12.3.2. Remote Cache Store Configuration (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following is a sample remote cache store configuration for JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode.
<remote-store cache="default" 
              hotrod-wrapping="true" >
	<remote-server outbound-socket-binding="remote-store-hotrod-server" />
The parameters of the remote-store element define the following information:
  • The cache parameter defines the name for the remote cache. If left undefined, the default cache is used instead.
  • The socket-timeout parameter sets whether the value defined in SO_TIMEOUT (in milliseconds) applies to remote Hot Rod servers on the specified timeout. A timeout value of 0 indicates an infinite timeout.
  • The tcp-no-delay sets whether TCP_NODELAY applies on socket connections to remote Hot Rod servers.
  • The hotrod-wrapping sets whether a wrapper is required for Hot Rod on the remote store.
The single parameter for the remote-server element is as follows:
  • The outbound-socket-binding parameter sets the outbound socket binding for the remote server.