Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux TCP/UDP/SCTP over IPV6

Protocol ID: tcp-ipv6, udp-ipv6, sctp-ipv6
The chain parameter is ignored for this type of traffic and should either be omitted or set to root.

Table 18.12. TCP, UDP, SCTP over IPv6 protocol types

Attribute NameDatatypeDefinition
srcmacaddrMAC_ADDRMAC address of sender
srcipaddrIP_ADDRSource IP address
srcipmaskIP_MASKMask applied to source IP address
dstipaddrIP_ADDRDestination IP address
dstipmaskIP_MASKMask applied to destination IP address
srcipfromIP_ADDRstart of range of source IP address
scriptoIP_ADDRend of range of source IP address
dstipfromIP_ADDRStart of range of destination IP address
dstiptoIP_ADDREnd of range of destination IP address
srcportstartUINT16Start of range of valid source ports
srcportendUINT16End of range of valid source ports
dstportstartUINT16Start of range of valid destination ports
dstportendUINT16End of range of valid destination ports
commentSTRING text string up to 256 characters
ipsetSTRINGThe name of an IPSet managed outside of libvirt
ipsetflagsIPSETFLAGSflags for the IPSet; requires ipset attribute