Dashboard Guide

Red Hat Ceph Storage 5

Monitoring Ceph Cluster with Ceph Dashboard

Red Hat Ceph Storage Documentation Team


This guide explains how to use the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard for monitoring and management purposes.
Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright's message.

Chapter 1. Ceph dashboard overview

As a storage administrator, the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard provides management and monitoring capabilities, allowing you to administer and configure the cluster, as well as visualize information and performance statistics related to it. The dashboard uses a web server hosted by the ceph-mgr daemon.

The dashboard is accessible from a web browser and includes many useful management and monitoring features, for example, to configure manager modules and monitor the state of OSDs.

1.1. Prerequisites

  • System administrator level experience.

1.2. Ceph Dashboard components

The functionality of the dashboard is provided by multiple components.

  • The Cephadm application for deployment.
  • The embedded dashboard ceph-mgr module.
  • The embedded Prometheus ceph-mgr module.
  • The Prometheus time-series database.
  • The Prometheus node-exporter daemon, running on each host of the storage cluster.
  • The Grafana platform to provide monitoring user interface and alerting.

Additional Resources

1.3. Ceph Dashboard features

The Ceph dashboard provides the following features:

  • Multi-user and role management: The dashboard supports multiple user accounts with different permissions and roles. User accounts and roles can be managed using both, the command line and the web user interface. The dashboard supports various methods to enhance password security. Password complexity rules may be configured, requiring users to change their password after the first login or after a configurable time period.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): The dashboard supports authentication with an external identity provider using the SAML 2.0 protocol.
  • Auditing: The dashboard backend can be configured to log all PUT, POST and DELETE API requests in the Ceph manager log.

Management features

  • View cluster hierarchy: You can view the CRUSH map, for example, to determine which host a specific OSD ID is running on. This is helpful if there is an issue with an OSD.
  • Configure manager modules: You can view and change parameters for Ceph manager modules.
  • Embedded Grafana Dashboards: Ceph Dashboard Grafana dashboards might be embedded in external applications and web pages to surface information and performance metrics gathered by the Prometheus module.
  • View and filter logs: You can view event and audit cluster logs and filter them based on priority, keyword, date, or time range.
  • Toggle dashboard components: You can enable and disable dashboard components so only the features you need are available.
  • Manage OSD settings: You can set cluster-wide OSD flags using the dashboard. You can also Mark OSDs up, down or out, purge and reweight OSDs, perform scrub operations, modify various scrub-related configuration options, select profiles to adjust the level of backfilling activity. You can set and change the device class of an OSD, display and sort OSDs by device class. You can deploy OSDs on new drives and hosts.
  • iSCSI management: Create, modify, and delete iSCSI targets.
  • Viewing Alerts: The alerts page allows you to see details of current alerts.
  • Quality of Service for images: You can set performance limits on images, for example limiting IOPS or read BPS burst rates.

Monitoring features

  • Username and password protection: You can access the dashboard only by providing a configurable user name and password.
  • Overall cluster health: Displays performance and capacity metrics. This also displays the overall cluster status, storage utilization, for example, number of objects, raw capacity, usage per pool, a list of pools and their status and usage statistics.
  • Hosts: Provides a list of all hosts associated with the cluster along with the running services and the installed Ceph version.
  • Performance counters: Displays detailed statistics for each running service.
  • Monitors: Lists all Monitors, their quorum status and open sessions.
  • Configuration editor: Displays all the available configuration options, their descriptions, types, default, and currently set values. These values are editable.
  • Cluster logs: Displays and filters the latest updates to the cluster’s event and audit log files by priority, date, or keyword.
  • Device management: Lists all hosts known by the Orchestrator. Lists all drives attached to a host and their properties. Displays drive health predictions, SMART data, and blink enclosure LEDs.
  • View storage cluster capacity: You can view raw storage capacity of the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster in the Capacity panels of the Ceph dashboard.
  • Pools: Lists and manages all Ceph pools and their details. For example: applications, placement groups, replication size, EC profile, quotas, CRUSH ruleset, etc.
  • OSDs: Lists and manages all OSDs, their status and usage statistics as well as detailed information like attributes, like OSD map, metadata, and performance counters for read and write operations. Lists all drives associated with an OSD.
  • iSCSI: Lists all hosts that run the tcmu-runner service, displays all images and their performance characteristics, such as read and write operations or traffic amd also displays the iSCSI gateway status and information about active initiators.
  • Images: Lists all RBD images and their properties such as size, objects, and features. Create, copy, modify and delete RBD images. Create, delete, and rollback snapshots of selected images, protect or unprotect these snapshots against modification. Copy or clone snapshots, flatten cloned images.


    The performance graph for I/O changes in the Overall Performance tab for a specific image shows values only after specifying the pool that includes that image by setting the rbd_stats_pool parameter in Cluster > Manager modules > Prometheus.

  • RBD Mirroring: Enables and configures RBD mirroring to a remote Ceph server. Lists all active sync daemons and their status, pools and RBD images including their synchronization state.
  • Ceph File Systems: Lists all active Ceph file system (CephFS) clients and associated pools, including their usage statistics. Evict active CephFS clients, manage CephFS quotas and snapshots, and browse a CephFS directory structure.
  • Object Gateway (RGW): Lists all active object gateways and their performance counters. Displays and manages, including add, edit, delete, object gateway users and their details, for example quotas, as well as the users’ buckets and their details, for example, owner or quotas.
  • NFS: Manages NFS exports of CephFS and Ceph object gateway S3 buckets using the NFS Ganesha.

Security features

  • SSL and TLS support: All HTTP communication between the web browser and the dashboard is secured via SSL. A self-signed certificate can be created with a built-in command, but it is also possible to import custom certificates signed and issued by a Certificate Authority (CA).

Additional Resources

1.4. Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard architecture

The Dashboard architecture depends on the Ceph manager dashboard plugin and other components. See the diagram below to understand how they work together.

Ceph Dashboard architecture diagram

Chapter 2. Ceph Dashboard installation and access

As a system administrator, you can access the dashboard with the credentials provided on bootstrapping the cluster.

Cephadm installs the dashboard by default. Following is an example of the dashboard URL:

URL: https://host01:8443/
User: admin
Password: zbiql951ar

Update the browser and clear the cookies prior to accessing the dashboard URL.

