Developer Guide

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.1

For use with Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.1

Edition 2

Misha Husnain Ali

Red Hat Engineering Content Services

Gemma Sheldon

Red Hat Engineering Content Services


An advanced guide intended for developers using Red Hat JBoss Data Grid 6.1


Chapter 1. JBoss Data Grid

1.1. About JBoss Data Grid

JBoss Data Grid is a distributed in-memory data grid, which provides the following capabilities:
  • Schemaless key-value store – Red Hat JBoss Data Grid is a NoSQL database that provides the flexibility to store different objects without a fixed data model.
  • Grid-based data storage – Red Hat JBoss Data Grid is designed to easily replicate data across multiple nodes.
  • Elastic scaling – Adding and removing nodes is achieved simply and is non-disruptive.
  • Multiple access protocols – It is easy to access the data grid using REST, Memcached, Hot Rod, or simple map-like API.
JBoss Data Grid 6.1 and JBoss Data Grid 6.1 Beta is based on Infinispan version 5.2.

1.2. JBoss Data Grid Supported Configurations

The set of supported features, configurations, and integrations for JBoss Data Grid (6.0 and 6.1) are available at the Supported Configurations page at

1.3. JBoss Data Grid Usage Modes

1.3.1. JBoss Data Grid Usage Modes

JBoss Data Grid offers two usage modes:
  • Remote Client-Server mode
  • Library mode

1.3.2. Remote Client-Server Mode

Remote Client-Server mode provides a managed, distributed and clusterable data grid server. Applications can remotely access the data grid server using Hot Rod, Memcached or REST client APIs.
All JBoss Data Grid operations in Remote Client-Server mode are non-transactional. As a result, a number of features cannot be performed when running JBoss Data Grid in Remote Client-Server mode.
However, there are a number of benefits to running JBoss Data Grid in Remote Client-Server mode if you do not require any features that require Library mode. Remote Client-Server mode is client language agnostic, provided there is a client library for your chosen protocol. As a result, Remote Client-Server mode provides:
  • easier scaling of the data grid.
  • easier upgrades of the data grid without impact on client applications.

1.3.3. Library Mode

Library mode allows the user to build and deploy a custom runtime environment. The Library usage mode hosts a single data grid node in the applications process, with remote access to nodes hosted in other JVMs. Tested containers for JBoss Data Grid 6 Library mode includes Tomcat 7 and JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6. Library mode is supported in JBoss Data Grid 6.0.1.
A number of features in JBoss Data Grid can be used in Library mode, but not Remote Client-Server mode.
Use Library mode if you require:
  • transactions.
  • listeners and notifications.

1.4. JBoss Data Grid Benefits

JBoss Data Grid provides the following benefits:

Benefits of JBoss Data Grid

Accessing objects from local memory is faster than accessing objects from remote data stores (such as a database). JBoss Data Grid provides an efficient way to store in-memory objects coming from a slower data source, resulting in faster performance than a remote data store. JBoss Data Grid also offers optimization for both clustered and non clustered caches to further improve performance.
Storing data in a cache carried the inherent risk: at the time it is accessed, the data may be outdated (stale). To address this risk, JBoss Data Grid uses mechanisms such as cache invalidation and expiration to remove stale data entries from the cache. Additionally, JBoss Data Grid supports JTA, distributed (XA) and two-phase commit transactions along with transaction recovery and a version API to remove or replace data according to saved versions.
Massive Heap and High Availability
In JBoss Data Grid, applications no longer need to delegate the majority of their data lookup processes to a large single server database for performance benefits. JBoss Data Grid employs techniques such as replication and distribution to completely remove the bottleneck that exists in the majority of current enterprise applications.

Example 1.1. Massive Heap and High Availability Example

In a sample grid with 16 blade servers, each node has 2 GB storage space dedicated for a replicated cache. In this case, all the data in the grid is copies of the 2 GB data. In contrast, using a distributed grid (assuming the requirement of one copy per data item, resulting in the capacity of the overall heap being divided by two) the resulting memory backed virtual heap contains 16 GB data. This data can now be effectively accessed from anywhere in the grid. In case of a server failure, the grid promptly creates new copies of the lost data and places them on operational servers in the grid.
A significant benefit of a distributed data grid over a replicated clustered cache is that a data grid is scalable in terms of both capacity and performance. Add a node to JBoss Data Grid to increase throughput and capacity for the entire grid. JBoss Data Grid uses a consistent hashing algorithm that limits the impact of adding or removing a node to a subset of the nodes instead of every node in the grid.
Due to the even distribution of data in JBoss Data Grid, the only upper limit for the size of the grid is the group communication on the network. The network's group communication is minimal and restricted only to the discovery of new nodes. Nodes are permitted by all data access patterns to communicate directly via peer-to-peer connections, facilitating further improved scalability. JBoss Data Grid clusters can be scaled up or down in real time without requiring an infrastructure restart. The result of the real time application of changes in scaling policies results in an exceptionally flexible environment.
Data Distribution
JBoss Data Grid uses consistent hash algorithms to determine the locations for keys in clusters. Benefits associated with consistent hashing include:
  • cost effectiveness.
  • speed.
  • deterministic location of keys with no requirements for further metadata or network traffic.
Data distribution ensures that sufficient copies exist within the cluster to provide durability and fault tolerance, while not an abundance of copies, which would reduce the environment's scalability.
JBoss Data Grid exposes a CacheStore interface and several high-performance implementations, including the JDBC Cache stores and file system based cache stores. Cache stores can be used to populate the cache when it starts and to ensure that the relevant data remains safe from corruption. The cache store also overflows data to the disk when required if a process runs out of memory.
Language bindings
JBoss Data Grid supports both the popular Memcached protocol, with existing clients for a large number of popular programming languages, as well as an optimized JBoss Data Grid specific protocol called Hot Rod. As a result, instead of being restricted to Java, JBoss Data Grid can be used for any major website or application. Additionally, remote caches can be accessed using the HTTP protocol via a RESTful API.
In a grid environment of several hundred or more servers, management is an important feature. JBoss Operations Network, the enterprise network management software, is the best tool to manage multiple JBoss Data Grid instances. JBoss Operations Network's features allow easy and effective monitoring of the Cache Manager and cache instances.
Remote Data Grids
Rather than scale up the entire application server architecture to scale up your data grid, JBoss Data Grid provides a Remote Client-Server mode which allows the data grid infrastructure to be upgraded independently from the application server architecture. Additionally, the data grid server can be assigned different resources than the application server and also allow independent data grid upgrades and application redeployment within the data grid.

1.5. JBoss Data Grid Prerequisites

The only prerequisites to set up JBoss Data Grid is a Java Virtual Machine (compatible with Java 6.0 or better) and that the most recent supported version of the product is installed on your system.

1.6. JBoss Data Grid Version Information

JBoss Data Grid is based on Infinispan, the open source community version of the data grid software. Infinispan uses code, designs and ideas from JBoss Cache, which has been tried, tested and proved in high stress environments. As a result, JBoss Data Grid's first release is version 6.0 as a result of its deployment history.

1.7. JBoss Data Grid Cache Architecture

JBoss Data Grid Cache Architecture

Figure 1.1. JBoss Data Grid Cache Architecture

JBoss Data Grid's cache infrastructure depicts the individual elements and their interaction with each other. For user understanding, the cache architecture diagram is separated into two parts:
  • Elements that a user cannot directly interact with (depicted within a dark box), which includes the Cache, Cache Manager, Level 1 Cache, Persistent Store Interfaces and the Persistent Store.
  • Elements that a user can interact directly with (depicted within a white box), which includes Cache Interfaces and the Application.
Cache Architecture Elements

JBoss Data Grid's cache architecture includes the following elements:

  1. The Persistent Store permanently stores cache instances and entries.
  2. JBoss Data Grid offers two Persistent Store Interfaces to access the persistent store. Persistent store interfaces can be either:
    • A cache loader is a read only interface that provides a connection to a persistent data store. A cache loader can locate and retrieve data from cache instances and from the persistent store.
    • A cache store extends the cache loader functionality to include write capabilities by exposing methods that allow the cache loader to load and store states.
  3. The Level 1 Cache (or L1 Cache) stores remote cache entries after they are initially accessed, preventing unnecessary remote fetch operations for each subsequent use of the same entries.
  4. The Cache Manager is the primary mechanism used to retrieve a Cache instance in JBoss Data Grid, and can be used as a starting point for using the Cache.
  5. The Cache stores cache instances retrieved by a Cache Manager.
  6. Cache Interfaces use protocols such as Memcached and Hot Rod, or REST to interface with the cache. For details about the remote interfaces, refer to the Developer Guide.
    • Memcached is a distributed memory object caching system used to store key-values in-memory. The Memcached caching system defines a text based, client-server caching protocol called the Memcached protocol.
    • Hot Rod is a binary TCP client-server protocol used in JBoss Data Grid. It was created to overcome deficiencies in other client/server protocols, such as Memcached. Hot Rod enables clients to do smart routing of requests in partitioned or distributed JBoss Data Grid server clusters.
    • The REST protocol eliminates the need for tightly coupled client libraries and bindings. The REST API introduces an overhead, and requires a REST client or custom code to understand and create REST calls.
  7. An application allows the user to interact with the cache via a cache interface. Browsers are a common example of such end-user applications.

1.8. JBoss Data Grid APIs

JBoss Data Grid provides the following programmable APIs:
  • Cache
  • Batching
  • Grouping
  • CacheStore and ConfigurationBuilder
  • Externalizable
  • Notification (also known as the Listener API because it deals with Notifications and Listeners)
JBoss Data Grid offers the following APIs to interact with the data grid in Remote-Client Server mode:
  • The Asynchronous API (can only be used in conjunction with the Hot Rod Client in Remote Client-Server Mode)
  • The REST Interface
  • The Memcached Interface
  • The Hot Rod Interface
    • The RemoteCache API

Part I. Programmable APIs

Chapter 2. The Cache API

2.1. About the Cache API

The Cache interface provides simple methods for the addition, retrieval and removal of entries, which includes atomic mechanisms exposed by the JDK's ConcurrentMap interface. How entries are stored depends on the cache mode in use. For example, an entry may be replicated to a remote node or an entry may be looked up in a cache store.
The Cache API is used in the same manner as the JDK Map API for basic tasks. This simplifies the process of migrating from Map-based, simple in-memory caches to JBoss Data Grid's cache.


This API is not available in JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server Mode

2.2. Using the ConfigurationBuilder API to Configure the Cache API

JBoss Data Grid uses a ConfigurationBuilder API to configure caches.
Caches are configured programmatically using the ConfigurationBuilder helper object.
The following is an example of a synchronously replicated cache configured programmatically using the ConfigurationBuilder API:
Configuration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().clustering().cacheMode(CacheMode.REPL_SYNC).build();
String newCacheName = "repl";
manager.defineConfiguration(newCacheName, c);
Cache<String, String> cache = manager.getCache(newCacheName);

Configuration Explanation:

An explanation of each line of the provided configuration is as follows:

  1. Configuration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().clustering().cacheMode(CacheMode.REPL_SYNC).build();
    In the first line of the configuration, a new cache configuration object (named c) is created using the ConfigurationBuilder. Configuration c is assigned the default values for all cache configuration options except the cache mode, which is overridden and set to synchronous replication (REPL_SYNC).
  2. String newCacheName = "repl";
    In the second line of the configuration, a new variable (of type String) is created and assigned the value repl.
  3. manager.defineConfiguration(newCacheName, c);
    In the third line of the configuration, the cache manager is used to define a named cache configuration for itself. This named cache configuration is called repl and its configuration is based on the configuration provided for cache configuration c in the first line.
  4. Cache<String, String> cache = manager.getCache(newCacheName);
    In the fourth line of the configuration, the cache manager is used to obtain a reference to the unique instance of the repl that is held by the cache manager. This cache instance is now ready to be used to perform operations to store and retrieve data.

2.3. Per-Invocation Flags

2.3.1. About Per-Invocation Flags

Per-invocation flags can be used with data grids in JBoss Data Grid 6 to specify behavior for each cache call. Per-invocation flags facilitate the implementation of potentially time saving optimizations.

2.3.2. Per-Invocation Flag Functions

The putForExternalRead() method in JBoss Data Grid's Cache API uses flags internally. This method can load a JBoss Data Grid cache with data loaded from an external resource. To improve the efficiency of this call, JBoss Data Grid calls a normal put operation passing the following flags:
  • The ZERO_LOCK_ACQUISITION_TIMEOUT flag: JBoss Data Grid uses an almost zero lock acquisition time when loading data from an external source into a cache.
  • The FAIL_SILENTLY flag: If the locks cannot be acquired, JBoss Data Grid fails silently without throwing any lock acquisition exceptions.
  • The FORCE_ASYNCHRONOUS flag: If clustered, the cache replicates asynchronously, irrespective of the cache mode set. As a result, a response from other nodes is not required.
Combining the flags above significantly increases the efficiency of the operation. The basis for this efficiency is that putForExternalRead calls of this type are used because the client can retrieve the required data from a persistent store if the data cannot be found in memory. If the client encounters a cache miss, it should retry the operation.

2.3.3. Configure Per-Invocation Flags

To use per-invocation flags in JBoss Data Grid, add the required flags to the advanced cache via the withFlags() method call. For example:
Cache cache = ...
	   .put("local", "only");


The called flags only remain active for the duration of the cache operation. To use the same flags in multiple invocations within the same transaction, use the withFlags() method for each invocation. If the cache operation must be replicated onto another node, the flags are also carried over to the remote nodes.

2.3.4. Per-Invocation Flags Example

In a use case for JBoss Data Grid, where a write operation, such as put(), should not return the previous value, two flags are used. The two flags prevent a remote lookup (to get the previous value) in a distributed environment, which in turn prevents the retrieval of the undesired, potential, previous value. Additionally, if the cache is configured with a cache loader, the two flags prevent the previous value from being loaded from its cache store.
An example of using the two flags is:
	Cache cache = ...
	   .put("local", "only")

2.4. The AdvancedCache Interface

2.4.1. About the AdvancedCache Interface

JBoss Data Grid offers an AdvancedCache interface, geared towards extending JBoss Data Grid, in addition to its simple Cache Interface. The AdvancedCache Interface can:
  • Inject custom interceptors.
  • Access certain internal components.
  • Apply flags to alter the behavior of certain cache methods.
The following code snippet presents an example of how to obtain an AdvancedCache:
AdvancedCache advancedCache = cache.getAdvancedCache();

2.4.2. Flag Usage with the AdvancedCache Interface

Flags, when applied to certain cache methods in JBoss Data Grid, alter the behavior of the target method. Use AdvancedCache.withFlags() to apply any number of flags to a cache invocation, for example:
advancedCache.withFlags(Flag.CACHE_MODE_LOCAL, Flag.SKIP_LOCKING)
   .put("hello", "world");

2.4.3. Custom Interceptors and the AdvancedCache Interface

The AdvancedCache Interface provides a mechanism that allows advanced developers to attach custom interceptors. Custom interceptors can alter the behavior of the Cache API methods and the AdvacedCache Interface can be used to attach such interceptors programmatically at run time.

2.4.4. Custom Interceptors About Custom Interceptors

Custom interceptors can be added to JBoss Data Grid declaratively or programmatically. Custom interceptors extend JBoss Data Grid by allowing it to influence or respond to cache modifications. Examples of such cache modifications are the addition, removal or updating of elements or transactions. Custom Interceptor Design

To design a custom interceptor in JBoss Data Grid, adhere to the following guidelines:
  • A custom interceptor must extend the CommandInterceptor.
  • A custom interceptor must declare a public, empty constructor to allow for instantiation.
  • A custom interceptor must have JavaBean style setters defined for any property that is defined through the property element. Add Custom Interceptors Adding Custom Interceptors Declaratively
Each named cache in JBoss Data Grid has it's own interceptor stack. As a result, custom interceptors can be added on a per named cache basis.
A custom interceptor can be added using XML. For example:
<namedCache name="cacheWithCustomInterceptors">
   Define custom interceptors.  All custom interceptors need to extend org.jboss.cache.interceptors.base.CommandInterceptor
      <interceptor position="FIRST" class="com.mycompany.CustomInterceptor1">
            <property name="attributeOne" value="value1" />
            <property name="attributeTwo" value="value2" />
      <interceptor position="LAST" class="com.mycompany.CustomInterceptor2"/>
      <interceptor index="3" class="com.mycompany.CustomInterceptor1"/>
      <interceptor before="org.infinispanpan.interceptors.CallInterceptor" class="com.mycompany.CustomInterceptor2"/>
      <interceptor after="org.infinispanpan.interceptors.CallInterceptor" class="com.mycompany.CustomInterceptor1"/>


This configuration is only valid for JBoss Data Grid's Library Mode. Adding Custom Interceptors Programmatically
To add a custom interceptor programmatically in JBoss Data Grid, first obtain a reference to the AdvancedCache.
For example:
CacheManager cm = getCacheManager();
Cache aCache = cm.getCache("aName");
AdvancedCache advCache = aCache.getAdvancedCache();

Then use an addInterceptor() method to add the interceptor.
For example:
advCache.addInterceptor(new MyInterceptor(), 0);

Chapter 3. The Batching API

3.1. About the Batching API

The Batching API is used when the JBoss Data Grid cluster is the sole participant in a transaction. However, Java Transaction API (JTA) transactions (which use the Transaction Manager) should be used when multiple systems are participants in the transaction.


The Batching API cannot be used in JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode.

3.2. About Java Transaction API Transactions

JBoss Data Grid supports configuring, use of and participation in JTA compliant transactions. However, disabling transaction support is the equivalent of using the automatic commit feature in JDBC calls, where modifications are potentially replicated after every change, if replication is enabled.
JBoss Data Grid does the following for each cache operation:
  1. First, it retrieves the transactions currently associated with the thread.
  2. If not already done, it registers XAResource with the transaction manager to receive notifications when a transaction is committed or rolled back.


With JBoss Data Grid 6.0.x, it is recommended to disable transactions in Remote Client-Server Mode. However, if an error displays warning of an ExceptionTimeout where JBoss Data Grid is Unable to acquire lock after {time} on key {key} for requester {thread}, enable transactions. This occurs because non-transactional caches acquire locks on each node they write on. Using transactions prevents deadlocks because caches acquire locks on a single node. This problem is resolved in JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

3.3. Batching and the Java Transaction API (JTA)

In JBoss Data Grid, the batching functionality initiates a JTA transaction in the back end, causing all invocations within the scope to be associated with it. For this purpose, the batching functionality uses a simple Transaction Manager implementation at the back end. As a result, the following behavior is observed:
  1. Locks acquired during an invocation are retained until the transaction commits or rolls back.
  2. All changes are replicated in a batch on all nodes in the cluster as part of the transaction commit process. Ensuring that multiple changes occur within the single transaction, the replication traffic remains lower and improves performance.
  3. When using synchronous replication or invalidation, a replication or invalidation failure causes the transaction to roll back.
  4. If a CacheLoader that is compatible with a JTA resource, for example a JTADataSource, is used for a transaction, the JTA resource can also participate in the transaction.
  5. All configurations related to a transaction apply for batching as well.
An example of a transaction related configuration that can be applied for batching is as follows:
<transaction syncRollbackPhase="false" 
	     eagerLockSingleNode="true" />
The configuration attributes can be used for both transactions and batching, using different values.


Batching functionality and JTA transactions are supported in Library mode only.

3.4. Using the Batching API

3.4.1. Enable the Batching API

JBoss Data Grid's Batching API uses the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform syntax to enable invocation batching in your cache configuration. An example of this is as follows:
<distributed-cache name="default" batching="true">

In JBoss Data Grid, invocation batching is disabled by default and batching can be used without a defined Transaction Manager.

3.4.2. Configure the Batching API

To use the Batching API, enable invocation batching in the cache configuration.
XML Configuration

To configure the Batching API in the XML file:

<invocationBatching enabled="true" />
Programmatic Configuration

To configure the Batching API programmatically use:

Configuration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().invocationBatching().enable().build();
In JBoss Data Grid, invocation batching is disabled by default and batching can be used without a defined Transaction Manager.

3.4.3. Use the Batching API

After the cache is configured to use batching, call startBatch() and endBatch() on the cache as follows to use batching:
Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache();

Example 3.1. Without Using Batch

cache.put("key", "value");
When the cache.put(key, value); line executes, the values are replaced immediately.

Example 3.2. Using Batch

cache.put("k1", "value");
cache.put("k2", "value");
cache.put("k3", "value");
cache.put("k1", "value");
cache.put("k2", "value");
cache.put("k3", "value");
When the line cache.endBatch(true); executes, all modifications made since the batch started are replicated.
When the line cache.endBatch(false); executes, changes made in the batch are discarded.

