11.7.7. Hot Rod Remove Operation

A Hot Rod Remove operation uses the following request format:

Table 11.19. Remove Operation Request Format

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Key Length vInt Contains the length of the key. The vInt data type is used because of its size (up to 6 bytes), which is larger than the size of Integer.MAX_VALUE. However, Java disallows single array sizes to exceed the size of Integer.MAX_VALUE. As a result, this vInt is also limited to the maximum size of Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Key Byte array Contains a key, the corresponding value of which is requested.
The response header for this operation contains one of the following response statuses:

Table 11.20. Remove Operation Response Format

Response Status Details
0x00 Successful operation.
0x02 The key does not exist.
Normally, the response header for this operation is empty. However, if ForceReturnPreviousValue is passed, the response header contains either:
  • The value and length of the previous key.
  • The value length 0 and the response status 0x02 to indicate that the key does not exist.
The remove operation's response header contains the previous value and the length of the previous value for the provided key if ForceReturnPreviousValue is passed. If the key does not exist or the previous value was null, the value length is 0.