The following are the Cephadm bootstrap options that are available for the Ceph dashboard configurations:

  • [–initial-dashboard-user INITIAL_DASHBOARD_USER] - Use this option while bootstrapping to set initial-dashboard-user.
  • [–initial-dashboard-password INITIAL_DASHBOARD_PASSWORD] - Use this option while bootstrapping to set initial-dashboard-password.
  • [–ssl-dashboard-port SSL_DASHBOARD_PORT] - Use this option while bootstrapping to set custom dashboard port other than default 8443.
  • [–dashboard-key DASHBOARD_KEY] - Use this option while bootstrapping to set Custom key for SSL.
  • [–dashboard-crt DASHBOARD_CRT] - Use this option while bootstrapping to set Custom certificate for SSL.
  • [–skip-dashboard] - Use this option while bootstrapping to deploy Ceph without dashboard.
  • [–dashboard-password-noupdate] - Use this option while bootstrapping if you used above two options and don’t want to reset password at the first time login.
  • [–allow-fqdn-hostname] - Use this option while bootstrapping to allow hostname that is fully-qualified.
  • [–skip-prepare-host] - Use this option while bootstrapping to skip preparing the host.

To avoid connectivity issues with dashboard related external URL, use the fully qualified domain names (FQDN) for hostnames, for example, host01.ceph.redhat.com.


Open the Grafana URL directly in the client internet browser and accept the security exception to see the graphs on the Ceph dashboard. Reload the browser to view the changes.


[root@host01 ~]# cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip --registry-json cephadm.txt  --initial-dashboard-user  admin --initial-dashboard-password zbiql951ar --dashboard-password-noupdate --allow-fqdn-hostname


While boostrapping the storage cluster using cephadm, you can use the --image option for either custom container images or local container images.


You have to change the password the first time you log into the dashboard with the credentials provided on bootstrapping only if --dashboard-password-noupdate option is not used while bootstrapping. You can find the Ceph dashboard credentials in the var/log/ceph/cephadm.log file. Search with the "Ceph Dashboard is now available at" string.

This section covers the following tasks:

2.1. Network port requirements for Ceph Dashboard

The Ceph dashboard components use certain TCP network ports which must be accessible. By default, the network ports are automatically opened in firewalld during installation of Red Hat Ceph Storage.

Table 2.1. TCP Port Requirements
PortUseOriginating HostDestination Host


The dashboard web interface

IP addresses that need access to Ceph Dashboard UI and the host under Grafana server, since the AlertManager service can also initiate connections to the Dashboard for reporting alerts.

The Ceph Manager hosts.



IP addresses that need access to Grafana Dashboard UI and all Ceph Manager hosts and Grafana server.

The host or hosts running Grafana server.



IP addresses that need access to NFS.

The IP addresses that provide NFS services.


Default Prometheus server for basic Prometheus graphs

IP addresses that need access to Prometheus UI and all Ceph Manager hosts and Grafana server or Hosts running Prometheus.

The host or hosts running Prometheus.


Prometheus Alertmanager

IP addresses that need access to Alertmanager Web UI and all Ceph Manager hosts and Grafana server or Hosts running Prometheus.

All Ceph Manager hosts and the host under Grafana server.


Prometheus Alertmanager for configuring a highly available cluster made from multiple instances

All Ceph Manager hosts and the host under Grafana server.

Prometheus Alertmanager High Availability (peer daemon sync), so both src and dst should be hosts running Prometheus Alertmanager.


The Prometheus node-exporter daemon

Hosts running Prometheus that need to view Node Exporter metrics Web UI and All Ceph Manager hosts and Grafana server or Hosts running Prometheus.

All storage cluster hosts, including MONs, OSDS, Grafana server host.


Ceph Manager Prometheus exporter module

Hosts running Prometheus that need access to Ceph Exporter metrics Web UI and Grafana server.

All Ceph Manager hosts.


Ceph iSCSI gateway data

All Ceph Manager hosts and Grafana server.

All Ceph iSCSI gateway hosts.

Additional Resources

2.2. Accessing the Ceph dashboard

You can access the Ceph dashboard to administer and monitor your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.


  • Successful installation of Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.
  • NTP is synchronizing clocks properly.


  1. Enter the following URL in a web browser:




    • HOST_NAME with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the active manager host.
    • PORT with port 8443



      You can also get the URL of the dashboard by running the following command in the Cephadm shell:


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph mgr services

      This command will show you all endpoints that are currently configured. Look for the dashboard key to obtain the URL for accessing the dashboard.

  2. On the login page, enter the username admin and the default password provided during bootstrapping.
  3. You have to change the password the first time you log in to the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.
  4. After logging in, the dashboard default landing page is displayed, which provides a high-level overview of status, performance, and capacity metrics of the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.

    Figure 2.1. Ceph dashboard landing page

    Ceph dashboard landing page
  5. Click the following icon on the dashboard landing page to collapse or display the options in the vertical menu:

    Figure 2.2. Vertical menu on the Ceph dashboard

    Vertical menu on Ceph dashboard

2.3. Setting login banner on the Ceph dashboard

Many users require support for customizable text on the login page for security, legal, or disclaimer reasons.

You can set these custom texts on the login page of the Ceph Dashboard using the command-line interface (CLI).


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with the monitoring stack installed.
  • Root-level access to the cephadm host.
  • The dashboard module enabled.


  1. As a root user, create a login.txt file and provide the custom message for the users:



  2. Mount the login.txt file under a directory in the container:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell --mount login.txt:/var/lib/ceph/login.txt


    Every time you exit the shell, you have to mount the file in the container before deploying the daemon.

  3. Optional: Check if the dashboard Ceph Manager module is enabled:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph mgr module ls

  4. Set the login banner text:


    ceph dashboard set-login-banner -i FILE_PATH


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-login-banner -i /var/lib/ceph/login.txt
    login banner file added

  5. Get the login banner text:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard get-login-banner

  6. Optional: You can remove the login banner using the unset command:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard unset-login-banner
    Login banner removed


  • Log in to the dashboard:

    Login banner

2.4. Setting message of the day (MOTD) on the Ceph dashboard

Sometimes, there is a need to inform the Ceph Dashboard users about the latest news, updates, and information on Red Hat Ceph Storage.

As a storage administrator, you can configure a message of the day (MOTD) using the command-line interface (CLI).

When the user logs in to the Ceph Dashboard, the configured MOTD is displayed at the top of the Ceph Dashboard similar to the Telemetry module.

The importance of MOTD can be configured based on severity, such as info, warning, or danger.

A MOTD with a info or warning severity can be closed by the user. The info MOTD is not displayed anymore until the local storage cookies are cleared or a new MOTD with a different severity is displayed. A MOTD with a warning severity is displayed again in a new session.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with the monitoring stack installed.
  • Root-level access to the cephadm host.
  • The dashboard module enabled.


