Red Hat Data Grid 8.2 Release Notes

Red Hat Data Grid 8.2

Get release information for Data Grid 8.2

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Find out about features and enhancements in Data Grid 8.2, learn about current known issues and resolved issues, review the configurations that Red Hat supports, and more.

Red Hat Data Grid

Data Grid is a high-performance, distributed in-memory data store.

Schemaless data structure
Flexibility to store different objects as key-value pairs.
Grid-based data storage
Designed to distribute and replicate data across clusters.
Elastic scaling
Dynamically adjust the number of nodes to meet demand without service disruption.
Data interoperability
Store, retrieve, and query data in the grid from different endpoints.

Data Grid documentation

Documentation for Data Grid is available on the Red Hat customer portal.

Data Grid downloads

Access the Data Grid Software Downloads on the Red Hat customer portal.


You must have a Red Hat account to access and download Data Grid software.

Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

Chapter 1. Upgrade to the latest Data Grid version

Red Hat recommends you upgrade any deployments from 8.2.x to the latest Data Grid 8 version as soon as possible. The Data Grid team regularly patch security vulnerabilities and actively fix issues on the latest version of the software.

You can find the latest Data Grid documentation at Red Hat Data Grid Product Documentation.

Chapter 2. Data Grid release information

Learn about new features and get the latest Data Grid release information.

2.1. What’s new in Data Grid 8.2.0

Data Grid 8.2 improves usability, increases performance, and enhances security. Find out what’s new.

2.1.1. Data Grid Server

Data Grid Server provides a flexible, durable, and highly scalable data store for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Default authorization

Data Grid Server configuration now enables authorization to restrict user access based on a set of default roles and permissions.

For example, users need to be assigned the admin role for permission to perform administrative operations on Data Grid clusters. When users without sufficient permission attempt to manipulate server resources, the following message is logged:

The user is not allowed to access the server resource: ISPN000287: Unauthorized access: subject 'Subject with principal(s): [myusername]' lacks 'ADMIN' permission

The following shows the default Data Grid Server configuration with authorization enabled:

<cache-container name="default" statistics="true">
  <transport cluster="${}"
    <authorization/> 1
Enables authorization for server administration and management. You can remove the authorization element to allow unrestricted access.

This configuration does not affect cache configuration. You must separately enable authorization for your caches.

Credential stores for added security

To protect sensitive text strings, such as passwords, you can now add them to a credential keystore instead of directly in Data Grid Server configuration.

Use the credentials command with the Data Grid CLI to set things up.

Audit logging

Audit logs let you track changes to your Data Grid clusters so you know when changes occur and which users make them.

Use the org.infinispan.AUDIT logging category to enable audit logging and configure how configuration events and administrative operations are recorded.

Endpoint IP filtering

You can now configure IP address filtering rules for Data Grid Server endpoints to accept or reject connections, as in the following example:

<endpoints socket-binding="default" security-realm="default">
    <accept from=""/> 1
    <accept from=""/> 2
    <reject from="/0"/> 3
Accepts connections from clients with IP addresses in the block.
Accepts connections from clients with IP addresses in the block.
Rejects connections from clients with any other IP address.

Use the server connector ipfilter command with the Data Grid CLI to inspect and modify IP filter rules.

Truststore for client cert validation

Data Grid Server now lets you add client trust stores to the server-identities configuration if you want to enforce mutual SSL/TLS certificate validation between servers and clients.

<security-realm name="default">
         <keystore path="server.pfx"
                   keystore-password="password" alias="server"/>
         <truststore path="trust.pfx" 1
   <truststore-realm/> 2
Specifies a trust store that Data Grid Server uses to verify client identities.
Requires the trust store to contain public certificates for all clients. If you do not include the truststore-realm element, the trust store needs only a certificate chain.
Security realm identity caching

Data Grid Server now caches identities for security realms to improve performance.

