Chapter 2. Hot Rod Java Clients

Access Data Grid remotely through the Hot Rod Java client API.

2.1. Hot Rod Protocol

Hot Rod is a binary TCP protocol that Data Grid offers high-performance client-server interactions with the following capabilities:

  • Load balancing. Hot Rod clients can send requests across Data Grid clusters using different strategies.
  • Failover. Hot Rod clients can monitor Data Grid cluster topology changes and automatically switch to available nodes.
  • Efficient data location. Hot Rod clients can find key owners and make requests directly to those nodes, which reduces latency.

2.2. Configuring the Data Grid Maven Repository

Data Grid Java distributions are available from Maven.

You can download the Data Grid Maven repository from the customer portal or pull Data Grid dependencies from the public Red Hat Enterprise Maven repository.

2.2.1. Downloading the Data Grid Maven Repository

Download and install the Data Grid Maven repository to a local file system, Apache HTTP server, or Maven repository manager if you do not want to use the public Red Hat Enterprise Maven repository.


  1. Log in to the Red Hat customer portal.
  2. Navigate to the Software Downloads for Data Grid.
  3. Download the Red Hat Data Grid 8.0 Maven Repository.
  4. Extract the archived Maven repository to your local file system.
  5. Open the file and follow the appropriate installation instructions.

2.2.2. Adding the Red Hat GA Maven Repository

Configure your Maven settings file, typically ~/.m2/settings.xml, to include the Red Hat GA repository. Alternatively, include the repository directly in your project pom.xml file.

The following configuration uses the public Red Hat Enterprise Maven repository. To use the Data Grid Maven repository that you downloaded from the Red Hat customer portal, change the value of url elements to the correct location.

    <name>Red Hat GA Repository</name>
    <name>Red Hat GA Repository</name>

2.2.3. Configuring Your Data Grid POM

Maven uses configuration files called Project Object Model (POM) files to define projects and manage builds. POM files are in XML format and describe the module and component dependencies, build order, and targets for the resulting project packaging and output.


  1. Open your project pom.xml for editing.
  2. Define the version.infinispan property with the correct Data Grid version.
  3. Include the infinispan-bom in a dependencyManagement section.

    The Bill Of Materials (BOM) controls dependency versions, which avoids version conflicts and means you do not need to set the version for each Data Grid artifact you add as a dependency to your project.

  4. Save and close pom.xml.

The following example shows the Data Grid version and BOM:



Next Steps

Add Data Grid artifacts as dependencies to your pom.xml as required.

2.3. Getting the Hot Rod Java Client

Add the Hot Rod Java client to your project.


  • Add the infinispan-client-hotrod artifact as a dependency in your pom.xml as follows: