18.6. JDBC Based Cache Stores

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid offers several cache stores for use with common data storage formats. JDBC based cache stores are used with any cache store that exposes a JDBC driver. JBoss Data Grid offers the following JDBC based cache stores depending on the key to be persisted:
  • JdbcBinaryStore.
  • JdbcStringBasedStore.
  • JdbcMixedStore.

18.6.1. JDBC Datasource Configuration

There are three methods of obtaining a connection to the database:
  • connectionPool
  • dataSource
  • simpleConnection

A connectionPool uses a JDBC driver to establish a connection, along with creating a pool of threads which may be used for any requests. This configuration is typically used in stand-alone environments that require ready access to a database without having the overhead of creating the database connection on each invocation.


A dataSource is a connection factory that understands how to reference a JNDI tree and delegate connections to the datasource. This configuration is typically used in environments where a datasource has already been configured outside of JBoss Data Grid.


The simpleConnection is similar to connectionPool in that it uses a JDBC driver to establish each connection; however, instead of creating a pool of threads that are available a new connection is created on each invocation. This configuration is typically used in test environments, or where only a single connection is required.

All of these may be configured declaratively, using the <connectionPool />, <dataSource />, or <simpleConnection /> elements. Alternatively, these may be configured programmatically with the connectionPool(), dataSource(), or simpleConnection() methods on the JdbcBinaryStoreConfigurationBuilde, JdbcMixedStoreConfigurationBuilder, or JdbcBinaryStoreConfigurationBuilder classes.

18.6.2. JdbcBinaryStores

The JdbcBinaryStore supports all key types. It stores all keys with the same hash value (hashCode method on the key) in the same table row/blob. The hash value common to the included keys is set as the primary key for the table row/blob. As a result of this hash value, JdbcBinaryStore offers excellent flexibility but at the cost of concurrency and throughput.
As an example, if three keys (k1, k2 and k3) have the same hash code, they are stored in the same table row. If three different threads attempt to concurrently update k1, k2 and k3, they must do it sequentially because all three keys share the same row and therefore cannot be simultaneously updated.
23149%2C+Administration+and+Configuration+Guide-6.628-06-2017+13%3A51%3A02JBoss+Data+Grid+6Documentation6.6.1Report a bug JdbcBinaryStore Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is a configuration for JdbcBinaryStore using Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode with Passivation enabled:
<local-cache name="customCache">
	<!-- Additional configuration elements here -->
	<binary-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
               	<binary-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
               		<id-column name="id" 
               		<data-column name="datum" 
              		<timestamp-column name="version" 
For details about the elements and parameters used in this sample configuration, see Section 18.3, “Cache Store Configuration Details (Remote Client-Server Mode)”. JdbcBinaryStore Configuration (Library Mode)

The following is a sample configuration for the JdbcBinaryStore:
        xsi:schemaLocation="urn:infinispan:config:6.0 http://www.infinispan.org/schemas/infinispan-config-6.0.xsd
            urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0 http://www.infinispan.org/schemas/infinispan-cachestore-jdbc-config-6.0.xsd"
        <!-- Additional configuration elements here -->
	<binaryKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
		<binaryKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
				    type="BINARY" />
			<timestampColumn name="TIMESTAMP_COLUMN" 
					 type="BIGINT" />
For details about the elements and parameters used in this sample configuration, see Section 18.2, “Cache Store Configuration Details (Library Mode)”. JdbcBinaryStore Programmatic Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the JdbcBinaryStore:
ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

Procedure 18.4. JdbcBinaryStore Programmatic Configuration (Library Mode)

  1. Use the ConfigurationBuilder to create a new configuration object.
  2. Add the JdbcBinaryStore configuration builder to build a specific configuration related to this store.
  3. The fetchPersistentState element determines whether or not to fetch the persistent state of a cache and apply it to the local cache store when joining the cluster. If the cache store is shared the fetch persistent state is ignored, as caches access the same cache store. A configuration exception will be thrown when starting the cache service if more than one cache loader has this property set to true. The fetchPersistentState property is false by default.
  4. The ignoreModifications element determines whether write methods are pushed to the specific cache loader by allowing write operations to the local file cache loader, but not the shared cache loader. In some cases, transient application data should only reside in a file-based cache loader on the same server as the in-memory cache. For example, this would apply with a further JDBC based cache loader used by all servers in the network. ignoreModifications is false by default.
  5. The purgeOnStartup element specifies whether the cache is purged when initially started.
  6. Configure the table as follows:
    1. dropOnExit determines if the table will be dropped when the cache store is stopped. This is set to false by default.
    2. createOnStart creates the table when starting the cache store if no table currently exists. This method is true by default.
    3. tableNamePrefix sets the prefix for the name of the table in which the data will be stored.
    4. The idColumnName property defines the column where the cache key or bucket ID is stored.
    5. The dataColumnName property specifies the column where the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    6. The timestampColumnName element specifies the column where the time stamp of the cache entry or bucket is stored.
  7. The connectionPool element specifies a connection pool for the JDBC driver using the following parameters:
    1. The connectionUrl parameter specifies the JDBC driver-specific connection URL.
    2. The username parameter contains the user name used to connect via the connectionUrl.
    3. The driverClass parameter specifies the class name of the driver used to connect to the database.


