directory DNS domain:

    [ ~]# ipa-getcert request -r \
          -f /etc/httpd/alias/server.crt \
          -k /etc/httpd/alias/server.key \
          -N CN=`hostname --fqdn` \
          -D `hostname --fqdn` \
          -D \
          -K host/ \
          -U id-kp-serverAuth