  1. Configure a MOTD for the dashboard:


    ceph dashboard motd set SEVERITY EXPIRES MESSAGE


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard motd set danger 2d "Custom login message"
    Message of the day has been set.


    • SEVERITY can be info, warning, or danger.
    • EXPIRES can be for seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), weeks (w), or never expires (0).
    • MESSAGE can be any custom message that users can view as soon as they log in to the dashboard.
  2. Optional: Set the MOTD that does not expire:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard motd set danger 0 "Custom login message"
    Message of the day has been set.

  3. Get the configured MOTD :


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard motd get
    Message="Custom login message", severity="danger", expires="2022-09-08T07:38:52.963882Z"

  4. Optional: Clear the configure MOTD using the clear command:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard motd clear
    Message of the day has been cleared.


  • Log in to the dashboard:


2.5. Expanding the cluster on the Ceph dashboard

You can use the dashboard to expand the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster for adding hosts, adding OSDs, and creating services such as Alertmanager, Cephadm-exporter, CephFS-mirror, Grafana, ingress, iSCSI, MDS, NFS, node-exporter, Prometheus, RBD-mirror, and Ceph Object Gateway.

Once you bootstrap a new storage cluster, the Ceph Monitor and Ceph Manager daemons are created and the cluster is in HEALTH_WARN state. After creating all the services for the cluster on the dashboard, the health of the cluster changes from HEALTH_WARN to HEALTH_OK status.



  1. Copy the admin key from the bootstrapped host to other hosts:


    ssh-copy-id -f -i /etc/ceph/ceph.pub root@HOST_NAME


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ssh-copy-id -f -i /etc/ceph/ceph.pub root@host02
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ssh-copy-id -f -i /etc/ceph/ceph.pub root@host03

  2. Log in to the dashboard with the default credentials provided during bootstrap.
  3. Change the password and log in to the dashboard with the new password .
  4. On the landing page, click Expand Cluster.

    Figure 2.3. Expand cluster

    Expand cluster
  5. Add hosts:

    1. In the Add Hosts window, click +Add.
    2. Provide the hostname. This is same as the hostname that was provided while copying the key from the bootstrapped host.


      You can use the tool tip in the Add Hosts dialog box for more details.

    3. Optional: Provide the respective IP address of the host.
    4. Optional: Select the labels for the hosts on which the services are going to be created.
    5. Click Add Host.
    6. Follow the above steps for all the hosts in the storage cluster.
  6. In the Add Hosts window, click Next.
  7. Create OSDs:

    1. In the Create OSDs window, for Primary devices, Click +Add.
    2. In the Primary Devices window, filter for the device and select the device.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Optional: In the Create OSDs window, if you have any shared devices such as WAL or DB devices, then add the devices.
    5. Optional: Click on the check-box Encryption to encrypt the features.
    6. In the Create OSDs window, click Next.
  8. Create services:

    1. In the Create Services window, click +Create.
    2. In the Create Service dialog box,

      1. Select the type of the service from the drop-down.
      2. Provide the service ID, a unique name of the service.
      3. Provide the placement by hosts or label.
      4. Select the hosts.
      5. Provide the number of daemons or services that need to be deployed.
    3. Click Create Service.
  9. In the Create Service window, Click Next.
  10. Review the Cluster Resources, Hosts by Services, Host Details. If you want to edit any parameter, click Back and follow the above steps.

    Figure 2.4. Review cluster

    Review cluster
  11. Click Expand Cluster.
  12. You get a notification that the cluster expansion was successful.
  13. The cluster health changes to HEALTH_OK status on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the cephadm shell:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell

  2. Run the ceph -s command.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph -s

    The health of the cluster is HEALTH_OK.

Additional Resources

2.6. Toggling Ceph dashboard features

You can customize the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard components by enabling or disabling features on demand. All features are enabled by default. When disabling a feature, the web-interface elements become hidden and the associated REST API end-points reject any further requests for that feature. Enabling and disabling dashboard features can be done from the command-line interface or the web interface.

Available features:

  • Ceph Block Devices:

    • Image management, rbd
    • Mirroring, mirroring
    • iSCSI gateway, iscsi
  • Ceph Filesystem, cephfs
  • Ceph Object Gateway, rgw
  • NFS Ganesha gateway, nfs

By default, the Ceph Manager is collocated with the Ceph Monitor.


You can disable multiple features at once.


Once a feature is disabled, it can take up to 20 seconds to reflect the change in the web interface.


  • Installation and configuration of the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard software.
  • User access to the Ceph Manager host or the dashboard web interface.
  • Root level access to the Ceph Manager host.


  • To toggle the dashboard features from the dashboard web interface:

    1. On the dashboard landing page, navigate to Cluster drop-down menu.
    2. Select Manager Modules, and then select Dashboard.
    3. In the Edit Manager module page, you can enable or disable the dashboard features by checking or unchecking the selection box next to the feature name.

      Figure 2.5. Edit Manager module

      Edit Manager module
    4. Once the selections have been made, scroll down and click Update.
  • To toggle the dashboard features from the command-line interface:

    1. Log in to the Cephadm shell:


      [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell

    2. List the feature status:


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard feature status

    3. Disable a feature:

      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard feature disable iscsi

      This example disables the Ceph iSCSI gateway feature.

    4. Enable a feature:

      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard feature enable cephfs

      This example enables the Ceph Filesystem feature.

2.7. Understanding the landing page of the Ceph dashboard

The landing page displays an overview of the entire Ceph cluster using navigation bars and individual panels.

The navigation bar provides the following options:

  • Messages about tasks and notifications.
  • Link to the documentation, Ceph Rest API, and details about the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.
  • Link to user management and telemetry configuration.
  • Link to change password and sign out of the dashboard.

Figure 2.6. Navigation bar

Navigation bar

Apart from that, the individual panel displays specific information about the state of the cluster.


The landing page organizes panels into the following three categories:

  1. Status
  2. Capacity
  3. Performance

Figure 2.7. Ceph dashboard landing page

Ceph dashboard Landing page

Status panel

The status panels display the health of the cluster and host and daemon states.

Cluster Status: Displays the current health status of the Ceph storage cluster.

Hosts: Displays the total number of hosts in the Ceph storage cluster.

Monitors: Displays the number of Ceph Monitors and the quorum status.

OSDs: Displays the total number of OSDs in the Ceph Storage cluster and the number that are up, and in.