Programmatic configurations can only be used with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library mode.

18.6.3. JdbcStringBasedStores

The JdbcStringBasedStore stores each entry in its own row in the table, instead of grouping multiple entries into each row, resulting in increased throughput under a concurrent load. It also uses a (pluggable) bijection that maps each key to a String object. The Key2StringMapper interface defines the bijection.
Red Hat JBoss Data Grid includes a default implementation called DefaultTwoWayKey2StringMapper that handles primitive types. JdbcStringBasedStore Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is a sample JdbcStringBasedStore for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode:
<local-cache name="customCache">
	<!-- Additional configuration elements here -->
	<string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
               	<string-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
               		<id-column name="id" 
			<data-column name="datum" 
			<timestamp-column name="version" 
For details about the elements and parameters used in this sample configuration, see Section 18.3, “Cache Store Configuration Details (Remote Client-Server Mode)”. JdbcStringBasedStore Configuration (Library Mode)

The following is a sample configuration for the JdbcStringBasedStore:
        xsi:schemaLocation="urn:infinispan:config:6.0 http://www.infinispan.org/schemas/infinispan-config-6.0.xsd
            urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0 http://www.infinispan.org/schemas/infinispan-cachestore-jdbc-config-6.0.xsd"
        <!-- Additional configuration elements here -->
	<stringKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
		<dataSource jndiUrl="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS"/>
		<stringKeyedTable dropOnExit="true"
			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
				    type="BINARY" />
			<timestampColumn name="TIMESTAMP_COLUMN" 
					 type="BIGINT" />
For details about the elements and parameters used in this sample configuration, see Section 18.2, “Cache Store Configuration Details (Library Mode)”. JdbcStringBasedStore Multiple Node Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is a configuration for the JdbcStringBasedStore in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode. This configuration is used when multiple nodes must be used.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:6.1" default-cache-container="default">
	<cache-container <!-- Additional configuration information here --> >
		<!-- Additional configuration elements here -->
			<!-- Additional configuration elements here -->
	      <string-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS"
	         <string-keyed-table prefix="JDG">
	             <id-column name="id" 
	             <data-column name="datum" 
	             <timestamp-column name="version"
For details about the elements and parameters used in this sample configuration, see Section 18.3, “Cache Store Configuration Details (Remote Client-Server Mode)”. JdbcStringBasedStore Programmatic Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the JdbcStringBasedStore:
ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

Procedure 18.5. Configure the JdbcStringBasedStore Programmatically

  1. Use the ConfigurationBuilder to create a new configuration object.
  2. Add the JdbcStringBasedStore configuration builder to build a specific configuration related to this store.
  3. The fetchPersistentState parameter determines whether or not to fetch the persistent state of a cache and apply it to the local cache store when joining the cluster. If the cache store is shared the fetch persistent state is ignored, as caches access the same cache store. A configuration exception will be thrown when starting the cache service if more than one cache loader has this property set to true. The fetchPersistentState property is false by default.
  4. The ignoreModifications parameter determines whether write methods are pushed to the specific cache loader by allowing write operations to the local file cache loader, but not the shared cache loader. In some cases, transient application data should only reside in a file-based cache loader on the same server as the in-memory cache. For example, this would apply with a further JDBC based cache loader used by all servers in the network. ignoreModifications is false by default.
  5. The purgeOnStartup parameter specifies whether the cache is purged when initially started.
  6. Configure the Table
    1. dropOnExit determines if the table will be dropped when the cache store is stopped. This is set to false by default.
    2. createOnStart creates the table when starting the cache store if no table currently exists. This method is true by default.
    3. tableNamePrefix sets the prefix for the name of the table in which the data will be stored.
    4. The idColumnName property defines the column where the cache key or bucket ID is stored.
    5. The dataColumnName property specifies the column where the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    6. The timestampColumnName element specifies the column where the time stamp of the cache entry or bucket is stored.
  7. The dataSource element specifies a data source using the following parameters:
    • The jndiUrl specifies the JNDI URL to the existing JDBC.


