Security Guide

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.6

For securing Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.6.1

Gemma Sheldon

Red Hat Engineering Content Services

Christian Huffman

Red Hat Engineering Content Services


This guide presents information about security features and configurations in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.6.1

Chapter 1. Introduction to Security in the Data Grid

1.1. Securing Data in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid, data security can be implemented in the following ways:
Role-based Access Control

JBoss Data Grid features role-based access control for operations on designated secured caches. Roles can be assigned to users who access your application, with roles mapped to permissions for cache and cache-manager operations. Only authenticated users are able to perform the operations that are authorized for their role.

In Library mode, data is secured via role-based access control for CacheManagers and Caches, with authentication delegated to the container or application. In Remote Client-Server mode, JBoss Data Grid is secured by passing identity tokens from the Hot Rod client to the server, and role-based access control of Caches and CacheManagers.
Node Authentication and Authorization

Node-level security requires new nodes or merging partitions to authenticate before joining a cluster. Only authenticated nodes that are authorized to join the cluster are permitted to do so. This provides data protection by preventing unauthorized servers from storing your data.

Encrypted Communications Within the Cluster

JBoss Data Grid increases data security by supporting encrypted communications between the nodes in a cluster by using a user-specified cryptography algorithm, as supported by Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA).

JBoss Data Grid also provides audit logging for operations, and the ability to encrypt communication between the Hot Rod Client and Server using Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL).

Chapter 2. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Security: Authorization and Authentication

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid is able to perform authorization on CacheManagers and Caches. JBoss Data Grid authorization is built on standard security features available in a JDK, such as JAAS and the SecurityManager.
If an application attempts to interact with a secured CacheManager and Cache, it must provide an identity which JBoss Data Grid's security layer can validate against a set of required roles and permissions. Once validated, the client is issued a token for subsequent operations. Where access is denied, an exception indicating a security violation is thrown.
When a cache has been configured for with authorization, retrieving it returns an instance of SecureCache. SecureCache is a simple wrapper around a cache, which checks whether the "current user" has the permissions required to perform an operation. The "current user" is a Subject associated with the AccessControlContext.
JBoss Data Grid maps Principals names to roles, which in turn, represent one or more permissions. The following diagram represents these relationships:
Roles and Permissions Security Mapping

Figure 2.1. Roles and Permissions Mapping

2.1. Permissions

Access to a CacheManager or a Cache is controlled using a set of required permissions. Permissions control the type of action that is performed on the CacheManager or Cache, rather than the type of data being manipulated. Some of these permissions can apply to specifically name entities, such as a named cache. Different types of permissions are available depending on the entity.

Table 2.1. CacheManager Permissions

Permission Function Description
CONFIGURATION defineConfiguration Whether a new cache configuration can be defined.
LISTEN addListener Whether listeners can be registered against a cache manager.
LIFECYCLE stop, start Whether the cache manager can be stopped or started respectively.
ALL   A convenience permission which includes all of the above.

Table 2.2. Cache Permissions

Permission Function Description
READ get, contains Whether entries can be retrieved from the cache.
WRITE put, putIfAbsent, replace, remove, evict Whether data can be written/replaced/removed/evicted from the cache.
EXEC distexec, mapreduce Whether code execution can be run against the cache.
LISTEN addListener Whether listeners can be registered against a cache.
BULK_READ keySet, values, entrySet,query Whether bulk retrieve operations can be executed.
BULK_WRITE clear, putAll Whether bulk write operations can be executed.
LIFECYCLE start, stop Whether a cache can be started / stopped.
ADMIN getVersion, addInterceptor*, removeInterceptor, getInterceptorChain, getEvictionManager, getComponentRegistry, getDistributionManager, getAuthorizationManager, evict, getRpcManager, getCacheConfiguration, getCacheManager, getInvocationContextContainer, setAvailability, getDataContainer, getStats, getXAResource Whether access to the underlying components/internal structures is allowed.
ALL   A convenience permission which includes all of the above.


Some permissions may need to be combined with others in order to be useful. For example, EXEC with READ or with WRITE.

2.2. Role Mapping

In order to convert the Principals in a Subject into a set of roles used for authorization, a PrincipalRoleMapper must be specified in the global configuration. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid ships with three mappers, and also allows you to provide a custom mapper.

Table 2.3. Mappers

Mapper Name Java XML Description
IdentityRoleMapper <identity-role-mapper /> Uses the Principal name as the role name.
CommonNameRoleMapper <common-name-role-mapper /> If the Principal name is a Distinguished Name (DN), this mapper extracts the Common Name (CN) and uses it as a role name. For example the DN cn=managers,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com will be mapped to the role managers.
ClusterRoleMapper <cluster-role-mapper /> Uses the ClusterRegistry to store principal to role mappings. This allows the use of the CLI’s GRANT and DENY commands to add/remove roles to a Principal.
Custom Role Mapper   <custom-role-mapper class="a.b.c" /> Supply the fully-qualified class name of an implementation of

2.3. Configuring Authentication and Role Mapping using JBoss EAP Login Modules

When using Red Hat JBoss EAP log in module for querying roles from LDAP, you must implement your own mapping of Principals to Roles, as JBoss EAP uses its own custom classes. The following example demonstrates how to map a principal obtained from JBoss EAP login module to a role. It maps user principal name to a role, performing a similar action to the IdentityRoleMapper:

Example 2.1. Mapping a Principal from JBoss EAP's Login Module

public class SimplePrincipalGroupRoleMapper implements PrincipalRoleMapper {
   public Set<String> principalToRoles(Principal principal) {
      if (principal instanceof SimpleGroup) {
         Enumeration<Principal> members = ((SimpleGroup) principal).members();
         if (members.hasMoreElements()) {
            Set<String> roles = new HashSet<String>();
            while (members.hasMoreElements()) {
               Principal innerPrincipal = members.nextElement();
               if (innerPrincipal instanceof SimplePrincipal) {
                  SimplePrincipal sp = (SimplePrincipal) innerPrincipal;
            return roles;
      return null;

Example 2.2. Example of JBoss EAP LDAP login module configuration

 <security-domain name="ispn-secure" cache-type="default">
                     <login-module code="" flag="required">
                        <module-option name="java.naming.factory.initial" value="com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"/>
                        <module-option name="java.naming.provider.url" value="ldap://localhost:389"/>
                        <module-option name="" value="simple"/>
                        <module-option name="principalDNPrefix" value="uid="/>
                        <module-option name="principalDNSuffix" value=",ou=People,dc=infinispan,dc=org"/>
                        <module-option name="rolesCtxDN" value="ou=Roles,dc=infinispan,dc=org"/>
                        <module-option name="uidAttributeID" value="member"/>
                        <module-option name="matchOnUserDN" value="true"/>
                        <module-option name="roleAttributeID" value="cn"/>
                        <module-option name="roleAttributeIsDN" value="false"/>
                        <module-option name="searchScope" value="ONELEVEL_SCOPE"/>

Example 2.3. Example of JBoss EAP Login Module Configuration

<security-domain name="krb-admin" cache-type="default">
                        <login-module code="Kerberos" flag="required">
                            <module-option name="useKeyTab" value="true"/>
                            <module-option name="principal" value="admin@INFINISPAN.ORG"/>
                            <module-option name="keyTab" value="${basedir}/keytab/admin.keytab"/>
When using GSSAPI authentication, this would typically involve using LDAP for role mapping, with JBoss EAP server authenticating itself to the LDAP server via GSSAPI. For more information on how to configure this, see the JBoss EAP Administration and Configuration Guide.


For information about how to configure JBoss EAP login modules, see the JBoss EAP Administration and Configuration Guide and see the Red Hat Directory Server Administration Guide how to configure LDAP server, and specify users and their role mapping.

2.4. Configuring Red Hat JBoss Data Grid for Authorization

Authorization is configured at two levels: the cache container (CacheManager), and at the single cache.

The following is an example configuration for authorization at the CacheManager level:

Example 2.4. CacheManager Authorization (Declarative Configuration)

<cache-container name="local" default-cache="default">
             <identity-role-mapper />
             <role name="admin" permissions="ALL"/>
             <role name="reader" permissions="READ"/>
             <role name="writer" permissions="WRITE"/>
             <role name="supervisor" permissions="ALL_READ ALL_WRITE"/>
Each cache container determines:
  • whether to use authorization.
  • a class which will map principals to a set of roles.
  • a set of named roles and the permissions they represent.
You can choose to use only a subset of the roles defined at the container level.