3.4.4. Batching API Usage Example

A simple use case that illustrates the Batching API usage is one that involves transferring money between two bank accounts.

Example 3.3. Batching API Usage Example

JBoss Data Grid is used for a transaction that involves transferring money from one bank account to another. If both the source and destination bank accounts are located within JBoss Data Grid, a Batching API is used for this transaction. However, if one account is located within JBoss Data Grid and the other in a database, distributed transactions are required for the transaction.

Chapter 4. The Grouping API

4.1. About the Grouping API

When using the Grouping API, JBoss Data Grid creates and uses the hash of the group instead of the hash of the key to determine which node will house the entry.
With the Grouping API, it is still important that each node can still use an algorithm to determine the owner of each key. For this purpose, the group cannot be manually specified and must be either intrinsic to the entry (generated by the key class) or extrinsic to the entry (generated by an external function).

4.2. Grouping API Operations

JBoss Data Grid normally uses the hash of a specific key to determine a destination node to store an entry. When using the Grouping API, JBoss Data Grid uses a hash of the group instead of the hash of the key to determine the destination node. However, the hash of the key is still used when actually storing the entry on a node.
It is important that each node is able to use an algorithm to determine the owner of each key, rather than pass metadata about the location of entries between nodes. As a result of this requirement, the group cannot be specified manually and must be either:
  • Intrinsic to the entry, which means it was generated by the key class.
  • Extrinsic to the entry, which means it was generated by an external function.

4.3. Grouping API Configuration

In order to use the Grouping API in JBoss Data Grid, first enable groups.
Programmatic configuration

To configure JBoss Data Grid using the programmatic API, call the following:

Configuration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().clustering().hash().groups().enabled().build();
XML configuration

To configure JBoss Data Grid using XML, use the following:

     <groups enabled="true" />
If the class definition of the key is alterable, and the group's determination is not an orthogonal concern to the key class, use an intrinsic group. Use the @Group annotation within the method to specify the intrinsic group. For example:
class User {
   String office;
   int hashCode() {
      // Defines the hash for the key, normally used to determine location
   // Override the location by specifying a group, all keys in the same
   // group end up with the same owner
   String getOffice() {
      return office;


The group must be a String.
Without key class control, or in a case where the determination of the group is an orthogonal concern to the key class, use an extrinsic group. Specify an extrinsic group by implementing the Grouper interface. The computeGroup method within the Grouper interface returns the group.
Grouper operates as an interceptor and passes previously computed values to the computeGroup() method. If defined, @Group determines which group is passed to the first Grouper, providing improved group control when using intrinsic groups.
To use a grouper to determine a key's group, its keyType must be assignable from the target key.
The following is an example of a Grouper:
public class KXGrouper implements Grouper<String> {
   // A pattern that can extract from a "kX" (e.g. k1, k2) style key
   // The pattern requires a String key, of length 2, where the first character is
   // "k" and the second character is a digit. We take that digit, and perform
   // modular arithmetic on it to assign it to group "1" or group "2".
   private static Pattern kPattern = Pattern.compile("(^k)(<a>\\d</a>)$");
    public String computeGroup(String key, String group) {
        Matcher matcher = kPattern.matcher(key);
        if (matcher.matches()) {
            String g = Integer.parseInt( % 2 + "";
            return g;
        } else
            return null;
    public Class<String> getKeyType() {
        return String.class;
In this example, a simple grouper uses the key class to extract the group from a key using a pattern. Information specified on the key class is ignored. Each grouper must be registered to be used.
Programmatic configuration

When configuring JBoss Data Grid programmatically:

Configuration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().clustering().hash().groups().addGrouper(new KXGrouper()).build();
XML Configuration

Or when configuring JBoss Data Grid using XML:

     <groups enabled="true">
        <grouper class="com.acme.KXGrouper" />

Chapter 5. The CacheStore and ConfigurationBuilder APIs

5.1. About the CacheStore API

An implementation of the CacheStore interface defines the cache's read-through and write-through behavior. A cache store method is called to perform operations in the secondary storage such as the addition or removal of entries.

5.2. The ConfigurationBuilder API

5.2.1. About the ConfigurationBuilder API

The ConfigurationBuilder API is a programmatic configuration API in JBoss Data Grid.
The ConfigurationBuilder API is designed to assist with:
  • Chain coding of configuration options in order to make the coding process more efficient
  • Improve the readability of the configuration
In JBoss Data Grid, the ConfigurationBuilder API is also used to enable CacheLoaders and configure both global and cache level operations.

5.2.2. Using the ConfigurationBuilder API Programmatically Create a CacheManager and Replicated Cache

Programmatic configuration in JBoss Data Grid almost exclusively involves the ConfigurationBuilder API and the CacheManager.

Procedure 5.1. Steps for Programmatic Configuration in JBoss Data Grid

  1. Create a CacheManager as a starting point in an XML file. If required, this CacheManager can be programmed in runtime to the specification that meets the requirements of the use case. The following is an example of how to create a CacheManager:
    EmbeddedCacheManager manager = new DefaultCacheManager("my-config-file.xml");
    Cache defaultCache = manager.getCache();
  2. Create a new synchronously replicated cache programmatically.
    1. Create a new configuration object instance using the ConfigurationBuilder helper object:
      Configuration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().clustering().cacheMode(CacheMode.REPL_SYNC)
      In the first line of the configuration, a new cache configuration object (named c) is created using the ConfigurationBuilder. Configuration c is assigned the default values for all cache configuration options except the cache mode, which is overridden and set to synchronous replication (REPL_SYNC).
    2. Set the cache mode to synchronous replication:
      String newCacheName = "repl";
      In the second line of the configuration, a new variable (of type String) is created and assigned the value repl.
    3. Define or register the configuration with a manager:
      manager.defineConfiguration(newCacheName, c);
      In the third line of the configuration, the cache manager is used to define a named cache configuration for itself. This named cache configuration is called repl and its configuration is based on the configuration provided for cache configuration c in the first line.
    4. Cache<String, String> cache = manager.getCache(newCacheName);
      In the fourth line of the configuration, the cache manager is used to obtain a reference to the unique instance of the repl that is held by the cache manager. This cache instance is now ready to be used to perform operations to store and retrieve data. Create a Customized Cache Using the Default Named Cache

The default cache configuration (or any customized configuration) can serve as a starting point to create a new cache.
As an example, if the infinispan-config-file.xml specifies the configuration for a replicated cache as a default and a distributed cache with a customized lifespan value is required. The required distributed cache must retain all aspects of the default cache specified in the infinispan-config-file.xml file except the mentioned aspects.
To customize the default cache to fit the above example requirements, use the following steps:

Procedure 5.2. Customize the Default Cache

  1. Read an instance of a default Configuration object to get the default configuration:
    EmbeddedCacheManager manager = new DefaultCacheManager("infinispan-config-file.xml");
    Configuration dcc = cacheManager.getDefaultCacheConfiguration();
  2. Use the ConfigurationBuilder to construct and modify the cache mode and L1 cache lifespan on a new configuration object:
    Configuration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().read(dcc).clustering()
  3. Register/define your cache configuration with a cache manager:
    Cache<String, String> cache = manager.getCache(newCacheName); Create a Customized Cache Using a Non-Default Named Cache

A situation can arise where a new customized cache must be created using a named cache that is not the default. The steps to accomplish this are similar to those used when using the default named cache for this purpose.
The difference in approach is due to taking a named cache called replicatedCache as the base instead of the default cache.

Procedure 5.3. Create a Customized Cache Using a Non-Default Named Cache

  1. Read the replicatedCache to get the default configuration:
    EmbeddedCacheManager manager = new DefaultCacheManager("infinispan-config-file.xml");
    Configuration rc = cacheManager.getCacheConfiguration("replicatedCache");
  2. Use the ConfigurationBuilder to construct and modify the desired configuration on a new configuration object:
    Configuration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().read(rc).clustering()
  3. Register/define your cache configuration with a cache manager:
    Cache<String, String> cache = manager.getCache(newCacheName); Using the Configuration Builder to Create Caches Programmatically

As an alternative to using an xml file with default cache values to create a new cache, use the ConfigurationBuilder API to create a new cache without any XML files. The ConfigurationBuilder API is intended to provide ease of use when creating chained code for configuration options.
The following new configuration is valid for global and cache level configuration. GlobalConfiguration objects are constructed using GlobalConfigurationBuilder while Configuration objects are built using ConfigurationBuilder. Global Configuration Examples Globally Configure the Transport Layer
A commonly used configuration option is to configure the transport layer. This informs JBoss Data Grid how a node will discover other nodes:
  GlobalConfiguration globalConfig = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
  .build(); Globally Configure the Cache Manager Name
The following sample configuration allows you to use options from the global JMX statistics level to configure the name for a cache manager. This name distinguishes a particular cache manager from other cache managers on the same system.
GlobalConfiguration globalConfig = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
  .build(); Globally Customize Thread Pool Executors
Some JBoss Data Grid features are powered by a group of thread pool executors. These executors can be customized at the global level as follows:
  GlobalConfiguration globalConfig = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
    .addProperty("threadNamePrefix", "RQThread")
  .build(); Cache Level Configuration Examples Cache Level Configuration for the Cluster Mode
The following configuration allows you to use options such as the cluster mode for the cache at the cache level rather than globally:
Configuration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
  .build(); Cache Level Eviction and Expiration Configuration
The following configuration allows you to configure expiration or eviction options for a cache at the cache level:
  Configuration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
           .build(); Cache Level Configuration for JTA Transactions
To interact with a cache for JTA transaction configuration, you must configure the transaction layer and optionally customize the locking settings. For transactional caches, it is recommended to enable transaction recovery to deal with unfinished transactions. Additionally, it is recommended that you enable JMX management and statistics gathering as well.
Configuration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .transactionManagerLookup(new GenericTransactionManagerLookup())
  .build(); Cache Level Configuration Using Chained Persistent Stores
The following configuration can be used to configure one or more chained persistent stores at the cache level:
  Configuration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
        .addFileCacheStore().location("/tmp").streamBufferSize(1800).async().enable().threadPoolSize(20).build(); Cache Level Configuration for Advanced Externalizers
An advanced option such as a cache level configuration for advanced externalizers can also be configured programmatically as follows:
GlobalConfiguration globalConfig = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
    .addAdvancedExternalizer(999, AddressExternalizer.class)
  .build(); Cache Level Configuration for Custom Interceptors
An advanced option such as a cache level configuration for custom interceptors can also be configured programmatically as follows:
  Configuration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .add(new FirstInterceptor()).first()
    .add(new LastInterceptor()).last()
    .add(new FixPositionInterceptor()).atIndex(8)
    .add(new AfterInterceptor()).after(LockingInterceptor.class)
    .add(new BeforeInterceptor()).before(CallInterceptor.class)

Chapter 6. The Externalizable API

6.1. About Externalizer

An Externalizer is a class that can:
  • Marshall a given object type to a byte array.
  • Unmarshall the contents of a byte array into an instance of the object type.
Externalizers are used by JBoss Data Grid and allow users to specify how their object types are serialized. The marshalling infrastructure used in JBoss Data Grid builds upon JBoss Marshalling and provides efficient payload delivery and allows the stream to be cached. The stream caching allows data to be accessed multiple times, whereas normally a stream can only be read once.

6.2. About the Externalizable API

The Externalizable interface uses and extends serialization. This interface is used to control serialization and deserialization in JBoss Data Grid.

6.3. Using the Externalizable API

6.3.1. The Externalizable API Usage

JBoss Data Grid uses JBoss Marshalling to serialize objects.
Serialized classes require a corresponding Externalizer interface implementation that is configured to:
  • Transform an object class into a serialized class
  • Read an object class from an output.
Use a separate class to implement the Externalizer interface. Externalizer implementations control how objects of a class are created when reading an object from a stream.
The readObject() implementations create object instances of the target class. This provides flexibility in the creation of instances and allows target classes to persist immutably.


It is recommended that Externalizer implementations are stored within classes that they externalize as inner static public classes.

6.3.2. The Externalizable API Configuration Example

To configure JBoss Data Grid's Externalizable API:
  • Provide an externalizer implementation for the type of object to be marshalled/unmarshalled.
  • Annotate the marshalled type class using {@link SerializeWith} to indicate the externalizer class.
For example:
import org.infinispan.marshall.Externalizer;
import org.infinispan.marshall.SerializeWith;
public class Person {
   final String name;
   final int age;
   public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
      this.age = age;
   public static class PersonExternalizer implements Externalizer<Person> {
      public void writeObject(ObjectOutput output, Person person)
            throws IOException {
      public Person readObject(ObjectInput input)
            throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
         return new Person((String) input.readObject(), input.readInt());

There are several disadvantages to configuring Externalizers in this manner:
  • The payload size generated using this method can be inefficient due to constraints within the model.
  • An Externalizer can be required for a class for which the source code is not available, or the source code cannot be modified.
  • The use of annotations can limit framework developers or service providers attempting to abstract lower level details, such as marshalling layer.

6.3.3. Linking Externalizers with Marshaller Classes

The Externalizer's readObject() and writeObject() methods link with the type classes they are configured to externalize by providing a getTypeClasses() implementation.
For example:
import org.infinispan.util.Util;
public Set<Class<? extends ReplicableCommand>> getTypeClasses() {
  return Util.asSet(LockControlCommand.class, RehashControlCommand.class,
      StateTransferControlCommand.class, GetKeyValueCommand.class,
      ClusteredGetCommand.class, MultipleRpcCommand.class,
      SingleRpcCommand.class, CommitCommand.class,
      PrepareCommand.class, RollbackCommand.class,
      ClearCommand.class, EvictCommand.class,
      InvalidateCommand.class, InvalidateL1Command.class,
      PutKeyValueCommand.class, PutMapCommand.class,
      RemoveCommand.class, ReplaceCommand.class);
In the provided example, ReplicableCommandExternalizer indicates that it can externalize multiple commands.
There can be instances where the class instance to be externalized cannot be referenced because the source code is not available or cannot be modified. In this case, users can attempt to look up the class using the fully qualified class name. For example:
public Set<Class<? extends List>> getTypeClasses() {
  return Util.<Class<? extends List>>asSet(

6.4. The AdvancedExternalizer

6.4.1. About the AdvancedExternalizer

JBoss Data Grid's AdvancedExternalizer provides externalizers for marshalling/unmarshalling user-defined classes.
The AdvancedExternalizer overcomes the deficiencies identified when using the basic Externalizable API configuration as the AdvancedExternalizer does not require user classes to be annotated.

6.4.2. AdvancedExternalizer Example Configuration

Use the AdvancedExternalizer using the following configuration:
  import org.infinispan.marshall.AdvancedExternalizer;
public class Person {
   final String name;
   final int age;
   public Person(String name, int age) { = name;
      this.age = age;
   public static class PersonExternalizer implements AdvancedExternalizer<Person> {
      public void writeObject(ObjectOutput output, Person person)
            throws IOException {
      public Person readObject(ObjectInput input)
            throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
         return new Person((String) input.readObject(), input.readInt());
      public Set<Class<? extends Person>> getTypeClasses() {
         return Util.<Class<? extends Person>>asSet(Person.class);
      public Integer getId() {
         return 2345;

6.4.3. Externalizer Identifiers

AdvancedExternalizers in JBoss Data Grid require Externalizer implementations to provide an identifier using one of the following:
  • getId() implementations.
  • Declarative or Programmatic configuration that identifies the externalizer when unmarshalling a payload.
When registering Externalizers using declarative or programmatic configuration, registration must occur when cache managers are created.
GetId() will either return a positive integer or a null value:
  • A positive integer allows the externalizer to be identified when read and assigned to the correct Externalizer capable of reading the contents.
  • A null value indicates that the identifier of the AdvancedExternalizer will be defined via declarative or programmatic configuration.
Any positive integer can be used, provided it is not used by any other identifier in the system.
JBoss Data Grid will check for identifier duplicates on start up, and halts the start up process if duplicates are found.

6.4.4. Registering Advanced Externalizers

In JBoss Data Grid, AdvancedExternalizer implementation can be registered using XML or Programmatic configuration, or via annotation.
An Advanced Externalizer implementation for Person object stored as a static inner class can be configured programmatically or declaratively.
Declarative Configuration:

The following is an example of a declarative configuration for an advanced Externalizer implementation:

        <advancedExternalizer externalizerClass="Person$PersonExternalizer"/>
Programmatic Configuration:

The following is an example of a programmatic configuration for an advanced Externalizer implementation:

GlobalConfigurationBuilder builder = ...
   .addAdvancedExternalizer(new Person.PersonExternalizer());
An AdvancedExternalizer implementation must be associated with an identifier, regardless of the configuration method used.
If an identifier in an AdvancedExternalizer implementation is defined using both XML/Programmatic configuration as well as annotation, XML/Programmatic defined value will be used.
The following example shows an Externalizer where the identifier is defined at the time of registration:
Declarative Configuration:

The following is a declarative configuration for the location of the identifier definition during registration:

        <advancedExternalizer id="123"
Programmatic Configuration:

The following is a programmatic configuration for the location of the identifier definition during registration:

GlobalConfigurationBuilder builder = ...
   .addAdvancedExternalizer(123, new Person.PersonExternalizer());

6.4.5. Register Multiple Externalizers Programmatically

Multiple externalizers can be registered at the same time using JBoss Data Grid's programmatic configuration. This feature requires that the relevant identifiers have already been defined using the @Marshalls annotation.
The following is an example of registering multiple externalizers:
   .addAdvancedExternalizer(new Person.PersonExternalizer(),
                            new Address.AddressExternalizer());

6.5. Internal Externalizer Implementation Access

6.5.1. Internal Externalizer Implementation Access

Externalizable objects should not access JBoss Data Grids Externalizer implementations. The following is an example of the incorrect method to deal with this:
public static class ABCMarshallingExternalizer implements AdvancedExternalizer<ABCMarshalling> {
   public void writeObject(ObjectOutput output, ABCMarshalling object) throws IOException {
      MapExternalizer ma = new MapExternalizer();
      ma.writeObject(output, object.getMap());
   public ABCMarshalling readObject(ObjectInput input) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
      ABCMarshalling hi = new ABCMarshalling();
      MapExternalizer ma = new MapExternalizer();
      hi.setMap((ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Long>) ma.readObject(input));
      return hi;

End user externalizers do not need to interact with internal externalizer classes. The following is an example of the correct method to deal with this situation:
public static class ABCMarshallingExternalizer implements AdvancedExternalizer<ABCMarshalling> {
   public void writeObject(ObjectOutput output, ABCMarshalling object) throws IOException {
   public ABCMarshalling readObject(ObjectInput input) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
      ABCMarshalling hi = new ABCMarshalling();
      hi.setMap((ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Long>) input.readObject());
      return hi;


Chapter 7. The Notification/Listener API

7.1. About the Listener API

JBoss Data Grid provides a listener API that provides notifications for events as they occur. Clients can choose to register with the listener API for relevant notifications. This annotation-driven API operates on cache-level events and cache manager-level events.

7.2. Listener Example

The following example defines a listener in JBoss Data Grid that prints some information each time a new entry is added to the cache:
public class PrintWhenAdded {
  public void print(CacheEntryCreatedEvent event) {
    System.out.println("New entry " + event.getKey() + " created in the cache");

7.3. Cache Entry Modified Listener Configuration

In a cache entry modified listener, the modified value cannot be retrieved via Cache.get() when isPre (an Event method) is false. For more information about isPre(), refer to the JBoss Data Grid API Documentation's listing for the org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event package.
Instead, use CacheEntryModifiedEvent.getValue() to retrieve the new value of the modified entry.

7.4. Notifications

7.4.1. About Listener Notifications

Each cache event triggers a notification that is dispatched to listeners. A listener is a simple POJO annotated with @Listener. A Listenable is an interface that denotes that the implementation can have listeners attached to it. Each listener is registered using methods defined in the Listenable.
A listener can be attached to both the cache and Cache Manager to allow them to receive cache-level or cache manager-level notifications.

7.4.2. About Cache-level Notifications

In JBoss Data Grid, cache-level events occur on a per-cache basis, and are global and cluster-wide. Examples of cache-level events include the addition, removal and modification of entries, which trigger notifications to listeners registered on the relevant cache.

7.4.3. Cache Manager-level Notifications

Examples of events that occur in JBoss Data Grid at the cache manager-level are:
  • Nodes joining or leaving a cluster;
  • The starting and stopping of caches
Cache manager-level events are located globally and used cluster-wide, but are restricted to events within caches created by a single cache manager.

7.4.4. About Synchronous and Asynchronous Notifications

By default, notifications in JBoss Data Grid are dispatched in the same thread that generated the event. Therefore it is important that a listener is written in a way that does not block or prevent the thread from progressing.
Alternatively, the listener can be annotated as asynchronous, which dispatches notifications in a separate thread and prevents blocking the operations of the original thread.
Annotate listeners using the following:
@Listener (sync = false)public class MyAsyncListener { .... }
Use the <asyncListenerExecutor/> element in the configuration file to tune the thread pool that is used to dispatch asynchronous notifications.

7.5. Notifying Futures

7.5.1. About NotifyingFutures

Methods in JBoss Data Grid do not return Java Development Kit (JDK) Futures, but a sub-interface known as a NotifyingFuture. Unlike a JDK Future, a listener can be attached to a NotifyingFuture to notify the user about a completed future.


In JBoss Data Grid, NotifyingFutures are only available in Library mode.

7.5.2. NotifyingFutures Example

The following is an example depicting how to use NotifyingFutures in JBoss Data Grid:
FutureListener futureListener = new FutureListener() {

public void futureDone(Future future) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
         // Future did not complete successfully         
cache.putAsync("key", "value").attachListener(futureListener);

Part II. Remote Client-Server Mode Interfaces

Chapter 8. The Asynchronous API

8.1. About the Asynchronous API

In addition to synchronous API methods, JBoss Data Grid also offers an asynchronous API that provides the same functionality in a non-blocking fashion.
The asynchronous method naming convention is similar to their synchronous counterparts, with Async appended to each method name. Asynchronous methods return a Future that contains the result of the operation.
For example, in a cache parameterized as Cache(String, String), Cache.put(String key, String value) returns a String, while Cache.putAsync(String key, String value) returns a Future(String).

8.2. Asynchronous API Benefits

The asynchronous API does not block, which provides multiple benefits, such as:
  • The guarantee of synchronous communication, with the added ability to handle failures and exceptions.
  • Not being required to block a thread's operations until the call completes.
These benefits allow you to better harness the parallelism in your system, for example:
Set<Future<?>> futures = new HashSet<Future<?>>();
futures.add(cache.putAsync("key1", "value1"));
futures.add(cache.putAsync("key2", "value2"));
futures.add(cache.putAsync("key3", "value3"));
In the example, The following lines do not block the thread as they execute:
  • futures.add(cache.putAsync(key1, value1));
  • futures.add(cache.putAsync(key2, value2));
  • futures.add(cache.putAsync(key3, value3));
The remote calls from the three put operations are executed in parallel. This is particularly useful when executed in distributed mode.

8.3. About Asynchronous Processes

For a typical write operation in JBoss Data Grid, the following processes fall on the critical path, ordered from most resource-intensive to the least:
  • Network calls
  • Marshalling
  • Writing to a cache store (optional)
  • Locking
In JBoss Data Grid, using asynchronous methods removes network calls and marshalling from the critical path.

8.4. Return Values and the Asynchronous API

When the asynchronous API is used in JBoss Data Grid, the client code requires the asynchronous operation to return either the Future or the NotifyingFuture in order to query the previous value.


NotifyingFutures are available in JBoss Data Grid's library mode only.
Call the following operation to obtain the result of an asynchronous operation. This operation blocks threads when called.

Chapter 9. The REST Interface

9.1. About the REST Interface in JBoss Data Grid

JBoss Data Grid provides a REST interface. The primary benefit of the REST API is that it allows for loose coupling between the client and server. The need for specific versions of client libraries and bindings is also eliminated. The REST API introduces an overhead, and requires a REST client or custom code to understand and create REST calls.
To interact with JBoss Data Grid's REST API only requires a HTTP client library. For Java, the Apache HTTP Commons Client is recommended. Alternatively, the API can be used.

9.2. Ruby Client Code

The following code is an example of interacting with JBoss Data Grid REST API using ruby. The provided code does not require any special libraries and standard net/HTTP libraries are sufficient.
require 'net/http'

http ='localhost', 8080)

#An example of how to create a new entry'/rest/MyData/MyKey', DATA HERE', {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"})

#An example of using a GET operation to retrieve the key

puts http.get('/rest/MyData/MyKey').body

#An Example of using a PUT operation to overwrite the key

http.put('/rest/MyData/MyKey', 'MORE DATA', {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"})

#An example of Removing the remote copy of the key


#An example of creating binary data

http.put('/rest/MyImages/Image.png','/Users/michaelneale/logo.png'), {"Content-Type" => "image/png"})

9.3. Using JSON with Ruby Example


To use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) with ruby to interact with JBoss Data Grid's REST Interface, install the JSON Ruby library (refer to your platform's package manager or the Ruby documentation) and declare the requirement using the following code:

require 'json'
Using JSON with Ruby

The following code is an example of how to use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in conjunction with Ruby to send specific data, in this case the name and age of an individual, using the PUT function.

data = {:name => "michael", :age => 42 }
http.put('/infinispan/rest/Users/data/0', data.to_json, {"Content-Type" => "application/json"})

9.4. Python Client Code

The following code is an example of interacting with the JBoss Data Grid REST API using Python. The provided code requires only the standard HTTP library.
import httplib  

#How to insert data

conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:8080")
data = "SOME DATA HERE \!" #could be string, or a file...
conn.request("POST", "/rest/Bucket/0", data, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"})
response = conn.getresponse()
print response.status

#How to retrieve data

import httplib
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:8080")
conn.request("GET", "/rest/Bucket/0")
response = conn.getresponse()
print response.status

9.5. Java Client Code

The following code is an example of interacting with JBoss Data Grid REST API using Java.

Define imports as follows:

Add a String Value to a Cache

The following is an example of using Java to add a string value to a cache:

public class RestExample {

    * Method that puts a String value in cache.
    * @param urlServerAddress
    * @param value
    * @throws IOException

   public void putMethod(String urlServerAddress, String value) throws IOException {
      System.out.println("Executing PUT");
      URL address = new URL(urlServerAddress);
      System.out.println("executing request " + urlServerAddress);
      HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) address.openConnection();
      System.out.println("Executing put method of value: " + value);
      connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/plain");

      OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
      System.out.println(connection.getResponseCode() + " " + connection.getResponseMessage());
Get a String Value from a Cache

The following code is an example of a method used that reads a value specified in a URL using Java to interact with the JBoss Data Grid REST Interface.

    * Method that gets an value by a key in url as param value.
    * @param urlServerAddress
    * @return String value
    * @throws IOException
   public String getMethod(String urlServerAddress) throws IOException {
      String line = new String();
      StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

      System.out.println("Executing GET");

      URL address = new URL(urlServerAddress);
      System.out.println("executing request " + urlServerAddress);

      HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) address.openConnection();
      connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/plain");

      BufferedReader&nbsp; bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));


      while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) \!= null) {
         stringBuilder.append(line + '\n');

      System.out.println("Executing get method of value: " + stringBuilder.toString());

      System.out.println(connection.getResponseCode() + " " + connection.getResponseMessage());


      return stringBuilder.toString();
The following code is an example of a java main method.
    * Main method example.
    * @param args
    * @throws IOException
public static void main(String\[\] args) throws IOException {
//Note that the cache name is "cacheX"
RestExample restExample = new RestExample();
restExample.putMethod("http://localhost:8080/rest/cacheX/1", "Infinispan REST Test");

9.6. Configure the REST Interface

9.6.1. About JBoss Data Grid Connectors

JBoss Data Grid supports three connector types, namely:
  • The hotrod-connector element, which defines the configuration for a Hot Rod based connector.
  • The memcached-connector element, which defines the configuration for a memcached based connector.
  • The rest-connector element, which defines the configuration for a REST interface based connector.

9.6.2. Configure REST Connectors

The following are the configuration elements for the rest-connector element in JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datagrid:1.0">
   <rest-connector virtual-server="default-host"
                 security-mode="WRITE" /> 

9.6.3. REST Connector Attributes

The following is a list of attributes used to configure the REST connector in JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server Mode.
  • The rest-connector element specifies the configuration information for the REST connector.
    • The virtual-server parameter specifies the virtual server used by the REST connector. The default value for this parameter is default-host. This is an optional parameter.
    • The cache-container parameter names the cache container used by the REST connector. This is a mandatory parameter.
    • The context-path parameter specifies the context path for the REST connector. The default value for this parameter is an empty string (""). This is an optional parameter.
    • the security-domain parameter specifies that the specified domain, declared in the security subsystem, should be used to authenticate access to the REST endpoint. This is an optional parameter. If this parameter is omitted, no authentication is performed.
    • The auth-method parameter specifies the method used to retrieve credentials for the end point. The default value for this parameter is BASIC. Supported alternate values include DIGEST, CLIENT-CERT and SPNEGO. This is an optional parameter.
    • The security-mode parameter specifies whether authentication is required only for write operations (such as PUT, POST and DELETE) or for read operations (such as GET and HEAD) as well. Valid values for this parameter are WRITE for authenticating write operations only, or READ_WRITE to authenticate read and write operations.

9.7. Using the REST Interface

9.7.1. REST Interface Operations

The REST Interface can be used in JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode to perform the following operations:
  • Adding data.
  • Retrieving data.
  • Removing data.

9.7.2. Adding Data Adding Data Using the REST Interface

In JBoss Data Grid's REST Interface, use the following methods to add data to the cache:
  • HTTP PUT method
  • HTTP POST method
When the PUT and POST methods are used, the body of the request contains this data, which includes any information added by the user.
Both the PUT and POST methods require a Content-Type header. About PUT /{cacheName}/{cacheKey}

A PUT request from the provided URL form places the payload, (from the request body) in the targeted cache using the provided key. The targeted cache must exist on the server for this task to successfully complete.
As an example, in the following URL, the value hr is the cache name and payRoll%2F3 is the key. The value %2F indicates that a / was used in the key.
Any existing data is replaced and Time-To-Live and Last-Modified values are updated, if an update is required.


A cache key that contains the value %2F to represent a / in the key (as in the provided example) can be successfully run if the server is started using the following argument:
-Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.buf.UDecoder.ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH=true About POST /{cacheName}/{cacheKey}

The POST method from the provided URL form places the payload (from the request body) in the targeted cache using the provided key. However, in a POST method, if a value in a cache/key exists, a HTTP CONFLICT status is returned and the content is not updated.

9.7.3. Retrieving Data Retrieving Data Using the REST Interface

In JBoss Data Grid's REST Interface, use the following methods to retrieve data from the cache:
  • HTTP GET method.
  • HTTP HEAD method. About GET /{cacheName}/{cacheKey}

The GET method returns the data located in the supplied cacheName, matched to the relevant key, as the body of the response. The Content-Type header provides the type of the data. A browser can directly access the cache.
A unique entity tag (ETag) is returned for each entry along with a Last-Modified header which indicates the state of the data at the requested URL. ETags allow browsers (and other clients) to ask for data only in the case where it has changed (to save on bandwidth). ETag is a part of the HTTP standard and is supported by JBoss Data Grid.
The type of content stored is the type returned. As an example, if a String was stored, a String is returned. An object which was stored in a serialized form must be manually deserialized. About HEAD /{cacheName}/{cacheKey}

The HEAD method operates in a manner similar to the GET method, however returns no content (header fields are returned).

9.7.4. Removing Data Removing Data Using the REST Interface

To remove data from JBoss Data Grid using the REST interface, use the HTTP DELETE method to retrieve data from the cache. The DELETE method can:
  • Remove a cache entry/value. (DELETE /{cacheName}/{cacheKey})
  • Remove a cache. (DELETE /{cacheName}) About DELETE /{cacheName}/{cacheKey}

Used in this context (DELETE /{cacheName}/{cacheKey}), the DELETE method removes the key/value from the cache for the provided key. About DELETE /{cacheName}

In this context (DELETE /{cacheName}), the DELETE method removes all entries in the named cache. After a successful DELETE operation, the HTTP status code 200 is returned. Background Delete Operations

Set the value of the performAsync header to true to ensure an immediate return while the removal operation continues in the background.

9.7.5. REST Interface Operation Headers Headers

The following table displays headers that are included in the JBoss Data Grid REST Interface:

Table 9.1. Header Types

Headers Mandatory/Optional Values Default Value Details
Content-Type Mandatory - - If the Content-Type is set to application/x-java-serialized-object, it is stored as a Java object.
performAsync Optional True/False - If set to true, an immediate return occurs, followed by a replication of data to the cluster on its own. This feature is useful when dealing with bulk data inserts and large clusters.
timeToLiveSeconds Optional Numeric (positive and negative numbers) -1 (This value prevents expiration as a direct result of timeToLiveSeconds. Expiration values set elsewhere override this default value.) Reflects the number of seconds before the entry in question is automatically deleted. Setting a negative value for timeToLiveSeconds provides the same result as the default value.
maxIdleTimeSeconds Optional Numeric (positive and negative numbers) -1 (This value prevents expiration as a direct result of maxIdleTimeSeconds. Expiration values set elsewhere override this default value.) Contains the number of seconds after the last usage when the entry will be automatically deleted. Passing a negative value provides the same result as the default value.
The following combinations can be set for the timeToLiveSeconds and maxIdleTimeSeconds headers:
  • If both the timeToLiveSeconds and maxIdleTimeSeconds headers are assigned the value 0, the cache uses the default timeToLiveSeconds and maxIdleTimeSeconds values configured either using XML or programatically.
  • If only the maxIdleTimeSeconds header value is set to 0, the timeToLiveSeconds value should be passed as the parameter (or the default -1, if the parameter is not present). Additionally, the maxIdleTimeSeconds parameter value defaults to the values configured either using XML or programatically.
  • If only the timeToLiveSeconds header value is set to 0, expiration occurs immediately and the maxIdleTimeSeconds value is set to the value passed as a parameter (or the default -1 if no parameter was supplied).
ETag Based Headers

ETags (Entity Tags) are returned for each REST Interface entry, along with a Last-Modified header that indicates the state of the data at the supplied URL. ETags are used in HTTP operations to request data exclusively in cases where the data has changed to save bandwidth. The following headers support ETags (Entity Tags) based optimistic locking:

Table 9.2. Entity Tag Related Headers

Header Algorithm Example Details
If-Match If-Match = "If-Match" ":" ( "*" | 1#entity-tag ) - Used in conjunction with a list of associated entity tags to verify that a specified entity (that was previously obtained from a resource) remains current.
If-None-Match - Used in conjunction with a list of associated entity tags to verify that none of the specified entities (that was previously obtained from a resource) are current. This feature facilitates efficient updates of cached information when required and with minimal transaction overhead.
If-Modified-Since If-Modified-Since = "If-Modified-Since" ":" HTTP-date If-Modified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT Compares the requested variant's last modification time and date with a supplied time and date value. If the requested variant has not been modified since the specified time and date, a 304 (not modified) response is returned without a message-body instead of an entity.
If-Unmodified-Since If-Unmodified-Since = "If-Unmodified-Since" ":" HTTP-date If-Unmodified-Since: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 19:43:31 GMT Compares the requested variant's last modification time and date with a supplied time and date value. If the requested resources has not been modified since the supplied date and time, the specified operation is performed. If the requested resource has been modified since the supplied date and time, the operation is not performed and a 412 (Precondition Failed) response is returned.

9.8. REST Interface Security


Note that the JBoss Data Grid 6.1 REST endpoint is set to public as a default.

9.8.1. Enable Security for the REST Endpoint


JBoss Data Grid includes an example standalone-rest-auth.xml file located within the JBoss Data Grid directory at the location /docs/examples/configs).

Copy the file to the $JDG_HOME/standalone/configuration directory to use the configuration. From the $JDG_HOME location, enter the following command to create a copy of the standalone-rest-auth.xml in the appropriate location:
$ cp docs/examples/configs/standalone-rest-auth.xml standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
If required, create a new copy of the example standalone-rest-auth.xml to start with a new configuration template.

Procedure 9.1. Enable Security for the REST Endpoint

To enable security for the JBoss Data Grid when using the REST interface, make the following changes to standalone.xml:
  1. Specify Security Parameters

    Ensure that the rest endpoint specifies a valid value for the security-domain and auth-method parameters. Recommended settings for these parameters are as follows:
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datagrid:1.0">
                <rest-connector virtual-server="default-host" 
  2. Check Security Domain Declaration

    Ensure that the security subsystem contains the corresponding security-domain declaration. For details about setting up security-domain declarations, refer to the JBoss Application Server 7 or JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 documentation.
  3. Add an Application User

    Run the relevant script and enter the configuration settings to add an application user.
    1. Run the script (located in $JDG_HOME/bin).
      • On a Windows system, run the adduser.bat file (located in $JDG_HOME/bin) instead.
    2. When prompted about the type of user to add, select Application User ( by entering b.
    3. Accept the default value for realm (ApplicationRealm) by pressing the return key.
    4. Specify a username and password.
    5. When prompted for a role for the created user, enter REST.
    6. Ensure the username and application realm information is correct when prompted and enter "yes" to continue.
  4. Verify the Created Application User

    Ensure that the created application user is correctly configured.
    1. Check the configuration listed in the file (located in $JDG_HOME/standalone/configuration/). The following is an example of what the correct configuration looks like in this file:
    2. Check the configuration listed in the file (located in $JDG_HOME/standalone/configuration/). The following is an example of what the correct configuration looks like in this file:
  5. Test the Server

    Start the server and enter the following link in a browser window to access the REST endpoint:


    If testing using a GET request, a 405 response code is expected and indicates that the server was successfully authenticated.

Chapter 10. The Memcached Interface

10.1. About the Memcached Protocol

Memcached is an in-memory caching system used to improve response and operation times for database-driven websites. The Memcached caching system defines a text based protocol called the Memcached protocol. The Memcached protocol uses in-memory objects or (as a last resort) passes to a persistent store such as a special memcached database.
JBoss Data Grid offers a server that uses the Memcached protocol, removing the necessity to use Memcached separately with JBoss Data Grid. Additionally, due to JBoss Data Grid's clustering features, its data failover capabilities surpass those provided by Memcached.

10.2. About Memcached Servers in JBoss Data Grid

JBoss Data Grid contains a server module that implements the memcached protocol. This allows memcached clients to interact with one or multiple JBoss Data Grid based memcached servers.
The servers can be either:
  • Standalone, where each server acts independently without communication with any other memcached servers.
  • Clustered, where servers replicate and distribute data to other memcached servers.

10.3. Using the Memcached Interface

10.3.1. Memcached Statistics

The following table contains a list of valid statistics available using the memcached protocol in JBoss Data Grid.

Table 10.1. Memcached Statistics

Statistic Data Type Details
uptime 32-bit unsigned integer. Contains the time (in seconds) that the memcached instance has been available and running.
time 32-bit unsigned integer. Contains the current time.
version String Contains the current version.
curr_items 32-bit unsigned integer. Contains the number of items currently stored by the instance.
total_items 32-bit unsigned integer. Contains the total number of items stored by the instance during its lifetime.
cmd_get 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the total number of get operation requests (requests to retrieve data).
cmd_set 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the total number of set operation requests (requests to store data).
get_hits 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys that are present from the keys requested.
get_misses 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys that were not found from the keys requested.
delete_hits 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be deleted that were located and successfully deleted.
delete_misses 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be deleted that were not located and therefore could not be deleted.
incr_hits 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be incremented that were located and successfully incremented
incr_misses 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be incremented that were not located and therefore could not be incremented.
decr_hits 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be decremented that were located and successfully decremented.
decr_misses 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be decremented that were not located and therefore could not be decremented.
cas_hits 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be compared and swapped that were found and successfully compared and swapped.
cas_misses 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be compared and swapped that were not found and therefore not compared and swapped.
cas_badvalue 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys where a compare and swap occurred but the original value did not match the supplied value.
evictions 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of eviction calls performed.
bytes_read 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the total number of bytes read by the server from the network.
bytes_written 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the total number of bytes written by the server to the network.

10.4. Configure the Memcached Interface

10.4.1. About JBoss Data Grid Connectors

JBoss Data Grid supports three connector types, namely:
  • The hotrod-connector element, which defines the configuration for a Hot Rod based connector.
  • The memcached-connector element, which defines the configuration for a memcached based connector.
  • The rest-connector element, which defines the configuration for a REST interface based connector.

10.4.2. Configure Memcached Connectors

The following are the configuration elements for the memcached-connector element in JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server Mode.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datagrid:1.0">
<memcached-connector socket-binding="memcached"
                     receive-buffer-size="0" />

10.4.3. Memcached Connector Attributes

  • The following is a list of attributes used to configure the memcached connector within the connectors element in JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server Mode.
    • The memcached-connector element defines the configuration elements for use with memcached.
      • The socket-binding parameter specifies the socket binding port used by the memcached connector. This is a mandatory parameter.
      • The cache-container parameter names the cache container used by the memcached connector. This is a mandatory parameter.
      • The worker-threads parameter specifies the number of worker threads available for the memcached connector. The default value for this parameter is the number of cores available multiplied by two. This is an optional parameter.
      • The idle-timeout parameter specifies the time (in milliseconds) the connector can remain idle before the connection times out. The default value for this parameter is -1, which means that no timeout period is set. This is an optional parameter.
      • The tcp-nodelay parameter specifies whether TCP packets will be delayed and sent out in batches. Valid values for this parameter are true and false. The default value for this parameter is true. This is an optional parameter.
      • The send-buffer-size parameter indicates the size of the send buffer for the memcached connector. The default value for this parameter is the size of the TCP stack buffer. This is an optional parameter.
      • The receive-buffer-size parameter indicates the size of the receive buffer for the memcached connector. The default value for this parameter is the size of the TCP stack buffer. This is an optional parameter.

Chapter 11. The Hot Rod Interface

11.1. About Hot Rod

Hot Rod is a binary TCP client-server protocol used in JBoss Data Grid. It was created to overcome deficiencies in other client/server protocols, such as Memcached.
Hot Rod will failover on a server cluster that undergoes a topology change. Hot Rod achieves this by providing regular updates to clients about the cluster topology.
Hot Rod enables clients to do smart routing of requests in partitioned or distributed JBoss Data Grid server clusters. To do this, Hot Rod allows clients to determine the partition that houses a key and then communicate directly with the server that has the key. This functionality relies on Hot Rod updating the cluster topology with clients, and that the clients use the same consistent hash algorithm as the servers.

11.2. The Benefits of Using Hot Rod over Memcached

JBoss Data Grid offers a choice of protocols for allowing clients to interact with the server in a Remote Client-Server environment. When deciding between using memcached or Hot Rod, the following should be considered.
The memcached protocol causes the server endpoint to use the memcached text wire protocol. The memcached wire protocol has the benefit of being commonly used, and is available for almost any platform. All of JBoss Data Grid's functions, including clustering, state sharing for scalability, and high availability, are available when using memcached.
However the memcached protocol lacks dynamicity, resulting in the need to manually update the list of server nodes on your clients in the event one of the nodes in a cluster fails. Also, memcached clients are not aware of the location of the data in the cluster. This means that they will request data from a non-owner node, incurring the penalty of an additional request from that node to the actual owner, before being able to return the data to the client. This is where the Hot Rod protocol is able to provide greater performance than memcached.
Hot Rod
JBoss Data Grid's Hot Rod protocol is a binary wire protocol that offers all the capabilities of memcached, while also providing better scaling, durability, and elasticity.
The Hot Rod protocol does not need the hostnames and ports of each node in the remote cache, whereas memcached requires these parameters to be specified. Hot Rod clients automatically detect changes in the topology of clustered Hot Rod servers; when new nodes join or leave the cluster, clients update their Hot Rod server topology view. Consequently, Hot Rod provides ease of configuration and maintenance, with the advantage of dynamic load balancing and failover.
Additionally, the Hot Rod wire protocol uses smart routing when connecting to a distributed cache. This involves sharing a consistent hash algorithm between the server nodes and clients, resulting in faster read and writing capabilities than memcached.

11.3. About Hot Rod Servers in JBoss Data Grid

JBoss Data Grid contains a server module that implements the Hot Rod protocol. The Hot Rod protocol facilitates faster client and server interactions in comparison to other text based protocols and allows clients to make decisions about load balancing, failover and data location operations.

11.4. Hot Rod Hash Functions

JBoss Data Grid uses a consistent hash function to place nodes and, subsequently, their corresponding keys on a hash wheel to determine where entries live.
The hash space value is constant and limited to the maximum 32-bit positive integer value (Integer.MAX_INT). This value is returned to the client using the Hot Rod protocol each time a hash-topology change is detected to prevent Hot Rod clients assuming a specific hash space as a default. The hash space can only contain positive numbers ranging from 0 to Integer.MAX_INT.
When the Hot Rod protocol is used to interact with JBoss Data Grid, the keys (and their values) must be byte arrays to ensure platform neutral behavior. Smart clients (which are aware of hash distribution in the background) must be able to recalculate hash codes of such byte array keys in this platform-neutral manner. To accommodate this, version information for hash functions used in JBoss Data Grid is saved for implementation by non-Java clients, if required.

11.5. Hot Rod Server Nodes

11.5.1. About Consistent Hashing Algorithms

Consistent hashing algorithms arrange the hash space as a circle. Owners are assigned for segments of the hash space. When a key is assigned to an owner, the hash of the key is used to determine in which segment the key should be stored. If an owner is removed, then its segment is allocated to its neighbors in the circle. This means that if an owner is removed, most of the hash space remains stable, resulting in less overhead.

11.5.2. The File

To use a Remote Cache Store configuration, the file must be created and included in the relevant classpath for a Remote Cache Store configuration.
The file contains one or more properties. The most simple version of a working file can contain the following:
Properties that can be included in are:
For replicated (vs distributed) Hot Rod server clusters, the client balances requests to the servers according to this strategy.
The default value for this property is org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.transport.tcp.RoundRobinBalancingStrategy.
This is the initial list of Hot Rod servers to connect to, specified in the following format: host1:port1;host2:port2... At least one host:port must be specified.
The default value for this property is
Whether or not to enable Flag.FORCE_RETURN_VALUE for all calls.
The default value for this property is false.
Affects TCP NODELAY on the TCP stack.
The default value for this property is true.
If true, a ping request is sent to a back end server in order to fetch cluster's topology.
The default value for this property is true.
Controls which transport will be used. Currently only the TcpTransport is supported.
The default value for this property is org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.transport.tcp.TcpTransportFactory.
Allows you to specify a custom Marshaller implementation to serialize and deserialize user objects.
The default value for this property is org.infinispan.marshall.jboss.GenericJBossMarshaller.
Allows you to specify a custom asynchronous executor for async calls.
The default value for this property is org.infinispan.client.hotrod.impl.async.DefaultAsyncExecutorFactory.
If the default executor is used, this configures the number of threads to initialize the executor with.
The default value for this property is 10.
If the default executor is used, this configures the queue size to initialize the executor with.
The default value for this property is 100000.
This specifies the version of the hash function and consistent hash algorithm in use, and is closely tied with the Hot Rod server version used.
The default value for this property is the Hash function specified by the server in the responses as indicated in ConsistentHashFactory.
This hint allows sizing of byte buffers when serializing and deserializing keys, to minimize array resizing.
The default value for this property is 64.
This hint allows sizing of byte buffers when serializing and deserializing values, to minimize array resizing.
The default value for this property is 512.
This property defines the maximum socket read timeout before giving up waiting for bytes from the server.
The default value for this property is 60000 (equals 60 seconds).
This property defines the protocol version that this client should use. Other valid values include 1.0.
The default value for this property is 1.1.
This property defines the maximum socket connect timeout before giving up connecting to the server.
The default value for this property is 60000 (equals 60 seconds).

11.6. Hot Rod Headers

11.6.1. Hot Rod Header Data Types

All keys and values used for Hot Rod in JBoss Data Grid are stored as byte arrays. Certain header values, such as those for REST and Memcached, are stored using the following data types instead:

Table 11.1. Header Data Types

Data Type Size Details
vInt Between 1-5 bytes. Unsigned variable length integer values.
vLong Between 1-9 bytes. Unsigned variable length long values.
string - Strings are always represented using UTF-8 encoding.

11.6.2. Request Header

When using Hot Rod to access JBoss Data Grid, the contents of the request header consist of the following:

Table 11.2. Request Header Fields

Field Name Data Type/Size Details
Magic 1 byte Indicates whether the header is a request header or response header.
Message ID vLong Contains the message ID. Responses use this unique ID when responding to a request. This allows Hot Rod clients to implement the protocol in an asynchronous manner.
Version 1 byte Contains the Hot Rod server version.
Opcode 1 byte Contains the relevant operation code. In a request header, opcode can only contain the request operation codes.
Cache Name Length vInt Stores the length of the cache name. If Cache Name Length is set to 0 and no value is supplied for Cache Name, the operation interacts with the default cache.
Cache Name string Stores the name of the target cache for the specified operation. This name must match the name of a predefined cache in the cache configuration file.
Flags vInt Contains a numeric value of variable length that represents flags passed to the system. Each bit represents a flag, except the most significant bit, which is used to determine whether more bytes must be read. Using a bit to represent each flag facilitates the representation of flag combinations in a condensed manner.
Client Intelligence 1 byte Contains a value that indicates the client capabilities to the server.
Topology ID vInt Contains the last known view ID in the client. Basic clients supply the value 0 for this field. Clients that support topology or hash information supply the value 0 until the server responds with the current view ID, which is subsequently used until a new view ID is returned by the server to replace the current view ID.
Transaction Type 1 byte Contains a value that represents one of two known transaction types. Currently, the only supported value is 0.
Transaction ID byte-array Contains a byte array that uniquely identifies the transaction associated with the call. The transaction type determines the length of this byte array. If the value for Transaction Type was set to 0, no Transaction ID is present.

11.6.3. Response Header

When using Hot Rod to access JBoss Data Grid, the contents of the response header consist of the following:

Table 11.3. Response Header Fields

Field Name Data Type Details
Magic 1 byte Indicates whether the header is a request or response header.
Message ID vLong Contains the message ID. This unique ID is used to pair the response with the original request. This allows Hot Rod clients to implement the protocol in an asynchronous manner.
Opcode 1 byte Contains the relevant operation code. In a response header, opcode can only contain the response operation codes.
Status 1 byte Contains a code that represents the status of the response.
Topology Change Marker 1 byte Contains a marker byte that indicates whether the response is included in the topology change information.

11.6.4. Topology Change Headers About Topology Change Headers

When using Hot Rod to access JBoss Data Grid, response headers respond to changes in the cluster or view formation by looking for clients that can distinguish between different topologies or hash distributions. The Hot Rod server compares the current topology ID and the topology ID sent by the client and, if the two differ, it returns a new topology ID. Topology Change Marker Values

The following is a list of valid values for the Topology Change Marker field in a response header:

Table 11.4. Topology Change Marker Field Values

Value Details
0 No topology change information is added.
1 Topology change information is added. Topology Change Headers for Topology-Aware Clients

The response header sent to topology-aware clients when a topology change is returned by the server includes the following elements:

Table 11.5. Topology Change Header Fields

Response Header Fields Data Type/Size Details
Response Header with Topology Change Marker - -
Topology ID vInt -
Num Servers in Topology vInt Contains the number of Hot Rod servers running in the cluster. This value can be a subset of the entire cluster if only some nodes are running Hot Rod servers.
mX: Host/IP Length vInt Contains the length of the hostname or IP address of an individual cluster member. Variable length allows this element to include hostnames, IPv4 and IPv addresses.
mX: Host/IP Address string Contains the hostname or IP address of an individual cluster member. The Hot Rod client uses this information to access the individual cluster member.
mX: Port Unsigned Short. 2 bytes Contains the port used by Hot Rod clients to communicate with the cluster member.
The three entries with the prefix mX, are repeated for each server in the topology. The first server in the topology's information fields will be prefixed with m1 and the numerical value is incremented by one for each additional server till the value of X equals the number of servers specified in the num servers in topology field. Topology Change Headers for Hash Distribution-Aware Clients

The response header sent to clients when a topology change is returned by the server includes the following elements:

Table 11.6. Topology Change Header Fields

Field Data Type/Size Details
Response Header with Topology Change Marker - -
Topology ID vInt -
Number Key Owners Unsigned short. 2 bytes. Contains the number of globally configured copies for each distributed key. Contains the value 0 if distribution is not configured on the cache.
Hash Function Version 1 byte Contains a pointer to the hash function in use. Contains the value 0 if distribution is not configured on the cache.
Hash Space Size vInt Contains the modulus used by JBoss Data Grid for all module arithmetic related to hash code generation. Clients use this information to apply the correct hash calculations to the keys. Contains the value 0 if distribution is not configured on the cache.
Number servers in topology vInt Contains the number of Hot Rod servers running in the cluster. This value can be a subset of the entire cluster if only some nodes are running Hot Rod servers. This value also represents the number of host to port pairings included in the header.
Number Virtual Nodes Owners vInt Contains the number of configured virtual nodes. Contains the value 0 if no virtual nodes are configured or if distribution is not configured on the cache.
mX: Host/IP Length vInt Contains the length of the hostname or IP address of an individual cluster member. Variable length allows this element to include hostnames, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
mX: Host/IP Address string Contains the hostname or IP address of an individual cluster member. The Hot Rod client uses this information to access the individual cluster member.
mX: Port Unsigned short. 2 bytes. Contains the port used by Hot Rod clients to communicate with the cluster member.
mX: Hashcode 4 bytes.
The three entries with the prefix mX, are repeated for each server in the topology. The first server in the topology's information fields will be prefixed with m1 and the numerical value is incremented by one for each additional server till the value of X equals the number of servers specified in the num servers in topology field.

11.7. Hot Rod Operations

11.7.1. Hot Rod Operations

The following are valid operations when using Hot Rod to interact with JBoss Data Grid:
  • Get
  • BulkGet
  • GetWithVersion
  • Put
  • PutIfAbsent
  • Remove
  • RemoveIfUnmodified
  • Replace
  • ReplaceIfUnmodified
  • Clear
  • ContainsKey
  • Ping
  • Stats

11.7.2. Hot Rod Get Operation

A Hot Rod Get operation uses the following request format:

Table 11.7. Get Operation Request Format

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Key Length vInt Contains the length of the key. The vInt data type is used because of its size (up to 6 bytes), which is larger than the size of Integer.MAX_VALUE. However, Java disallows single array sizes to exceed the size of Integer.MAX_VALUE. As a result, this vInt is also limited to the maximum size of Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Key Byte array Contains a key, the corresponding value of which is requested.
The response header for this operation contains one of the following response statuses:

Table 11.8. Get Operation Response Format

Response Status Details
0x00 Successful operation.
0x02 The key does not exist.
The format of the get operation's response when the key is found is as follows:

Table 11.9. Get Operation Response Format

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Value Length vInt Contains the length of the value.
Value Byte array Contains the requested value.

11.7.3. Hot Rod BulkGet Operation

A Hot Rod BulkGet operation uses the following request format:

Table 11.10. BulkGet Operation Request Format

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Entry Count vInt Contains the maximum number of JBoss Data Grid entries to be returned by the server. The entry count value equals the sum of the key and the associated value.
The response header for this operation contains one of the following response statuses:

Table 11.11. BulkGet Operation Response Format

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
More vInt Represents if more entries must be read from the stream. While More is set to 1, additional entries follow until the value of More is set to 0, which indicates the end of the stream.
Key Size - Contains the size of the key.
Key - Contains the key value.
Value Size - Contains the size of the value.
Value - Contains the value.
For each entry that was requested, a More, Key Size, Key, Value Size and Value entry is appended to the response.

11.7.4. Hot Rod GetWithVersion Operation

A Hot Rod GetWithVersion operation uses the following request format:

Table 11.12. GetWithVersion Operation Request Format

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Key Length vInt Contains the length of the key. The vInt data type is used because of its size (up to 6 bytes), which is larger than the size of Integer.MAX_VALUE. However, Java disallows single array sizes to exceed the size of Integer.MAX_VALUE. As a result, this vInt is also limited to the maximum size of Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Key Byte array Contains a key, the corresponding value of which is requested.
The response header for this operation contains one of the following response statuses:

Table 11.13. GetWithVersion Operation Response Format

Response Status Details
0x00 Successful operation.
0x02 The key does not exist.
The response for this operation contains the following:

Table 11.14. 

Field Data Type/Size Details
Entry Version 8 bytes Contains the unique value of an existing entry's modification.
Value Length vInt Contains the length of the value.
Value Byte array Contains the requested value.

11.7.5. Hot Rod Put Operation

The put operation request format includes the following:

Table 11.15. 

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Key Length - Contains the length of the key.
Key Byte array Contains the key value.
Lifespan vInt Contains the number of seconds before the entry expires. If the number of seconds exceeds thirty days, the value is treated as UNIX time (i.e. the number of seconds since the date 1/1/1970) as the entry lifespan. When set to the value 0, the entry will never expire.
Max Idle vInt Contains the number of seconds an entry is allowed to remain idle before it is evicted from the cache. If this entry is set to 0, the entry is allowed to remain idle indefinitely without being evicted due to the max idle value.
Value Length vInt Contains the length of the value.
Value Byte array The requested value.
The following are the value response values returned from this operation:

Table 11.16. 

Response Status Details
0x00 The value was successfully stored.
An empty response is the default response for this operation. However, if ForceReturnPreviousValue is passed, the previous value and key are returned. If the previous key and value do not exist, the value length would contain the value 0.

11.7.6. Hot Rod PutIfAbsent Operation

The putIfAbsent operation request format includes the following:

Table 11.17. PutIfAbsent Operation Request Fields

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Key Length vInt Contains the length of the key.
Key Byte array Contains the key value.
Lifespan vInt Contains the number of seconds before the entry expires. If the number of seconds exceeds thirty days, the value is treated as UNIX time (i.e. the number of seconds since the date 1/1/1970) as the entry lifespan. When set to the value 0, the entry will never expire.
Max Idle vInt Contains the number of seconds an entry is allowed to remain idle before it is evicted from the cache. If this entry is set to 0, the entry is allowed to remain idle indefinitely without being evicted due to the max idle value.
Value Length vInt Contains the length of the value.
Value Byte array Contains the requested value.
The following are the value response values returned from this operation:

Table 11.18. 

Response Status Details
0x00 The value was successfully stored.
0x01 The key was present, therefore the value was not stored. The current value of the key is returned.
An empty response is the default response for this operation. However, if ForceReturnPreviousValue is passed, the previous value and key are returned. If the previous key and value do not exist, the value length would contain the value 0.

11.7.7. Hot Rod Remove Operation

A Hot Rod Remove operation uses the following request format:

Table 11.19. Remove Operation Request Format

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Key Length vInt Contains the length of the key. The vInt data type is used because of its size (up to 6 bytes), which is larger than the size of Integer.MAX_VALUE. However, Java disallows single array sizes to exceed the size of Integer.MAX_VALUE. As a result, this vInt is also limited to the maximum size of Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Key Byte array Contains a key, the corresponding value of which is requested.
The response header for this operation contains one of the following response statuses:

Table 11.20. Remove Operation Response Format

Response Status Details
0x00 Successful operation.
0x02 The key does not exist.
Normally, the response header for this operation is empty. However, if ForceReturnPreviousValue is passed, the response header contains either:
  • The value and length of the previous key.
  • The value length 0 and the response status 0x02 to indicate that the key does not exist.
The remove operation's response header contains the previous value and the length of the previous value for the provided key if ForceReturnPreviousValue is passed. If the key does not exist or the previous value was null, the value length is 0.

11.7.8. Hot Rod RemoveIfUnmodified Operation

The RemoveIfUnmodified operation request format includes the following:

Table 11.21. RemoveIfUnmodified Operation Request Fields

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Key Length vInt Contains the length of the key.
Key Byte array Contains the key value.
Entry Version 8 bytes Uses the value returned by the GetWithVersion operation.
The following are the value response values returned from this operation:

Table 11.22. RemoveIfUnmodified Operation Response

Response Status Details
0x00 Returned status if the entry was replaced or removed.
0x01 Returns status if the entry replace or remove was unsuccessful because the key was modified.
0x02 Returns status if the key does not exist.
An empty response is the default response for this operation. However, if ForceReturnPreviousValue is passed, the previous value and key are returned. If the previous key and value do not exist, the value length would contain the value 0.

11.7.9. Hot Rod Replace Operation

The replace operation request format includes the following:

Table 11.23. Replace Operation Request Fields

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Key Length vInt Contains the length of the key.
Key Byte array Contains the key value.
Lifespan vInt Contains the number of seconds before the entry expires. If the number of seconds exceeds thirty days, the value is treated as UNIX time (i.e. the number of seconds since the date 1/1/1970) as the entry lifespan. When set to the value 0, the entry will never expire.
Max Idle vInt Contains the number of seconds an entry is allowed to remain idle before it is evicted from the cache. If this entry is set to 0, the entry is allowed to remain idle indefinitely without being evicted due to the max idle value.
Value Length vInt Contains the length of the value.
Value Byte array Contains the requested value.
The following are the value response values returned from this operation:

Table 11.24. Replace Operation Response

Response Status Details
0x00 The value was successfully stored.
0x01 The value was not stored because the key does not exist.
An empty response is the default response for this operation. However, if ForceReturnPreviousValue is passed, the previous value and key are returned. If the previous key and value do not exist, the value length would contain the value 0.