You can configure the identity cache for security realms with the cache-max-size and cache-lifespan attributes, as in the following example that shows the default values:

<security-realm name=" cache-max-size="256" 1
                       cache-lifespan="-1"> 2
Sets the maximum size for the identity cache.
Sets the lifespan of entries in the identity cache. By default, entries do not expire.
Implicit connectors for single-port endpoints

You no longer need to define Hot Rod and REST connectors in Data Grid Server configuration when using a single port for endpoints.

For example, as of Data Grid 8.2, the following endpoints configuration implicitly uses default Hot Rod and REST connectors:

<endpoints socket-binding="default" security-realm="default"/>

The following endpoints configuration, by contrast, explicitly includes Hot Rod and REST connectors:

<endpoints socket-binding="default" security-realm="default">
    <hotrod-connector name="hotrod"/>
    <rest-connector name="rest"/>
Metrics endpoint aligned with previous versions

For compatibility between versions, Data Grid Server now exports all metrics that were available from Data Grid 7.3 and later.

2.1.2. Data Grid Console

Data Grid Console provides a graphical user interface for monitoring and maintaining remote Data Grid clusters.

User experience improvements

With Data Grid 8.2, the console offers several user experience and usability enhancements.

  • You are now prompted to create users from the welcome page if no users already exist.
  • All text strings have been reviewed and edited to align with PatternFly UX writing guidelines.
  • Contextual help, in the form or labels and descriptions, have been updated for clarity.
Role-based access control

Data Grid Console applies security authorization configuration and restricts user access based on their assigned roles and permissions.

Counter management

Data Grid Console improves management of counters in this release, letting you delete and filter counters.

2.1.3. Data Grid Command Line Interface

The Data Grid Command Line Interface (CLI) lets you perform administrative operations on remote Data Grid clusters.

Backing up and restoring Data Grid clusters

The CLI provides a backup command that can create archives of Data Grid resources that include cached entries, cache configurations, Protobuf schemas, and server scripts. You can then restore Data Grid clusters from backup archives after a restart or migration.

Performance test tool

The benchmark command lets you run performance tests against caches with the CLI.

Assigning user roles and permissions

The CLI extends the user command with a roles subcommand that lets you view, grant, and deny user roles. You can now dynamically update user role assignments to control authorization settings and restrict access to Data Grid clusters and caches.

Cross-site replication operations

As of this release, the CLI lets you perform additional cross-site replication operations with the site command.

site name Returns the name of the local site.

site view Returns a list of names for all sites that can back up to each other.

site state-transfer-mode Configures cross-site state transfer to occur manually or automatically.

Credential keystore management

The CLI includes a credentials command that manages credential keystores for Data Grid Server.

Native CLI

Data Grid 8.2 adds a native CLI that you can run on Linux, macOS, or Windows and use as an oc client plugin.

  1. Download the native CLI from the Red Hat customer portal at Data Grid Software Downloads.
  2. Open the README included with the distribution for installation instructions and example usage.

The native CLI is currently available as a Technology Preview.

2.1.4. Cross-site replication

Cross-site replication lets you back up Data Grid clusters across multiple geographic regions.

Automatic state transfer operations

When issues occur and backup locations go offline, you must manually perform cross-site state transfer operations with the CLI or via JMX or REST.

However, when using the asynchronous backup strategy, Data Grid can now automatically perform cross-site state transfer operations after resolving conflicts. When it detects that a backup location has come back online, and the network connection is stable, Data Grid initiates bi-directional state transfer between backup locations. For example, Data Grid simultaneously transfers state from LON to NYC and NYC to LON.


Automatic state transfer is possible only with the asynchronous backup strategy.

SPI for custom conflict resolution

Data Grid provides an SPI that lets you customize conflict resolution for asynchronous Active/Active backup configurations.

The XSiteMergePolicy enum provides the following options for conflict resolution:

Uses the default algorithm for handling conflicts from concurrent writes.
If a write/remove conflict occurs, this algorithm keeps the write operation and discards the remove operation. The default algorithm applies to all other conflicts.
If a write/remove conflict occurs, this algorithm keeps the remove operation and discards the write operation. The default algorithm applies to all other conflicts.
Removes conflicting entries from both sites.