Roles may be applied on a cache-per-cache basis, using the roles defined at the cache-container level, as follows:

Example 2.5. Defining Roles

<local-cache name="secured">
    <authorization roles="admin reader writer supervisor"/>


Any cache that is intended to require authentication must have a listing of roles defined; otherwise authentication is not enforced as the no-anonymous policy is defined by the cache's authorization.
Programmatic CacheManager Authorization (Library Mode)

The following example shows how to set up the same authorization parameters for Library mode using programmatic configuration:

Example 2.6. CacheManager Authorization Programmatic Configuration

GlobalConfigurationBuilder global = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder();
           .principalRoleMapper(new IdentityRoleMapper())
  ConfigurationBuilder config = new ConfigurationBuilder();


The REST protocol is not supported for use with authorization, and any attempts to access a cache with authorization enabled will result in a SecurityException.

2.5. Data Security for Library Mode

2.5.1. Subject and Principal Classes

To authorize access to resources, applications must first authenticate the request's source. The JAAS framework defines the term subject to represent a request's source. The Subject class is the central class in JAAS. A Subject represents information for a single entity, such as a person or service. It encompasses the entity's principals, public credentials, and private credentials. The JAAS APIs use the existing Java 2 interface to represent a principal, which is a typed name.
During the authentication process, a subject is populated with associated identities, or principals. A subject may have many principals. For example, a person may have a name principal (John Doe), a social security number principal (123-45-6789), and a user name principal (johnd), all of which help distinguish the subject from other subjects. To retrieve the principals associated with a subject, two methods are available:
public Set getPrincipals() {...}
public Set getPrincipals(Class c) {...}
getPrincipals() returns all principals contained in the subject. getPrincipals(Class c) returns only those principals that are instances of class c or one of its subclasses. An empty set is returned if the subject has no matching principals.


The interface is a sub-interface of, so an instance in the principals set may represent a logical grouping of other principals or groups of principals.

2.5.2. Obtaining a Subject

In order to use a secured cache in Library mode, you must obtain a The Subject represents information for a single cache entity, such as a person or a service.
Red Hat JBoss Data Grid allows a JAAS Subject to be obtained either by using your container's features, or by using a third-party library.
In JBoss containers, this can be done using the following:
Subject subject = SecurityContextAssociation.getSubject();
The Subject must be populated with a set of Principals, which represent the user and groups it belongs to in your security domain, for example, an LDAP or Active Directory.
The Java EE API allows retrieval of a container-set Principal through the following methods:
  • Servlets: ServletRequest.getUserPrincipal()
  • EJBs: EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal()
  • MessageDrivenBeans: MessageDrivenContext.getCallerPrincipal()
The mapper is then used to identify the principals associated with the Subject and convert them into roles that correspond to those you have defined at the container level.
A Principal is only one of the components of a Subject, which is retrieved from the Either the container sets the Subject on the AccessControlContext, or the user must map the Principal to an appropriate Subject before wrapping the call to the JBoss Data Grid API using a Security.doAs() method.
Once a Subject has been obtained, the cache can be interacted with in the context of a PrivilegedAction.

Example 2.7. Obtaining a Subject


Security.doAs(subject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
    cache.put("key", "value");
The Security.doAs() method is in place of the typical Subject.doAs() method. Unless the AccessControlContext must be modified for reasons specific to your application's security model, using Security.doAs() provides a performance advantage.
To obtain the current Subject, use Security.getSubject();, which will retrieve the Subject from either the JBoss Data Grid context, or from the AccessControlContext.

2.5.3. Subject Authentication

Subject Authentication requires a JAAS login. The login process consists of the following points:
  1. An application instantiates a LoginContext and passes in the name of the login configuration and a CallbackHandler to populate the Callback objects, as required by the configuration LoginModules.
  2. The LoginContext consults a Configuration to load all the LoginModules included in the named login configuration. If no such named configuration exists the other configuration is used as a default.
  3. The application invokes the LoginContext.login method.
  4. The login method invokes all the loaded LoginModules. As each LoginModule attempts to authenticate the subject, it invokes the handle method on the associated CallbackHandler to obtain the information required for the authentication process. The required information is passed to the handle method in the form of an array of Callback objects. Upon success, the LoginModules associate relevant principals and credentials with the subject.
  5. The LoginContext returns the authentication status to the application. Success is represented by a return from the login method. Failure is represented through a LoginException being thrown by the login method.
  6. If authentication succeeds, the application retrieves the authenticated subject using the LoginContext.getSubject method.
  7. After the scope of the subject authentication is complete, all principals and related information associated with the subject by the login method can be removed by invoking the LoginContext.logout method.
The LoginContext class provides the basic methods for authenticating subjects and offers a way to develop an application that is independent of the underlying authentication technology. The LoginContext consults a Configuration to determine the authentication services configured for a particular application. LoginModule classes represent the authentication services. Therefore, you can plug different login modules into an application without changing the application itself. The following code shows the steps required by an application to authenticate a subject.
CallbackHandler handler = new MyHandler();
LoginContext lc = new LoginContext("some-config", handler);

try {
    Subject subject = lc.getSubject();
} catch(LoginException e) {
    System.out.println("authentication failed");
// Perform work as authenticated Subject
// ...

// Scope of work complete, logout to remove authentication info
try {
} catch(LoginException e) {
    System.out.println("logout failed");
// A sample MyHandler class
class MyHandler 
    implements CallbackHandler
    public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws
        IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException
        for (int i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
            if (callbacks[i] instanceof NameCallback) {
                NameCallback nc = (NameCallback)callbacks[i];
            } else if (callbacks[i] instanceof PasswordCallback) {
                PasswordCallback pc = (PasswordCallback)callbacks[i];
            } else {
                throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(callbacks[i],
                                                       "Unrecognized Callback");
Developers integrate with an authentication technology by creating an implementation of the LoginModule interface. This allows an administrator to plug different authentication technologies into an application. You can chain together multiple LoginModules to allow for more than one authentication technology to participate in the authentication process. For example, one LoginModule may perform user name/password-based authentication, while another may interface to hardware devices such as smart card readers or biometric authenticators.
The life cycle of a LoginModule is driven by the LoginContext object against which the client creates and issues the login method. The process consists of two phases. The steps of the process are as follows:
  • The LoginContext creates each configured LoginModule using its public no-arg constructor.
  • Each LoginModule is initialized with a call to its initialize method. The Subject argument is guaranteed to be non-null. The signature of the initialize method is: public void initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler, Map sharedState, Map options)
  • The login method is called to start the authentication process. For example, a method implementation might prompt the user for a user name and password and then verify the information against data stored in a naming service such as NIS or LDAP. Alternative implementations might interface to smart cards and biometric devices, or simply extract user information from the underlying operating system. The validation of user identity by each LoginModule is considered phase 1 of JAAS authentication. The signature of the login method is boolean login() throws LoginException . A LoginException indicates failure. A return value of true indicates that the method succeeded, whereas a return value of false indicates that the login module should be ignored.
  • If the LoginContext's overall authentication succeeds, commit is invoked on each LoginModule. If phase 1 succeeds for a LoginModule, then the commit method continues with phase 2 and associates the relevant principals, public credentials, and/or private credentials with the subject. If phase 1 fails for a LoginModule, then commit removes any previously stored authentication state, such as user names or passwords. The signature of the commit method is: boolean commit() throws LoginException . Failure to complete the commit phase is indicated by throwing a LoginException. A return of true indicates that the method succeeded, whereas a return of false indicates that the login module should be ignored.
  • If the LoginContext's overall authentication fails, then the abort method is invoked on each LoginModule. The abort method removes or destroys any authentication state created by the login or initialize methods. The signature of the abort method is boolean abort() throws LoginException . Failure to complete the abort phase is indicated by throwing a LoginException. A return of true indicates that the method succeeded, whereas a return of false indicates that the login module should be ignored.
  • To remove the authentication state after a successful login, the application invokes logout on the LoginContext. This in turn results in a logout method invocation on each LoginModule. The logout method removes the principals and credentials originally associated with the subject during the commit operation. Credentials should be destroyed upon removal. The signature of the logout method is: boolean logout() throws LoginException . Failure to complete the logout process is indicated by throwing a LoginException. A return of true indicates that the method succeeded, whereas a return of false indicates that the login module should be ignored.
When a LoginModule must communicate with the user to obtain authentication information, it uses a CallbackHandler object. Applications implement the CallbackHandler interface and pass it to the LoginContext, which send the authentication information directly to the underlying login modules.
Login modules use the CallbackHandler both to gather input from users, such as a password or smart card PIN, and to supply information to users, such as status information. By allowing the application to specify the CallbackHandler, underlying LoginModules remain independent from the different ways applications interact with users. For example, a CallbackHandler's implementation for a GUI application might display a window to solicit user input. On the other hand, a CallbackHandler implementation for a non-GUI environment, such as an application server, might simply obtain credential information by using an application server API. The CallbackHandler interface has one method to implement:
void handle(Callback[] callbacks)
The Callback interface is the last authentication class we will look at. This is a tagging interface for which several default implementations are provided, including the NameCallback and PasswordCallback used in an earlier example. A LoginModule uses a Callback to request information required by the authentication mechanism. LoginModules pass an array of Callbacks directly to the CallbackHandler.handle method during the authentication's login phase. If a callbackhandler does not understand how to use a Callback object passed into the handle method, it throws an UnsupportedCallbackException to abort the login call.

