7.6. NotifyingFutures

Methods in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid do not return Java Development Kit (JDK) Futures, but a sub-interface known as a NotifyingFuture. Unlike a JDK Future, a listener can be attached to a NotifyingFuture to notify the user about a completed future.


NotifyingFutures are only available in JBoss Data Grid Library mode.

7.6.1. NotifyingFutures Example

The following is an example depicting how to use NotifyingFutures in Red Hat JBoss Data Grid:

Example 7.6. Configuring NotifyingFutures

FutureListener futureListener = new FutureListener() {

public void futureDone(Future future) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
         // Future did not complete successfully         
cache.putAsync("key", "value").attachListener(futureListener);