11.7.10. Hot Rod ReplaceIfUnmodified Operation

The ReplaceIfUnmodified operation request format includes the following:

Table 11.25. ReplaceIfUnmodified Operation Request Fields

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Key Length vInt Contains the length of the key.
Key Byte array Contains the key value.
Lifespan vInt Contains the number of seconds before the entry expires. If the number of seconds exceeds thirty days, the value is treated as UNIX time (i.e. the number of seconds since the date 1/1/1970) as the entry lifespan. When set to the value 0, the entry will never expire.
Max Idle vInt Contains the number of seconds an entry is allowed to remain idle before it is evicted from the cache. If this entry is set to 0, the entry is allowed to remain idle indefinitely without being evicted due to the max idle value.
Entry Version 8 bytes Uses the value returned by the GetWithVersion operation.
Value Length vInt Contains the length of the value.
Value Byte array Contains the requested value.
The following are the value response values returned from this operation:

Table 11.26. ReplaceIfUnmodified Operation Response

Response Status Details
0x00 Returned status if the entry was replaced or removed.
0x01 Returns status if the entry replace or remove was unsuccessful because the key was modified.
0x02 Returns status if the key does not exist.
An empty response is the default response for this operation. However, if ForceReturnPreviousValue is passed, the previous value and key are returned. If the previous key and value do not exist, the value length would contain the value 0.

11.7.11. Hot Rod Clear Operation

The clear operation format includes only a header.
Valid response statuses for this operation are as follows:

Table 11.27. Clear Operation Response

Response Status Details
0x00 JBoss Data Grid was successfully cleared.

11.7.12. Hot Rod ContainsKey Operation

A Hot Rod ContainsKey operation uses the following request format:

Table 11.28. ContainsKey Operation Request Format

Field Data Type Details
Header - -
Key Length vInt Contains the length of the key. The vInt data type is used because of its size (up to 6 bytes), which is larger than the size of Integer.MAX_VALUE. However, Java disallows single array sizes to exceed the size of Integer.MAX_VALUE. As a result, this vInt is also limited to the maximum size of Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Key Byte array Contains a key, the corresponding value of which is requested.
The response header for this operation contains one of the following response statuses:

Table 11.29. ContainsKey Operation Response Format

Response Status Details
0x00 Successful operation.
0x02 The key does not exist.
The response for this operation is empty.

11.7.13. Hot Rod Ping Operation

The ping is an application level request to check for server availability.
Valid response statuses for this operation are as follows:

Table 11.30. Ping Operation Response

Response Status Details
0x00 Successful ping without any errors.

11.7.14. Hot Rod Stats Operation

This operation returns a summary of all available statistics. For each returned statistic, a name and value is returned in both string and UTF-8 formats.
The following are supported statistics for this operation:

Table 11.31. Stats Operation Request Fields

Name Details
timeSinceStart Contains the number of seconds since Hot Rod started.
currentNumberOfEntries Contains the number of entries that currently exist in the Hot Rod server.
totalNumberOfEntries Contains the total number of entries stored in the Hot Rod server.
stores Contains the number of put operations attempted.
retrievals Contains the number of get operations attempted.
hits Contains the number of get hits.
misses Contains the number of get misses.
removeHits Contains the number of remove hits.
removeMisses Contains the number of removal misses.
The response header for this operation contains the following:

Table 11.32. Stats Operation Response

Name Data Type Details
Header - -
Number of Stats vInt Contains the number of individual statistics returned.
Name Length vInt Contains the length of the named statistic.
Name string Contains the name of the statistic.
Value Length vInt Contains the length of the value.
Value string Contains the statistic value.
The values Name Length, Name, Value Length and Value recur for each statistic requested.

11.7.15. Hot Rod Operation Values Opcode Request and Response Values

The following is a list of valid opcode values for a request header and their corresponding response header values:

Table 11.33. Opcode Request and Response Header Values

Operation Request Operation Code Response Operation Code
put 0x01 0x02
get 0x03 0x04
putIfAbsent 0x05 0x06
replace 0x07 0x08
replaceIfUnmodified 0x09 0x0A
remove 0x0B 0x0C
removeIfUnmodified 0x0D 0x0E
containsKey 0x0F 0x10
getWithVersion 0x11 0x12
clear 0x13 0x14
stats 0x15 0x16
ping 0x17 0x18
bulkGet 0x19 0x1A
Additionally, if the response header opcode value is 0x50, it indicates an error response. Magic Values

The following is a list of valid values for the Magic field in request and response headers:

Table 11.34. Magic Field Values

Value Details
0xA0 Cache request marker.
0xA1 Cache response marker. Status Values

The following is a table that contains all valid values for the Status field in a response header:

Table 11.35. Status Values

Value Details
0x00 No error.
0x01 Not put/removed/replaced.
0x02 Key does not exist.
0x81 Invalid Magic value or Message ID.
0x82 Unknown command.
0x83 Unknown version.
0x84 Request parsing error.
0x85 Server error.
0x86 Command timed out. Transaction Type Values

The following is a list of valid values for Transaction Type in a request header:

Table 11.36. Transaction Type Field Values

Value Details
0 Indicates a non-transactional call or that the client does not support transactions. If used, the TX_ID field is omitted.
1 Indicates X/Open XA transaction ID (XID). This value is currently not supported. Client Intelligence Values

The following is a list of valid values for Client Intelligence in a request header:

Table 11.37. Client Intelligence Field Values

Value Details
0x01 Indicates a basic client that does not require any cluster or hash information.
0x02 Indicates a client that is aware of topology and requires cluster information.
0x03 Indicates a client that is aware of hash and distribution and requires both the cluster and hash information. Flag Values

The following is a list of valid flag values in the request header:

Table 11.38. Flag Field Values

Value Details
0x0001 ForceReturnPreviousValue Hot Rod Error Handling

Table 11.39. Hot Rod Error Handling using Response Header Fields

Field Data Type Details
Error Opcode - Contains the error operation code.
Error Status Number - Contains a status number that corresponds to the error opcode.
Error Message Length vInt Contains the length of the error message.
Error Message string Contains the actual error message. If an 0x84 error code returns, which indicates that there was an error in parsing the request, this field contains the latest version supported by the Hot Rod server.

11.8. Examples

11.8.1. Put Request Example

The following is the coded request from a sample put request using Hot Rod:

Table 11.40. Put Request Example

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 0xA0 0x09 0x41 0x01 0x07 0x4D ('M') 0x79 ('y') 0x43 ('C')
16 0x61 ('a') 0x63 ('c') 0x68 ('h') 0x65 ('e') 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x00
24 0x00 0x05 0x48 ('H') 0x65 ('e') 0x6C ('l') 0x6C ('l') 0x6F ('o') 0x00
32 0x00 0x05 0x57 ('W') 0x6F ('o') 0x72 ('r') 0x6C ('l') 0x64 ('d') -
The following table contains all header fields and their values for the example request:

Table 11.41. Example Request Field Names and Values

Field Name Byte Value
Magic 0 0xA0
Version 2 0x41
Cache Name Length 4 0x07
Flag 12 0x00
Topology ID 14 0x00
Transaction ID 16 0x00
Key 18-22 'Hello'
Max Idle 24 0x00
Value 26-30 'World'
Message ID 1 0x09
Opcode 3 0x01
Cache Name 5-11 'MyCache'
Client Intelligence 13 0x03
Transaction Type 15 0x00
Key Field Length 17 0x05
Lifespan 23 0x00
Value Field Length 25 0x05
The following is a coded response for the sample put request:

Table 11.42. Coded Response for the Sample Put Request

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 0xA1 0x09 0x01 0x00 0x00 - - -
The following table contains all header fields and their values for the example response:

Table 11.43. Example Response Field Names and Values

Field Name Byte Value
Magic 0 0xA1
Opcode 2 0x01
Topology Change Marker 4 0x00
Message ID 1 0x09
Status 3 0x00

11.9. Configure the Hot Rod Interface

11.9.1. About JBoss Data Grid Connectors

JBoss Data Grid supports three connector types, namely:
  • The hotrod-connector element, which defines the configuration for a Hot Rod based connector.
  • The memcached-connector element, which defines the configuration for a memcached based connector.
  • The rest-connector element, which defines the configuration for a REST interface based connector.

11.9.2. Configure Hot Rod Connectors

The following are the configuration elements for the hotrod-connector element in JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server Mode.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datagrid:1.0">
      <hotrod-connector socket-binding="hotrod" 
                        receive-buffer-size="0"   />
      <topology-state-transfer lock-timeout="10000"
                               lazy-retrieval="true" /> 

11.9.3. Hot Rod Connector Attributes

The following is a list of attributes used to configure the Hot Rod connector in JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server Mode.
The Hotrod-Connector Element

The hotrod-connector element defines the configuration elements for use with Hot Rod.

    • The socket-binding parameter specifies the socket binding port used by the Hot Rod connector. This is a mandatory parameter.
    • The cache-container parameter names the cache container used by the Hot Rod connector. This is a mandatory parameter.
    • The worker-threads parameter specifies the number of worker threads available for the Hot Rod connector. The default value for this parameter is the number of cores available multiplied by two. This is an optional parameter.
    • The idle-timeout parameter specifies the time (in milliseconds) the connector can remain idle before the connection times out. The default value for this parameter is -1, which means that no timeout period is set. This is an optional parameter.
    • The tcp-nodelay parameter specifies whether TCP packets will be delayed and sent out in batches. Valid values for this parameter are true and false. The default value for this parameter is true. This is an optional parameter.
    • The send-buffer-size parameter indicates the size of the send buffer for the Hot Rod connector. The default value for this parameter is the size of the TCP stack buffer. This is an optional parameter.
    • The receive-buffer-size parameter indicates the size of the receive buffer for the Hot Rod connector. The default value for this parameter is the size of the TCP stack buffer. This is an optional parameter.
    The Topology-State-Transfer Element

    The topology-state-transfer element specifies the topology state transfer configurations for the Hot Rod connector. This element can only occur once within a hotrod-connector element.

    • The lock-timeout parameter specifies the time (in milliseconds) after which the operation attempting to obtain a lock times out. The default value for this parameter is 10 seconds. This is an optional parameter.
    • The replication-timeout parameter specifies the time (in milliseconds) after which the replication operation times out. The default value for this parameter is 10 seconds. This is an optional parameter.
    • The update-timeout parameter specifies the time (in milliseconds) after which the update operation times out. The default value for this parameter is 30 seconds. This is an optional parameter.
    • The external-host parameter specifies the hostname sent by the Hot Rod server to clients listed in the topology information. The default value for this parameter is the host address. This is an optional parameter.
    • The external-port parameter specifies the port sent by the Hot Rod server to clients listed in the topology information. The default value for this parameter is the configured port. This is an optional parameter.
    • The lazy-retrieval parameter indicates whether the Hot Rod connector will carry out retrieval operations lazily. The default value for this parameter is true. This is an optional parameter.

Chapter 12. The RemoteCache Interface

12.1. About the RemoteCache Interface

The RemoteCache Interface allows clients outside JBoss Data Grid to access the Hot Rod server module within JBoss Data Grid. The RemoteCache Interface offers optional features such as distribution and eviction.

12.2. Create a New RemoteCacheManager

Use the following configuration to declaratively configure a new RemoteCacheManager:
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list", "");
RemoteCacheManager manager = new RemoteCacheManager(props);
RemoteCache defaultCache = manager.getCache();


To learn more about using Hot Rod with JBoss Data Grid, refer to the Developer Guide's Hot Rod Chapter.

Part III. Rolling Upgrades

Chapter 13. Rolling Upgrades in JBoss Data Grid

13.1. About Rolling Upgrades

In JBoss Data Grid, rolling upgrades permit a cluster to be upgraded from one version to a new version without experiencing any downtime. This allows nodes to be upgraded without the need to restart the the application or risk losing data.
In JBoss Data Grid 6.1, rolling upgrades can only be performed in Remote Client-Server mode using Hot Rod.

13.2. Rolling Upgrades Using Hot Rod (Remote Client-Server Mode)

The following process is used to perform rolling upgrades on JBoss Data Grid running in Remote Client-Server mode, using Hot Rod. This procedure is designed to upgrade the data grid itself, and does not upgrade the client application.

This procedure assumes you have a cluster already configured and running, and that it is using an older version of JBoss Data Grid. This cluster is referred to below as the "Source Cluster", where as the "Target Cluster" refers to the new cluster to which data will be migrated.

  1. Begin a new cluster (Target Cluster)

    Start the Target Cluster with the new version of JBoss Data Grid.
    Use either different network settings or JGroups cluster name to avoid overlap with the Source Cluster.
  2. Configure the Target Cluster with a RemoteCacheStore

    The Target Cluster is configured with a RemoteCacheStore with the following settings for each cache to be migrated:
    1. servers must point to the Source Cluster.
    2. cache name must coincide with the name of the cache on the Source Cluster.
    3. hotrod-wrapping must be enabled ("true").
    4. purge must be disabled ("false").
    5. passivation must be disabled ("false").
    Configure the Target Cluster with a RemoteCacheStore

    Figure 13.1. Configure the Target Cluster with a RemoteCacheStore


    Refer to the $JDG_HOME/server/docs/examples/configs/standalone-hotrod-rolling-upgrade.xml file for a full example of the Target Cluster configuration for performing Rolling Upgrades.
    Target Cluster configuration example assumes the Source Cluster is running with standalone.xml configuration:
    <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:datagrid:infinispan:6.1" 
        <cache-container name="local"                         
            <local-cache name="default"                         
                <locking isolation="NONE"                         
                <transaction mode="NONE"/>
                <remote-store cache="default"                         
                    <remote-server outbound-socket-binding="remote-store-hotrod-server"/>
        <cache-container name="security"/>
  3. Configure clients to point to the Target Cluster

    Configure clients to point to the Target Cluster instead of the Source Cluster, restarting each client node one by one.
    Eventually all requests will be handled by the Target Cluster, which will lazily load data from the Source Cluster on demand. The Source Cluster is now the RemoteCacheStore for the Target Cluster.
    Clients point to the Target Cluster with the Source Cluster as RemoteCacheStore for the Target Cluster.

    Figure 13.2. Clients point to the Target Cluster with the Source Cluster as RemoteCacheStore for the Target Cluster.

  4. Dump the Source Cluster keyset

    When all connections are using the Target Cluster, the keyset on the Source Cluster must be dumped. This can be done using either JMX or the CLI:
    • JMX

      Invoke the recordKnownGlobalKeyset operation on the RollingUpgradeManager MBean on the Source Cluster for every cache that needs to be migrated.
    • CLI

      Invoke the upgrade --dumpkeys command on the Source Cluster for every cache that needs to be migrated, or use the --all switch to dump all caches in the cluster.
  5. Fetch remaining data from the Source Cluster

    The Target Cluster now needs to fetch all remaining data from the Source Cluster. Again, this can be done using either JMX or CLI:
    • JMX

      Invoke the synchronizeData operation and specify the hotrod parameter on the RollingUpgradeManager MBean on the Target Cluster for every cache that needs to be migrated.
    • CLI

      Invoke the upgrade --synchronize=hotrod command on the Target Cluster for every cache that needs to be migrated, or use the --all switch to synchronize all caches in the cluster.
  6. Disabling the RemoteCacheStore

    Once the Target Cluster has obtained all data from the Source Cluster, the RemoteCacheStore on the Target Cluster must be disabled. This can be done as follows:
    • JMX

      Invoke the disconnectSource operation specifying the hotrod parameter on the RollingUpgradeManager MBean on the Target Cluster.
    • CLI

      Invoke the upgrade --disconnectsource=hotrod command on the Target Cluster.
  7. Decommission the Source Cluster.

13.3. RollingUpgradeManager Operations

The RollingUpgradeManager Mbean handles the operations that allow data to be migrated from one version of JBoss Data Grid to another when performing rolling upgrades. The RollingUpgradeManager operations are:
  • recordKnownGlobalKeyset - retrieves the entire keyset from the cluster running on the old version of JBoss Data Grid.
  • synchronizeData - performs the migration of data from the Source Cluster to the Target Cluster, which is running the new version of JBoss Data Grid.
  • disconnectSource - disables the Source Cluster, the older version of JBoss Data Grid, once data migration to the Target Cluster is complete.

Part IV. The Infinispan CDI Module

Chapter 14. The Infinispan CDI Module

14.1. About Infinspan CDI

Infinispan includes Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) in the infinispan-cdi module. The infinispan-cdi module offers:
  • Configuration and injection using the Cache API.
  • A bridge between the cache listeners and the CDI event system. (future feature?)
  • Partial support for the JCACHE caching annotations.

14.2. Using Infinispan CDI

14.2.1. Infinispan CDI Prerequisites

The following is a list of prerequisites to use the Infinispan CDI module with JBoss Data Grid:
  • Ensure that the most recent version of the infinispan-cdi module is used.
  • Ensure that the correct dependency information is set.

14.2.2. Set the CDI Maven Dependency

Add the following dependency information to the pom.xml file in your maven project:
If Maven is not in use, the infinispan-cdi jar file is available at modules/infinispan-cdi in the ZIP distribution.

14.3. Using the Infinispan CDI Module

14.3.1. Using the Infinispan CDI Module

The Infinispan CDI module can be used for the following purposes:
  • To configure and inject Infinispan caches into CDI Beans and Java EE components.
  • To configure cache managers.
  • To control storage and retrieval using CDI annotations.

14.3.2. Configure and Inject Infinispan Caches Inject an Infinispan Cache

An Infinispan cache is one of the multiple components that can be injected into the project's CDI beans.
The following code snippet illustrates how to inject a cache instance into the CDI bean:
public class MyCDIBean {
    Cache<String, String> cache;
} Inject a Remote Infinispan Cache

The code snippet to inject a normal cache is slightly modified to inject a remote Infinispan cache, as follows:
public class MyCDIBean {
    RemoteCache<String, String> remoteCache;
} Set the Injection's Target Cache Setting the Injection's Target Cache
The following are the three steps to set an injection's target cache:
  1. Create a qualifier annotation.
  2. Add a producer class.
  3. Inject the desired class. Create a Qualifier Annotation
To use CDI to return a specific cache, create custom cache qualifier annotations as follows:
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface SmallCache {}

Use the created @SmallCache qualifier to specify how to create specific caches. Add a Producer Class
The following code snippet illustrates how the @SmallCache qualifier (created in the previous step) specifies a way to create a cache:
import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.Configuration;
import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.ConfigurationBuilder;
import org.infinispan.cdi.ConfigureCache;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Proces;

public class CacheCreator {
    public Configuration specialCacheCfg() {
        return new ConfigurationBuilder()
The elements in the code snippet are:
  • @ConfigureCache specifies the name of the cache.
  • @SmallCache is the cache qualifier. Inject the Desired Class
Use the @SmallCache qualifier and the new producer class to inject a specific cache into the CDI bean as follows:
public class MyCDIBean {
    @Inject @SmallCache
    Cache<String, String> mySmallCache;

14.3.3. Configure Cache Managers Configuring Cache Managers with CDI

A JBoss Data Grid Cache Manager (both embedded and remote) can be configured using CDI. Whether configuring an embedded or remote cache manager, the first step is to specify a default configuration that is annotated to act as a producer. Specify the Default Configuration

Specify a method annotated as a producer for the JBoss Data Grid configuration object to replace the default Infinispan Configuration. The following sample configuration illustrates this step:
public class Config {
    public Configuration defaultEmbeddedConfiguration () {
        return new ConfigurationBuilder()


CDI adds a @Default qualifier if no other qualifiers are provided.
If a @Produces annotation is placed in a method that returns a Configuration instance, the method is invoked when a Configuration object is required.
In the provided example configuration, the method creates a new Configuration object which is subsequently configured and returned. Override the Creation of the Embedded Cache Manager

Creating Non Clustered Caches

After a producer method is annotated, this method will be called when creating an EmbeddedCacheManager, as follows:

public class Config {
    public EmbeddedCacheManager defaultEmbeddedCacheManager
        Configuration cfg = new ConfigurationBuilder()
        return new DefaultCacheManager(cfg);
The @ApplicationScoped annotation specifies that the method is only called ocne.
Creating Clustered Caches

The following configuration can be used to create an EmbeddedCacheManager that can create clustered caches.

public class Config {

	public EmbeddedCacheManager defaultClusteredCacheManager() {
		GlobalConfiguration g = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
		Configuration cfg = new ConfigurationBuilder()
		return new DefaultCacheManager(g, cfg);
Invoke the Method to Generate an EmbeddedCacheManager

The method annotated with @Produces in the non clustered method generates Configuration objects. The two methods in the clustered cache example annonated with @Produces generate EmbeddedCacheManager objects.