You can specify the conflict resolution policy, including a custom implementation, with the merge-policy attribute, for example:

<distributed-cache name="eu-customers">
   <backups merge-policy="org.mycompany.MyCustomXSiteEntryMergePolicy">
      <backup site="LON" strategy="ASYNC"/>
Ability to verify cross-site views from CLI and REST

You can now verify cross-site view through the CLI or REST API.

For the CLI, invoke the site view command to retrieve a list of names for all sites that backup to each other.

From the REST API, invoke the following GET request:

GET /rest/v2/cache-managers/{cacheManagerName}

Data Grid responds with the list of backup locations in JSON format, as follows:

"sites_view": [

2.1.5. Hot Rod clients

Hot Rod is a custom binary TCP protocol that provides high-performance data access to client applications in different programming languages.


If you are using Java 8 with your Hot Rod client, you must upgrade to at least Java 8u252 to avoid fatal SSLHandshakeException errors with Data Grid 8.2. See the Known issues for more information.

Improved near cache performance

Data Grid Server now includes bloom filters that optimize performance for write operations by reducing the total number of invalidation messages.

Enable bloom filters for near caches with the nearCacheUseBloomFilter()` method.

New Hot Rod client configuration properties

As of Data Grid 8.2, the Hot Rod client configuration API provides the following configuration properties:

  • infinispan.client.hotrod.transport_factory specifies a transport factory to use. The default is org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.transport.netty.DefaultTransportFactory.
  • infinispan.client.hotrod.cache.<cache_name>.marshaller specifies a marshaller to use on a per-cache basis.
  • infinispan.client.hotrod.ssl_ciphers lists ciphers, separated with spaces and in order of preference, that are used during the SSL handshake to negotiate a cryptographic algorithm for key encrytion.
  • infinispan.client.hotrod.ssl_provider specifies the security provider to use when creating an SSL engine and defaults to OpenSSL.
  • infinispan.client.hotrod.cache.<cache_name>.transaction.transaction_manager_lookup specifies a TransactionManagerLookup to use on a per-cache basis.

Some properties, such as infinispan.client.hotrod.trust_store_path, are now deprecated. Check the Deprecations and removals article in the Red Hat Knowledgebase for more details.

2.1.6. Query API

The Data Grid Query API lets you index caches and search values using relational or full-text queries with in the Ickle query language.

Data Grid 8.2 brings you a significantly improved query implementation that is now based on Hibernate Search 6, which brings support for Apache Lucene 8 indexing capabilities. This release offers the following query enhancements:

  • Faster indexing.
  • Statistics for indexed, non-indexed, and hybrid queries.
  • Strong-typed indexing configuration that replaces string key/value properties.

For complete documentation on indexing and querying, see Querying Values in Caches.


Review migration details to learn how to adapt your query configuration for Data Grid 8.2.

See the Data Grid Migration Guide for more information.

2.1.7. REST API

The Data Grid REST API lets you interact with remote clusters and caches over HTTP.

Streaming keys and entries

The Data Grid REST API now lets you retrieve all keys or entries in caches in JSON format. Invoke GET requests as follows:

Streaming keys

GET /rest/v2/caches/{cacheName}?action=keys

Streaming entries

GET /rest/v2/caches/{cacheName}?action=entries

Working with the access control list cache

Data Grid 8.2 includes an access control list (ACL) cache that stores user role mappings. You can interact with the ACL cache via the REST API.

Viewing user ACL information

GET /rest/v2/security/user/acl

Flushing the ACL cache

POST /rest/v2/security/cache?action=flush

Retrieving query and index statistics

Obtain information about queries and indexes in caches with GET requests.

GET /v2/caches/{cacheName}/search/stats
Cache configuration

The Data Grid REST API now provides improved responses when retrieving cache configuration to make it easier to compare and validate cache configuration on remote clusters with cache configuration in your local project.