2.5.4. Authorization Using a SecurityManager

In Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode, authorization is able to work without a SecurityManager for basic cache operations. In Library mode, a SecurityManager may also be used to perform some of the more complex tasks, such as distexec, map/reduce, and query.
In order to enforce access restrictions, enable the SecurityManager in your JVM using one of the following methods:
Command Line

java ...


System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());

Using the JDK's default implementation is not required, however an appropriate policy file must be supplied. The JBoss Data Grid distribution includes an example policy file, which demonstrates the permissions required by some of JBoss Data Grid's JAR files. These permissions must be integrated with those required by your application.

2.5.5. Security Manager in Java About the Java Security Manager

Java Security Manager
The Java Security Manager is a class that manages the external boundary of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) sandbox, controlling how code executing within the JVM can interact with resources outside the JVM. When the Java Security Manager is activated, the Java API checks with the security manager for approval before executing a wide range of potentially unsafe operations.
The Java Security Manager uses a security policy to determine whether a given action will be permitted or denied. About Java Security Manager Policies

Security Policy
A set of defined permissions for different classes of code. The Java Security Manager compares actions requested by applications against the security policy. If an action is allowed by the policy, the Security Manager will permit that action to take place. If the action is not allowed by the policy, the Security Manager will deny that action. The security policy can define permissions based on the location of code, on the code's signature, or based on the subject's principals.
The Java Security Manager and the security policy used are configured using the Java Virtual Machine options and
Basic Information

A security policy's entry consists of the following configuration elements, which are connected to the policytool:

The URL location (excluding the host and domain information) where the code originates from. This parameter is optional.
The alias used in the keystore to reference the signer whose private key was used to sign the code. This can be a single value or a comma-separated list of values. This parameter is optional. If omitted, presence or lack of a signature has no impact on the Java Security Manager.
A list of principal_type/principal_name pairs, which must be present within the executing thread's principal set. The Principals entry is optional. If it is omitted, it signifies that the principals of the executing thread will have no impact on the Java Security Manager.
A permission is the access which is granted to the code. Many permissions are provided as part of the Java Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) specification. This document only covers additional permissions which are provided by JBoss EAP 6.


Refer to your container documentation on how to configure the security policy, as it may differ depending on the implementation.
23152%2C+Security+Guide-6.608-09-2016+09%3A25%3A50JBoss+Data+Grid+6Documentation6.6.1Report a bug Write a Java Security Manager Policy


An application called policytool is included with most JDK and JRE distributions, for the purpose of creating and editing Java Security Manager security policies. Detailed information about policytool is linked from

Procedure 2.1. Setup a new Java Security Manager Policy

  1. Start policytool.

    Start the policytool tool in one of the following ways.
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

      From your GUI or a command prompt, run /usr/bin/policytool.
    • Microsoft Windows Server

      Run policytool.exe from your Start menu or from the bin\ of your Java installation. The location can vary.
  2. Create a policy.

    To create a policy, select Add Policy Entry. Add the parameters you need, then click Done.
  3. Edit an existing policy

    Select the policy from the list of existing policies, and select the Edit Policy Entry button. Edit the parameters as needed.
  4. Delete an existing policy.

    Select the policy from the list of existing policies, and select the Remove Policy Entry button.
23152%2C+Security+Guide-6.608-09-2016+09%3A25%3A50JBoss+Data+Grid+6Documentation6.6.1Report a bug Run Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Server Within the Java Security Manager

To specify a Java Security Manager policy, you need to edit the Java options passed to the server instance during the bootstrap process. For this reason, you cannot pass the parameters as options to the script. The following procedure guides you through the steps of configuring your instance to run within a Java Security Manager policy.


  • Before you following this procedure, you need to write a security policy, using the policytool command which is included with your Java Development Kit (JDK). This procedure assumes that your policy is located at JDG_HOME/bin/server.policy. As an alternative, write the security policy using any text editor and manually save it as JDG_HOME/bin/server.policy
  • The JBoss Data Grid server must be completely stopped before you edit any configuration files.
Perform the following procedure for each physical host or instance in your environment.

Procedure 2.2. Configure the Security Manager for JBoss Data Grid Server

  1. Open the configuration file.

    Open the configuration file for editing. This location of this file is listed below by OS. Note that this is not the executable file used to start the server, but a configuration file that contains runtime parameters.
    • For Linux: JDG_HOME/bin/standalone.conf
    • For Windows: JDG_HOME\bin\standalone.conf.bat
  2. Add the Java options to the file.

    To ensure the Java options are used, add them to the code block that begins with:
    if [ "x$JAVA_OPTS" = "x" ]; then
    You can modify the value to specify the exact location of your security policy. It should go onto one line only, with no line break. Using == when setting the property specifies that the security manager will use only the specified policy file. Using = specifies that the security manager will use the specified policy combined with the policy set in the policy.url section of JAVA_HOME/lib/security/


    JBoss Enterprise Application Platform releases from 6.2.2 onwards require that the system property jboss.modules.policy-permissions is set to true.

    Example 2.8. standalone.conf

    JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS$PWD/server.policy -Djboss.home.dir=$JBOSS_HOME -Djboss.modules.policy-permissions=true"

    Example 2.9. standalone.conf.bat

    set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS%\path\to\server.policy -Djboss.home.dir=%JBOSS_HOME% -Djboss.modules.policy-permissions=true"
  3. Start the server.

    Start the server as normal.
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2.6. Data Security for Remote Client Server Mode

2.6.1. About Security Realms

A security realm is a series of mappings between users and passwords, and users and roles. Security realms are a mechanism for adding authentication and authorization to your EJB and Web applications. Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Server provides two security realms by default:
  • ManagementRealm stores authentication information for the Management API, which provides the functionality for the Management CLI and web-based Management Console. It provides an authentication system for managing JBoss Data Grid Server itself. You could also use the ManagementRealm if your application needed to authenticate with the same business rules you use for the Management API.
  • ApplicationRealm stores user, password, and role information for Web Applications and EJBs.
Each realm is stored in two files on the filesystem:
  • stores usernames and hashed passwords.
  • stores user-to-role mappings.
  • stores user-to-role mapping file for ManagementRealm.
The properties files are stored in the standalone/configuration/ directories. The files are written simultaneously by the or add-user.bat command. When you run the command, the first decision you make is which realm to add your new user to.
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2.6.2. Add a New Security Realm

  1. Run the Management CLI.

    Start the or cli.bat command and connect to the server.
  2. Create the new security realm itself.

    Run the following command to create a new security realm named MyDomainRealm on a domain controller or a standalone server.
  3. Create the references to the properties file which will store information about the new role.

    Run the following command to create a pointer a file named, which will contain the properties pertaining to the new role.


    The newly-created properties file is not managed by the included and add-user.bat scripts. It must be managed externally.

Your new security realm is created. When you add users and roles to this new realm, the information will be stored in a separate file from the default security realms. You can manage this new file using your own applications or procedures.

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2.6.3. Add a User to a Security Realm

  1. Run the or add-user.bat command.

    Open a terminal and change directories to the JDG_HOME/bin/ directory. If you run Red Hat Enterprise Linux or another UNIX-like operating system, run If you run Microsoft Windows Server, run add-user.bat.
  2. Choose whether to add a Management User or Application User.

    For this procedure, type b to add an Application User.
  3. Choose the realm the user will be added to.

    By default, the only available realm is ApplicationRealm. If you have added a custom realm, you can type its name instead.
  4. Type the username, password, and roles, when prompted.

    Type the desired username, password, and optional roles when prompted. Verify your choice by typing yes, or type no to cancel the changes. The changes are written to each of the properties files for the security realm.
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2.6.4. Configuring Security Realms Declaratively

In Remote Client-Server mode, a Hot Rod endpoint must specify a security realm.
The security realm declares an authentication and an authorization section.

Example 2.10. Configuring Security Realms Declaratively

            <security-realm name="ManagementRealm">
                    <local default-user="$local" skip-group-loading="true"/>
                    <properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
                <authorization map-groups-to-roles="false">
                    <properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
            <security-realm name="ApplicationRealm">
                    <local default-user="$local" allowed-users="*" skip-group-loading="true"/>
                    <properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
                    <properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
The server-identities parameter can also be used to specify certificates.

