Chapter 8. Fixed issues in Red Hat Decision Manager 7.10.0

Red Hat Decision Manager 7.10.0 provides increased stability and fixed issues listed in this section.

8.1. Business Central

  • Package list fails to populate default package for imported projects [RHPAM-3209]
  • Collection editor is not opening for DRL based test scenarios [RHDM-1464]
  • REST endpoints are accessible to all the logged in users, even when the correct roles are not assigned to the users [RHPAM-3284]
  • In test scenarios coverage report, rule name column size is increased and the numbers are aligned to the right side [RHPAM-3271]
  • In a guided decision table, an exception error pop-up returns an inappropriate error message [RHPAM-3201]
  • The number of assets listed on the project page of Business Central does not match with the count displayed for pagination [RHPAM-2859]

8.2. KIE Server

  • REST endpoint authentication fails, if the authorization header contains == in an encoded key in the REST work item handler [RHPAM-3259]

8.3. DMN designer

  • DMN editor does not detect the changes from the Decision Navigator view [RHDM-1482]

8.4. Decision engine

  • testDoubleNaN fails after jitting on TypeCoercionTest [RHDM-1470]
  • When you use the same variable name to different declarations, you receive a false accumulate functions conflict [RHPAM-3216]
  • In an executable model, a new line character between the last parameter and ); in a call method throws a build error [RHDM-1550]
  • In an executable model, when you use a compound assignment operation such as BigDecimal_type_property += BigDecimal_value, you receive a compilation error [RHDM-1528]
  • In an executable model, when you use a compound assignment operation such as BigDecimal_type_property += Numeric_value, you receive compilation errors [RHDM-1527]
  • When you use an expression such as BigDecimal_type_property = BigDecimal_type_property.divide(BigDecimal_value) in an executable model, you receive a build failure error [RHDM-1521]
  • When you use a BigDecimal type values in an executable model, you receive a build failure error [RHDM-1520]
  • In MVEL dialect mode in an executable model, when you use the four basic binary operators (+, -, *, /) for BigDecimal type values, you receive a compilation error [RHDM-1519]
  • In MVEL dialect mode in an executable model, when you use an assignment statement for BigDecimal type values, you receive compilation errors [RHDM-1518]
  • When an AccumulateDescr does not contain a constraint, the DrlDumper generates an incorrect DRL, which does not allow you to build the generated DRL [RHDM-1517]
  • The DrlDumper is unable to generate the accumulate import [RHDM-1516]
  • When you try to bind an enum value, you receive an error in an executable model generation [RHDM-1514]
  • In MVEL dialect mode in an executable model, when you use an enhanced for (foreach) statement, you receive a compilation error [RHDM-1513]
  • In MVEL dialect mode in an executable model, when you use the space characters between ( and LocalVariableType in an enhanced for (foreach) statement, you receive a compilation error [RHDM-1505]
  • When you use the standard Java serialization mechanism, the ByteArrayResource is declared twice [RHDM-1502]
  • When you are unable to call a reset method in the PriorityMap and call the method inside org.kie.api.internal.utils.ServiceDiscoveryImpl, you receive an exception [RHDM-1501]
  • When you have two or more different implementations of service on the classpath, the service discovery or wiring mechanism randomly chooses the services that come first in the classpath. You can explicitly configure a priority among these services [RHDM-1500]
  • You cannot use AgendaFilter method when the rules are combined with a ruleflow and fired using KieSession.startProcess method [RHDM-1461]

8.5. Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

  • Business Central pod fails to start when known_host file is missing from the Git hook secret [RHPAM-3056]