If cache configurations contain deprecated attributes, Data Grid automatically converts them for compatibility with the current schema.

To ensure that your cache configurations are easy to compare, applications should always use the most recent schema.

2.1.8. Data Grid marshalling

Data Grid includes a ProtoStream API in addition to other marshaller implementations that allow you to transmit custom Java objects across the network and to persistent storage.


Data Grid 8.2 upgrades the ProtoStream API to 4.4.1.Final.


Changes to the the ProtoStream API in Data Grid 8.2 affect upgrade from previous Data Grid 8 versions.

For more information, see Data Grid 8 upgrade notes

Deserialization allow list

In keeping with Red Hat’s commitment to using inclusive language the term "white list" has been changed to "allow list" for configuring serialization of your Java classes.

Data Grid 8.1


Data Grid 8.2


Creating SerializationContextInitializer implementations

Data Grid now provides an @AutoProtoSchemaBuilder annotation that generates an implementation of a class or interface that extends SerializationContextInitializer. This provides a more efficient and reliable mechanism to create Protobuf schema and marshallers when storing custom Java objects in Data Grid caches.


In previous Data Grid versions, you used the MessageMarshaller API and ProtoSchemaBuilder annotation to create Protobuf schema. You should migrate to the @AutoProtoSchemaBuilder annotation and start using that instead.

@ProtoAdaptor for marshalling of external classes

Data Grid adds support for the @ProtoAdaptor annotation that you can add to adaptor classes for any external, third-party Java object classes.

Use collections and arrays directly as values

As of Data Grid 8.2 you can use values of type ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet as well as simple type arrays such as String[] or int[] with the ProtoStream API.

In previous versions of Data Grid it is not possible to use collections and arrays directly as values without additional mappers. Any put(…​ <ArrayList>) calls result the following exception:

IllegalArgumentException: No marshaller registered for Java type java.util.ArrayList
Kyro and Protostuff marshallers deprecated

The Kyro and Protostuf marshallers are now deprecated. See the Deprecations and removals article in the Red Hat Knowledgebase for more details.

2.1.9. Data Grid configuration

Data Grid offers schema-based configuration options for caches as well as for customizing underlying mechanisms such as security and cluster transport.

Authorization: user roles and permissions

Data Grid 8.2 has improved role-based access control (RBAC) functionality that secures access to Data Grid installations as well as caches.

To enable authorization for Cache Manager access, add the authorization element to the cache-container as in the following example:

<cache-container name="default" statistics="true">

To enable authorization for caches, add the authorization element as follows:

<distributed-cache name="myCache" mode="SYNC">

Cluster role mapper

Data Grid 8.2 introduces the ClusterRoleMapper, which is the default mechanism that Data Grid uses to associate security principals to authorization roles.

This role mapper uses a persistent replicated cache to dynamically store principal-to-role mappings for the default roles and permissions.

Table 2.1. Default user roles




Superuser with all permissions including control of the Cache Manager lifecycle.



Can create and delete Data Grid resources in addition to application permissions.



Has read and write access to Data Grid resources in addition to observer permissions. Can also listen to events and execute server tasks and scripts.



Has read access to Data Grid resources in addition to monitor permissions.



Can view statistics via JMX and the metrics endpoint.

New permissions

The CREATE permission lets users create and remove container resources such as caches, counters, schemas, and scripts.


The CREATE permission replaces the ___schema_manager and ___script_manager roles that users require to add and remove schemas and scripts to Data Grid Server.

The MONITOR permission allows access to JMX statistics and the metrics endpoint.

For more information about authorization, see the following in the Security Guide:

Data Grid cache configuration fragments

As of Data Grid 8.2, you no longer need to include infinispan and cache-container elements in your cache configuration.

To create caches you need to provide only the *-cache elements.

