Chapter 8. Installing Developer Studio Integration Stack in Developer Studio when Offline


To install Developer Studio Integration Stack as detailed in the steps below, it is essential that you have an instance of Developer Studio installed. For detailed steps to install Developer Studio, see Install Red Hat Developer Studio.

To install Developer Studio Integration Stack in Developer Studio when offline:

  1. Locate and download the Red Hat Developer Studio Integration Stack 12.0.0 Update Site Zip file from Developer Studio Software Downloads.
  2. Start Developer Studio 12.0.
  3. Click HelpInstall New Software.
  4. Next to the Work with field, click Add and click Archive to locate the Red Hat Developer Studio Integration Stack 12.0.0 Update Site Zip file.
  5. From the table of categories, select the Developer Studio Integration Stack functionality you want to install:

    1. For Red Hat Process Automation Manager, select Red Hat Business Process and Rules Development (BPEL, BPMN2, jBPMS6, Drools).
    2. For Red Hat Data Virtualization, select Red Hat Data Virtualization Development (Teiid Designer).
  6. Click Next.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

During the installation process, you may receive warnings about installing unsigned content. If this is the case, review the details of the content and if satisfied click OK to continue with the installation.

Once installation is complete, you are prompted to restart the IDE. Click Yes when any changes to open projects are saved and you are ready to restart the IDE immediately. Unapplied IDE changes can cause instability if the IDE is not restarted.