Chapter 3. Known issues in Eclipse 4.16

This section details the known issues in Eclipse 4.16.

Table 3.1. Known issues on RHEL 7 and RHEL 8

Initializing Eclipse Error Reporting System error

This error occurs when running a workspace created in an older version of Eclipse.

To work around this problem, start Eclipse with the -clean option to clear its dependency resolution cache:

  • On RHEL 7:

    $ scl enable rh-eclipse "eclipse -clean"
  • On RHEL 8:

    $ eclipse -clean

Eclipse will start without this error message.


NullPointerExceptions can occur when you install a plug-in from a third-party update site. In that case, Eclipse fails to start with a NullPointerException in the workspace log file.

To work around this problem, restart Eclipse with the -clean option to clear its dependency resolution cache:

  • On RHEL 7:

    $ scl enable rh-eclipse "eclipse -clean"
  • On RHEL 8:

    $ eclipse -clean

Eclipse will start normally.

Table 3.2. Known issues on RHEL 7

Debuginfo package conflicts

When you install a debuginfo package for the Eclipse collection, such as rh-eclipse-eclipse-cdt-debuginfo, its contents may conflict with the same package from an earlier collection. As a result, the installation of the rh-eclipse debuginfo package may fail if the same debuginfo package from the rh-eclipse48 collection is installed.

To use debuginfo for the rh-eclipse collection, first uninstall the debuginfo packages from the rh-eclipse48 collection using this command:

$ yum remove rh-eclipse48*debuginfo

The installation of the debuginfo packages from the rh-eclipse collection will now succeed.

Conflicts between the RHSCL rh-maven33-scldevel and rh-maven35-scldevel packages

This conflict affects the optional rh-eclipse-scldevel package.

The rh-eclipse-scldevel and rh-eclipse46-scldevel packages cannot be present simultaneously.

The rh-eclipse-tycho package conflicts with the same package from earlier collections, for example: rh-eclipse48-tycho

As a result, the installation of the rh-eclipse-tycho package may fail when the rh-eclipse48-tycho package is already installed.

You only need Tycho if you want to build or rebuild Eclipse or its plug-ins need Tycho. If needed, uninstall the rh-eclipse48-tycho package before installing the rh-eclipse-tycho package using this command:

$ yum remove rh-eclipse48-tycho

The installation of the rh-eclipse-tycho package will now succeed.

PyDev users may experience issues with the pip integration

Modules that are pre-installed by the system or RHSCL Python cannot be uninstalled by pip. Attempts to do so will result in permission denied errors.

PyDev shortcut to manage Python modules does not work

Using the Ctrl+2 shortcut and selecting pip does not function properly. Attempts to use this shortcut therefore result in an SWTException in the workspace log.

Users can continue to manage their Python modules using the PyDev > Interpreters preference.

Incompatibilities between Eclipse Subclipse and base RHEL Subversion

Working copies of Subversion repositories created with Eclipse Subclipse are incompatible with the base RHEL version of Subversion. Using the svn command on such working copies may result in the following error:

$ svn up
svn: E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy

To work around this problem, use the pure Java implementation of Subversion used by Eclipse Subclipse on the command line:

# yum install rh-eclipse-svnkit-cli # Command line support for SVNKit

Now, use the jsvn command anywhere you would normally use the svn command:

$ jsvn up
Updating '.':
At revision 16476.

Table 3.3. Known issues on RHEL 8

Eclipse and pki-deps modules are not installable in parallel

The Eclipse module and the pki-deps modules cannot be installed in parallel in RHEL 8.3.0 because they contain the same packages in different versions, which leads to conflict.

Eclipse profiles have been removed

The unused profiles c and everything have been removed from the Eclipse module.

To check whether you have the obsolete profiles installed, run:

# yum module list eclipse

The installed profiles have the [i] indicator next to their names.

To ensure that the Eclipse module contains the correct metadata, remove the unused profiles and reinstall the module with the java profile:

# yum module remove -y eclipse
# yum module reset -y eclipse
# yum clean all
# yum module -y install eclipse:rhel8/java

To install the Eclipse module from scratch, use the java profile:

# yum module -y install eclipse:rhel8/java