For example, to create a distributed cache that uses synchronous mode you can use the following configuration:

<distributed-cache name="myCache" mode="SYNC" />

To create a replicated cache that uses Protobuf encoding for entries you can use the following configuration:

<replicated-cache name="books">
  <encoding media-type="application/x-protostream"/>
JGroups INSERT_BEFORE attribute

You can now use the INSERT_BEFORE value to customize JGroups cluster transport with the stack.combine inheritance attribute, for example:

<ASYM_ENCRYPT asym_keylength="2048"
              change_key_on_coord_leave = "false"
              change_key_on_leave = "false"
              use_external_key_exchange = "true"
              stack.combine="INSERT_BEFORE" 1
Inserts the ASYM_ENCRYPT protocol before pbcast.NAKACK2 in a JGroups stack.

The Data Grid 8.2 schema also includes the INSERT_ABOVE and INSERT_BELOW attributes.


JGroups default stacks

Data Grid 8.2 changes the configuration for re-transmission requests for the UNICAST3 and NAKACK2 protocols in the default JGroups stacks.

In some cases, such as when a long Garbage Collection (GC) pause takes place, nodes cannot process JGroups messages from other nodes in the cluster. When those nodes become available again, they request the sending nodes to re-transmit the JGroups messages using XMIT requests.

To improve performance and avoid issues with cluster transport issues from failed re-transmission requests, the following changes apply:

  • The value of the xmit_interval property is increased from 100 milliseconds to 200 milliseconds.
  • The max_xmit_req_size property now sets a maximum of 500 messages per re-transmission request, instead of a maximum of 8500 with UDP or 64000 with TCP.
Cache health

Data Grid includes a new FAILED status. As of this version, available health status for caches is as follows:

Health StatusDescription


Indicates a cache is operating as expected.


Indicates a cache is in the rebalancing state but otherwise operating as expected.


Indicates a cache is not operating as expected and possibly requires troubleshooting.


Added in 8.2 to indicate that a cache could not start with the supplied configuration.

JDBC string-based cache stores

JDBC string-based cache stores now creates a _META table in addition to the data table used to store cache entries. The _META table hold metadata that ensures any existing database content is compatible with the current Data Grid version and configuration.

2.1.10. Spring applications

Data Grid provides Spring Cache and Spring Session implementations.

As of Data Grid 8.2, your Spring applications can use the ProtoStream marshaller to encode and decode Java objects into Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) format.

For more information, see the Spring Boot Starter

2.2. What’s new in Data Grid 8.2.1

Find out what’s new in Data Grid 8.2.1.

2.2.1. Data Grid Server

This release includes several enhancements to Data Grid Server.

Data source connections

Data Grid Server now makes it easier to detect and manage invalid connections with data sources, such as a JDBC cache store.

The background-validation and validate-on-acquisition attributes are included in the connection pool properties. The Data Grid Command Line Interface (CLI) includes a server datasource command that lets you list and test data source connections.

For more information, see:

LDAP identity recursive search

The search-recursive="true" parameter is now available with LDAP realms to allow recursive searches. For more information, see LDAP Realms.

TLSv1.3 support

Data Grid Server supports TLS version 1.2 and 1.3 by default.

You can configure the TLS versions that Data Grid Server uses if you want to allow TLS 1.3 only. For more information, see Configuring TLS versions and cipher suites.

2.2.2. Data Grid Console

Data Grid Console no longer displays the Entries tab for caches or lets you create entries for caches that do not configure any encoding.

Data Grid recommends configuring cache encoding with the application/x-protostream media type if you want to create or modify entries through the console. For more information, see Cache Encoding and Marshalling.

2.2.3. Hot Rod Node.JS client

The Hot Rod Node.JS client now supports DIGEST-MD5 and SCRAM authentication mechanisms in addition to PLAIN.

Learn how to configure different SASL authentication mechanisms and get usage examples in the Hot Rod Node.JS Client Guide.

2.2.4. Documentation

Notable documentation improvements and revisions in this release:

2.3. What’s new in Data Grid 8.2.2

Find out what’s new in Data Grid 8.2.2.

