Chapter 2. Compiling Protobuf Schema

Data Grid uses the ProtoStream API to store data as Protobuf-encoded entries.

Protobuf is a language-neutral format that allows clients to create and retrieve entries in remote caches using both Hot Rod and REST endpoints.

2.1. Compiling Protobuf schema on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Compile Protobuf schema, .proto files, into C++ header and source files to describe your data to Data Grid.


  • Install the Protobuf library and protobuf-devel package.

    # yum install protobuf
    # yum install protobuf-devel


  1. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, if it is not already set.

    # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/lib64
  2. Compile Protobuf schema for the Hot Rod C++ client as required.

    # /bin/protoc --cpp_out dllexport_decl=HR_PROTO_EXPORT:/path/to/output/ $FILE

    HR_PROTO_EXPORT is a macro that the Hot Rod C++ client expands when it compiles the Protobuf schema.

  3. Register your Protobuf schema with Data Grid if you plan to use queries.

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