Managers: Displays the number and status of the Manager Daemons.

Object Gateways: Displays the number of Object Gateways in the Ceph storage cluster.

Metadata Servers: Displays the number and status of metadata servers for Ceph Filesystems (CephFS).

iSCSI Gateways: Displays the number of iSCSI Gateways in the Ceph storage cluster.

Capacity panel

The capacity panel displays storage usage metrics.

Raw Capacity: Displays the utilization and availability of the raw storage capacity of the cluster.

Objects: Displays the total number of objects in the pools and a graph dividing objects into states of Healthy, Misplaced, Degraded, or Unfound.

PG Status: Displays the total number of Placement Groups and a graph dividing PGs into states of Clean, Working, Warning, or Unknown. To simplify display of PG states Working and Warning actually each encompass multiple states.

The Working state includes PGs with any of these states:

  • activating
  • backfill_wait
  • backfilling
  • creating
  • deep
  • degraded
  • forced_backfill
  • forced_recovery
  • peering
  • peered
  • recovering
  • recovery_wait
  • repair
  • scrubbing
  • snaptrim
  • snaptrim_wait

The Warning state includes PGs with any of these states:

  • backfill_toofull
  • backfill_unfound
  • down
  • incomplete
  • inconsistent
  • recovery_toofull
  • recovery_unfound
  • remapped
  • snaptrim_error
  • stale
  • undersized

Pools: Displays the number of storage pools in the Ceph cluster.

PGs per OSD: Displays the number of placement groups per OSD.

Performance panel

The performance panel display information related to data transfer speeds.

Client Read/Write: Displays total input/output operations per second, reads per second, and writes per second.

Client Throughput: Displays total client throughput, read throughput, and write throughput.

Recovery Throughput: Displays the data recovery rate.

Scrubbing: Displays whether Ceph is scrubbing data to verify its integrity.

Additional Resources

2.8. Changing the dashboard password using the Ceph dashboard

By default, the password for accessing dashboard is randomly generated by the system while bootstrapping the cluster. You have to change the password the first time you log in to the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard. You can change the password for the admin user using the dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.


  1. Log in to the dashboard:

  2. Click the Dashboard Settings icon and then click User management.

    Figure 2.8. User management

    User management
  3. To change the password of admin, click it’s row.
  4. From the Edit drop-down menu, select Edit.
  5. In the Edit User window, enter the new password, and change the other parameters, and then Click Edit User.

    Figure 2.9. Edit user management

    Edit user management

    You will be logged out and redirected to the log-in screen. A notification appears confirming the password change.

2.9. Changing the Ceph dashboard password using the command line interface

If you have forgotten your Ceph dashboard password, you can change the password using the command line interface.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Root-level access to the host on which the dashboard is installed.


  1. Log into the Cephadm shell:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell

  2. Create the dashboard_password.yml file:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# touch dashboard_password.yml

  3. Edit the file and add the new dashboard password:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# vi dashboard_password.yml

  4. Reset the dashboard password:


    ceph dashboard ac-user-set-password DASHBOARD_USERNAME -i PASSWORD_FILE


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard ac-user-set-password admin -i dashboard_password.yml
    {"username": "admin", "password": "$2b$12$i5RmvN1PolR61Fay0mPgt.GDpcga1QpYsaHUbJfoqaHd1rfFFx7XS", "roles": ["administrator"], "name": null, "email": null, "lastUpdate": , "enabled": true, "pwdExpirationDate": null, "pwdUpdateRequired": false}


  • Log in to the dashboard with your new password.

2.10. Setting admin user password for Grafana

By default, cephadm does not create an admin user for Grafana. With the Ceph Orchestrator, you can create an admin user and set the password.

With these credentials, you can log in to the storage cluster’s Grafana URL with the given password for the admin user.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with the monitoring stack installed.
  • Root-level access to the cephadm host.
  • The dashboard module enabled.


  1. As a root user, create a grafana.yml file and provide the following details:


    service_type: grafana
      initial_admin_password: PASSWORD


    service_type: grafana
      initial_admin_password: mypassword

  2. Mount the grafana.yml file under a directory in the container:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell --mount grafana.yml:/var/lib/ceph/grafana.yml


    Every time you exit the shell, you have to mount the file in the container before deploying the daemon.

  3. Optional: Check if the dashboard Ceph Manager module is enabled:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph mgr module ls

  4. Optional: Enable the dashboard Ceph Manager module:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph mgr module enable dashboard

  5. Apply the specification using the orch command:


    ceph orch apply -i FILE_NAME.yml


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch apply -i /var/lib/ceph/grafana.yml

  6. Redeploy grafana service:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch redeploy grafana

    This creates an admin user called admin with the given password and the user can log in to the Grafana URL with these credentials.


  • Log in to Grafana with the credentials:





2.11. Enabling Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard manually

If you have installed a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster by using --skip-dashboard option during bootstrap, you can see that the dashboard URL and credentials are not available in the bootstrap output. You can enable the dashboard manually using the command-line interface. Although the monitoring stack components such as Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager, and node-exporter are deployed, they are disabled and you have to enable them manually.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster installed with --skip-dashboard option during bootstrap.
  • Root-level access to the host on which the dashboard needs to be enabled.


  1. Log into the Cephadm shell:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell

  2. Check the Ceph Manager services:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph mgr services
        "prometheus": ""

    You can see that the Dashboard URL is not configured.

  3. Enable the dashboard module:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph mgr module enable dashboard

  4. Create the self-signed certificate for the dashboard access:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard create-self-signed-cert


    You can disable the certificate verification to avoid certification errors.

  5. Check the Ceph Manager services:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph mgr services
        "dashboard": "",
        "prometheus": ""

  6. Create the admin user and password to access the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard:


    ceph dashboard ac-user-create admin -i PASSWORD_FILE administrator


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# echo -n "p@ssw0rd" > password.txt
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard ac-user-create admin -i password.txt administrator

  7. Enable the monitoring stack. See the Enabling monitoring stack section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide for details.

Additional Resources

2.12. Creating an admin account for syncing users to the Ceph dashboard

You have to create an admin account to synchronize users to the Ceph dashboard.

After creating the account, use Red Hat Single Sign-on (SSO) to synchronize users to the Ceph dashboard. See Syncing users to the Ceph dashboard using Red Hat Single Sign-On section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard Guide.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level access to the dashboard.
  • Users are added to the dashboard.
  • Root-level access on all the hosts.
  • Red hat Single Sign-On installed from a ZIP file. See the Installing Red Hat Single Sign-On from a zip file for additional information.


