Chapter 3. Bug fixes

3.1. Resources Monitor Plug-in has enough permissions to read Pod information

The Resources Monitor Plug-in has enough permissions to read Pod information.

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3.2. Propagate errors from DevWorkspace Routing

Propagate the specific reason the controller cannot reconcile Components and WorkspaceRoutings into the condition message.

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3.3. Dashboard explains failures happening on pre-load

Before this update, when the Dashboard failed to pre-load data, it didn’t show any error message. With this update, it displays an error message describing the reason of the failure.

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3.4. Fixing Git cloning failure behind a proxy

Before this update, when running CodeReady Workspaces behind a proxy, cloning a git repository failed. With this update, when the editor is Che-Theia, cloning a git repository when running CodeReady Workspaces behind a proxy is possible.

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