Chapter 2. Setting up a new instance on the command line using the interactive installer

Administrators can use the Directory Server interactive installer to set up a new instance by answering questions about the configuration for the new instance.

If you want to customize additional settings during the installation, use a .inf file instead of the interactive installer. For details, see Chapter 1, Setting up a new instance on the command line using a .inf file.

2.1. Prerequisites

2.2. Installing the Directory Server packages

Use the following procedure to install the Directory Server packages.


  • You registered the system to the Red Hat subscription management service.
  • You have a valid Red Hat Directory Server subscription in your Red Hat account.
  • The RHEL default repositories, BaseOS and AppStream, are enabled.


  1. List the available subscriptions in your Red Hat account that provide a Red Hat Directory Server subscription, and note the pool ID:

    # subscription-manager list --all --available --matches 'Red Hat Directory Server'
    Subscription Name:   Example Subscription
    Provides:            ...
                         Red Hat Directory Server
    Pool ID:             5ab6a8df96b03fd30aba9a9c58da57a1
    Available:           1
  2. Attach the Red Hat Directory Server subscription to the system using the its pool ID:

    # subscription-manager attach --pool=5ab6a8df96b03fd30aba9a9c58da57a1
    Successfully attached a subscription for: Example Subscription
  3. Enable the dirsrv-12-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms repository:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable=dirsrv-12-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms
    Repository 'dirsrv-12-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms' is enabled for this system.
  4. Install the redhat-ds:12 module:

    # dnf module install redhat-ds:12

    This command automatically installs all required dependencies.

2.3. Creating an instance using the interactive installer

This section explains how to use the interactive installer to create a new Directory Server instance.


  1. Start the interactive installer:

    # dscreate interactive
  2. Answer the questions of the interactive installer.

    To use the default values displayed in square brackets behind most questions in the installer, press Enter without entering a value.

    Install Directory Server (interactive mode)
    Enter system's hostname []:
    Enter the instance name [server]: instance_name
    Enter port number [389]:
    Create self-signed certificate database [yes]:
    Enter secure port number [636]:
    Enter Directory Manager DN [cn=Directory Manager]:
    Enter the Directory Manager password: password
    Confirm the Directory Manager Password: password
    Enter the database suffix (or enter "none" to skip) [dc=server,dc=example,dc=com]: dc=example,dc=com
    Create sample entries in the suffix [no]:
    Create just the top suffix entry [no]: yes
    Do you want to start the instance after the installation? [yes]:
    Are you ready to install? [no]: yes

    Instead of setting a password in clear text you can set a {algorithm}hash string generated by the pwdhash utility.

  3. Open the required ports in the firewall:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port={389/tcp,636/tcp}
  4. Reload the firewall configuration:

    # firewall-cmd --reload