  1. Download the Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.4.0 Server on the system where Red Hat Ceph Storage is installed.
  2. Unzip the folder:

    [root@host01 ~]# unzip rhsso-7.4.0.zip
  3. Navigate to the standalone/configuration directory and open the standalone.xml for editing:

    [root@host01 ~]# cd standalone/configuration
    [root@host01 configuration]# vi standalone.xml
  4. Replace all instances of localhost and two instances of with the IP address of the machine where Red Hat SSO is installed.
  5. Optional: For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, users might get Certificate Authority (CA) issues. Import the custom certificates from CA and move them into the keystore with the exact java version.


    [root@host01 ~]# keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias ca -file ../ca.cer -keystore /etc/java/java-1.8.0-openjdk/java-1.8.0-openjdk-

  6. To start the server from the bin directory of rh-sso-7.4 folder, run the standalone boot script:

    [root@host01 bin]# ./standalone.sh
  7. Create the admin account in https: IP_ADDRESS :8080/auth with a username and password:


    You have to create an admin account only the first time that you log into the console

  8. Log into the admin console with the credentials created.

Additional Resources

2.13. Syncing users to the Ceph dashboard using Red Hat Single Sign-On

You can use Red Hat Single Sign-on (SSO) with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) integration to synchronize users to the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.

The users are added to specific realms in which they can access the dashboard through SSO without any additional requirements of a password.



  1. To create a realm, click the Master drop-down menu. In this realm, you can provide access to users and applications.
  2. In the Add Realm window, enter a case-sensitive realm name and set the parameter Enabled to ON and click Create:

    Add realm window
  3. In the Realm Settings tab, set the following parameters and click Save:

    1. Enabled - ON
    2. User-Managed Access - ON
    3. Make a note of the link address of SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata to paste in Client Settings.

      Add realm settings window
  4. In the Clients tab, click Create:

    Add client
  5. In the Add Client window, set the following parameters and click Save:

    1. Client ID - BASE_URL:8443/auth/saml2/metadata



    2. Client Protocol - saml
  6. In the Client window, under Settings tab, set the following parameters:

    Table 2.2. Client Settings tab
    Name of the parameterSyntaxExample

    Client ID






    Client Protocol



    Include AuthnStatement



    Sign Documents



    Signature Algorithm



    SAML Signature Key Name



    Valid Redirect URLs



    Base URL



    Master SAML Processing URL




    Paste the link of SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata from Realm Settings tab.

    Under Fine Grain SAML Endpoint Configuration, set the following parameters and click Save:

    Table 2.3. Fine Grain SAML configuration
    Name of the parameterSyntaxExample

    Assertion Consumer Service POST Binding URL



    Assertion Consumer Service Redirect Binding URL



    Logout Service Redirect Binding URL



  7. In the Clients window, Mappers tab, set the following parameters and click Save:

    Table 2.4. Client Mappers tab
    Name of the parameterValue





    Mapper Property

    User Property



    SAML Attribute name


  8. In the Clients Scope tab, select role_list:

    1. In Mappers tab, select role list, set the Single Role Attribute to ON.
  9. Select User_Federation tab:

    1. In User Federation window, select ldap from the drop-down menu:
    2. In User_Federation window, Settings tab, set the following parameters and click Save:

      Table 2.5. User Federation Settings tab
      Name of the parameterValue

      Console Display Name


      Import Users




      Username LDAP attribute


      RDN LDAP attribute


      UUID LDAP attribute


      User Object Classes

      inetOrgPerson, organizationalPerson, rhatPerson

      Connection URL

      Example: ldap://ldap.corp.redhat.com Click Test Connection. You will get a notification that the LDAP connection is successful.

      Users DN

      ou=users, dc=example, dc=com

      Bind Type


      Click Test authentication. You will get a notification that the LDAP authentication is successful.

    3. In Mappers tab, select first name row and edit the following parameter and Click Save:

      • LDAP Attribute - givenName
    4. In User_Federation tab, Settings tab, Click Synchronize all users:

      User Federation Synchronize

      You will get a notification that the sync of users is finished successfully.

  10. In the Users tab, search for the user added to the dashboard and click the Search icon:

    User search tab
  11. To view the user , click the specific row. You should see the federation link as the name provided for the User Federation.

    User details

    Do not add users manually as the users will not be synchronized by LDAP. If added manually, delete the user by clicking Delete.


  • Users added to the realm and the dashboard can access the Ceph dashboard with their mail address and password.



Additional Resources

2.14. Enabling Single Sign-On for the Ceph Dashboard

The Ceph Dashboard supports external authentication of users with the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 protocol. Before using single sign-On (SSO) with the Ceph dashboard, create the dashboard user accounts and assign the desired roles. The Ceph Dashboard performs authorization of the users and the authentication process is performed by an existing Identity Provider (IdP). You can enable single sign-on using the SAML protocol.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Installation of the Ceph Dashboard.
  • Root-level access to The Ceph Manager hosts.


  1. To configure SSO on Ceph Dashboard, run the following command:




    [root@host01 ~]# podman exec host01 ceph dashboard sso setup saml2 https://dashboard_hostname.ceph.redhat.com:8443 idp-metadata.xml username /home/certificate.txt /home/private-key.txt


    • CEPH_MGR_HOST with Ceph mgr host. For example, host01
    • CEPH_DASHBOARD_BASE_URL with the base URL where Ceph Dashboard is accessible.
    • IDP_METADATA with the URL to remote or local path or content of the IdP metadata XML. The supported URL types are http, https, and file.
    • Optional: IDP_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE with the attribute used to get the username from the authentication response. Defaults to uid.
    • Optional: IDP_ENTITY_ID with the IdP entity ID when more than one entity ID exists on the IdP metadata.
    • Optional: SP_X_509_CERT with the file path of the certificate used by Ceph Dashboard for signing and encryption.
    • Optional: SP_PRIVATE_KEY with the file path of the private key used by Ceph Dashboard for signing and encryption.
  2. Verify the current SAML 2.0 configuration:


    podman exec CEPH_MGR_HOST ceph dashboard sso show saml2


    [root@host01 ~]#  podman exec host01 ceph dashboard sso show saml2

  3. To enable SSO, run the following command:


    podman exec CEPH_MGR_HOST ceph dashboard sso enable saml2
    SSO is "enabled" with "SAML2" protocol.


