Red Hat Training

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Chapter 17. Define score constraints using the guided rules designer

To solve an optimization problem, you need to define score constraints that evaluate your solution. Red Hat Business Optimizer integrates with the guided rules designer and provides score modifiers, which are used by the engine during the solving process.

Score modifiers can be accessed in the action selector ( 5686 ) of the THEN (right-hand side) section of a rule, provided the planning solution is defined within the project.

Use the following procedure to create a new score constraint using the guided rules designer.


You have defined a Planning Solution by creating a class in the domain editor and selecting Planning Solution. See Chapter 15, Author planning assets with the Red Hat Business Optimizer domain editor for more information.


  1. Open the project Assets screen by clicking MenuProjects, and clicking on your project to open it.
  2. Click Create New Asset in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select Guided Rule from the drop-down menu.
  4. In the Create new Guided Rule window, enter a name for the rule and click Ok.
  5. If you want to extend a score constraint you have already created, click the drop-down box next to EXTEND and select the rule from the list.
  6. Click the plus icon ( 5686 ) on the right side of the WHEN section to add a condition.
  7. Once the action is selected, Business Optimizer score input appears on the THEN (right-hand side) section of the rule.

    The following Red Hat Business Optimizer actions are available in the guided rules designer:

    • Modify a single score level - use the action to modify only one score component (e.g. hard score)
    • Modify multiple score levels - use the action to modify multiple score components at the same time (e.g. hard and soft score)
  8. Insert the value of a constraint into the text input.
  9. Click Validate to verify the correctness of the inserted value.
guided rule editor rhs

For more information about using the guided rule designer, see Designing a decision service using guided rules.