Chapter 2. Changes Since Developer Tools 2019.2

Red Hat Developer Tools is distributed with Eclipse 4.12.0 and other plug-ins from the 2019-06 release train which provide a number of bug fixes and feature enhancements over that distributed in Red Hat Developer Tools 2019.2. The following is an abridged list of new features and compatibility changes in this release. For details on how to use these new features, see the built-in Eclipse documentation.


The rh-eclipse collection depends on the rh-maven35 collection. RHEL 7.6 is recommended for the best possible experience.

Significant Package Updates

  • eclipse 4.11.0 → 4.12.0: Eclipse Platform JDT/PDE plug-ins were updated to 4.12.0. The highlights include:

    • Allowing importing projects by passing them as a command line parameter.
    • Launch configurations are now accessible from the "Quick Access" (Ctrl+3) selector.
    • Improved Java 12 support with the addition of many new quick fixes and code templates that allow programmers to easily take advantage of new language features.
    • New code-mining options that can enhance the Java editor with information about method calls and method implementations.
    • New UI for configuring JPMS module dependencies.

      For details, see the upstream release notes at

  • eclipse-cdt 9.7.0 → 9.8.0: The CDT plug-ins have been updated to 9.8.0 to bring improvements to static analysis, refactoring and the C/C++ code formatter.

    For details, see the upstream release notes at

  • eclipse-linuxtools 7.2.0 → 7.3.0: The Linuxtools plug-ins have been updated to 73.0, fixing bugs and improving the Docker tooling.

    For details, see the upstream release notes at

  • eclipse-webtools 3.13.0 → 3.14.0: The Webtools plug-ins were updated to 3.14.0, fixing various bugs and adding support for Java 12 faceted projects.

    For details, see the upstream release notes at

  • eclipse-pydev 7.1.0 → 7.2.1: The Pydev plug-in was updated to 7.2.1, including many debugger improvements and some syntax highlighting fixes.

    For details, see the upstream release notes at

  • eclipse-egit/eclipse-jgit 5.3.0 → 5.4.0: The Git integration plug-ins were updated to 5.4.0 to add performance improvements and fix bugs including:

  • eclipse-ptp 9.2.1 → 9.3.0: The Parallel Tools Platform plug-in was updated to 9.3.0, bringing improved compatibility with Java 11+ and removing the GEM and SCI modules.

    For details details, see the upstream release notes at