    [root@host01 ~]#  podman exec host01 ceph dashboard sso enable saml2

  4. Open your dashboard URL.



  5. On the SSO page, enter the login credentials. SSO redirects to the dashboard web interface.

Additional Resources

2.15. Disabling Single Sign-On for the Ceph Dashboard

You can disable single sign-on for Ceph Dashboard using the SAML 2.0 protocol.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Installation of the Ceph Dashboard.
  • Root-level access to The Ceph Manager hosts.
  • Single sign-on enabled for Ceph Dashboard


  1. Check if SSO is enabled:


    podman exec CEPH_MGR_HOST ceph dashboard sso status


    [root@host01 ~]# podman exec host01 ceph dashboard sso status
    SSO is "enabled" with "SAML2" protocol.

  2. Disable SSO:


    podman exec CEPH_MGR_HOST ceph dashboard sso disable
    SSO is "disabled".


    [root@host01 ~]#  podman exec host01 ceph dashboard sso disable

Additional Resources

Chapter 3. Management of roles on the Ceph dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can create, edit, clone, and delete roles on the dashboard.

By default, there are eight system roles. You can create custom roles and give permissions to those roles. These roles can be assigned to users based on the requirements.

This section covers the following administrative tasks:

3.1. User roles and permissions on the Ceph dashboard

User accounts are associated with a set of roles that define the specific dashboard functionality which can be accessed.

The Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard functionality or modules are grouped within a security scope. Security scopes are predefined and static. The current available security scopes on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard are:

  • cephfs: Includes all features related to CephFS management.
  • config-opt: Includes all features related to management of Ceph configuration options.
  • dashboard-settings: Allows to edit the dashboard settings.
  • grafana: Include all features related to Grafana proxy.
  • hosts: Includes all features related to the Hosts menu entry.
  • iscsi: Includes all features related to iSCSI management.
  • log: Includes all features related to Ceph logs management.
  • manager: Includes all features related to Ceph manager management.
  • monitor: Includes all features related to Ceph monitor management.
  • nfs-ganesha: Includes all features related to NFS-Ganesha management.
  • osd: Includes all features related to OSD management.
  • pool: Includes all features related to pool management.
  • prometheus: Include all features related to Prometheus alert management.
  • rbd-image: Includes all features related to RBD image management.
  • rbd-mirroring: Includes all features related to RBD mirroring management.
  • rgw: Includes all features related to Ceph object gateway (RGW) management.

A role specifies a set of mappings between a security scope and a set of permissions. There are four types of permissions:

  • Read
  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete
Security scope and permission

The list of system roles are:

  • administrator: Allows full permissions for all security scopes.
  • block-manager: Allows full permissions for RBD-image, RBD-mirroring, and iSCSI scopes.
  • cephfs-manager: Allows full permissions for the Ceph file system scope.
  • cluster-manager: Allows full permissions for the hosts, OSDs, monitor, manager, and config-opt scopes.
  • ganesha-manager: Allows full permissions for the NFS-Ganesha scope.
  • pool-manager: Allows full permissions for the pool scope.
  • read-only: Allows read permission for all security scopes except the dashboard settings and config-opt scopes.
  • rgw-manager: Allows full permissions for the Ceph object gateway scope.
System roles

For example, you need to provide rgw-manager access to the users for all Ceph object gateway operations.

Additional Resources

3.2. Creating roles on the Ceph dashboard

You can create custom roles on the dashboard and these roles can be assigned to users based on their roles.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Dashboard Settings icon and then click User management.

    user management
  3. On Roles tab, click Create:
  4. In the Create Role window, set the Name, Description, and select the Permissions for this role, and then click the Create Role button:

    Create role window

    In this example, if you give the ganesha-manager and rgw-manager roles, then the user assigned with these roles can manage all NFS-Ganesha gateway and Ceph object gateway operations.

  5. You get a notification that the role was created successfully.
  6. Click on the Expand/Collapse icon of the row to view the details and permissions given to the roles.

Additional Resources

3.3. Editing roles on the Ceph dashboard

The dashboard allows you to edit roles on the dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.
  • A role is created on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Dashboard Settings icon and then click User management.

    user management
  3. On Roles tab, click the role you want to edit.
  4. In the Edit Role window, edit the parameters, and then click Edit Role.

    Edit role window
  5. You get a notification that the role was updated successfully.

Additional Resources

3.4. Cloning roles on the Ceph dashboard

When you want to assign additional permissions to existing roles, you can clone the system roles and edit it on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the dashboard.
  • Roles are created on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Dashboard Settings icon and then click User management.

    user management
  3. On Roles tab, click the role you want to clone.
  4. Select Clone from the Edit drop-down menu.
  5. In the Clone Role dialog box, enter the details for the role, and then click Clone Role.

    Delete role window
  6. Once you clone the role, you can customize the permissions as per the requirements.

Additional Resources

3.5. Deleting roles on the Ceph dashboard

You can delete the custom roles that you have created on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.


You cannot delete the system roles of the Ceph Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.
  • A custom role is created on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Dashboard Settings icon and then click User management.

    user management
  3. On Roles tab, click the role you want to delete.
  4. Select Delete from the Edit drop-down menu.
  5. In the Delete Role dialog box, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then click Delete Role.

    Delete role window

Additional Resources

Chapter 4. Management of users on the Ceph dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can create, edit, and delete users with specific roles on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard. Role-based access control is given to each user based on their roles and the requirements.

This section covers the following administrative tasks:

4.1. Creating users on the Ceph dashboard

You can create users on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard with adequate roles and permissions based on their roles. For example, if you want the user to manage Ceph object gateway operations, then you can give rgw-manager role to the user.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard does not support any email verification when changing a users password. This behavior is intentional, because the Dashboard supports Single Sign-On (SSO) and this feature can be delegated to the SSO provider.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Dashboard Settings icon and then click User management.

    user management
  3. On Users tab, click Create.
  4. In the Create User window, set the Username and other parameters including the roles, and then click Create User.

    Create user window
  5. You get a notification that the user was created successfully.

Additional Resources

4.2. Editing users on the Ceph dashboard

You can edit the users on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard. You can modify the user’s password and roles based on the requirements.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.
  • User created on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Dashboard Settings icon and then click User management.

    user management
  3. To edit the user, click the row.
  4. On Users tab, select Edit from the Edit drop-down menu.
  5. In the Edit User window, edit parameters like password and roles, and then click Edit User.

    Edit user window

    If you want to disable any user’s access to the Ceph dashboard, you can uncheck Enabled option in the Edit User window.