2.6.5. Loading Roles from LDAP for Authorization (Remote Client-Server Mode)

An LDAP directory contains entries for user accounts and groups, cross referenced by attributes. Depending on the LDAP server configuration, a user entity may map the groups the user belongs to through memberOf attributes; a group entity may map which users belong to it through uniqueMember attributes; or both mappings may be maintained by the LDAP server.
Users generally authenticate against the server using a simple user name. When searching for group membership information, depending on the directory server in use, searches could be performed using this simple name or using the distinguished name of the user's entry in the directory.
The authentication step of a user connecting to the server always happens first. Once the user is successfully authenticated the server loads the user's groups. The authentication step and the authorization step each require a connection to the LDAP server. The realm optimizes this process by reusing the authentication connection for the group loading step. As will be shown within the configuration steps below it is possible to define rules within the authorization section to convert a user's simple user name to their distinguished name. The result of a "user name to distinguished name mapping" search during authentication is cached and reused during the authorization query when the force attribute is set to "false". When force is true, the search is performed again during authorization (while loading groups). This is typically done when different servers perform authentication and authorization.
    <ldap connection="...">
    	<!-- OPTIONAL -->
       <username-to-dn force="true"> 
           <!-- Only one of the following. -->
           <username-is-dn />
           <username-filter base-dn="..." recursive="..." user-dn-attribute="..." attribute="..." />
           <advanced-filter base-dn="..." recursive="..." user-dn-attribute="..." filter="..." />
       <group-search group-name="..." iterative="..." group-dn-attribute="..." group-name-attribute="..." >
           <!-- One of the following -->
           <group-to-principal base-dn="..." recursive="..." search-by="...">
               <membership-filter principal-attribute="..." />
           <principal-to-group group-attribute="..." />


These examples specify some attributes with their default values. This is done for demonstration. Attributes that specify their default values are removed from the configuration when it is persisted by the server. The exception is the force attribute. It is required, even when set to the default value of false.


The username-to-dn element specifies how to map the user name to the distinguished name of their entry in the LDAP directory. This element is only required when both of the following are true:
  • The authentication and authorization steps are against different LDAP servers.
  • The group search uses the distinguished name.
1:1 username-to-dn

This specifies that the user name entered by the remote user is the user's distinguished name.
<username-to-dn force="false">
   <username-is-dn />

This defines a 1:1 mapping and there is no additional configuration.

The next option is very similar to the simple option described above for the authentication step. A specified attribute is searched for a match against the supplied user name.
<username-to-dn force="true">
    <username-filter base-dn="dc=people,dc=harold,dc=example,dc=com" recursive="false" attribute="sn" user-dn-attribute="dn" />

The attributes that can be set here are:
  • base-dn: The distinguished name of the context to begin the search.
  • recursive: Whether the search will extend to sub contexts. Defaults to false.
  • attribute: The attribute of the users entry to try and match against the supplied user name. Defaults to uid.
  • user-dn-attribute: The attribute to read to obtain the users distinguished name. Defaults to dn.

The final option is to specify an advanced filter, as in the authentication section this is an opportunity to use a custom filter to locate the users distinguished name.
<username-to-dn force="true">
    <advanced-filter base-dn="dc=people,dc=harold,dc=example,dc=com" recursive="false" filter="sAMAccountName={0}" user-dn-attribute="dn" />

For the attributes that match those in the username-filter example, the meaning and default values are the same. There is one new attribute:
  • filter: Custom filter used to search for a user's entry where the user name will be substituted in the {0} place holder.


The XML must remain valid after the filter is defined so if any special characters are used such as & ensure the proper form is used. For example &amp; for the & character.

The Group Search

There are two different styles that can be used when searching for group membership information. The first style is where the user's entry contains an attribute that references the groups the user is a member of. The second style is where the group contains an attribute referencing the users entry.

When there is a choice of which style to use Red Hat recommends that the configuration for a user's entry referencing the group is used. This is because with this method group information can be loaded by reading attributes of known distinguished names without having to perform any searches. The other approach requires extensive searches to identify the groups that reference the user.

Before describing the configuration here are some LDIF examples to illustrate this.

Example 2.11. Principal to Group - LDIF example.

This example illustrates where we have a user TestUserOne who is a member of GroupOne, GroupOne is in turn a member of GroupFive. The group membership is shown by the use of a memberOf attribute which is set to the distinguished name of the group of which the user (or group) is a member.

It is not shown here but a user could potentially have multiple memberOf attributes set, one for each group of which the user is directly a member.
dn: uid=TestUserOne,ou=users,dc=principal-to-group,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupMember
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: uidObject
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
cn: Test User One
sn: Test User One
uid: TestUserOne
distinguishedName: uid=TestUserOne,ou=users,dc=principal-to-group,dc=example,dc=org
memberOf: uid=GroupOne,ou=groups,dc=principal-to-group,dc=example,dc=org
memberOf: uid=Slashy/Group,ou=groups,dc=principal-to-group,dc=example,dc=org

dn: uid=GroupOne,ou=groups,dc=principal-to-group,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupMember
objectClass: group
objectClass: uidObject
uid: GroupOne
distinguishedName: uid=GroupOne,ou=groups,dc=principal-to-group,dc=example,dc=org
memberOf: uid=GroupFive,ou=subgroups,ou=groups,dc=principal-to-group,dc=example,dc=org

dn: uid=GroupFive,ou=subgroups,ou=groups,dc=principal-to-group,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupMember
objectClass: group
objectClass: uidObject
uid: GroupFive
distinguishedName: uid=GroupFive,ou=subgroups,ou=groups,dc=principal-to-group,dc=example,dc=org

Example 2.12. Group to Principal - LDIF Example

This example shows the same user TestUserOne who is a member of GroupOne which is in turn a member of GroupFive - however in this case it is an attribute uniqueMember from the group to the user being used for the cross reference.

Again the attribute used for the group membership cross reference can be repeated, if you look at GroupFive there is also a reference to another user TestUserFive which is not shown here.
dn: uid=TestUserOne,ou=users,dc=group-to-principal,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: uidObject
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
cn: Test User One
sn: Test User One
uid: TestUserOne
userPassword:: e1NTSEF9SjR0OTRDR1ltaHc1VVZQOEJvbXhUYjl1dkFVd1lQTmRLSEdzaWc9PQ==

dn: uid=GroupOne,ou=groups,dc=group-to-principal,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectClass: uidObject
cn: Group One
uid: GroupOne
uniqueMember: uid=TestUserOne,ou=users,dc=group-to-principal,dc=example,dc=org

dn: uid=GroupFive,ou=subgroups,ou=groups,dc=group-to-principal,dc=example,dc=org
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
objectClass: uidObject
cn: Group Five
uid: GroupFive
uniqueMember: uid=TestUserFive,ou=users,dc=group-to-principal,dc=example,dc=org
uniqueMember: uid=GroupOne,ou=groups,dc=group-to-principal,dc=example,dc=org

General Group Searching

Before looking at the examples for the two approaches shown above we first need to define the attributes common to both of these.
<group-search group-name="..." iterative="..." group-dn-attribute="..." group-name-attribute="..." >
  • group-name: This attribute is used to specify the form that should be used for the group name returned as the list of groups of which the user is a member. This can either be the simple form of the group name or the group's distinguished name. If the distinguished name is required this attribute can be set to DISTINGUISHED_NAME. Defaults to SIMPLE.
  • iterative: This attribute is used to indicate if, after identifying the groups a user is a member of, we should also iteratively search based on the groups to identify which groups the groups are a member of. If iterative searching is enabled we keep going until either we reach a group that is not a member if any other groups or a cycle is detected. Defaults to false.

Cyclic group membership is not a problem. A record of each search is kept to prevent groups that have already been searched from being searched again.


For iterative searching to work the group entries need to look the same as user entries. The same approach used to identify the groups a user is a member of is then used to identify the groups of which the group is a member. This would not be possible if for group to group membership the name of the attribute used for the cross reference changes or if the direction of the reference changes.
  • group-dn-attribute: On an entry for a group which attribute is its distinguished name. Defaults to dn.
  • group-name-attribute: On an entry for a group which attribute is its simple name. Defaults to uid.

Example 2.13. Principal to Group Example Configuration

Based on the example LDIF from above here is an example configuration iteratively loading a user's groups where the attribute used to cross reference is the memberOf attribute on the user.
    <ldap connection="LocalLdap">
            <username-filter base-dn="ou=users,dc=principal-to-group,dc=example,dc=org" recursive="false" attribute="uid" user-dn-attribute="dn" />
        <group-search group-name="SIMPLE" iterative="true" group-dn-attribute="dn" group-name-attribute="uid">
            <principal-to-group group-attribute="memberOf" />

The most important aspect of this configuration is that the principal-to-group element has been added with a single attribute.
  • group-attribute: The name of the attribute on the user entry that matches the distinguished name of the group the user is a member of. Defaults to memberOf.