2.3.1. Security patch for CVE-2021-44228

Data Grid 8.2.2 fixes CVE-2021-44228, which is a security vulnerability in the Apache Log4j logging library. Data Grid includes the affected log4j-core library as part of the Data Grid Server distribution as well as in the Data Grid Server image for Red Hat OpenShift deployments.

Red Hat recommends you upgrade to 8.2.2 as soon as possible. If you cannot upgrade, Red Hat recommends that you follow the steps to mitigate this vulnerability in the RHSB-2021-009 Log4Shell - Remote Code Execution security bulletin.

Red Hat also recommends that you:

  • Check the version of any log4j dependencies in projects that include Hot Rod clients or Data Grid as an embedded library.
  • Check any Red Hat JBoss EAP deployments to ensure you are not affected by this vulnerability, even though Data Grid Modules for EAP do not include the affected log4j dependencies.

For more information about how this vulnerability affects Data Grid, see Is Red Hat Data Grid 7.x/8.x impacted by CVE-2021-44228 or CVE-2021-4104? in the Red Hat Knowledgebase.

2.3.2. Maximum idle expiration

Data Grid sends touch commands that coordinate timeout values for maximum idle, max-idle, expiration across clusters. You can configure Data Grid to send touch commands synchronously or asynchronously using the touch attribute in your expiration configuration. See the Data Grid configuration schema reference for more information.

2.3.3. Cross-site replication

Improved performance for handling offline sites

As of 8.2.2, Data Grid uses a single thread to handle events when backup locations go offline.

Tombstone leaks with asynchronous conflict resolution

Data Grid 8.2.2 resolves an issue where cross-site replication with the asynchronous backup strategy resulted in tombstone leaks. Tombstones are deleted objects that remote sites were storing as part of the mechanism to resolve conflicts from concurrent writes.

2.4. What’s new in Data Grid 8.2.3

Find out what’s new in Data Grid 8.2.3.

2.4.1. Security patches for vulnerabilities in the Apache Log4j library

Data Grid 8.2.3 fixes the following Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) in the Apache Log4j logging library:

  • CVE-2021-44832 Remote code execution via JDBC Appender with a data source referencing a JNDI URI
  • CVE-2021-45046 Denial of Service (DoS) in Log4j 2.x with thread context message pattern and context lookup pattern
  • CVE-2021-45105 Denial of Service (DoS) in Log4j 2.x with Thread Context Map (MDC) input data contains a recursive lookup and context lookup pattern

Data Grid includes the affected Log4j libraries as part of the Data Grid Server distribution as well as in the Data Grid Server image for Red Hat OpenShift deployments.

Red Hat recommends you upgrade to 8.2.3 as soon as possible. If you cannot upgrade, Red Hat recommends that you follow the mitigation steps that are included in the security advisory page for each of the Log4j vulnerabilities mentioned above.

Red Hat also recommends that you:

  • Check the version of any log4j dependencies in projects that include Hot Rod clients or Data Grid as an embedded library.
  • Check any Red Hat JBoss EAP deployments to ensure you are not affected by this vulnerability, even though Data Grid Modules for EAP do not include the affected log4j dependencies.

2.5. Supported Java versions in Data Grid 8.2

Red Hat supports different Java versions, depending on how you install Data Grid.

Embedded caches

Red Hat supports Java 8 and Java 11 when using Data Grid for embedded caches in custom applications.

Remote caches

Red Hat supports Java 11 only for Data Grid Server installations. For Hot Rod Java clients, Red Hat supports Java 8 and Java 11.

Java 8 deprecation

As of Data Grid 8.2, support for Java 8 is deprecated and currently planned for removal in Data Grid 8.4.

Users with embedded caches in custom applications should plan to upgrade to Java 11 or to Java 17 when support becomes available.

Hot Rod Java clients running in applications that require Java 8 can continue using older versions of client libraries. Red Hat supports using older Hot Rod Java client versions in combination with the latest Data Grid Server version.

Chapter 3. Known and fixed issues

Learn about known issues in Data Grid and find out which issues are fixed.