Add an injection as follows in your CDI Bean to invoke the appropriate annotated method. This generates EmbeddedCacheManager and injects it into the code at runtime.
EmbeddedCacheManager cacheManager;
... Configure a Remote Cache Manager

The RemoteCacheManager is configured in a manner similar to EmbeddedCacheManagers, as follows:
public class Config {
	public RemoteCacheManager defaultRemoteCacheManager() {
		return new RemoteCacheManager(ADDRESS, PORT);
} Configure Multiple Cache Managers with a Single Class

A single class can be used to configure multiple cache managers and remote cache managers based on the created qualifiers. An example of this is as follows:
public class Config {
	public EmbeddedCacheManager
		defaultEmbeddedCacheManager() {
			Configuration cfg = new ConfigurationBuilder()
			return new DefaultCacheManager(cfg);

	public EmbeddedCacheManager 
		defaultClusteredCacheManager() {
		GlobalConfiguration g = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
		Configuration cfg = new ConfigurationBuilder()
		return new DefaultCacheManager(g, cfg);
	public RemoteCacheManager
		defaultRemoteCacheManager() {
			return new RemoteCacheManager(ADDRESS, PORT);

	public RemoteCacheManager newRemoteCacheManager() {
		return new RemoteCacheManager(ADDRESS_FAR_AWAY, PORT);

14.3.4. Storage and Retrieval Using CDI Annotations Configure Cache Annotations

Specific CDI annotations are accepted for the JCache (JSR-107) specification. All included annotations are located in the javax.cache package.
The annotations intercept method calls on CDI beans and perform storage and retrieval tasks as a result of these interceptions. Enable Cache Annotations

Interceptors can be added to the CDI bean archive using the beans.xml file. Adding the following code adds interceptors such as the CacheResultInterceptor, CachePutInterceptor, CacheRemoveEntryInterceptor and the CacheRemoveAllInterceptor:
<beans xmlns="http://java.sun.som/xml/ns/javaee"
       xsi:schemaLocation="" >
</beans> Catch the Result of a Method Invocation Catching the Result of a Method Invocation
A common practice for time or resource intensive operations is to save the results in a cache for future access. The following code is an example of such an operation:
public String toCelsiusFormatted(float fahrenheit) {
		.format((fahrenheit * 5 / 9) - 32)
		+ " degrees Celsius";
A common approach is to cache the results of this method call and to check the cache when the result is next required. The following is an example of a code snippet that looks up the result of such an operation in a cache. If the results are not found, the code snippet runs the toCelsiusFormatted method again and stores the result in the cache.
float f = getTemperatureInFahrenheit();
Cache<Float, String>
	fahrenheitToCelsiusCache = getCache();
String celsius =
	fahrenheitToCelsiusCache = get(f);
     if (celsius == null) {
	     celsius = toCelsiusFormatted(f);
	     fahrenheitToCelsiusCache.put(f, celsius);
In such cases, the Infinispan CDI module can be used to eliminate all the extra code in the related examples. Annotate the method with the @CacheResult annotation instead, as follows:
public String toCelsiusFormatted(float fahrenheit) {
	return NumberFormat.getInstance()
	.format((fahrenheit * 5 / 9) - 32)
	+ " degrees Celsius";
Due to the annotation, Infinispan checks the cache and if the results are not found, it invokes the toCelsiusFormatted() method call.


The Infinispan CDI module allows checking the cache for saved results, but this approach should be carefully considered before application. If the results of the call should always be fresh data, or if the cache reading requires a remote network lookup or deserialization from a cache loader, checking the cache before call method invocation can be counter productive. Specify the Cache Used
Add the following optional attribute (cacheName) to the @CacheResult annotation to specify the cache to check for results of the method call:
@CacheResult(cacheName = "mySpecialCache")
public void doSomething(String parameter) {
} Cache Keys for Cached Results
As a default, the @CacheResult annotation creates a key for the results fetched from a cache. The key consists of a combination of all parameters in the relevant method.
Create a custom key using the @CacheKeyParam annotation as follows:
public void doSomething
	(@CacheKeyParam String p1,
	@CacheKeyParam String p2,
	String dontCare) {
In the specified example, only the values of p1 and p2 are used to create the cache key. The value of dontCare is not used when determining the cache key. Generate a Custom Key
Generate a custom key as follows:
import javax.cache.annotation.CacheKey;
import javax.cache.annotation.CacheKeyGenerator;
import javax.cache.annotation.CacheKeyInvocationContext;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;

public class MyCacheKeyGenerator implements CacheKeyGenerator {

   public CacheKey generateCacheKey(CacheKeyInvocationContext<? extends Annotation> ctx) {

      return new MyCacheKey(
The listed method constructs a custom key. This key is passed as part of the value generated by the first parameter of the invocation context.
To specify the custom key generation scheme, add the optional parameter cacheKeyGenerator to the @CacheResult annotation as follows:
@CacheResult(cacheKeyGenerator = MyCacheKeyGenerator.class)
public void doSomething(String p1, String p2) {
Using the provided method, p1 contains the custom key. CacheKey Implementation Code
A custom key generation scheme can be created to override the default key generation offered by the Infinispan CDI module.
Generate a custom key as follows:
import javax.cache.annotation.CacheKey;

public class MyCacheKey implements CacheKey {
   private Object p;

   public CustomCacheKey(Object p) {
      this.p = p;

   public boolean equals(Object o) {

   public int hashCode() {
The equals() and hashCode() methods must be correctly implemented for the CacheKey to work as expected.

14.3.5. Cache Operations Update a Cache Entry

When the method that contains the @CachePut annotation is invoked, a parameter (normally passed to the method annotated with @CacheValue) is stored in the cache.
The following is a sample of the @CachePut annotated method:
@CachePut (cacheName = "personCache")
public void updatePerson
	(@CacheKeyParam long personId,
	@CacheValue Person newPerson) {
Further customization is possible using cacheName and cacheKeyGenerator in the @CachePut method. Additionally, some parameters in the invoked method may be annotated with @CacheKeyParam to control key generation. Remove an Entry from the Cache

The following is an example of a @CacheRemoveEntry annotated method and is used to remove an entry from the cache:
@CacheRemoveEntry (cacheName = "cacheOfPeople")
public void changePersonName
	(@CacheKeyParam long personId,
	string newName {
The annotation accepts the optional cacheName and cacheKeyGenerator attributes. Clear the Cache

Invoke the @CacheRemoveAll method to clear all entries from the cache. An example of a method annotated with @CacheRemoveAll is as follows
@CacheRemoveAll (cacheName = "statisticsCache")
public void resetStatistics() {
As displayed in the example, this annotation accepts an optional cacheName attribute.

Part V. Querying in JBoss Data Grid

Chapter 15. The Query Module

15.1. About the Query Module

Users have the ability to query the entire stored data set for specific items in JBoss Data Grid. Applications may not always be aware of specific keys, however different parts of a value can be queried using the Query Module.
The JBoss Data Grid Query Module utilizes the capabilities of Infinispan Query and Apache Lucene to index search objects in the cache. The Query Module uses the Infinispan Query internally and independent of the data source. This allows objects to be located within the cache based on their properties, rather than requiring the keys for each object.
Objects can be searched for based on some of their properties. For example:
  • Retrieve all red cars (an exact metadata match).
  • Search for all books about a specific topic (full text search and relevance scoring).
An exact data match can also be implemented with the MapReduce function, however full text and relevance based scoring can only be performed via the Query Module.


The Query Module is in Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1. Despite the Query Module itself not being supported, undocumented APIs and packages must not be used in JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.2. Apache Lucene and Infinispan Query

In order to perform querying on the entire data set stored in the distributed grid, JBoss Data Grid utilizes the capabilities of the Apace Lucene indexing tool, as well as Infinispan Query.
  • Apache Lucene is a document indexing tool and search engine. JBoss Data Grid uses Apache Lucene 3.6.
  • Infinispan Query is a toolkit based on Hibernate Search that reduces Java objects into a format similar to a document, which is able to be indexed and queried by Apache Lucene.
In JBoss Data Grid, the Query Module indexes keys and values annotated with Infinispan Query indexing annotations, then updates the index based in Apache Lucene accordingly.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.3. About Lucene Directory

The Lucene Directory is the Input Output API for Apache Lucene to store the query indexes.
The most common Lucene Directory implementations used with JBoss Data Grid's Query Module are:
  • Ram - stores the index in a local map to the node. This index cannot be shared.
  • File system - stores the index in a locally mounted file system. This could be a network shared file system, however sharing in this manner is not recommended.
  • JBoss Data Grid - stores the indexes in a different set of dedicated JBoss Data Grid caches. These caches can be configured as replicated or distributed in order to share the index between nodes.
The Query Module is not aware of where indexes are stored.


The Lucene Directory provided by JBoss Data Grid is not limited to the Query Module. It can seamlessly replace any other requirement to store Lucene indexes where your application uses Lucene directly.
The JBoss Data Grid Query Module ships with several Lucene Directory implementations, and accepts third party implementations.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.4. Infinispan Query

15.4.1. Infinispan Query in JBoss Data Grid

In JBoss Data Grid, the identifier for all @Indexed objects is the key used to store the value. How the key is indexed can still be customized by using a combination of @Transformable, @ProvidedID, custom types and custom FieldBridge implementations.
The @DocumentID identifier does not apply to JBoss Data Grid values.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.4.2. Infinispan Query Dependencies for JBoss Data Grid

To run Infinispan Query in JBoss Data Grid, you must have installed:
  • JBoss Data Grid
  • A JVM
  • Maven
To use the JBoss Data Grid directory for Infinispan Query via Maven, the following dependency must be added:

To store indexes in JBoss Data Grid, apply the following dependency:

Optionally, analysis support can be included by applying the following dependency:

Non-Maven users must install all .jar files from the JBoss Data Grid distribution.
For more detailed information about configuring Hibernate Search, refer to the JBoss Web Framework Kit Hibernate Search guide.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.4.3. Configuring Infinispan Query for JBoss Data Grid

The following procedure shows how to set up a simple configuration for using Infinispan Query with JBoss Data Grid.
  1. Enable the Infinispan Query default configuration and cluster-replicated index for JBoss Data Grid's Query Module, using either "default" or specifying the name of an index. The default configuration does not enable any form of persistence for the index.[default|<indexname>].directory_provider infinispan
    It is possible to use multiple named indexes, so configuration can be applied to all or overridden in a per-index base by using the index name.
    In order to enable a persistent index, either a JBoss Data Grid configuration file must be provided, or point to JNDI as described in Step 2.
  2. Infinispan Query requires a CacheManager, which can be obtained in two ways.
    • Look up and reuse an existing CacheManager programmatically using Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). To use this method, the following property must be set in addition to the property specified in Step 1:[default|<indexname>].infinispan.cachemanager_jndiname = [jndiname]
    • Start and manage a new CacheManager. To use a new CacheManager apply the following:[default|<indexname>].infinispan.configuration_resourcename = [infinispan configuration filename]
    If both parameters are defined, the JNDI will be prioritized.
    If neither of these parameters are defined, Infinispan Query will use the default JBoss Data Grid configuration included in hibernate-search-infinispan.jar, which does not store the index in a persistent cache store.
Specific methods, classes, and packages for this feature are unsupported in JBoss Data Grid, and should not be used. For a full list of prohibited methods, classes, and packages for this feature, see the "Prohibited Classes, Methods, and Packages" section of the JBoss Data Grid 6.1 Release Notes.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.5. Configuring the Query Module

15.5.1. Configure the Query Module

Indexing must be enabled in either the XML configuration or the programmatic configuration. Once this has been enabled, you can use the Search capabilities using the SearchManager, which exposes methods to perform queries.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.5.3. Configure Indexing Programmatically

Indexing can be configured programmatically, avoiding XML configuration files.
In this example, JBoss Data Grid is started programmatically and also maps an object Author, which is stored in the grid and made searchable via two properties, without annotating the class.
SearchMapping mapping = new SearchMapping();
      .property("name", ElementType.METHOD).field()
      .property("surname", ElementType.METHOD).field();
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put(, mapping);
properties.put("[other options]", "[...]");
Configuration infinispanConfiguration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
DefaultCacheManager cacheManager = new DefaultCacheManager(infinispanConfiguration);
Cache<Long, Author> cache = cacheManager.getCache();
SearchManager sm = Search.getSearchManager(cache);
Author author = new Author(1, "FirstName", "Surname");
cache.put(author.getId(), author);
QueryBuilder qb = sm.buildQueryBuilderForClass(Author.class).get();
Query q = qb.keyword().onField("name").matching("FirstName").createQuery();
CacheQuery cq = sm.getQuery(q, Author.class);
Assert.assertEquals(cq.getResultSize(), 1);


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.5.4. Rebuilding the Index

The Lucene index can be rebuilt, if required, by reconstructing it from the data store in the cache.
The index must be rebuilt if:
  • The definition of what is indexed in the types has changed.
  • A parameter affecting how the index is defined, such as the Analyser changes.
  • The index is destroyed or corrupted, possibly due to a system administration error.
To rebuild the index, obtain a reference to the MassIndexer and start it as follows:
SearchManager searchManager = Search.getSearchManager(cache);
This operation reprocesses all data in the grid, and therefore may take some time.
Rebuilding the index is also available as a JMX operation.


The MassIndexer is implemented using MapReduce, and is therefore only functional in distributed cache mode.

15.6. Annotating Objects and Storing Indexes

15.6.1. Annotating Objects for Infinispan Query

Once indexing has been enabled, custom objects being stored in JBoss Data Grid need to be assigned appropriate Infinispan Query annotations.
As a basic requirement, all objects required to be indexed must be annotated with
  • @Entity
  • @Indexed
  • @ProvidedId
In addition, all fields within the object that will be searched need to be annotated with @Field.
For example:
@Entity @ProvidedId @Indexed
public class Person
	implements Serializable {
		@Field(store = Store.YES)
		private String name;
		@Field(store = Store.YES)
		private String description;
		@Field(store = Store.YES)
		private int age;
For more useful annotations and options, refer to the JBoss Web Framework Kit Hibernate Search guide.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.6.2. Registering a Transformer via Annotations

The key for each value must also be indexed, and the key instance must then be transformed in a String.
JBoss Data Grid includes some default transformation routines for encoding common primitives, however to use a custom key you must provide an implementation of org.infinispan.query.Transformer.
The following example shows how to annotate your key type using org.infinispan.query.Transformer:
@Transformable(transformer = CustomTransformer.class)
public class CustomKey {
public class CustomTransformer implements Transformer {
   public Object fromString(String s) {
      return new CustomKey(...);
   public String toString(Object customType) {
      CustomKey ck = (CustomKey) customType;
      return ...
The two methods must implement a biunique correspondence.
For example, for any object A the following must be true:
A.equals( transformer.fromString( transformer.toString( A ) )

This assumes that the transformer is the appropriate Transformer implementation for objects of type A.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.7. Cache Modes and Storing Indexes

15.7.1. Storing Lucene Indexes

In JBoss Data Grid's Query Module, Lucene is used to store and manage indexes. Lucene ships with several index storage subsystems, also known as directories.
These include directories for the purpose of:
  • simple, in-memory storage.
  • file system storage.
To configure the storage of indexes, set the appropriate properties when enabling indexing in the JBoss Data Grid configuration.
The following example demonstrates an in-memory, RAM-based index store:
<namedCache name="indexesInMemory">
	<indexing enabled="true">
			<property name=
				"default.directory_provider" value="ram"/>

This second example shows a disk-based index store:
<namedCache name="indexesOnDisk">
	<indexing enabled="true">
			<property name=
				"default.directory_provider" value="filesystem"/>
</namedCache> is also a valid optional prefix for configuration property keys.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.7.2. The Infinispan Directory

In addition to the Lucene directory implementations, JBoss Data Grid also ships with an infinispan-directory module.
The infinispan-directory allows Lucene to store indexes within the distributed data grid. This allows the indexes to be distributed , stored in-memory, and optionally written to disk using the cache store for durability.
This can be configured by having the named cache store indexes in JBoss Data Grid. For example:
<namedCache name="indexesInInfinispan">
	<indexing enabled="true">
			<property name=
				"default.directory_provider" value="infinispan"/>
			<property name=
				"default.exclusive_index_use" value="false"/>
</namedCache> is also a valid optional prefix for configuration property keys.
Sharing the same index instance using the Infinispan Directory Provider, introduces a write contention point, as only one instance can write on the same index at the same time. The property exclusive_index_use must be set to "false" and in most cases an alternative backend must be setup.
For more detailed information, refer to the JBoss Web Framework Kit Hibernate Search guide.
The default backend can be used if there is very low contention on writes, or if the application can guarantee all writes on the index are originated on the same node.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.7.3. Cache Modes and Managing Indexes

In JBoss Data Grid's Query Module there are two options for storing indexes:
  1. Each node can maintain an individual copy of the global index.
  2. The index can be shared across all nodes.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.7.4. Storing Global Indexes Locally

Storing the global index locally in JBoss Data Grid's Query Module allows each node to
  • maintain its own index.
  • use Lucene's in-memory or filesystem-based index directory.


The JBoss Data Grid cluster must be operating in replicated mode in order to ensure each node's indexes are always up to date.
When enabling indexing with the global index stored locally, the indexLocalOnly attribute of the indexing element must be set to "false" in order for changes originating from elsewhere in the cluster are indexed.
The following example shows how to configure storing the global index as a local copy:
<namedCache name="localCopyOfGlobalIndexes">
	<clustering mode="replicated"/>
	<indexing enabled="true" indexLocalOnly="false">
		<property name=
</namedCache> is also a valid optional prefix for configuration property keys.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.7.5. Sharing the Global Index

The Query Module in JBoss Data Grid has the option to have a single set of indexes shared by all nodes. The only Lucene directories supported in this mode, and where indexes can be made available to the entire cluster are:
  • The JBoss Data Grid directory provider. Either replicated or distributed cache modes can be used when sharing the indexes in this manner.
  • A local filesystem-based index, which is periodically synchronized with other nodes using simple file copy. This requires a shared network drive configured externally.
When enabling shared indexes, the indexLocalOnly attribute of the indexing element must be set to "true". For example:
<namedCache name="globalSharedIndexes">
	<clustering mode="distributed"/>
	<indexing enabled="true" indexLocalOnly="true">
		<property name=
			"default.directory_provider" value="infinispan"/>
		<property name=
			"default.exclusive_index_use" value="false"/>
</namedCache> is also a valid optional prefix for configuration property keys.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

15.8. Querying Example

15.8.1. The Query Module Example

The following provides an example of how to set up and run a query in JBoss Data Grid.
In this example, the "Person" object has been annotated using the following:
@Entity @ProvidedId @Indexed
public class Person
	implements Serializable {
		@Field(store = Store.YES)
		private String name;
		private String description;
		@Field(store = Store.YES)
		private int age;
Assuming several of these "Person" objects have been stored in JBoss Data Grid, they can be searched using querying. The following code creates a SearchManager and QueryBuilder instance:
SearchManager manager=
QueryBuilder builder=
	sm.buildQueryBuilderForClass(Person.class) .get();
Query luceneQuery = builder.keyword()
The SearchManager and QueryBuilder are used to construct a Lucene query. The Lucene query is then passed to the SearchManager to obtain a CacheQuery instance:
CacheQuery query = manager.getQuery(luceneQuery);
for (Object result: query) {
        System.out.println("Found " + result);
This CacheQuery instance contains the results of the query, and can be used to produce a list or it can be used for repeat queries.


The Query Module is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

Part VI. MapReduce and Distributed Tasks

Chapter 16. MapReduce

16.1. About MapReduce

The JBoss Data Grid MapReduce model is an adaptation of Google's MapReduce model.
MapReduce is a programming model used to process and generate large data sets. It is typically used in distributed computing environments where nodes are clustered. In JBoss Data Grid, MapReduce allows transparent distributed processing of very large amounts of data across the data grid by performing most computations as locally possible to where the data is stored.
MapReduce uses the two distinct computational phases of map and reduce to process information requests through the data grid. The process occurs as follows:
  1. The user initiates a task on a cache instance, which runs on a cluster node (the master node).
  2. The master node receives the task input, divides the task, and sends tasks for map phase execution on the grid.
  3. Each node executes a Mapper function on its input, and returns intermediate results back to the master node.
    • If the distributedReducePhase parameter is set to "true", the map results are inserted in an intermediary cache, rather than being returned to the master node.
    • If a Combiner has been specified with task.combinedWith(Reducer), the Combiner is called on the Mapper results and the combiner's results are retured to the master node or inserted in the intermediary cache.
  4. The master node collects all intermediate results from the map phase and merges all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key.
    • If the distributedReducePhase parameter is set to "true", the merging of the intermediate values is done on each node, as the Mapper or Combiner results are inserted in the intermediary cache.The master node only receives the intermediate keys.
  5. The master node sends intermediate key/value pairs for reduction on the grid.
    • If the distributedReducePhase parameter is set to "false", the reduction phase is executed only on the master node.
  6. The final results of the reduction phase are returned.
    • If the distributedReducePhase parameter is set to "true", the master node running the task receives all results from the reduction phase and returns the final result to the MapReduce task initiator.
    • If a Collator has been specified with task.execute(Collator), the Collator is executed on the reduction phase results, and the Collator result is returned to the task initiator.

