11.7.15. Hot Rod Operation Values Opcode Request and Response Values

The following is a list of valid opcode values for a request header and their corresponding response header values:

Table 11.33. Opcode Request and Response Header Values

Operation Request Operation Code Response Operation Code
put 0x01 0x02
get 0x03 0x04
putIfAbsent 0x05 0x06
replace 0x07 0x08
replaceIfUnmodified 0x09 0x0A
remove 0x0B 0x0C
removeIfUnmodified 0x0D 0x0E
containsKey 0x0F 0x10
getWithVersion 0x11 0x12
clear 0x13 0x14
stats 0x15 0x16
ping 0x17 0x18
bulkGet 0x19 0x1A
Additionally, if the response header opcode value is 0x50, it indicates an error response.