6.4. Custom Externalizer ID Values

Advanced externalizers can be assigned custom IDs if desired. Some ID ranges are reserved for other modules or frameworks and must be avoided:

Table 6.1. Reserved Externalizer ID Ranges

ID Range Reserved For
1000-1099 The Infinispan Tree Module
1100-1199 Red Hat JBoss Data Grid Server modules
1200-1299 Hibernate Infinispan Second Level Cache
1300-1399 JBoss Data Grid Lucene Directory
1400-1499 Hibernate OGM
1500-1599 Hibernate Search
1600-1699 Infinispan Query Module
1700-1799 Infinispan Remote Query Module

6.4.1. Customize the Externalizer ID (Declaratively)

Customize the advanced externalizer ID declaratively (via XML) as follows:

Procedure 6.2. Customizing the Externalizer ID (Declaratively)

       <advancedExternalizer id="$ID" externalizerClass="org.infinispan.marshall.AdvancedExternalizerTest$IdViaConfigObj$Externalizer"/>
  1. Add the global element to the infinispan element.
  2. Add the serialization element to the global element.
  3. Add the advancedExternalizer element to add information about the new advanced externalizer.
  4. Define the externalizer ID using the id attribute. Ensure that the selected ID is not from the range of IDs reserved for other modules.
  5. Define the externalizer class using the externalizerClass attribute. Replace the $IdViaAnnotationObj and $AdvancedExternalizer values as required.

6.4.2. Customize the Externalizer ID (Programmatically)

Use the following configuration to programmatically assign a specific ID to the externalizer:

Example 6.5. Assign an ID to the Externalizer

GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
               .addAdvancedExternalizer($ID, new Person.PersonExternalizer())
Replace the $ID with the desired ID.