16.2. The MapReduce API

16.2.1. The MapReduce API

In JBoss Data Grid, each MapReduce task has four main components:
  • Mapper
  • Reducer
  • Collator
  • MapReduceTask
The Mapper class implementation is a component of MapReduceTask, which is invoked once per input cache entry key/value pair. Map is a the process of applying a given function to each element of a list, returning a list of results
Each node in the JBoss Data Grid executes the Mapper on a given cache entry key/value input pair. It then transforms this cache entry key/value pair into an intermediate key/value pair, which is emitted into the provided Collator instance.
public interface Mapper<KIn, VIn, KOut, VOut> extends Serializable {
    * Invoked once for each input cache entry KIn,VOut pair.
   void map(KIn key, VIn value, Collector<KOut, VOut> collector);

At this stage, for each output key there may be multiple output values. The multiple values must be reduced to a single value, and this is the task of the Reducer. JBoss Data Grid's distributed execution environment creates one instance of Reducer per execution node.
public interface Reducer<KOut, VOut> extends Serializable {
    * Combines/reduces all intermediate values for a particular intermediate key to a single value.
    * <p>
   VOut reduce(KOut reducedKey, Iterator<VOut> iter);

The same Reducer interface is used for Combiners. A Combiner is similar to a Reducer, except that it must be able to work on partial results. The Combiner is executed on the results of the Mapper, on the same node, without considering the other nodes that might have generated values for the same intermediate key.
As Combiners only see a part of the intermediate values, they cannot be used in all scenarios, however when used they can reduce network traffic significantly.
The Collator coordinates results from Reducers that have been executed on JBoss Data Grid, and assembles a final result that is delivered to the initiator of the MapReduceTask. The Collator is applied to the final map key/value result of MapReduceTask.
public interface Reducer<KOut, VOut> extends Serializable {
    * Combines/reduces all intermediate values for a particular intermediate key to a single value.
    * <p>
   VOut reduce(KOut reducedKey, Iterator<VOut> iter);

16.2.2. MapReduceTask

In JBoss Data Grid, MapReduceTask is a distributed task, which unifies the Mapper, Combiner, Reducer, and Collator components into a cohesive computation, which can be parallelized and executed across a large-scale cluster.
These components can be specified with a fluent API. However,as most of them are serialized and executed on other nodes, using inner classes is not recommended.
For example:
new MapReduceTask(cache).mappedWith(new MyMapper()).combinedWith(new 
MyCombiner().reducedWith(new MyReducer()).execute(new MyCollator()).
MapReduceTask requires a cache containing data that will be used as input for the task. The JBoss Data Grid execution environment will instantiate and migrate instances of provided Mappers and Reducers seamlessly across the nodes.
By default, all available key/value pairs of a specified cache will be used as input data for the task. This can be modified by using the onKeys method as an input key filter.
There are two MapReduceTask constructor parameters that determine how the intermediate values are processed:
  • distributedReducePhase - When set to "false", the default setting, the reducers are only executed on the master node. If set to "true", the reducers are executed on every node in the cluster.
  • useIntermediateSharedCache - Only important if distributedReducePhase is set to "true". If "true", which is the default setting, this task will share intermediate value cache with other executing MapReduceTasks on the grid. If set to "false", this task will use its own dedicated cache for intermediate values.

16.2.3. Mapper and CDI

The Mapper is invoked with appropriate input key/value pairs on an executing node, however JBoss Data Grid also provides a CDI injection for an input cache. The CDI injection can be used where additional data from the input cache is required in order to complete map transformation.
When the Mapper is executed on a JBoss Data Grid executing node, the JBoss Data Grid CDI module provides an appropriate cache reference, which is injected to the executing Mapper. To use the JBoss Data Grid CDI module with Mapper:
  1. Declare a cache field in Mapper.
  2. Annotate the cache field Mapper with @org.infinispan.cdi.Input.
  3. Annotate with mandatory @Inject annotation.
For example:
public class WordCountCacheInjectedMapper implements Mapper<String, String, String, Integer> {
      private Cache<String, String> cache;
      public void map(String key, String value, Collector<String, Integer> collector) {
         //use injected cache if needed
         StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(value);
         while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
		 for(String token : value.split("\\w")) {
             collector.emit(token, 1);

16.3. MapReduceTask Distributed Execution

16.3.1. MapReduceTask Distributed Execution

Distributed Execution of the MapReduceTask occurs in three phases:
  • Mapping phase.
  • Outgoing Key and Outgoing Value Migration.
  • Reduce phase.
The Mapping phase occurs as follows:

Procedure 16.1. Mapping Phase

  1. The input keys are grouped according to their owner nodes.
  2. On each node the Mapper function processes all key/value pairs local to that node.
  3. The results of the mapping process are collected using a Collector.
  4. If a Reducer is specified, it is applied to all intermediate values collected for each outgoing key (KOut, VOut).
The Outgoing Key and Outgoing Value migration phase occurs as follows:

Procedure 16.2. Outgoing Key and Outgoing Value Migration Phase

  1. Intermediate keys exposed by the Mapper are grouped by the intermediate outgoing key (KOut values. This grouping preserves the keys, as the mapping phase, when applied to other nodes in the cluster, may generate identical intermediate keys.
  2. Once the Reduce phase has been invoked, (as described in Step 4 of the Mapping Phase above), an underlying hashing mechanism, a temporary distributed cache, and a DeltaAware cache insertion mechanism are used to:
    • hash the intermediate key KOut using its owner node.
    • migrate the hashed KOut key and its corresponding VOut value to the same owner node.
  3. The list of KOut keys are returned to the master node. VOut values are not returned as they are not required by the master node.
The Reduce phase occurs as follows:

Procedure 16.3. Reduce Phase

  1. KOut keys are grouped according to owner node.
  2. The reduce operation applies to each node and its input (grouped KOut keys) as follows:
    • The reduce operation locates the temporary distributed cache created during the migration phase on the target node.
    • For each KOut key, a list of VOut values is taken from the temporary cache.
    • The KOut and VOut values are wrapped in an Iterator and the reduce operation is applied to the result.
  3. The reduce operation generates a map where each key is KOut and each value is VOut.
    Each node has its own map.
  4. The maps from each node in the cluster are combined into a single map (M).
  5. The MapReduce task returns map (M) to the node that initiated the MapReduce task.

16.4. Map Reduce Example

The following example uses a word count application to demonstrate MapReduce and it's distributed task abilities.
This example assumes we have a mapping of the key "sentence stored on JBoss Data Grid nodes".
  • Key is a String.
  • Each sentence is a String.
All words that appear in all sentences must be counted.
The following defines the implementation of this distributed task:
public class WordCountExample {
    * In this example replace c1 and c2 with
    * real Cache references
    * @param args
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Cache c1 = null;
      Cache c2 = null;
      c1.put("1", "Hello world here I am");
      c2.put("2", "Infinispan rules the world");
      c1.put("3", "JUDCon is in Boston");
      c2.put("4", "JBoss World is in Boston as well");
      c1.put("12","JBoss Application Server");
      c2.put("15", "Hello world");
      c1.put("14", "Infinispan community");
      c2.put("15", "Hello world");
      c1.put("111", "Infinispan open source");
      c2.put("112", "Boston is close to Toronto");
      c1.put("113", "Toronto is a capital of Ontario");
      c2.put("114", "JUDCon is cool");
      c1.put("211", "JBoss World is awesome");
      c2.put("212", "JBoss rules");
      c1.put("213", "JBoss division of RedHat ");
      c2.put("214", "RedHat community");
      MapReduceTask<String, String, String, Integer> t =
         new MapReduceTask<String, String, String, Integer>(c1);
      t.mappedWith(new WordCountMapper())
         .reducedWith(new WordCountReducer());
      Map<String, Integer> wordCountMap = t.execute();
   static class WordCountMapper implements Mapper<String,String,String,Integer> {
      /** The serialVersionUID */
      private static final long serialVersionUID = -5943370243108735560L;
      public void map(String key, String value, Collector<String, Integer> c) {
         StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(value);
		 for(String token : value.split("\\w")) {
             collector.emit(token, 1);

   static class WordCountReducer implements Reducer<String, Integer> {
      /** The serialVersionUID */
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1901016598354633256L;
      public Integer reduce(String key, Iterator<Integer> iter) {
         int sum = 0;
         while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Integer i = (Integer);
            sum += i;
         return sum;

In this second example, a Collator is defined, which will transform the result of MapReduceTask Map<KOut,VOut> into a String that is returned to a task invoker. The Collator is a transformation function applied to a final result of MapReduceTask.
MapReduceTask<String, String, String, Integer> t = new MapReduceTask<String, String, String, Integer>(cache);
t.mappedWith(new WordCountMapper()).reducedWith(new WordCountReducer());
String mostFrequentWord = t.execute(
      new Collator<String,Integer,String>() {
         public String collate(Map<String, Integer> reducedResults) {
            String mostFrequent = "";
            int maxCount = 0;
            for (Entry<String, Integer> e : reducedResults.entrySet()) {
               Integer count = e.getValue();
               if(count > maxCount) {
                  maxCount = count;
                  mostFrequent = e.getKey();
         return mostFrequent;
System.out.println("The most frequent word is " + mostFrequentWord);

Chapter 17. Distributed Execution

17.1. About Distributed Execution

JBoss Data Grid provides distributed execution through a standard JDK ExecutorService interface. Tasks submitted for execution are executed on an entire cluster of JBoss Data Grid nodes, rather than being executed in a local JVM.
JBoss Data Grid's distributed task executors can use data from JBoss Data Grid cache nodes as input for execution tasks. As a result, there is no need to configure the cache store for intermediate or final results. As input data in JBoss Data Grid is already load balanced, tasks are also automatically balanced, therefore there is no need to explicitly assign tasks to specific nodes.
In JBoss Data Grid's distributed execution framework:
  • Each DistributedExecutorService is bound to a single cache. Tasks submitted have access to key/value pairs from that particular cache if the task submitted is an instance of DistributedCallable.
  • Every Callable, Runnable, and/or DistributedCallable submitted must be either Serializable or Externalizable, in order to prevent task migration to other nodes each time one of these tasks is performed. The value returned from a Callable must also be Serializable or Externalizable.

17.2. DistributedCallable API

The DistributedCallable interface is a subtype of the existing Callable from java.util.concurrent.package, and can be executed in a remote JVM and receive input from JBoss Data Grid. The DistributedCallable interface is used to facilitate tasks that require access to JBoss Data Grid cache data.
When using the DistributedCallable API to execute a task, the task's main algorithm remains unchanged, however the input source is changed.
Users who have already implemented Callable interface to describe task units must extend DistributedCallable and use keys from JBoss Data Grid execution environment as input for the task. For example:
public interface DistributedCallable<K, V, T> extends Callable<T> {
    * Invoked by execution environment after DistributedCallable
    * has been migrated for execution to a specific Infinispan node.
    * @param cache
    *           cache whose keys are used as input data for this
    *           DistributedCallable task
    * @param inputKeys
    *           keys used as input for this DistributedCallable task
   public void setEnvironment(Cache<K, V> cache, Set<K> inputKeys);

17.3. Callable and CDI

Where DistributedCallable cannot be implemented or is not appropriate, and a reference to input cache used in DistributedExecutorService is still required, there is an option to inject the input cache by CDI mechanism.
When the Callable task arrives at a JBoss Data Grid executing node, JBoss Data Grid's CDI mechanism provides an appropriate cache reference, and injects it to the executing Callable.
To use the JBoss Data Grid CDI with Callable:
  1. Declare a Cache field in Callable> and annotated with org.infinispan.cdi.Input
  2. Include the mandatory @Inject annotation.
For example:
public class CallableWithInjectedCache implements Callable<Integer>, Serializable {
      private Cache<String, String> cache;
      public Integer call() throws Exception {
        //use injected cache reference
        return 1;

17.4. Distributed Task Failover

JBoss Data Grid's distributed execution framework supports task failover in the following cases:
  • Failover due to a node failure where a task is executing.
  • Failover due to a task failure; for example, if a Callable task throws an exception.
The failover policy is disabled by default, and Runnable, Callable, and DistributedCallable tasks fail without invoking any failover mechanism.
JBoss Data Grid provides a random node failover policy, which will attempt to execute a part of a Distributed task on another random node if one is available.
A random failover execution policy can be specified using the following as an example:
DistributedExecutorService des = new DefaultExecutorService(cache);
DistributedTaskBuilder<Boolean> taskBuilder = des.createDistributedTaskBuilder(new SomeCallable());
DistributedTask<Boolean> distributedTask =;
Future<Boolean> future = des.submit(distributedTask);
Boolean r = future.get();

The DistributedTaskFailoverPolicy interface can also be implemented to provide failover management. For example:
 * DistributedTaskFailoverPolicy allows pluggable fail over target selection for a failed remotely
 * executed distributed task.
public interface DistributedTaskFailoverPolicy {
    * As parts of distributively executed task can fail due to the task itself throwing an exception
    * or it can be an Infinispan system caused failure (e.g node failed or left cluster during task
    * execution etc).
    * @param failoverContext
    *           the FailoverContext of the failed execution
    * @return result the Address of the Infinispan node selected for fail over execution
   Address failover(FailoverContext context);
    * Maximum number of fail over attempts permitted by this DistributedTaskFailoverPolicy
    * @return max number of fail over attempts
   int maxFailoverAttempts();

17.5. Distributed Task Execution Policy

The DistributedTaskExecutionPolicy allows tasks to specify a custom execution policy across the JBoss Data Grid cluster, by scoping execution of tasks to a subset of nodes.
For example, DistributedTaskExecutionPolicy can be used to manage task execution in the following cases:
  • where a task is to be exclusively executed on a local network site instead of a backup remote network center.
  • where you want to use only a dedicated subset of a certain JBoss Data Grid rack nodes for specific task execution.
The following is an example of the second use case:
DistributedExecutorService des = new DefaultExecutorService(cache);
DistributedTaskBuilder<Boolean> taskBuilder = des.createDistributedTaskBuilder(new SomeCallable());
DistributedTask<Boolean> distributedTask =;
Future<Boolean> future = des.submit(distributedTask);
Boolean r = future.get();

17.6. Distributed Execution Example

In this example, parallel distributed execution is used to approximate the value of Pi (π)
  1. As shown below, the area of a square is:
    Area of a Square (S) = 4r 2
  2. The following is an equation for the area of a circle:
    Area of a Circle (C) = π x r 2
  3. Isolate r 2 from the first equation:
    r 2 = S/4
  4. Inject this value of r^2 into the second equation to find a value for Pi:
    C = Sπ/4
  5. Isolating π in the equation results in:
    C = Sπ/4
    4C = Sπ
    4C/S = π
If we now throw a large number of darts into the square, then draw a circle inside the square, and discard all dart throws that landed outside the circle, we can approximate the C/S value.
The value of π is previously worked out to 4C/S. We can use this to derive the approximate value of π. By maximizing the amount of darts thrown, we can derive an improved approximation of π.
In the following example, we throw 10 million darts by parallelizing the dart tossing across the cluster:
  public class PiAppx {
   public static void main (String [] arg){
      List<Cache> caches = ...;
      Cache cache = ...;
      int numPoints = 10000000;
      int numServers = caches.size();
      int numberPerWorker = numPoints / numServers;
      DistributedExecutorService des = new DefaultExecutorService(cache);
      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      CircleTest ct = new CircleTest(numberPerWorker);
      List<Future<Integer>> results = des.submitEverywhere(ct);
      int countCircle = 0;
      for (Future<Integer> f : results) {
         countCircle += f.get();
      double appxPi = 4.0 * countCircle / numPoints;
      System.out.println("Distributed PI appx is " + appxPi +
      " completed in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
   private static class CircleTest implements Callable<Integer>, Serializable {
      /** The serialVersionUID */
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 3496135215525904755L;
      private final int loopCount;
      public CircleTest(int loopCount) {
         this.loopCount = loopCount;
      public Integer call() throws Exception {
         int insideCircleCount = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
            double x = Math.random();
            double y = Math.random();
            if (insideCircle(x, y))
         return insideCircleCount;
      private boolean insideCircle(double x, double y) {
         return (Math.pow(x - 0.5, 2) + Math.pow(y - 0.5, 2))
         <= Math.pow(0.5, 2);

Part VII. Marshalling in JBoss Data Grid

Chapter 18. Marshalling

18.1. About Marshalling

Marshalling is the process of converting Java objects into a format that is transferable over the wire. Unmarshalling is the reversal of this process where data read from a wire format is converted into Java objects.

18.2. Marshalling Benefits

JBoss Data Grid uses marshalling and unmarshalling for the following purposes:
  • To transform data for relay to other JBoss Data Grid nodes within the cluster.
  • To transform data to be stored in underlying cache stores.

18.3. About Marshalling Framework

JBoss Data Grid uses the JBoss Marshalling Framework to marshall and unmarshall Java POJOs. Using the JBoss Marshalling Framework offers a significant performance benefit, and is therefore used instead of Java Serialization. Additionally, the JBoss Marshalling Framework can efficiently marshall Java POJOs, including Java classes.
The Java Marshalling Framework uses high performance and implementations compared to the standard and

18.4. Support for Non-Serializable Objects

A common user concern is whether JBoss Data Grid supports the storage of non-serializable objects. In JBoss Data Grid, marshalling is supported for non-serializable key-value objects; users can provide externalizer implementations for non-serializable objects.
If you are unable to retrofit Serializable or Externalizable support into your classes, you could (as an example) use XStream to convert the non-serializable objects into a String that can be stored in JBoss Data Grid.


XStream slows down the process of storing key-value objects due to the required XML transformations.

18.5. Hot Rod and Marshalling

In Remote Client-Server mode, marshalling occurs both on the JBoss Data Grid server and the client levels, but to varying degrees.
  • All data stored by clients on the JBoss Data Grid server are provided either as a byte array, or in a primitive format that is marshalling compatible for JBoss Data Grid.
    On the server side of JBoss Data Grid, marshalling occurs where the data stored in primitive format are converted into byte array and replicated around the cluster or stored to a cache store. No marshalling configuration is required on the server side of JBoss Data Grid.
  • At the client level, marshalling needs to have a Marshaller configuration element specified in the RemoteCacheManager configuration in order to serialize and deserialize POJOs.
    Due to Hot Rod's binary nature, it relies on marshalling to transform POJOs, specifically keys or values, into byte array.

18.6. Configuring the Marshaller using the RemoteCacheManager

The infinispan.client.hotrod.marshaller allows you to specify a custom Marshaller implementation to serialize and deserialize user objects.
This can be specified using the marshaller configuration element in the RemoteCacheManager, the value of which should be the name of the class implementing the Marshaller interface. The default value for this property is org.infinispan.marshall.jboss.GenericJBossMarshaller.
The following example shows the default value the JBoss Marshaller.
Properties props = new Properties();
RemoteCacheManager remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(props);

At the client level, POJOs need to be either Serializable, Externalizable, or primitive types.


The Java Hot Rod client does not support providing Externalizer instances to serialize POJOs. This is only available for Library mode.

