Chapter 1. Setting up a new instance on the command line using a .inf file

When you set up Directory Server using a .inf file on the command line you can customize advanced settings. For example, you can customize in the .inf file the following settings:

  • The user and group the ns-slapd Directory Server process uses after the service has started. Note that, if you use a different user and group, you must manually create the user and group before you start the installation.
  • Paths, such as the configuration, backup, and data directory.
  • Certificate validity.

1.1. Prerequisites

1.2. Installing the Directory Server packages

Use the following procedure to install the Directory Server packages.


  • You registered the system to the Red Hat subscription management service.
  • You have a valid Red Hat Directory Server subscription in your Red Hat account.
  • The RHEL default repositories, BaseOS and AppStream, are enabled.


  1. List the available subscriptions in your Red Hat account that provide a Red Hat Directory Server subscription, and note the pool ID:

    # subscription-manager list --all --available --matches 'Red Hat Directory Server'
    Subscription Name:   Example Subscription
    Provides:            ...
                         Red Hat Directory Server
    Pool ID:             5ab6a8df96b03fd30aba9a9c58da57a1
    Available:           1
  2. Attach the Red Hat Directory Server subscription to the system using the its pool ID:

    # subscription-manager attach --pool=5ab6a8df96b03fd30aba9a9c58da57a1
    Successfully attached a subscription for: Example Subscription
  3. Enable the dirsrv-12-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms repository:

    # subscription-manager repos --enable=dirsrv-12-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms
    Repository 'dirsrv-12-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms' is enabled for this system.
  4. Install the redhat-ds:12 module:

    # dnf module install redhat-ds:12

    This command automatically installs all required dependencies.

1.3. Creating a .inf file for a Directory Server instance installation

Create a .inf file for the dscreate utility, and adjust the file to your environment. In a later step, you will use this file to create the new Directory Server instance.


  • You installed the redhat-ds:12 module.


  1. Use the dscreate create-template command to create a template .inf file. For example, to store the template in the /root/instance_name.inf file, enter:

    # dscreate create-template /root/instance_name.inf

    The created file contains all available parameters including descriptions.

  2. Edit the file that you created in the previous step:

    1. Uncomment the parameters that you want to set to customize the installation.

      All parameters have defaults. However, Red Hat recommends that you customize certain parameters for a production environment. For example, set at least the following parameters in the [slapd] section:

      instance_name = instance_name
      root_password = password
    2. To automatically create a suffix during instance creation, set the following parameters in the [backend-userroot] section:

      create_suffix_entry = True
      suffix = dc=example,dc=com

      If you do not create a suffix during instance creation, you must create it later manually before you can store data in this instance.

    3. Optional: Uncomment other parameters and set them to appropriate values for your environment. For example, use these parameters to specify replication options, such as authentication credentials and changelog trimming, or set different ports for the LDAP and LDAPS protocols.


      By default, new instances that you create include a self-signed certificate and TLS enabled. For increased security, Red Hat recommends that you do not disable this feature. Note that you can replace the self-signed certificate with a certificate issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) at a later date.

1.4. Using a .inf file to set up a new Directory Server instance

This section describes how to use a .inf file to set up a new Directory Server instance using the command line.


  • You created a .inf file for the Directory Server instance.


  1. Pass the .inf file to the dscreate from-file command to create the new instance:

    # dscreate from-file /root/instance_name.inf
    Starting installation ...
    Validate installation settings ...
    Create file system structures ...
    Create self-signed certificate database ...
    Perform SELinux labeling ...
    Perform post-installation tasks ...
    Completed installation for instance: slapd-instance_name

    The dscreate utility automatically starts the instance and configures RHEL to start the service when the system boots.

  2. Open the required ports in the firewall:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port={389/tcp,636/tcp}
  3. Reload the firewall configuration:

    # firewall-cmd --reload