Chapter 9. Enabling and configuring Data Grid statistics and JMX monitoring

Data Grid can provide Cache Manager and cache statistics as well as export JMX MBeans.

9.1. Enabling statistics in remote caches

Data Grid Server automatically enables statistics for the default cache manager. However, you must explicitly enable statistics for your caches.


  1. Open your Data Grid configuration for editing.
  2. Add the statistics attribute or field and specify true as the value.
  3. Save and close your Data Grid configuration.

Remote cache statistics


<distributed-cache statistics="true" />


  "distributed-cache": {
    "statistics": "true"


  statistics: true

9.2. Enabling Hot Rod client statistics

Hot Rod Java clients can provide statistics that include remote cache and near-cache hits and misses as well as connection pool usage.


  1. Open your Hot Rod Java client configuration for editing.
  2. Set true as the value for the statistics property or invoke the statistics().enable() methods.
  3. Export JMX MBeans for your Hot Rod client with the jmx and jmx_domain properties or invoke the jmxEnable() and jmxDomain() methods.
  4. Save and close your client configuration.

Hot Rod Java client statistics


ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
RemoteCacheManager remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(;

infinispan.client.hotrod.statistics = true
infinispan.client.hotrod.jmx = true
infinispan.client.hotrod.jmx_domain =

9.3. Configuring Data Grid metrics

Data Grid generates metrics that are compatible with the MicroProfile Metrics API.

  • Gauges provide values such as the average number of nanoseconds for write operations or JVM uptime.
  • Histograms provide details about operation execution times such as read, write, and remove times.

By default, Data Grid generates gauges when you enable statistics but you can also configure it to generate histograms.


  1. Open your Data Grid configuration for editing.
  2. Add the metrics element or object to the cache container.
  3. Enable or disable gauges with the gauges attribute or field.
  4. Enable or disable histograms with the histograms attribute or field.
  5. Save and close your client configuration.

Metrics configuration


  <cache-container statistics="true">
    <metrics gauges="true"
             histograms="true" />


  "infinispan" : {
    "cache-container" : {
      "statistics" : "true",
      "metrics" : {
        "gauges" : "true",
        "histograms" : "true"


    statistics: "true"
      gauges: "true"
      histograms: "true"


Data Grid Server exposes statistics through the metrics endpoint. You can collect metrics with any monitoring tool that supports the OpenMetrics format, such as Prometheus.

Data Grid metrics are provided at the vendor scope. Metrics related to the JVM are provided in the base scope.

You can retrieve metrics from Data Grid Server as follows:

$ curl -v http://localhost:11222/metrics

To retrieve metrics in MicroProfile JSON format, do the following:

$ curl --header "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:11222/metrics

Additional resources

9.4. Registering JMX MBeans

Data Grid can register JMX MBeans that you can use to collect statistics and perform administrative operations. You must also enable statistics otherwise Data Grid provides 0 values for all statistic attributes in JMX MBeans.


  1. Open your Data Grid configuration for editing.
  2. Add the jmx element or object to the cache container and specify true as the value for the enabled attribute or field.
  3. Add the domain attribute or field and specify the domain where JMX MBeans are exposed, if required.
  4. Save and close your client configuration.

JMX configuration


  <cache-container statistics="true">
    <jmx enabled="true"


  "infinispan" : {
    "cache-container" : {
      "statistics" : "true",
      "jmx" : {
        "enabled" : "true",
        "domain" : ""


    statistics: "true"
      enabled: "true"
      domain: ""

9.4.1. Enabling JMX remote ports

Provide unique remote JMX ports to expose Data Grid MBeans through connections in JMXServiceURL format.


Data Grid Server does not expose JMX remotely by using the single port endpoint. If you want to remotely access the Data Grid Server through JMX, you must enable a remote port.

You can enable remote JMX ports using one of the following approaches:

  • Enable remote JMX ports that require authentication to one of the Data Grid Server security realms.
  • Enable remote JMX ports manually using the standard Java management configuration options.


  • For remote JMX with authentication, define user roles using the default security realm. Users must have controlRole with read/write access or the monitorRole with read-only access to access any JMX resources.


Start Data Grid Server with a remote JMX port enabled using one of the following ways:

  • Enable remote JMX through port 9999.

    bin/ --jmx 9999

    Using remote JMX with SSL disabled is not intended for production environments.

  • Pass the following system properties to Data Grid Server at startup.


    Enabling remote JMX with no authentication or SSL is not secure and not recommended in any environment. Disabling authentication and SSL allows unauthorized users to connect to your server and access the data hosted there.

Additional resources

9.4.2. Data Grid MBeans

Data Grid exposes JMX MBeans that represent manageable resources.

Attributes and operations available for cache instances.
Attributes and operations available for cache managers, including Data Grid cache and cluster health statistics.

For a complete list of available JMX MBeans along with descriptions and available operations and attributes, see the Data Grid JMX Components documentation.

Additional resources

9.4.3. Registering MBeans in custom MBean servers

Data Grid includes an MBeanServerLookup interface that you can use to register MBeans in custom MBeanServer instances.


  • Create an implementation of MBeanServerLookup so that the getMBeanServer() method returns the custom MBeanServer instance.
  • Configure Data Grid to register JMX MBeans.


  1. Open your Data Grid configuration for editing.
  2. Add the mbean-server-lookup attribute or field to the JMX configuration for the cache manager.
  3. Specify fully qualified name (FQN) of your MBeanServerLookup implementation.
  4. Save and close your client configuration.
JMX MBean server lookup configuration


  <cache-container statistics="true">
    <jmx enabled="true"


  "infinispan" : {
    "cache-container" : {
      "statistics" : "true",
      "jmx" : {
        "enabled" : "true",
        "domain" : "",
        "mbean-server-lookup" : "com.example.MyMBeanServerLookup"


    statistics: "true"
      enabled: "true"
      domain: ""
      mbeanServerLookup: "com.example.MyMBeanServerLookup"