Example 2.14. Group to Principal Example Configuration

This example shows an iterative search for the group to principal LDIF example shown above.
      <ldap connection="LocalLdap">
              <username-filter base-dn="ou=users,dc=group-to-principal,dc=example,dc=org" recursive="false" attribute="uid" user-dn-attribute="dn" />
          <group-search group-name="SIMPLE" iterative="true" group-dn-attribute="dn" group-name-attribute="uid">
              <group-to-principal base-dn="ou=groups,dc=group-to-principal,dc=example,dc=org" recursive="true" search-by="DISTINGUISHED_NAME">
                  <membership-filter principal-attribute="uniqueMember" />

Here an element group-to-principal is added. This element is used to define how searches for groups that reference the user entry will be performed. The following attributes are set:
  • base-dn: The distinguished name of the context to use to begin the search.
  • recursive: Whether sub-contexts also be searched. Defaults to false.
  • search-by: The form of the role name used in searches. Valid values are SIMPLE and DISTINGUISHED_NAME. Defaults to DISTINGUISHED_NAME.

Within the group-to-principal element there is a membership-filter element to define the cross reference.
  • principal-attribute: The name of the attribute on the group entry that references the user entry. Defaults to member.

2.6.6. Hot Rod Interface Security Publish Hot Rod Endpoints as a Public Interface

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's Hot Rod server operates as a management interface as a default. To extend its operations to a public interface, alter the value of the interface parameter in the socket-binding element from management to public as follows:
<socket-binding name="hotrod" interface="public" port="11222" /> Encryption of communication between Hot Rod Server and Hot Rod client

Hot Rod can be encrypted using TLS/SSL, and has the option to require certificate-based client authentication.
Use the following procedure to secure the Hot Rod connector using SSL.

Procedure 2.3. Secure Hot Rod Using SSL/TLS

  1. Generate a Keystore

    Create a Java Keystore using the keytool application distributed with the JDK and add your certificate to it. The certificate can be either self signed, or obtained from a trusted CA depending on your security policy.
  2. Place the Keystore in the Configuration Directory

    Put the keystore in the ~/JDG_HOME/standalone/configuration directory with the standalone-hotrod-ssl.xml file from the ~/JDG_HOME/docs/examples/configs directory.
  3. Declare an SSL Server Identity

    Declare an SSL server identity within a security realm in the management section of the configuration file. The SSL server identity must specify the path to a keystore and its secret key.
      <ssl protocol="...">
        <keystore path="..." relative-to="..." keystore-password="${VAULT::VAULT_BLOCK::ATTRIBUTE_NAME::ENCRYPTED_VALUE}" />
      <secret value="..." />
  4. Add the Security Element

    Add the security element to the Hot Rod connector as follows:
    <hotrod-connector socket-binding="hotrod" cache-container="local">
        <encryption ssl="true" security-realm="ApplicationRealm" require-ssl-client-auth="false" />
    1. Server Authentication of Certificate

      If you require the server to perform authentication of the client certificate, create a truststore that contains the valid client certificates and set the require-ssl-client-auth attribute to true.
  5. Start the Server

    Start the server using the following:
    bin/ -c standalone-hotrod-ssl.xml
    This will start a server with a Hot Rod endpoint on port 11222. This endpoint will only accept SSL connections.
Securing Hot Rod using SSL can also be configured programmatically.

Example 2.15. Secure Hot Rod Using SSL/TLS

package org.infinispan.client.hotrod.configuration;
import java.util.Arrays;


public class SslConfiguration {
	private final boolean enabled;
	private final String keyStoreFileName;
	private final char[] VAULT::VAULT_BLOCK::ATTRIBUTE_NAME::keyStorePassword;
	private final SSLContext sslContext;
	private final String trustStoreFileName;
	private final char[] VAULT::VAULT_BLOCK::ATTRIBUTE_NAME::trustStorePassword;
	SslConfiguration(boolean enabled, String keyStoreFileName, char[] keyStorePassword, SSLContext sslContext, String trustStoreFileName, char[] trustStorePassword) {
		this.enabled = enabled;
		this.keyStoreFileName = keyStoreFileName;
		this.keyStorePassword = VAULT::VAULT_BLOCK::ATTRIBUTE_NAME::keyStorePassword;
		this.sslContext = sslContext;
		this.trustStoreFileName = trustStoreFileName;
		this.trustStorePassword = VAULT::VAULT_BLOCK::ATTRIBUTE_NAME::trustStorePassword;
	public boolean enabled() {
		return enabled;
	public String keyStoreFileName() {
		return keyStoreFileName;
	public char[] keyStorePassword() {
		return keyStorePassword;
	public SSLContext sslContext() {
		return sslContext;
	public String trustStoreFileName() {
		return trustStoreFileName;
	public char[] trustStorePassword() {
		return trustStorePassword;
	public String toString() {
		return "SslConfiguration [enabled=" + enabled + ", keyStoreFileName="
			+ keyStoreFileName + ", sslContext=" + sslContext + ", trustStoreFileName=" + trustStoreFileName + "]";


To prevent plain text passwords from appearing in configurations or source codes, plain text passwords should be changed to Vault passwords. For more information about how to set up Vault passwords, see the Red Hat Enterprise Application Platform Security Guide.

2.6.7. User Authentication over Hot Rod Using SASL

User authentication over Hot Rod can be implemented using the following Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) mechanisms:
  • PLAIN is the least secure mechanism because credentials are transported in plain text format. However, it is also the simplest mechanism to implement. This mechanism can be used in conjunction with encryption (SSL) for additional security.
  • DIGEST-MD5 is a mechanism than hashes the credentials before transporting them. As a result, it is more secure than the PLAIN mechanism.
  • GSSAPI is a mechanism that uses Kerberos tickets. As a result, it requires a correctly configured Kerberos Domain Controller (for example, Microsoft Active Directory).
  • EXTERNAL is a mechanism that obtains the required credentials from the underlying transport (for example, from a X.509 client certificate) and therefore requires client certificate encryption to work correctly. Configure Hot Rod Authentication (GSSAPI/Kerberos)

Use the following steps to set up Hot Rod Authentication using the SASL GSSAPI/Kerberos mechanism:

Procedure 2.4. Configure SASL GSSAPI/Kerberos Authentication

  1. Server-side Configuration

    The following steps must be configured on the server-side:
    1. Define a Kerberos security login module using the security domain subsystem:
          <property name="" value="/tmp/infinispan/krb5.conf"/>
          <property name="" value="true"/>
          <property name="" value="true"/>
      <security-domain name="infinispan-server" cache-type="default">
              <login-module code="Kerberos" flag="required">
                  <module-option name="debug" value="true"/>
                  <module-option name="storeKey" value="true"/>
                  <module-option name="refreshKrb5Config" value="true"/>
                  <module-option name="useKeyTab" value="true"/>
                  <module-option name="doNotPrompt" value="true"/>
                  <module-option name="keyTab" value="/tmp/infinispan/infinispan.keytab"/>
                  <module-option name="principal" value="HOTROD/localhost@INFINISPAN.ORG"/>
    2. Ensure that the cache-container has authorization roles defined, and these roles are applied in the cache's authorization block as seen in Section 2.4, “Configuring Red Hat JBoss Data Grid for Authorization”.
    3. Configure a Hot Rod connector as follows:
      <hotrod-connector socket-binding="hotrod" 
      	<authentication security-realm="ApplicationRealm">
      		<sasl server-name="node0" 
      				<no-anonymous value="true" />
      			<property name="">true</property>
      • The server-name attribute specifies the name that the server declares to incoming clients. The client configuration must also contain the same server name value.
      • The server-context-name attribute specifies the name of the login context used to retrieve a server subject for certain SASL mechanisms (for example, GSSAPI).
      • The mechanisms attribute specifies the authentication mechanism in use. See Section 2.6.7, “User Authentication over Hot Rod Using SASL” for a list of supported mechanisms.
      • The qop attribute specifies the SASL quality of protection value for the configuration. Supported values for this attribute are auth (authentication), auth-int (authentication and integrity, meaning that messages are verified against checksums to detect tampering), and auth-conf (authentication, integrity, and confidentiality, meaning that messages are also encrypted). Multiple values can be specified, for example, auth-int auth-conf. The ordering implies preference, so the first value which matches both the client and server's preference is chosen.
      • The strength attribute specifies the SASL cipher strength. Valid values are low, medium, and high.
      • The no-anonymous element within the policy element specifies whether mechanisms that accept anonymous login are permitted. Set this value to false to permit and true to deny.
  2. Client-side Configuration

    The following steps must be configured on the client-side:
    1. Define a login module in a login configuration file (gss.conf) on the client side:
      GssExample {
 required client=TRUE;
    2. Set up the following system properties:


