Chapter 6. Configuring Statistics, Metrics, and JMX

Enable statistics that Data Grid exports to a metrics endpoint or via JMX MBeans. You can also register JMX MBeans to perform management operations.

6.1. Enabling Data Grid Statistics

Configure Data Grid to export statistics for Cache Managers and caches.


Modify your configuration to enable Data Grid statistics in one of the following ways:

  • Declarative: Add the statistics="true" attribute.
  • Programmatic: Call the .statistics() method.


<!-- Enables statistics for the Cache Manager. -->
<cache-container statistics="true">
  <!-- Enables statistics for the named cache. -->
  <local-cache name="mycache" statistics="true"/>


GlobalConfiguration globalConfig = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
  //Enables statistics for the Cache Manager.

Configuration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
  //Enables statistics for the named cache.

6.2. Configuring Data Grid Metrics

Configure Data Grid to export gauges and histograms via the metrics endpoint.


  • Turn gauges and histograms on or off in the metrics configuration as appropriate.


<!-- Computes and collects statistics for the Cache Manager. -->
<cache-container statistics="true">
  <!-- Exports collected statistics as gauge and histogram metrics. -->
  <metrics gauges="true" histograms="true" />


GlobalConfiguration globalConfig = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
  //Computes and collects statistics for the Cache Manager.
  //Exports collected statistics as gauge and histogram metrics.

6.2.1. Data Grid Metrics

Data Grid is compatible with the Eclipse MicroProfile Metrics API and can generate gauge and histogram metrics.

  • Data Grid metrics are provided at the vendor scope. Metrics related to the JVM are provided in the base scope for Data Grid server.
  • Gauges provide values such as the average number of nanoseconds for write operations or JVM uptime. Gauges are enabled by default. If you enable statistics, Data Grid automatically generates gauges.
  • Histograms provide details about operation execution times such as read, write, and remove times. Data Grid does not enable histograms by default because they require additional computation.

6.3. Configuring Data Grid to Register JMX MBeans

Data Grid can register JMX MBeans that you can use to collect statistics and perform administrative operations. You must enable statistics separately to JMX otherwise Data Grid provides 0 values for all statistic attributes.


Modify your cache container configuration to enable JMX in one of the following ways:

  • Declarative: Add the <jmx enabled="true" /> element to the cache container.
  • Programmatic: Call the .jmx().enable() method.


  <jmx enabled="true" />


GlobalConfiguration globalConfig = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()

6.3.1. Naming Multiple Cache Managers

In cases where multiple Data Grid Cache Managers run on the same JVM, you should uniquely identify each Cache Manager to prevent conflicts.


  • Uniquely identify each cache manager in your environment.

For example, the following examples specify "Hibernate2LC" as the cache manager name, which results in a JMX MBean named org.infinispan:type=CacheManager,name="Hibernate2LC".


<cache-container name="Hibernate2LC">
  <jmx enabled="true" />


GlobalConfiguration globalConfig = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()

6.3.2. Registering MBeans In Custom MBean Servers

Data Grid includes an MBeanServerLookup interface that you can use to register MBeans in custom MBeanServer instances.


  1. Create an implementation of MBeanServerLookup so that the getMBeanServer() method returns the custom MBeanServer instance.
  2. Configure Data Grid with the fully qualified name of your class, as in the following example:


   <jmx enabled="true" mbean-server-lookup="com.acme.MyMBeanServerLookup" />


GlobalConfiguration globalConfig = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
  .jmx().enable().mBeanServerLookup(new com.acme.MyMBeanServerLookup())

6.3.3. Data Grid MBeans

Data Grid exposes JMX MBeans that represent manageable resources.

Attributes and operations available for cache instances.
Attributes and operations available for cache managers, including Data Grid cache and cluster health statistics.

For a complete list of available JMX MBeans along with descriptions and available operations and attributes, see the Data Grid JMX Components documentation.

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