Programmatic configurations can only be used with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library mode.

18.6.4. JdbcMixedStores

The JdbcMixedStore is a hybrid implementation that delegates keys based on their type to either the JdbcBinaryStore or JdbcStringBasedStore. JdbcMixedStore Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is a configuration for a JdbcMixedStore for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode:
<local-cache name="customCache">
	<mixed-keyed-jdbc-store datasource="java:jboss/datasources/JdbcDS" 
		<binary-keyed-table prefix="MIX_BKT2">
			<id-column name="id" 
			<data-column name="datum" 
			<timestamp-column name="version" 
		<string-keyed-table prefix="MIX_STR2">
			<id-column name="id" 
			<data-column name="datum" 
			<timestamp-column name="version" 
For details about the elements and parameters used in this sample configuration, see Section 18.3, “Cache Store Configuration Details (Remote Client-Server Mode)”. JdbcMixedStore Configuration (Library Mode)

The following is a sample configuration for the mixedKeyedJdbcStore:
        xsi:schemaLocation="urn:infinispan:config:6.0 http://www.infinispan.org/schemas/infinispan-config-6.0.xsd
            urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0 http://www.infinispan.org/schemas/infinispan-cachestore-jdbc-config-6.0.xsd"
        <!-- Additional configuration elements here -->
	<mixedKeyedJdbcStore xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:jdbc:6.0"
		<connectionPool connectionUrl="jdbc:h2:mem:infinispan_binary_based;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1" 
		<binaryKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
				    type="BINARY" />
			<timestampColumn name="TIMESTAMP_COLUMN" 
					 type="BIGINT" />
		<stringKeyedTable dropOnExit="true" 
			<idColumn name="ID_COLUMN" 
				  type="VARCHAR(255)" />
			<dataColumn name="DATA_COLUMN" 
				    type="BINARY" />
			<timestampColumn name="TIMESTAMP_COLUMN" 
					 type="BIGINT" />
For details about the elements and parameters used in this sample configuration, see Section 18.2, “Cache Store Configuration Details (Library Mode)”. JdbcMixedStore Programmatic Configuration

The following is a sample configuration for the JdbcMixedStore:
ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

Procedure 18.6. Configure JdbcMixedStore Programmatically

  1. Use the ConfigurationBuilder to create a new configuration object.
  2. Add the JdbcMixedStore configuration builder to build a specific configuration related to this store.
  3. The fetchPersistentState parameter determines whether or not to fetch the persistent state of a cache and apply it to the local cache store when joining the cluster. If the cache store is shared the fetch persistent state is ignored, as caches access the same cache store. A configuration exception will be thrown when starting the cache service if more than one cache loader has this property set to true. The fetchPersistentState property is false by default.
  4. The ignoreModifications parameter determines whether write methods are pushed to the specific cache loader by allowing write operations to the local file cache loader, but not the shared cache loader. In some cases, transient application data should only reside in a file-based cache loader on the same server as the in-memory cache. For example, this would apply with a further JDBC based cache loader used by all servers in the network. ignoreModifications is false by default.
  5. The purgeOnStartup parameter specifies whether the cache is purged when initially started.
  6. Configure the table as follows:
    1. dropOnExit determines if the table will be dropped when the cache store is stopped. This is set to false by default.
    2. createOnStart creates the table when starting the cache store if no table currently exists. This method is true by default.
    3. tableNamePrefix sets the prefix for the name of the table in which the data will be stored.
    4. The idColumnName property defines the column where the cache key or bucket ID is stored.
    5. The dataColumnName property specifies the column where the cache entry or bucket is stored.
    6. The timestampColumnName element specifies the column where the time stamp of the cache entry or bucket is stored.
  7. The connectionPool element specifies a connection pool for the JDBC driver using the following parameters:
    1. The connectionUrl parameter specifies the JDBC driver-specific connection URL.
    2. The username parameter contains the username used to connect via the connectionUrl.
    3. The driverClass parameter specifies the class name of the driver used to connect to the database.


Programmatic configurations can only be used with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library mode.

18.6.5. Cache Store Troubleshooting IOExceptions with JdbcStringBasedStore

An IOException Unsupported protocol version 48 error when using JdbcStringBasedStore indicates that your data column type is set to VARCHAR, CLOB or something similar instead of the correct type, BLOB or VARBINARY. Despite its name, JdbcStringBasedStore only requires that the keys are strings while the values can be any data type, so that they can be stored in a binary column.