      The krb5.conf file is dependent on the environment and must point to the Kerberos Key Distribution Center.
    3. Configure the Hot Rod Client:
      public class MyCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler {
         final private String username;
         final private char[] password;
         final private String realm;
         public MyCallbackHandler() { }
         public MyCallbackHandler (String username, String realm, char[] password) {
            this.username = username;
            this.password = password;
            this.realm = realm;
         public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException {
            for (Callback callback : callbacks) {
               if (callback instanceof NameCallback) {
                  NameCallback nameCallback = (NameCallback) callback;
               } else if (callback instanceof PasswordCallback) {
                  PasswordCallback passwordCallback = (PasswordCallback) callback;
               } else if (callback instanceof AuthorizeCallback) {
                  AuthorizeCallback authorizeCallback = (AuthorizeCallback) callback;
               } else if (callback instanceof RealmCallback) {
                  RealmCallback realmCallback = (RealmCallback) callback;
               } else {
                  throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(callback);
      LoginContext lc = new LoginContext("GssExample", new MyCallbackHandler("krb_user", "krb_password".toCharArra()));lc.login();Subject clientSubject = lc.getSubject();
      ConfigurationBuilder clientBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();clientBuilder
                  .callbackHandler(new MyCallbackHandler());remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(;RemoteCache<String, String> cache = remoteCacheManager.getCache("secured"); Configure Hot Rod Authentication (MD5)

Use the following steps to set up Hot Rod Authentication using the SASL using the MD5 mechanism:

Procedure 2.5. Configure Hot Rod Authentication (MD5)

  1. Set up the Hot Rod Connector configuration by adding the sasl element to the authentication element (for details on the authentication element, see Section 2.6.4, “Configuring Security Realms Declaratively”) as follows:
    <hotrod-connector socket-binding="hotrod" 
        <authentication security-realm="ApplicationRealm">
            <sasl server-name="myhotrodserver" 
                     qop="auth" />
    • The server-name attribute specifies the name that the server declares to incoming clients. The client configuration must also contain the same server name value.
    • The mechanisms attribute specifies the authentication mechanism in use. See Section 2.6.7, “User Authentication over Hot Rod Using SASL” for a list of supported mechanisms.
    • The qop attribute specifies the SASL quality of production value for the configuration. Supported values for this attribute are auth, auth-int, and auth-conf.
  2. Connect the client to the configured Hot Rod connector as follows:
    public class MyCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler {
       final private String username;
       final private char[] password;
       final private String realm;
       public MyCallbackHandler (String username, String realm, char[] password) {
          this.username = username;
          this.password = password;
          this.realm = realm;
       public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException {
          for (Callback callback : callbacks) {
             if (callback instanceof NameCallback) {
                NameCallback nameCallback = (NameCallback) callback;
             } else if (callback instanceof PasswordCallback) {
                PasswordCallback passwordCallback = (PasswordCallback) callback;
             } else if (callback instanceof AuthorizeCallback) {
                AuthorizeCallback authorizeCallback = (AuthorizeCallback) callback;
             } else if (callback instanceof RealmCallback) {
                RealmCallback realmCallback = (RealmCallback) callback;
             } else {
                throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(callback);
    ConfigurationBuilder clientBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();clientBuilder
                .callbackHandler(new MyCallbackHandler("myuser", "ApplicationRealm", "qwer1234!".toCharArray()));remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(;RemoteCache<String, String> cache = remoteCacheManager.getCache("secured"); Configure Hot Rod Using LDAP/Active Directory

Use the following to configure authentication over Hot Rod using LDAP or Microsoft Active Directory:
	<security-realm name="ApplicationRealm">
			<ldap connection="ldap_connection" 
				<username-filter attribute="cn" />
	<ldap name="ldap_connection" 
The following are some details about the elements and parameters used in this configuration:
  • The security-realm element's name parameter specifies the security realm to reference to use when establishing the connection.
  • The authentication element contains the authentication details.
  • The ldap element specifies how LDAP searches are used to authenticate a user. First, a connection to LDAP is established and a search is conducted using the supplied user name to identify the distinguished name of the user. A subsequent connection to the server is established using the password supplied by the user. If the second connection succeeds, the authentication is a success.
    • The connection parameter specifies the name of the connection to use to connect to LDAP.
    • The (optional) recursive parameter specifies whether the filter is executed recursively. The default value for this parameter is false.
    • The base-dn parameter specifies the distinguished name of the context to use to begin the search from.
    • The (optional) user-dn parameter specifies which attribute to read for the user's distinguished name after the user is located. The default value for this parameter is dn.
  • The outbound-connections element specifies the name of the connection used to connect to the LDAP. directory.
  • The ldap element specifies the properties of the outgoing LDAP connection.
    • The name parameter specifies the unique name used to reference this connection.
    • The url parameter specifies the URL used to establish the LDAP connection.
    • The search-dn parameter specifies the distinguished name of the user to authenticate and to perform the searches.
    • The search-credential parameter specifies the password required to connect to LDAP as the search-dn.
    • The (optional) initial-context-factory parameter allows the overriding of the initial context factory. the default value of this parameter is com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory. Configure Hot Rod Authentication (X.509)

The X.509 certificate can be installed at the node, and be made available to other nodes for authentication purposes for inbound and outbound SSL connections. This is enabled using the <server-identities/> element of a security realm definition, which defines how a server appears to external applications. This element can be used to configure a password to be used when establishing a remote connection, as well as the loading of an X.509 key.
The following example shows how to install an X.509 certificate on the node.
<security-realm name="ApplicationRealm">
    <ssl protocol="...">
      <keystore path="..." relative-to="..." keystore-password="..." alias="..." key-password="..." />

  [... authentication/authorization ...]

In the provided example, the SSL element contains the <keystore/> element, which is used to define how to load the key from the file-based keystore. The following parameters ave available for this element.

Table 2.4. <server-identities/> Options

Parameter Mandatory/Optional Description
path Mandatory This is the path to the keystore, this can be an absolute path or relative to the next attribute.
relative-to Optional The name of a service representing a path the keystore is relative to.
keystore-password Mandatory The password required to open the keystore.
alias Optional The alias of the entry to use from the keystore - for a keystore with multiple entries in practice the first usable entry is used but this should not be relied on and the alias should be set to guarantee which entry is used.
key-password Optional The password to load the key entry, if omitted the keystore-password will be used instead.


If the following error occurs, specify a key-password as well as an alias to ensure only one key is loaded.
UnrecoverableKeyException: Cannot recover key

2.7. Active Directory Authentication (Non-Kerberos)

See Example 2.2, “Example of JBoss EAP LDAP login module configuration” for a non-Kerberos Active Directory Authentication configuration example.

2.8. Active Directory Authentication Using Kerberos (GSSAPI)

When using Red Hat JBoss Data Grid with Microsoft Active Directory, data security can be enabled via Kerberos authentication. To configure Kerberos authentication for Microsoft Active Directory, use the following procedure.

Procedure 2.6. Configure Kerberos Authentication for Active Directory (Library Mode)

  1. Configure JBoss EAP server to authenticate itself to Kerberos. This can be done by configuring a dedicated security domain, for example:
    <security-domain name="ldap-service" cache-type="default">
            <login-module code="Kerberos" flag="required">
                <module-option name="storeKey" value="true"/>
                <module-option name="useKeyTab" value="true"/>
                <module-option name="refreshKrb5Config" value="true"/>
                <module-option name="principal" value="ldap/localhost@INFINISPAN.ORG"/>
                <module-option name="keyTab" value="${basedir}/keytab/ldap.keytab"/>
                <module-option name="doNotPrompt" value="true"/>
  2. The security domain for authentication must be configured correctly for JBoss EAP, an application must have a valid Kerberos ticket. To initiate the Kerberos ticket, you must reference another security domain using
    <module-option name="usernamePasswordDomain" value="krb-admin"/>
    . This points to the standard Kerberos login module described in Step 3.
    <security-domain name="ispn-admin" cache-type="default">
            <login-module code="SPNEGO" flag="requisite">
                <module-option name="password-stacking" value="useFirstPass"/>
                <module-option name="serverSecurityDomain" value="ldap-service"/>
                <module-option name="usernamePasswordDomain" value="krb-admin"/>
            <login-module code="AdvancedAdLdap" flag="required">
                <module-option name="password-stacking" value="useFirstPass"/>
                <module-option name="bindAuthentication" value="GSSAPI"/>
                <module-option name="jaasSecurityDomain" value="ldap-service"/>
                <module-option name="java.naming.provider.url" value="ldap://localhost:389"/>
                <module-option name="baseCtxDN" value="ou=People,dc=infinispan,dc=org"/>
                <module-option name="baseFilter" value="(krb5PrincipalName={0})"/>
                <module-option name="rolesCtxDN" value="ou=Roles,dc=infinispan,dc=org"/>
                <module-option name="roleFilter" value="(member={1})"/>
                <module-option name="roleAttributeID" value="cn"/>
  3. The security domain authentication configuration described in the previous step points to the following standard Kerberos login module:
    <security-domain name="krb-admin" cache-type="default">
            <login-module code="Kerberos" flag="required">
                <module-option name="useKeyTab" value="true"/>
                <module-option name="principal" value="admin@INFINISPAN.ORG"/>
                <module-option name="keyTab" value="${basedir}/keytab/admin.keytab"/>

Chapter 3. The Security Audit Logger

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid includes a logger to audit security logs for the cache, specifically whether a cache or a cache manager operation was allowed or denied for various operations.
The default audit logger is This logger outputs audit logs using the available logging framework (for example, JBoss Logging) and provides results at the TRACE level and the AUDIT category.
To send the AUDIT category to either a log file, a JMS queue, or a database, use the appropriate log appender.

