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4.2. General Properties of Fencing Devices


To disable a fencing device/resource, you can set the target-role as you would for a normal resource.


To prevent a specific node from using a fencing device, you can configure location constraints for the fencing resource.
Table 4.1, “General Properties of Fencing Devices” describes the general properties you can set for fencing devices. Refer to Section 4.3, “Displaying Device-Specific Fencing Options” for information on fencing properties you can set for specific fencing devices.


For information on more advanced fencing configuration properties, see Section 4.9, “Additional Fencing Configuration Options”

Table 4.1. General Properties of Fencing Devices

priority integer 0 The priority of the stonith resource. Devices are tried in order of highest priority to lowest.
pcmk_host_map string   A mapping of host names to ports numbers for devices that do not support host names. For example: node1:1;node2:2,3 tells the cluster to use port 1 for node1 and ports 2 and 3 for node2
pcmk_host_list string   A list of machines controlled by this device (Optional unless pcmk_host_check=static-list).
pcmk_host_check string dynamic-list How to determine which machines are controlled by the device. Allowed values: dynamic-list (query the device), static-list (check the pcmk_host_list attribute), none (assume every device can fence every machine)