Chapter 6. Quarkus tools basics in CodeReady Studio

Quarkus is a Kubernetes-Native full-stack Java framework aimed to optimize work with Java virtual machines. Quarkus provides tools for Quarkus application developers, helping them to reduce the size of Java applications and container image footprint, eliminate programming baggage, and reduce the amount of memory required.


  • Ensure that you have the latest version of JBoss Tools installed. For more information, see JBoss Tools.

6.1. Creating a new Quarkus project

The following section describes how to create a new Quarkus project in CodeReady Studio.


  1. Start CodeReady Studio.
  2. Press Ctrl+N.

    The Select a wizard window appears.

    crs quarkus project wizard
  3. Enter Quarkus in the search field.
  4. Select Quarkus Project.
  5. Click Next.

    The New Quarkus project window appears.

    crs quarkus project creation
  6. Select the appropriate project type.
  7. Name your project.
  8. Select the location for your project.
  9. Click Next.

    The Project type window appears.

    crs quarkus default values
  10. Ensure that the default values are correct.
  11. Click Next.

    The Quarkus extensions window appears.

    crs quarkus extensions selection
  12. Select the appropriate Categories for your projects.

    The available extensions for the selected category are displayed in the Extensions column.

  13. Select the appropriate Extensions for your projects.

    Double-click on the extension to select or deselect it. The selected extensions appear in the Selected column.

  14. Click Finish.

Your newly created Quarkus project is now listed in the Project Explorer view.

6.2. Running a Quarkus application

The following section describes how to run a Quarkus application in CodeReady Studio.


  1. Start CodeReady Studio.
  2. Click RunRun Configurations.

    crs run configurations

    The Run Configurations window appears.

  3. Scroll down to Quarkus Application.

    crs quarkus new config
  4. Right-click Quarkus ApplicationNew Configuration.

    crs new quarkus configuration
  5. Name your configuration.
  6. Click Browse to locate your project.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click Run.

    The Console view appears.

Your application will start after the built process.

6.3. Debugging a Quarkus application

The following section describes how to debug a Quarkus application in CodeReady Studio.


  1. Start CodeReady Studio.
  2. Click RunDebug Configurations.

    crs run debug config

    Tha Debug Configurations window appears.

    crs debug conf window
  3. Expand your Quarkus Application.
  4. Select your configuration.
  5. Click Debug.

    The Console view appears.

Your Quarkus application starts and connects to a remote JVM debug configuration. If you set breakpoints in your application source files, the execution automatically stops after reaching the breakpoint.

6.4. Using language support in CodeReady Studio

Every Quarkus application is configured through an configuration file. The content of this configuration file is dependent of the set of Quarkus extensions that your application is using.

Quarkus Tools includes content assist which provides code completion, validation, and documentation. Code completion allows you to quickly complete statements in your code. Multiple choices are available to you via popups.

This language support is now available for Kubernetes, OpenShift, S2i, Docker properties, MicroProfile REST Client properties, and MicroProfile Health artifacts.

6.4.1. Using Quarkus code completion

The following section describes how to use Quarkus content assist in CodeReady Studio.



  1. Start CodeReady Studio.
  2. Start Project Explorer.
  3. Expand your Quarkus projectsrcmainresources.
  4. Right-click application.propertiesOpen WithGeneric Text Editor.

    crs open quarkus project in gen text editor

    The Text Editor window appears.

  5. Navigate to an empty line.
  6. Press Ctr+Space to invoke code completion.

    The code completion suggestions appear. Hover the mouse over the suggestions to display documentation.

    devstudio quarkus code completion1

    If you enter a wrong value, the editor underlines the error with a red wavy line.

    devstudio quarkus code completion error

Additional resources

6.4.2. Enabling language support for MicroProfile

The following section describes how to enable language support for MicroProfile REST Client properties.



  1. Start CodeReady Studio.
  2. Start Project Explorer.
  3. Expand your Quarkus projectsrc/main/java.
  4. Right-click org.acmeNewOther.

    The Select wizard window appears.

    crs new file creation
  5. Enter file in the search field.
  6. Select File.
  7. Click the Next button.

    The Create a new file resource window appears.

    crs new dotjava file
  8. Name your new file.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. Paste the following content into your newly created file:

    package org.acme;
    public interface MyServiceClient {
        Response greet();
  11. Press Ctrl+S to save the changes.

Note that you can adjust the language support by changing the configuration key for the client from @RegisterRestClient to @RegisterRestClient(configKey = "myclient"). The language support will be adjusted accordingly.

Additional resources