3.1. Known Issues for Data Grid

For issues that affect Data Grid clusters running on Red Hat OpenShift, you should refer to the Data Grid Operator 8.2 release notes.

Data Grid Modules for Red Hat JBoss EAP (EAP) are missing dependencies

Issue: JDG-5104

Description: Data Grid Modules for EAP 7.4 do not include all required Hibernate artifacts. Additionally EAP 7.4 removes Eclipse MicroProfile and SmallRye modules that Data Grid requires.

Workaround: Do the following:

  1. Download the Data Grid Server distribution.
  2. Open a terminal window and navigate to the $RHDG_HOME/server/lib directory.
  3. Locate the following Hibernate JAR files:

    • hibernate-search-backend-lucene-6.0.2.Final-redhat-00002.jar
    • hibernate-commons-annotations-5.0.5.Final-redhat-00002.jar
  4. Copy the JAR files to the following directory of your Data Grid Modules installation:

  5. Open /modules/system/add-ons/rhdg/org/infinispan/rhdg-8.2/module.xml for editing.
  6. Add the optional="true" attribute to the following modules:

    <module name="org.eclipse.microprofile.config.api" export="true" optional="true"/>
    <module name="org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.api" export="true" optional="true"/>
    <module name="io.smallrye.config" services="export" export="true" optional="true"/>
    <module name="io.smallrye.metrics" services="import" export="true" optional="true"/>

Deadlock occurs when putAll() operations write to expired entries with optimistic locking

Issue: JDG-5087

Description: With transactional caches that use optimistic locking, commands to remove expired entries acquire locks even when the expiration was triggered by a write operation. In some cases, when putAll() operations write to expired entries, this behavior can lead to deadlocks.

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue.

Data race occurs when handling expired entries with putAll() or getAll() operations

Issue: JDG-5028

Description: When a putAll() or getAll() operation affects two or more entries, both those entries can expire. If the keys for both entries map to the same HashMap bucket then one of the updates can be lost and Data Grid throws the following exception:

IllegalStateException: Entry should be always wrapped!

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue.

Clients cannot connect to remote caches that use TLS/SSL encryption

Issue: JDG-4763

Description: Clients cannot connect to remote caches and Data Grid logs print a WARN log message related to TLS/SSL.

This issue originates from the WildFly OpenSSL library that is included in Data Grid. See the following Red Hat knowledge base article for full details about log messages: Clients are not able to connect a server after update to RHDG 8.2.1

Workaround: Start Data Grid Server with the following property to use Java TLS/SSL libraries instead of OpenSSL:


Session externalization from Red Hat JBoss Web Server to Data Grid 8.2 is available with 7.3.8 or 8.1.1 versions of the Tomcat session client

Issue: JDG-4599

Description: Data Grid 8.2 does not yet include the Tomcat session client, which will be available after EAP 7.4 GA.

Workaround: Use Data Grid Server 8.2 in combination with a Data Grid 7.3.8 or 8.1.1 version of the Tomcat session client with the following configuration:

<Manager className="org.wildfly.clustering.tomcat.hotrod.HotRodManager"

Hot Rod clients using Java 8 need upgrade to avoid SSLHandshakeException

Issue: JDG-4279

Description: Using JDK 8 with Hot Rod clients results in the following fatal exception if your Java version is not 8u252 at a minimum:

SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake at

Workaround: Ensure you are using Java 8u252 at a minimum. This version includes required security features for Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN).

Data Grid Conflict Resolution Performance

Issue: JDG-3636

Description: In some test cases, Data Grid partition handling functionality took longer than expected to perform conflict resolution.

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue.

Data Grid Does Not Passivate JWS Sessions Correctly

Issue: JDG-2796

Description: When externalizing sessions from JBoss Web Server (JWS), sessions are not passivated correctly if using the FINE persistence strategy.

Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue.