3.1. Configure the Security Audit Logger (Library Mode)

Use the following to declaratively configure the audit logger in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid:
		<authorization audit-logger = "">
Use the following to programatically configure the audit logger in JBoss Data Grid:
GlobalConfigurationBuilder global = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder();
         .auditLogger(new DefaultAuditLogger());

3.2. Configure the Security Audit Logger (Remote Client-Server Mode)

Use the following code to configure the audit logger in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Remote Client-Server Mode.
To use a different audit logger, specify it in the <authorization> element. The <authorization> element must be within the <cache-container> element in the Infinispan subsystem (in the standalone.xml configuration file).
<cache-container name="local" default-cache="default">
	<authorization audit-logger="">
	<role name="admin" permissions="ALL"/>
	<role name="reader" permissions="READ"/>
	<role name="writer" permissions="WRITE"/>
	<role name="supervisor" permissions="ALL_READ ALL_WRITE"/>
	<local-cache name="default" start="EAGER">
	<locking isolation="NONE" acquire-timeout="30000" concurrency-level="1000" striping="false"/>
	<transaction mode="NONE"/>
	<authorization roles="admin reader writer supervisor"/>


The default audit logger for server mode is which sends the log messages to the server audit log. See the Management Interface Audit Logging chapter in the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform Administration and Configuration Guide for more information.

3.3. Custom Audit Loggers

Users can implement custom audit loggers in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Library and Remote Client-Server Mode. The custom logger must implement the interface. If no custom logger is provided, the default logger (DefaultAuditLogger) is used.

Chapter 4. Security for Cluster Traffic

4.1. Node Authentication and Authorization (Remote Client-Server Mode)

Security can be enabled at node level via SASL protocol, which enables node authentication against a security realm. This requires nodes to authenticate each other when joining or merging with a cluster. For detailed information about security realms, see Section 2.6.1, “About Security Realms”.
The following example depicts the <sasl /> element, which leverages the SASL protocol. Both DIGEST-MD5 or GSSAPI mechanisms are currently supported.

Example 4.1. Configure SASL Authentication

        <!-- Additional configuration information here -->
        <security-realm name="ClusterRealm">
                <properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
                    <properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
        <!-- Additional configuration information here -->

<stack name="udp">
    <!-- Additional configuration information here -->
    <sasl mech="DIGEST-MD5" security-realm="ClusterRealm" cluster-role="cluster">
        <property name="client_name">node1</property>
        <property name="client_password">password</property>
    <!-- Additional configuration information here -->
In the provided example, the nodes use the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism to authenticate against the ClusterRealm. In order to join, nodes must have the cluster role.
The cluster-role attribute determines the role all nodes must belong to in the security realm in order to JOIN or MERGE with the cluster. Unless it has been specified, the cluster-role attribute is the name of the clustered <cache-container> by default. Each node identifies itself using the client-name property. If none is specified, the hostname on which the server is running will be used.
This name can also be overridden by specifying the system property that can be overridden on the command line. For example:


JGroups AUTH protocol is not integrated with security realms, and its use is not advocated for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid.

4.1.1. Configure Node Authentication for Cluster Security (DIGEST-MD5)

The following example demonstrates how to use DIGEST-MD5 with a properties-based security realm, with a dedicated realm for cluster node.

Example 4.2. Using the DIGEST-MD5 Mechanism

             <security-realm name="ClusterRealm">
                     <properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
                     <properties path="" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir"/>
<subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispa:server:jgroups:6.1" default-stack="${jboss.default.jgroups.stack:udp}">
     <stack name="udp">
         <transport type="UDP" socket-binding="jgroups-udp"/>
         <protocol type="PING"/>
         <protocol type="MERGE2"/>
         <protocol type="FD_SOCK" socket-binding="jgroups-udp-fd"/>
         <protocol type="FD_ALL"/>
         <protocol type="pbcast.NAKACK"/>
         <protocol type="UNICAST2"/>
         <protocol type="pbcast.STABLE"/>
         <protocol type="pbcast.GMS"/>
         <protocol type="UFC"/>
         <protocol type="MFC"/>
         <protocol type="FRAG2"/>
         <protocol type="RSVP"/>
         <sasl security-realm="ClusterRealm" mech="DIGEST-MD5">
             <property name="client_password>...</property>
<subsystem xmlns="urn:infinispan:server:core:6.1" default-cache-container="clustered">
     <cache-container name="clustered" default-cache="default">
         <transport executor="infinispan-transport" lock-timeout="60000" stack="udp"/>
         <!-- various clustered cache definitions here -->
In the provided example, supposing the hostnames of the various nodes are node001, node002, node003, the will contain:
  • node001=/<node001passwordhash>/
  • node002=/<node002passwordhash>/
  • node003=/<node003passwordhash>/
The will contain:
  • node001=clustered
  • node002=clustered
  • node003=clustered
To generate these values, the following script can be used:
$ -up -gp -r ClusterRealm -u node001 -g clustered -p <password>
The MD5 password hash of the node must also be placed in the "client_password" property of the <sasl/> element.
<property name="client_password>...</property>


To increase security, it is recommended that this password be stored using a Vault. For more information about vault expressions, see the Red Hat Enterprise Application Platform Security Guide
Once node security has been set up as discussed here, the cluster coordinator will validate each JOINing and MERGEing node's credentials against the realm before letting the node become part of the cluster view.

4.1.2. Configure Node Authentication for Cluster Security (GSSAPI/Kerberos)

When using the GSSAPI mechanism, the client_name is used as the name of a Kerberos-enabled login module defined within the security domain subsystem. For a full procedure on how to do this, see Section, “Configure Hot Rod Authentication (GSSAPI/Kerberos)”.

Example 4.3. Using the Kerberos Login Module

<security-domain name="krb-node0" cache-type="default">
        <login-module code="Kerberos" flag="required">
            <module-option name="storeKey" value="true"/>
            <module-option name="useKeyTab" value="true"/>
            <module-option name="refreshKrb5Config" value="true"/>
            <module-option name="principal" value="jgroups/node0/clustered@INFINISPAN.ORG"/>
            <module-option name="keyTab" value="${jboss.server.config.dir}/keytabs/jgroups_node0_clustered.keytab"/>
            <module-option name="doNotPrompt" value="true"/>
The following property must be set in the <sasl/> element to reference it:
<sasl <!-- Additional configuration information here --> >
     <property name="login_module_name">
     		<!-- Additional configuration information here -->
As a result, the authentication section of the security realm is ignored, as the nodes will be validated against the Kerberos Domain Controller. The authorization configuration is still required, as the node principal must belong to the required cluster-role.
In all cases, it is recommended that a shared authorization database, such as LDAP, be used to validate node membership in order to simplify administration.
By default, the principal of the joining node must be in the following format:

4.2. Configure Node Security in Library Mode

In Library mode, node authentication is configured directly in the JGroups configuration. JGroups can be configured so that nodes must authenticate each other when joining or merging with a cluster. The authentication uses SASL and is enabled by adding the SASL protocol to your JGroups XML configuration.
SASL relies on JAAS notions, such as CallbackHandlers, to obtain certain information necessary for the authentication handshake. Users must supply their own CallbackHandlers on both client and server sides.


The JAAS API is only available when configuring user authentication and authorization, and is not available for node security.


In the provided example, CallbackHandler classes are examples only, and not contained in the Red Hat JBoss Data Grid release. Users must provide the appropriate CallbackHandler classes for their specific LDAP implementation.

Example 4.4. Setting Up SASL Authentication in JGroups

    sasl_props="" />
The above example uses the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism. Each node must declare the user and password it will use when joining the cluster.


The SASL protocol must be placed before the GMS protocol in order for authentication to take effect.
The following example demonstrates how to implement a CallbackHandler class. In this example, login and password are checked against values provided via Java properties when JBoss Data Grid is started, and authorization is checked against role which is defined in the class ("test_user").

