Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Decision Manager

Chapter 3. Adding Red Hat Decision Manager users

Before you can use RH-SSO to authenticate Decision Central or Decision Server, you must add users to the realm that you created. To add new users and assign them a role to access Red Hat Decision Manager, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the RH-SSO Admin Console and open the realm to which you want to add a user.
  2. Click the Users menu item under the Manage section.

    An empty user list appears on the Users page.

  3. Click the Add User button on the empty user list to start creating your new user.

    The Add User page opens.

  4. Provide user information on the Add User page and click Save.
  5. Select the Credentials tab and create a password.
  6. Assign the new user one of the roles that allow access to Red Hat Decision Manager. For example, assign the admin role to access Decision Central or assign the kie-server role to access Decision Server.
  7. Define the roles as realm roles in the Realm Roles tab under the Roles section.
  8. Click the Role Mappings tab on the Users page to assign roles.