3.2. Fixed in Data Grid 8.2.0

Data Grid 8.2.0 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-4315 IllegalArgumentException when performing rolling upgrades with transactional caches.
  • JDG-3972 Inconsistent query behavior when indexed caches contain non-indexed Protobuf entities.
  • JDG-4520 DB2TableManager looks into all schemas during table existence check.
  • JDG-4425 JGroups retransmission requests are too frequent and too large.
  • JDG-4420 ClassNotFoundException happens when putting a custom object with jboss-marshalling on EAP embedded module.
  • JDG-4387 Simple cache with statistics enabled results in NullPointerException in EvictionManagerImpl.
  • JDG-4375 How to disable TLS 1.1 and enable only TLS 1.2.
  • JDG-4370 Make AWS dependencies optional in EAP modules.
  • JDG-4351 Slow performance can happen and can face a transaction timeout due to the cost of invoking Arrays.fill(keys, null) against a huge array on IdentityIntMap#clear().
  • JDG-4344 Experiencing a memory leak on the HotRod client when we put entries with a big value size.
  • JDG-4339 Conflict resolution fails in transactional cache.
  • JDG-4315 IllegalArgumentException when doing Rolling Upgrades on transactional caches.
  • JDG-4281 Infinispan operator CR not accepting changes in logging level.
  • JDG-4152 Infinispan CR not idempotent when removing "expose" configuration.

3.3. Fixed in Data Grid 8.2.1

Data Grid 8.2.1 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-4678 Upgrading to Data Grid 8.2 from 8.1 fails and data is corrupted if caches persist data to Single File cache stores.
  • JDG-4713 Global state incompatibility.
  • JDG-4649 Thread contention when retrieving the cache via CacheContainer.getCache(String cacheName).
  • JDG-4590 UnsupportedOperationException when querying caches with JSON data types.
  • JDG-4563 Implicit cache lock release failure.
  • JDG-4438 Concurrent modifications succeed in pessimistic caches.
  • JDG-4414 Delete one of two pods then scale down to one seems to corrupt the cluster state.
  • JDG-3970 Throttle TLS handshake failed NotSslRecordException WARN message.

3.4. Fixed in Data Grid 8.2.2

Data Grid 8.2.2 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-5036 Remote code execution in Log4j 2.x when logs contain an attacker-controlled string value.
  • JDG-4947 Cross-site replication tombstone leaks.
  • JDG-4984 Logging of WrappedByteArray includes entire values and unnecessarily increases the size of log files.
  • JDG-5043 ResultSets are not closed when using JDBC cache stores in some cases, resulting in log file warnings.

3.5. Fixed in Data Grid 8.2.3

Data Grid 8.2.3 includes the following notable fixes:

  • JDG-5060 Denial of Service (DoS) in Log4j 2.x with thread context message pattern and context lookup pattern.
  • JDG-5068 Remote code execution in Log4j 2.x via JDBC Appender.
  • JDG-5066 Denial of Service (DoS) in Log4j 2.x with Thread Context Map (MDC) input data contains a recursive lookup and context lookup pattern.

3.6. Host system and dependency issues

In some cases Data Grid deployments can encounter errors that are caused by the host system or external dependency. This section provides details about any such known issues as well as troubleshooting and workaround procedures.

TLS on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

RHEL 7 provides a version of the OpenSSL library that does not yet offer support for TLSv1.3. However Data Grid Server 8.2 enables TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2 by default, which causes errors with client connections for encrypted Hot Rod and REST endpoints.

Data Grid Server also logs messages such as the following:

WARN  [org.infinispan.HOTROD] ISPN004098: Closing connection due to transport error
org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.TransportException:: ISPN004077:
Closing channel due to error in unknown operation.

If you install Data Grid Server on RHEL 7 you should use the native Java SSL library by disabling OpenSSL with the following JVM option:


Chapter 4. Technology previews

Data Grid releases offer technology preview features. Find out more about Red Hat support for these capabilities.

4.1. Technology preview features

Technology preview features or capabilities are not supported with Red Hat production service-level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete.

Red Hat does not recommend using technology preview features or capabilities for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, which enables you to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information, see Red Hat Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

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