Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Chapter 19. Clustering

The clufter package, available as a Technology Preview in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, provides a tool for transforming and analyzing cluster configuration formats. It can be used to assist with migration from an older stack configuration to a newer configuration that leverages Pacemaker. For information on the capabilities of clufter, see the clufter(1) man page or the output of the clufter -h command.
Package: clufter-0.56.2-1
luci support for fence_sanlock
The luci tool now supports the sanlock fence agent as a Technology Preview. The agent is available in the luci's list of agents.
Package: luci-0.26.0-78
Recovering a node using a hardware watchdog device
New fence_sanlock agent and checkquorum.wdmd, included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 as a Technology Preview, provide new mechanisms to trigger the recovery of a node using a hardware watchdog device. Tutorials on how to enable this Technology Preview will be available at
Note that SELinux in enforcing mode is currently not supported.
Package: cluster-