22.7. JBoss Operations Network Remote-Client Server Plugin

22.7.1. JBoss Operations Network Plugin Metrics

Table 22.1. JBoss ON Metrics for the Cache Container (Cache Manager)

Metric Name Display Name Description
cache-manager-status Cache Container Status The current runtime status of a cache container.
cluster-name Cluster Name The name of the cluster.
coordinator-address Coordinator Address The coordinator node's address.
local-address Local Address The local node's address.

Table 22.2. JBoss ON Metrics for the Cache

Metric Name Display Name Description
cache-status Cache Status The current runtime status of a cache.
number-of-locks-available [LockManager] Number of locks available The number of exclusive locks that are currently available.
concurrency-level [LockManager] Concurrency level The LockManager's configured concurrency level.
average-read-time [Statistics] Average read time Average number of milliseconds required for a read operation on the cache to complete.
hit-ratio [Statistics] Hit ratio The result (in percentage) when the number of hits (successful attempts) is divided by the total number of attempts.
elapsed-time [Statistics] Seconds since cache started The number of seconds since the cache started.
read-write-ratio [Statistics] Read/write ratio The read/write ratio (in percentage) for the cache.
average-write-time [Statistics] Average write time Average number of milliseconds a write operation on a cache requires to complete.
hits [Statistics] Number of cache hits Number of cache hits.
evictions [Statistics] Number of cache evictions Number of cache eviction operations.
remove-misses [Statistics] Number of cache removal misses Number of cache removals where the key was not found.
time-since-reset [Statistics] Seconds since cache statistics were reset Number of seconds since the last cache statistics reset.
number-of-entries [Statistics] Number of current cache entries Number of entries currently in the cache.
stores [Statistics] Number of cache puts Number of cache put operations
remove-hits [Statistics] Number of cache removal hits Number of cache removal operation hits.
misses [Statistics] Number of cache misses Number of cache misses.
success-ratio [RpcManager] Successful replication ratio Successful replications as a ratio of total replications in numeric double format.
replication-count [RpcManager] Number of successful replications Number of successful replications
replication-failures [RpcManager] Number of failed replications Number of failed replications
average-replication-time [RpcManager] Average time spent in the transport layer The average time (in milliseconds) spent in the transport layer.
commits [Transactions] Commits Number of transaction commits performed since the last reset.
prepares [Transactions] Prepares Number of transaction prepares performed since the last reset.
rollbacks [Transactions] Rollbacks Number of transaction rollbacks performed since the last reset.
invalidations [Invalidation] Number of invalidations Number of invalidations.
passivations [Passivation] Number of cache passivations Number of passivation events.
activations [Activations] Number of cache entries activated Number of activation events.
cache-loader-loads [Activation] Number of cache store loads Number of entries loaded from the cache store.
cache-loader-misses [Activation] Number of cache store misses Number of entries that did not exist in the cache store.
cache-loader-stores [CacheStore] Number of cache store stores Number of entries stored in the cache stores.
JBoss ON Metrics for Connectors

The metrics provided by the JBoss Operations Network (JON) plugin for JBoss Data Grid are for REST and Hot Rod endpoints only. For the REST protocol, the data must be taken from the Web subsystem metrics. For details about each of these endpoints, refer to the Getting Started Guide.

Table 22.3. JBoss ON Metrics for the Connectors

Metric Name Display Name Description
bytesRead Bytes Read Number of bytes read.
bytesWritten Bytes Written Number of bytes written.