  6. You get a notification that the user was created successfully.

Additional Resources

4.3. Deleting users on the Ceph dashboard

You can delete users on the Ceph dashboard. Some users might be removed from the system. The access to such users can be deleted from the Ceph dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Admin level of access to the Dashboard.
  • User created on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Click the Dashboard Settings icon and then click User management.

    user management
  3. On Users tab, click the user you want to delete.
  4. select Delete from the Edit drop-down menu.
  5. In the Delete User dialog box, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete User to save the settings.

    Delete user window

Additional Resources

Chapter 5. Management of Ceph daemons

As a storage administrator, you can manage Ceph daemons on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.

5.1. Daemon actions

The Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard allows you to start, stop, restart, and redeploy daemons.


These actions are supported on all daemons except monitor and manager daemons.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • At least one daemon is configured in the storage cluster.


You can manage daemons two ways.

From the Services page:

  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Services.
  3. View the details of the service with the daemon to perform the action on by clicking the Expand/Collapse icon on its row.
  4. In Details, select the drop down next to the desired daemon to perform Start, Stop, Restart, or Redeploy.

    Figure 5.1. Managing daemons

    Managing daemons

From the Hosts page:

  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Hosts.
  3. From the Hosts List, select the host with the daemon to perform the action on.
  4. In the Daemon tab of the host, click the daemon.
  5. Use the drop down at the top to perform Start, Stop, Restart, or Redeploy.

    Figure 5.2. Managing daemons

    Managing daemons

Chapter 6. Monitor the cluster on the Ceph dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can use Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard to monitor specific aspects of the cluster based on types of hosts, services, data access methods, and more.

This section covers the following administrative tasks:

6.1. Monitoring hosts of the Ceph cluster on the dashboard

You can monitor the hosts of the cluster on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.

The following are the different tabs on the hosts page:

  • Devices - This tab has details such as device ID, state of health, device name, and the daemons on the hosts.
  • Inventory - This tab shows all disks attached to a selected host, as well as their type, size and others. It has details such as device path, type of device, available, vendor, model, size, and the OSDs deployed.
  • Daemons - This tab shows all services that have been deployed on the selected host, which container they are running in and their current status. It has details such as hostname, daemon type, daemon ID, container ID, container image name, container image ID, version status and last refreshed time.
  • Performance details - This tab has details such as OSDs deployed, CPU utilization, RAM usage, network load, network drop rate, and OSD disk performance statistics.
  • Device health - For SMART-enabled devices, you can get the individual health status and SMART data only on the OSD deployed hosts.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Hosts are added to the storage cluster.
  • All the services, monitor, manager and OSD daemons are deployed on the storage cluster.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Hosts.
  3. To view the details of a specific host, click the Expand/Collapse icon on it’s row.
  4. You can view the details such as Devices, Inventory, Daemons, Performance Details, and Device Health by clicking the respective tabs.

    Figure 6.1. Monitoring hosts of the Ceph cluster

    Monitoring hosts of the Ceph cluster

Additional Resources

6.2. Viewing and editing the configuration of the Ceph cluster on the dashboard

You can view various configuration options of the Ceph cluster on the dashboard. You can edit only some configuration options.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • All the services are deployed on the storage cluster.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Configuration.
  3. Optional: You can search for the configuration using the Search box:
  4. Optional: You can filter for a specific configuration using following filters:

    • Level - Basic, advanced or dev
    • Service - Any, mon, mgr, osd, mds, common, mds_client, rgw, and similar filters.
    • Source - Any, mon, and similar filters
    • Modified - yes or no
  5. To view the details of the configuration, click the Expand/Collapse icon on it’s row.

    Figure 6.2. Configuration options

    Configuration options
  6. To edit a configuration, click its row and click Edit.

    1. In the edit dialog window, edit the required parameters and Click Update.
  7. You get a notification that the configuration was updated successfully.

Additional Resources

6.3. Viewing and editing the manager modules of the Ceph cluster on the dashboard

Manager modules are used to manage module-specific configuration settings. For example, you can enable alerts for the health of the cluster.

You can view, enable or disable, and edit the manager modules of a cluster on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.

Viewing the manager modules

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Manager Modules.
  3. To view the details of a specific manager module, click the Expand/Collapse icon on it’s row.

    Figure 6.3. Manager modules

    Manager modules

Enabling a manager module

  1. Select the row.
  2. From the Edit drop-down menu, select Enable.

Disabling a manager module

  1. Select the row.
  2. From the Edit drop-down menu, select Disable.

Editing a manager module

  1. Select the row:


    Not all modules have configurable parameters. If a module is not configurable, the Edit button is disabled.

  2. Edit the required parameters and click Update.
  3. You get a notification that the module was updated successfully.

6.4. Monitoring monitors of the Ceph cluster on the dashboard

You can monitor the performance of the Ceph monitors on the landing page of the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard You can also view the details such as status, quorum, number of open session, and performance counters of the monitors in the Monitors tab.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Monitors are deployed in the storage cluster.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Monitors.
  3. The Monitors overview page displays information about the overall monitor status as well as tables of in Quorum and Not in quorum Monitor hosts.

    Monitoring monitors of the Ceph cluster
  4. To see the number of open sessions, hover the cursor over the blue dotted trail.
  5. To see performance counters for any monitor, click its hostname.

    • View the performance counter of the monitor:

      Monitor performance counters

Additional Resources

6.5. Monitoring services of the Ceph cluster on the dashboard

You can monitor the services of the cluster on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. You can view the details such as hostname, daemon type, daemon ID, container ID, container image name, container image ID, version status and last refreshed time.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Hosts are added to the storage cluster.
  • All the services are deployed on the storage cluster.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Services.
  3. To view the details of a specific service, click the Expand/Collapse icon on it’s row.

    Figure 6.4. Monitoring services of the Ceph cluster

    Monitoring services of the Ceph cluster

Additional Resources

  • See the Ceph Orchestrators in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Operations Guide for more details.

6.6. Monitoring Ceph OSDs on the dashboard

You can monitor the status of the Ceph OSDs on the landing page of the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. You can also view the details such as host, status, device class, number of placement groups (PGs), size flags, usage, and read or write operations time in the OSDs tab.

