22.4.3. Installing the JBoss Operations Network Agent

The JBoss Operations Network ships with a bundled JBoss Operations Network Agent.
Use the following procedure to install the JBoss Operations Network Agent using the agent update binary.

Procedure 22.5. Install the JBoss Operations Network Agent

  1. Download the agent .jar

    Download the JBoss Operations Network agent .jar file from http://JONserverAddress:7080/agentupdate/download.
  2. Install the agent

    Unpack and install the agent using the following command:
    java -jar downloaded_agent_jar_file.jar --install
  3. Set server discovery frequency

    Add the following to the agentRoot/conf/agent-configuration.xml file:
    <!-- how often server discovery is run -->
    <entry key="rhq.agent.plugins.server-discovery.period-secs" value="20"/> 
    This step will ensure less time between automatic resource discovery attempts.
  4. Start the agent

    Start the JBoss Operations Network agent by running:
    agentRoot/rhq-agent/bin/rhq-agent.sh  (to start with clean config -> --cleanconfig )
For more detailed information, refer to the JBoss Operations Network Installation Guide.