Example 4.5. Callback Handler Class

public class SaslPropAuthUserCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler {

   private static final String APPROVED_USER = "test_user";

   private final String name;
   private final char[] password;
   private final String realm;

   public SaslPropAuthUserCallbackHandler() { = System.getProperty("sasl.username");
      this.password = System.getProperty("sasl.password").toCharArray();
      this.realm = System.getProperty("sasl.realm");

   public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException {
      for (Callback callback : callbacks) {
         if (callback instanceof PasswordCallback) {
            ((PasswordCallback) callback).setPassword(password);
         } else if (callback instanceof NameCallback) {
            ((NameCallback) callback).setName(name);
         } else if (callback instanceof AuthorizeCallback) {
            AuthorizeCallback authorizeCallback = (AuthorizeCallback) callback;
            if (APPROVED_USER.equals(authorizeCallback.getAuthorizationID())) {
            } else {
         } else if (callback instanceof RealmCallback) {
            RealmCallback realmCallback = (RealmCallback) callback;
         } else {
            throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(callback);

For authentication, specify the and callbacks
For authorization, specify the callbacks required for authentication, as well as specifying the callback.

4.2.1. Configure Node Authentication for Library Mode (DIGEST-MD5)

The behavior of a node differs depending on whether it is the coordinator node or any other node. The coordinator acts as the SASL server, with the joining or merging nodes behaving as SASL clients. When using the DIGEST-MD5 mechanism in Library mode, the server and client callback must be specified so that the server and client are aware of how to obtain the credentials. Therefore, two CallbackHandlers are required:
  • The server_callback_handler_class is used by the coordinator.
  • The client_callback_handler_class is used by other nodes.
The following example demonstrates these CallbackHandlers.

Example 4.6. Callback Handlers

JGroups is designed so that all nodes are able to act as coordinator or client depending on cluster behavior, so if the current coordinator node goes down, the next node in the succession chain will become the coordinator. Given this behavior, both server and client callback handlers must be identified within SASL for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid implementations.

4.2.2. Configure Node Authentication for Library Mode (GSSAPI)

When performing node authentication in Library mode using the GSSAPI mechanism, the login_module_name parameter must be specified instead of callback.
This login module is used to obtain a valid Kerberos ticket, which is used to authenticate a client to the server. The server_name must also be specified, as the client principal is constructed as jgroups/$server_name@REALM.

Example 4.7. Specifying the login module and server on the coordinator node

         server_callback_handler_class="" />
On the coordinator node, the server_callback_handler_class must be specified for node authorization. This will determine if the authenticated joining node has permission to join the cluster.


The server principal is always constructed as jgroups/server_name, therefore the server principal in Kerberos must also be jgroups/server_name. For example, if the server name in Kerberos is jgroups/node1/mycache, then the server name must be node1/mycache.

4.2.3. Node Authorization in Library Mode

The SASL protocol in JGroups is concerned only with the authentication process. To implement node authorization, you can do so within the server callback handler by throwing an Exception.
The following example demonstrates this.

Example 4.8. Implementing Node Authorization

public class AuthorizingServerCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler {

public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException,
UnsupportedCallbackException {
        for (Callback callback : callbacks) {
            <!-- Additional configuration information here -->
            if (callback instanceof AuthorizeCallback) {
                AuthorizeCallback acb = (AuthorizeCallback) callback;
                if (!"myclusterrole".equals(acb.getAuthenticationID()))) {
                    throw new SecurityException("Unauthorized node " +user);
            <!-- Additional configuration information here -->

4.3. JGroups Encryption

JGroups includes the SYM_ENCRYPT and ASYM_ENCRYPT protocols to provide encryption for cluster traffic.


The ENCRYPT protocol has been deprecated and should not be used in production environments. It is recommended to use either SYM_ENCRYPT or ASYM_ENCRYPT
By default, both of these protocols only encrypt the message body; they do not encrypt message headers. To encrypt the entire message, including all headers, as well as destination and source addresses, the property encrypt_entire_message must be true. When defining these protocols they should be placed directly under NAKACK2.
Both protocols may be used to encrypt and decrypt communication in JGroups, and are used in the following ways:
  • SYM_ENCRYPT: Configured with a secret key in a keystore using the JCEKS store type.
  • ASYM_ENCRYPT: Configured with algorithms and key sizes. In this scenario the secret key is not retrieved from the keystore, but instead generated by the coordinator and distributed to new members. Once a member joins the cluster they send a request for the secret key to the coordinator; the coordinator responds with the secret key back to the new member encrypted with the member's public key.
Each message is identified as encrypted with a specific encryption header identifying the encrypt header and an MD5 digest identifying the version of the key being used to encrypt and decrypt messages.

4.3.1. Configuring JGroups Encryption Protocols

JGroups encryption protocols are placed in the JGroups configuration file, and there are three methods of including this file depending on how JBoss Data Grid is in use:
  • Standard Java properties can also be used in the configuration, and it is possible to pass the path to JGroups configuration via the -D option during start up.
  • The default, pre-configured JGroups files are packaged in infinispan-embedded.jar, alternatively, you can create your own configuration file.
  • In Remote Client-Server mode, the JGroups configuration is part of the main server configuration file.
Refer to the Administration and Configuration Guide for details on defining the JGroups configuration.
When defining both the SYM_ENCRYPT and ASYM_ENCRYPT protocols, place them directly under NAKACK2 in the configuration file.

4.3.2. SYM_ENCRYPT: Using a Key Store

SYM_ENCRYPT uses store type JCEKS. To generate a keystore compatible with JCEKS, use the following command line options to keytool:
$ keytool -genseckey -alias myKey -keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keyalg Blowfish -keysize 56 -keystore defaultStore.keystore -storetype JCEKS
SYM_ENCRYPT can then be configured by adding the following information to the JGroups file used by the application.
<SYM_ENCRYPT sym_algorithm="AES"


The defaultStore.keystore must be found in the classpath.

4.3.3. ASYM_ENCRYPT: Configured with Algorithms and Key Sizes

In this encryption mode, the coordinator selects the secretKey and distributes it to all peers. There is no keystore, and keys are distributed using a public/private key exchange. Instead, encryption occurs as follows:
  1. The secret key is generated and distributed by the coordinator.
  2. When a view change occurs, a peer requests the secret key by sending a key request with its own public key.
  3. The coordinator encrypts the secret key with the public key, and sends it back to the peer.
  4. The peer then decrypts and installs the key as its own secret key.
  5. Any further communications are encrypted and decrypted using the secret key.

Example 4.9. ASYM_ENCRYPT Example

    <ASYM_ENCRYPT encrypt_entire_message="true"

    <AUTH auth_class="org.jgroups.auth.MD5Token"
    <pbcast.GMS join_timeout="2000" />
In the provided example, ASYM_ENCRYPT has been placed immediately below NAKACK2, and encrypt_entire_message has been enabled, indicating that the message headers will be encrypted along with the message body. This means that the NAKACK2 and UNICAST3 protocols are also encrypted. In addition, AUTH has been included as part of the configuration, so that only authenticated nodes may request the secret key from the coordinator.
View changes that identify a new controller result in a new secret key being generated and distributed to all peers. This is a substantial overhead in an application with high peer churn. A new secret key may optionally be generated when a cluster member leaves by setting change_key_on_leave to true.
When encrypting an entire message, the message must be marshalled into a byte buffer before being encrypted, resulting in decreased performance.

4.3.4. JGroups Encryption Configuration Parameters

The following table provides configuration parameters for the ENCRYPT JGroups protocol, which both SYM_ENCRYPT and ASYM_ENCRYPT extend:

Table 4.1. ENCRYPT Configuration Parameters

Name Description
asym_algorithm Cipher engine transformation for asymmetric algorithm. Default is RSA.
asym_keylength Initial public/private key length. Default is 512.
asym_provider Cryptographic Service Provider. Default is Bouncy Castle Provider.
encrypt_entire_message By default only the message body is encrypted. Enabling encrypt_entire_message ensures that all headers, destination and source addresses, and the message body is encrypted.
sym_algorithm Cipher engine transformation for symmetric algorithm. Default is AES.
sym_keylength Initial key length for matching symmetric algorithm. Default is 128.
sym_provider Cryptographic Service Provider. Default is Bouncy Castle Provider.
The following table provides a list of the SYM_ENCRYPT protocol parameters

Table 4.2. SYM_ENCRYPT Configuration Parameters

Name Description
alias Alias used for recovering the key. Change the default.
key_password Password for recovering the key. Change the default.
keystore_name File on classpath that contains keystore repository.
store_password Password used to check the integrity/unlock the keystore. Change the default.
The following table provides a list of the ASYM_ENCRYPT protocol parameters

Table 4.3. ASYM_ENCRYPT Configuration Parameters

Name Description
change_key_on_leave When a member leaves the view, change the secret key, preventing old members from eavesdropping.

Appendix A. Revision History

Revision History
Revision 6.6.0-1Wed 7 Sep 2016Christian Huffman
BZ-1350611: Updated JGroups ENCRYPT details.
Revision 6.6.0-0Mon 25 Jan 2016Christian Huffman
Initial draft for 6.6.0.

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