18.7. Troubleshooting

18.7.1. Marshalling Troubleshooting

In JBoss Data Grid, the marshalling layer and JBoss Marshalling in particular, can produce errors when marshalling or unmarshalling a user object. The exception stack trace contains further information to help you debug the problem.
The following is an example of such a stack trace: java.lang.Object
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractMarshaller.writeObject(
at org.infinispan.marshall.exts.ReplicableCommandExternalizer.writeObject(
at org.infinispan.marshall.jboss.ConstantObjectTable$ExternalizerAdapter.writeObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractMarshaller.writeObject(
at org.infinispan.marshall.jboss.JBossMarshaller.objectToObjectStream(
at org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshaller.objectToBuffer(
at org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshaller.objectToByteBuffer(
at org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshallerTest.testNestedNonSerializable(
Caused by: an exception which occurred:
in object java.lang.Object@b40ec4
in object org.infinispan.commands.write.PutKeyValueCommand@df661da7
... Removed 22 stack frames
In object messages and stack traces are read in the same way: the highest in object is the innermost one and the outermost in object is the lowest.
The provided example indicates that a java.lang.Object instance within an org.infinispan.commands.write.PutKeyValueCommand instance cannot be serialized because java.lang.Object@b40ec4 is not serializable.
However, if the DEBUG or TRACE logging levels are enabled, marshalling exceptions will contain toString() representations of objects in the stack trace. The following is an example that depicts such a scenario: java.lang.Object
Caused by: an exception which occurred:
in object java.lang.Object@b40ec4
-> toString = java.lang.Object@b40ec4
in object org.infinispan.commands.write.PutKeyValueCommand@df661da7
->  toString = PutKeyValueCommand{key=k, value=java.lang.Object@b40ec4,  putIfAbsent=false, lifespanMillis=0, maxIdleTimeMillis=0}
Displaying this level of information for unmarshalling exceptions is expensive in terms of resources. However, where possible, JBoss Data Grid displays class type information. The following example depicts such levels of information on display: Injected failue!
at org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshallerTest$1.readExternal(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverUnmarshaller.doReadNewObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverUnmarshaller.doReadObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverUnmarshaller.doReadObject(
at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractUnmarshaller.readObject(
at org.infinispan.marshall.jboss.JBossMarshaller.objectFromObjectStream(
at org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(
at org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshaller.objectFromByteBuffer(
at org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshallerTest.testErrorUnmarshalling(
Caused by: an exception which occurred:
in object of type org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshallerTest$1
In the provided example, an IOException was thrown when an instance of the inner class org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshallerTest$1 is unmarshalled.
In a manner similar to marshalling exceptions, when DEBUG or TRACE logging levels are enabled, the class type's classloader information is provided. An example of this classloader information is as follows: Injected failue!
Caused by: an exception which occurred:
in object of type org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshallerTest$1
-> classloader hierarchy:
-> type classloader = sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@198dfaf
-> parent classloader = sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader@1858610
... Removed 22 stack frames

18.7.2. State Receiver EOFExceptions

During a state transfer, if an EOFException is logged that states that the state receiver has Read past end of file, this can be dealt with depending on whether the state provider encounters an error when generating the state. For example, if the state provider is currently providing a state to a node, when another node requests a state, the state generator log can contain:
2010-12-09 10:26:21,533 20267 ERROR [org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsTransport] (STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER-sender-1,Infinispan-Cluster,NodeJ-2368:) Caught while responding to state transfer request
org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Could not obtain exclusive processing lock
     at org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl.generateState(
     at org.infinispan.remoting.InboundInvocationHandlerImpl.generateState(
     at org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsTransport.getState(
     at org.jgroups.blocks.MessageDispatcher$ProtocolAdapter.handleUpEvent(
     at org.jgroups.blocks.MessageDispatcher$ProtocolAdapter.up(
     at org.jgroups.JChannel.up(
     at org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack.up(
     at org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.FLUSH.up(
     at org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER$StateProviderHandler.process(
     at org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER$StateProviderThreadSpawner$
     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Could not obtain exclusive processing lock
     at org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsDistSync.acquireProcessingLock(
     at org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl.generateTransactionLog(
     at org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl.generateState(
     ... 12 more
The implication of this exception is that the state generator was unable to generate the transaction log hence the output it was writing in now closed. In such a situation, the state receiver will often log an EOFException, displayed as follows, when failing to read the transaction log that was not written by the sender:
2010-12-09 10:26:21,535 20269 TRACE [org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshaller] (Incoming-2,Infinispan-Cluster,NodeI-38030:) Log exception reported Read past end of file
     at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractUnmarshaller.eofOnRead(
     at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractUnmarshaller.readUnsignedByteDirect(
     at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractUnmarshaller.readUnsignedByte(
     at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverUnmarshaller.doReadObject(
     at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractUnmarshaller.readObject(
     at org.infinispan.marshall.jboss.GenericJBossMarshaller.objectFromObjectStream(
     at org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshaller.objectFromObjectStream(
     at org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl.processCommitLog(
     at org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl.applyTransactionLog(
     at org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl.applyState(
     at org.infinispan.remoting.InboundInvocationHandlerImpl.applyState(
     at org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsTransport.setState(
When this error occurs, the state receiver attempts the operation every few seconds until it is successful. In most cases, after the first attempt, the state generator has already finished processing the second node and is fully receptive to the state, as expected.

Part VIII. Transactions

Chapter 19. Transactions

19.1. About Java Transaction API Transactions

JBoss Data Grid supports configuring, use of and participation in JTA compliant transactions. However, disabling transaction support is the equivalent of using the automatic commit feature in JDBC calls, where modifications are potentially replicated after every change, if replication is enabled.
JBoss Data Grid does the following for each cache operation:
  1. First, it retrieves the transactions currently associated with the thread.
  2. If not already done, it registers XAResource with the transaction manager to receive notifications when a transaction is committed or rolled back.


With JBoss Data Grid 6.0.x, it is recommended to disable transactions in Remote Client-Server Mode. However, if an error displays warning of an ExceptionTimeout where JBoss Data Grid is Unable to acquire lock after {time} on key {key} for requester {thread}, enable transactions. This occurs because non-transactional caches acquire locks on each node they write on. Using transactions prevents deadlocks because caches acquire locks on a single node. This problem is resolved in JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

19.2. Transactions Spanning Multiple Cache Instances

Each cache operates as a separate, standalone Java Transaction API (JTA) resource. However, components can be internally shared by JBoss Data Grid for optimization, but this sharing does not affect how caches interact with a Java Transaction API (JTA) Manager.

19.3. Transaction/Batching and Invalidation Messages

When making modifications in invalidation mode without the use of batching or transactions, invalidation messages are dispatched after each modification occurs. If transactions or batching are in use, invalidation messages are sent following a successful commit.
Using invalidation with transactions or batching provides greater efficiency as transmitting messages in bulk results in less network traffic.

Chapter 20. The Transaction Manager

20.1. About JTA Transaction Manager Lookup Classes

In order to execute a cache operation, the cache requires a reference to the environment's Transaction Manager. Configure the cache with the class name that belongs to an implementation of the TransactionManagerLookup interface. When initialized, the cache creates an instance of the specified class and invokes its getTransactionManager() method to locate and return a reference to the Transaction Manager.

Table 20.1. Transaction Manager Lookup Classes

Class Name Details
org.infinispan.transaction.lookup.DummyTransactionManagerLookup Used primarily for testing environments. This testing transaction manager is not for use in a production environment and is severely limited in terms of functionality, specifically for concurrent transactions and recovery.
org.infinispan.transaction.lookup.JBossStandaloneJTAManagerLookup The default transaction manager when JBoss Data Grid runs in a standalone environment. It is a fully functional JBoss Transactions based transaction manager that overcomes the functionality limits of the DummyTransactionManager.
org.infinispan.transaction.lookup.GenericTransactionManagerLookup Used to locate transaction managers in most Java EE application servers. If no transaction manager is located, it defaults to DummyTransactionManager.
org.infinispan.transaction.lookup.JBossTransactionManagerLookup Locates a transaction manager within a JBoss Application Server instance.

20.2. Obtain the Transaction Manager From the Cache

Use the following configuration after initialization to obtain the TransactionManager from the cache:

Procedure 20.1. Obtain the Transaction Manager from the Cache

  1. Define a transactionManagerLookupClass by adding the following property to your BasicCacheContainer's configuration location properties:
    Configuration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
      .transaction().transactionManagerLookup(new GenericTransactionManagerLookup())
  2. Call TransactionManagerLookup.getTransactionManager as follows:
    TransactionManager tm = cache.getAdvancedCache().getTransactionManager();

20.3. Transaction Manager and XAResources

Despite being specific to the Transaction Manager, the transaction recovery process must provide a reference to a XAResource implementation to run XAResource.recover on it.

20.4. Obtain a XAResource Reference

To obtain a reference to a JBoss Data Grid XAResource, use the following API:
XAResource xar = cache.getAdvancedCache().getXAResource();  

20.5. Default Distributed Transaction Behavior

JBoss Data Grid's default behavior is to register itself as a first class participant in distributed transactions through XAResource. In situations where JBoss Data Grid does not need to be a participant in a transaction, it can be notified about the lifecycle status (for example, prepare, complete, etc.) of the transaction via a synchronization.

20.6. Transaction Synchronization

20.6.1. About Transaction Synchronizations

Synchronizations are a type of listener that receives notifications about events leading to the transaction life cycle. Synchronizations receive an event just before and just after completion of an operation.
Synchronizations are primarily useful when specific tasks must be triggered before or after an event. An common application for synchronizations are clearing out an application's caches after an operation (such as a transaction) concludes.
In JBoss Data Grid, synchronizations are only available in Library mode.

Chapter 21. Deadlock Detection

21.1. About Deadlock Detection

A deadlock occurs when multiple processes or tasks wait for the other to release a mutually required resource. Deadlocks can significantly reduce the throughput of a system, particularly when multiple transactions operate against one key set.
JBoss Data Grid provides deadlock detection to identify such deadlocks. Deadlock detection is set to disabled by default.

21.2. Enable Deadlock Detection

Deadlock detection in JBoss Data Grid is set to disabled by default but can be enabled and configured for each cache using the namedCache configuration element by adding the following:
<deadlockDetection enabled="true" spinDuration="1000"/>
Deadlock detection can only be applied to individual caches. Deadlocks that are applied on more than one cache cannot be detected by JBoss Data Grid.


JBoss Data Grid only allows deadlock detection to be configured in Library mode. This configuration is not available in Remote Client-Server mode.

Part IX. Listeners and Notifications

Chapter 22. Listeners and Notifications

22.1. About the Listener API

JBoss Data Grid provides a listener API that provides notifications for events as they occur. Clients can choose to register with the listener API for relevant notifications. This annotation-driven API operates on cache-level events and cache manager-level events.

22.2. Listener Example

The following example defines a listener in JBoss Data Grid that prints some information each time a new entry is added to the cache:
public class PrintWhenAdded {
  public void print(CacheEntryCreatedEvent event) {
    System.out.println("New entry " + event.getKey() + " created in the cache");

22.3. Cache Entry Modified Listener Configuration

In a cache entry modified listener, the modified value cannot be retrieved via Cache.get() when isPre (an Event method) is false. For more information about isPre(), refer to the JBoss Data Grid API Documentation's listing for the org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event package.
Instead, use CacheEntryModifiedEvent.getValue() to retrieve the new value of the modified entry.

22.4. Notifications

22.4.1. About Listener Notifications

Each cache event triggers a notification that is dispatched to listeners. A listener is a simple POJO annotated with @Listener. A Listenable is an interface that denotes that the implementation can have listeners attached to it. Each listener is registered using methods defined in the Listenable.
A listener can be attached to both the cache and Cache Manager to allow them to receive cache-level or cache manager-level notifications.

22.4.2. About Cache-level Notifications

In JBoss Data Grid, cache-level events occur on a per-cache basis, and are global and cluster-wide. Examples of cache-level events include the addition, removal and modification of entries, which trigger notifications to listeners registered on the relevant cache.

22.4.3. Cache Manager-level Notifications

Examples of events that occur in JBoss Data Grid at the cache manager-level are:
  • Nodes joining or leaving a cluster;
  • The starting and stopping of caches
Cache manager-level events are located globally and used cluster-wide, but are restricted to events within caches created by a single cache manager.

22.4.4. About Synchronous and Asynchronous Notifications

By default, notifications in JBoss Data Grid are dispatched in the same thread that generated the event. Therefore it is important that a listener is written in a way that does not block or prevent the thread from progressing.
Alternatively, the listener can be annotated as asynchronous, which dispatches notifications in a separate thread and prevents blocking the operations of the original thread.
Annotate listeners using the following:
@Listener (sync = false)public class MyAsyncListener { .... }
Use the <asyncListenerExecutor/> element in the configuration file to tune the thread pool that is used to dispatch asynchronous notifications.

22.5. Notifying Futures

22.5.1. About NotifyingFutures

Methods in JBoss Data Grid do not return Java Development Kit (JDK) Futures, but a sub-interface known as a NotifyingFuture. Unlike a JDK Future, a listener can be attached to a NotifyingFuture to notify the user about a completed future.


In JBoss Data Grid, NotifyingFutures are only available in Library mode.

22.5.2. NotifyingFutures Example

The following is an example depicting how to use NotifyingFutures in JBoss Data Grid:
FutureListener futureListener = new FutureListener() {

public void futureDone(Future future) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
         // Future did not complete successfully         
cache.putAsync("key", "value").attachListener(futureListener);

Part X. The Infinispan CLI

Chapter 23. The Infinispan CLI

23.1. About the Infinispan CLI

JBoss Data Grid includes the Infinispan Command Line Interface (CLI) that is used to inspect and modify data within caches and internal components (such as transactions, cross-datacentre replication sites, and rolling upgrades). The Infinispan CLI can also be used for more advanced operations such as transactions.
The CLI consists of a server-side module and a client command tool. The server-side module (infinispan-cli-server-$VERSION.jar) includes an interpreter for commands and must be included in the application.


The Infinispan CLI is currently only available as a Technical Preview for JBoss Data Grid 6.1.

23.2. Start the CLI (Server)

Start the Infinispan CLI's server-side module with the standalone and cluster files. For Linux, use the or script and for Windows, use the standalone.bat or clustered.bat file.

23.3. Start the CLI (Client)

Start the Infinispan CLI client using the ispn-cli file at bin/. For Linux, run bin/ and for Windows, run bin/ispn-cli.bat.
When starting up the CLI client, specific command line switches can be used to customize the start up.

23.4. CLI Client Switches for the Command Line

The listed command line switches are appended to the command line when starting the Infinispan CLI command:

Table 23.1. CLI Client Command Line Switches

Short Option Long Option Description
-c --connect=${URL} Connects to a running JBoss Data Grid instance. For example, for JMX over RMI use jmx://[username[:password]]@host:port[/container[/cache]] and for JMX over JBoss Remoting use remoting://[username[:password]]@host:port[/container[/cache]]
-f --file=${FILE} Read the input from the specified file rather than using interactive mode. If the value is set to - then the stdin is used as the input.
-h --help Displays the help information.
-v --version Displays the CLI version information.

23.5. Connect to the Application

Use the following command to connect to the application using the CLI:
[disconnected//]> connect jmx://localhost:12000


The port value 12000 depends on the value the JVM is started with. For example, starting the JVM with the command line parameter uses this port, but otherwise a random port is chosen. When the remoting protocol (remoting://localhost:9999) is used, the JBoss Data Grid server administration port is used (the default is port 9999).
The command line prompt displays the active connection information, including the currently selected CacheManager.
Use the cache command to select a cache before performing cache operations. The CLI supports tab completion, therefore using the cache and pressing the tab button displays a list of active caches:
[[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/> cache
___defaultcache  namedCache
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/]> cache ___defaultcache
Additionally, pressing tab displays a list of valid commands for the CLI.

23.6. CLI Commands

23.6.1. The abort Command

The abort command aborts a running batch initiated using the start command. Batching must be enabled for the specified cache. The following is a usage example:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> start
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> abort
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a

23.6.2. The begin Command

The begin command starts a transaction. This command requires transactions enabled for the cache it targets. An example of this command's usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> begin
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> commit

23.6.3. The cache Command

The cache command specifies the default cache used for all subsequent operations. If invoked without any parameters, it shows the currently selected cache. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> cache ___defaultcache
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/___defaultcache]> cache

23.6.4. The clear Command

The clear command clears all content from the cache. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> clear
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a

23.6.5. The commit Command

The commit command commits changes to an ongoing transaction. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> begin
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> commit

23.6.6. The container Command

The container command selects the default cache container (cache manager). When invoked without any parameters, it lists all available containers. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> container
MyCacheManager OtherCacheManager
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> container OtherCacheManager

23.6.7. The create Command

The create command creates a new cache based on the configuration of an existing cache definition. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> create newCache like namedCache
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> cache newCache

23.6.8. The disconnect Command

The disconnect command disconnects the currently active connection, which allows the CLI to connect to another instance. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> disconnect

23.6.9. The encoding Command

The encoding command sets a default codec to use when reading and writing entries to and from a cache. If invoked with no arguments, the currently selected codec is displayed. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> encoding
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> encoding --list
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> encoding hotrod

23.6.10. The end Command

The end command ends a running batch initiated using the start command. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> start
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> end
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a

23.6.11. The evict Command

The evict command evicts an an entry associated with a specific key from the cache. An example of it usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> evict a

23.6.12. The get Command

The get command shows the value associated with a specified key. For primitive types and Strings, the get command prints the default representation. For other objects, a JSON representation of the object is printed. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a

23.6.13. The info Command

The info command displaysthe configuration of a selected cache or container. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> info
GlobalConfiguration{asyncListenerExecutor=ExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultExecutorFactory@98add58}, asyncTransportExecutor=ExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultExecutorFactory@7bc9c14c}, evictionScheduledExecutor=ScheduledExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultScheduledExecutorFactory@7ab1a411}, replicationQueueScheduledExecutor=ScheduledExecutorFactoryConfiguration{factory=org.infinispan.executors.DefaultScheduledExecutorFactory@248a9705}, globalJmxStatistics=GlobalJmxStatisticsConfiguration{allowDuplicateDomains=true, enabled=true, jmxDomain='jboss.infinispan',, cacheManagerName='local', properties={}}, transport=TransportConfiguration{clusterName='ISPN', machineId='null', rackId='null', siteId='null', strictPeerToPeer=false, distributedSyncTimeout=240000, transport=null, nodeName='null', properties={}}, serialization=SerializationConfiguration{advancedExternalizers={1100=org.infinispan.server.core.CacheValue$Externalizer@5fabc91d, 1101=org.infinispan.server.memcached.MemcachedValue$Externalizer@720bffd, 1104=org.infinispan.server.hotrod.ServerAddress$Externalizer@771c7eb2}, marshaller=org.infinispan.marshall.VersionAwareMarshaller@6fc21535, version=52, classResolver=org.jboss.marshalling.ModularClassResolver@2efe83e5}, shutdown=ShutdownConfiguration{hookBehavior=DONT_REGISTER}, modules={}, site=SiteConfiguration{localSite='null'}}

23.6.14. The locate Command

The locate command displays the physical location of a specified entry in a distributed cluster. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> locate a

23.6.15. The put Command

The put command inserts an entry into the cache. If a mapping exists for a key, the put command overwrites the old value. The CLI allows control over the type of data used to store the key and value. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b 100
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put c 4139l
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put d true
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put e { "package.MyClass": {"i": 5, "x": null, "b": true } }
Optionally, the put can specify a life span and maximum idle time value as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a expires 10s
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a expires 10m maxidle 1m

23.6.16. The replace Command

The replace command replaces an existing entry in the cache with a specified new value. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> replace a b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> replace a b c
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> replace a b d
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> get a

23.6.17. The rollback Command

The rollback command rolls back any changes made by an ongoing transaction. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> begin
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> rollback

23.6.18. The site Command

The site command performs administration tasks related to cross-datacentre replication. This command also retrieves information about the status of a site and toggles the status of a site. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --status NYC
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --offline NYC
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --status NYC
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> site --online NYC

23.6.19. The start Command

The start command initiates a batch of operations. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> start
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put a a
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> put b b
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> end

23.6.20. The stats Command

The stats command displays statistics for the cache. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> stats
Statistics: {
  averageWriteTime: 143
  evictions: 10
  misses: 5
  hitRatio: 1.0
  readWriteRatio: 10.0
  removeMisses: 0
  timeSinceReset: 2123
  statisticsEnabled: true
  stores: 100
  elapsedTime: 93
  averageReadTime: 14
  removeHits: 0
  numberOfEntries: 100
  hits: 1000
LockManager: {
  concurrencyLevel: 1000
  numberOfLocksAvailable: 0
  numberOfLocksHeld: 0

23.6.21. The upgrade Command

The upgrade command implements the rolling upgrade procedure. For details about rolling upgrades, refer to Section 13.1, “About Rolling Upgrades”
An example of the upgrade command's use is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> upgrade --synchronize=hotrod --all
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> upgrade --disconnectsource=hotrod --all

23.6.22. The version Command

The version command displays version information for the CLI client and server. An example of its usage is as follows:
[jmx://localhost:12000/MyCacheManager/namedCache]> version
Client Version 5.2.1.Final
Server Version 5.2.1.Final

Appendix A. Revision History

Revision History
Revision 6.1.0-23.4002013-10-31Rüdiger Landmann
Rebuild with publican 4.0.0
Revision 6.1.0-23Wed Oct 09 2013Misha Husnain Ali
BZ-1015361: Updated information for REST, Memcached and Hot Rod endpoints.

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