The following are the different tabs on the OSDs page:

  • Devices - This tab has details such as Device ID, state of health, life expectancy, device name, and the daemons on the hosts.
  • Attributes (OSD map) - This tab shows the cluster address, details of heartbeat, OSD state, and the other OSD attributes.
  • Metadata - This tab shows the details of the OSD object store, the devices, the operating system, and the kernel details.
  • Device health - For SMART-enabled devices, you can get the individual health status and SMART data.
  • Performance counter - This tab gives details of the bytes written on the devices.
  • Performance Details - This tab has details such as OSDs deployed, CPU utilization, RAM usage, network load, network drop rate, and OSD disk performance statistics.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Hosts are added to the storage cluster.
  • All the services including OSDs are deployed on the storage cluster.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select OSDs.
  3. To view the details of a specific OSD, click the Expand/Collapse icon on it’s row.

    Figure 6.5. Monitoring OSDs of the Ceph cluster

    Monitoring OSDs of the Ceph cluster

    You can view additional details such as Devices, Attributes (OSD map), Metadata, Device Health, Performance counter, and Performance Details by clicking on the respective tabs.

Additional Resources

  • See the Ceph Orchestrators in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Operations Guide for more details.

6.7. Monitoring HAProxy on the dashboard

The Ceph Object Gateway allows you to assign many instances of the object gateway to a single zone, so that you can scale out as load increases. Since each object gateway instance has its own IP address, you can use HAProxy to balance the load across Ceph Object Gateway servers.

You can monitor the following HAProxy metrics on the dashboard:

  • Total responses by HTTP code.
  • Total requests/responses.
  • Total number of connections.
  • Current total number of incoming / outgoing bytes.

You can also get the Grafana details by running the ceph dashboard get-grafana-api-url command.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Admin level access on the storage dashboard.
  • An existing Ceph Object Gateway service, without SSL. If you want SSL service, the certificate should be configured on the ingress service, not the Ceph Object Gateway service.
  • Ingress service deployed using the Ceph Orchestrator.
  • Monitoring stack components are created on the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Grafana URL and select the RGW_Overview panel:





  2. Verify the HAProxy metrics on the Grafana URL.
  3. Launch the Ceph dashboard and log in with your credentials.



  4. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Object Gateway.
  5. Select Daemons.
  6. Select the Overall Performance tab.


  • Verify the Ceph Object Gateway HAProxy metrics:

    Figure 6.6. HAProxy metrics

    HAProxy metrics

Additional Resources

6.8. Viewing the CRUSH map of the Ceph cluster on the dashboard

You can view the The CRUSH map that contains a list of OSDs and related information on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard. Together, the CRUSH map and CRUSH algorithm determine how and where data is stored. The dashboard allows you to view different aspects of the CRUSH map, including OSD hosts, OSD daemons, ID numbers, device class, and more.

The CRUSH map allows you to determine which host a specific OSD ID is running on. This is helpful if there is an issue with an OSD.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • OSD daemons deployed on the storage cluster.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select CRUSH Map.
  3. To view the details of the specific OSD, click it’s row.

    Figure 6.7. CRUSH Map detail view

    CRUSH Map detail view

Additional Resources

  • For more information about the CRUSH map, see CRUSH administration in the Red Hat Ceph StorageStorage strategies guide.

6.9. Filtering logs of the Ceph cluster on the dashboard

You can view and filter logs of the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster on the dashboard based on several criteria. The criteria includes Priority, Keyword, Date, and Time range.

You can download the logs to the system or copy the logs to the clipboard as well for further analysis.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • The Dashboard is installed.
  • Log entries have been generated since the Ceph Monitor was last started.

The Dashboard logging feature only displays the thirty latest high level events. The events are stored in memory by the Ceph Monitor. The entries disappear after restarting the Monitor. If you need to review detailed or older logs, refer to the file based logs.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Logs.

    Figure 6.8. Cluster logs

    Cluster logs
    1. To filter by priority, click the Priority drop-down menu and select either Debug, Info, Warning, Error, or All.
    2. To filter by keyword, enter text into the Keyword field.
    3. To filter by date, click the Date field and either use the date picker to select a date from the menu, or enter a date in the form of YYYY-MM-DD.
    4. To filter by time, enter a range in the Time range fields using the HH:MM - HH:MM format. Hours must be entered using numbers 0 to 23.
    5. To combine filters, set two or more filters.
  3. Click the Download icon or Copy to Clipboard icon to download the logs.

Additional Resources

  • See the Configuring Logging chapter in the Red Hat Ceph StorageTroubleshooting Guide for more information.
  • See the Understanding Ceph Logs section in the Red Hat Ceph StorageTroubleshooting Guide for more information.

6.10. Monitoring pools of the Ceph cluster on the dashboard

You can view the details, performance details, configuration, and overall performance of the pools in a cluster on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.

A pool plays a critical role in how the Ceph storage cluster distributes and stores data. If you have deployed a cluster without creating a pool, Ceph uses the default pools for storing data.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Pools are created


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, select Pools.
  3. View the pools list which gives the details of Data protection and the application for which the pool is enabled. Hover the mouse over Usage, Read bytes, and Write bytes for the required details.
  4. To view more information about a pool, click the Expand/Collapse icon on it’s row.

    Figure 6.9. Monitoring pools

    Monitoring pools

Additional Resources

6.11. Monitoring Ceph file systems on the dashboard

You can use the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard to monitor Ceph File Systems (CephFS) and related components. There are four main tabs in File Systems:

  • Details - View the metadata servers (MDS) and their rank plus any standby daemons, pools and their usage,and performance counters.
  • Clients - View list of clients that have mounted the file systems.
  • Directories - View list of directories.
  • Performance - View the performance of the file systems.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • MDS service is deployed on at least one of the hosts.
  • Ceph File System is installed.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Filesystems.
  3. To view more information about the file system, click the Expand/Collapse icon on it’s row.

    Figure 6.10. Monitoring Ceph File Systems

    Monitoring Ceph File Systems

Additional Resources

6.12. Monitoring Ceph object gateway daemons on the dashboard

You can use the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard to monitor Ceph object gateway daemons. You can view the details, performance counters and performance details of the Ceph object gateway daemons.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • At least one Ceph object gateway daemon configured in the storage cluster.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.
  3. To view more information about the Ceph object gateway daemon, click the Expand/Collapse icon on it’s row.

    Figure 6.11. Monitoring Ceph object gateway daemons

    Monitoring Ceph object gateway daemons

    If you have configured multiple Ceph Object Gateway daemons, click on Sync Performance tab and view the multi-site performance counters.

Additional Resources

6.13. Monitoring Block device images on the Ceph dashboard.

You can use the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard to monitor and manage Block device images. You can view the details, snapshots, configuration details, and performance details of the images.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block.
  3. To view more information about the images, click the Expand/Collapse icon on it’s row.

    Figure 6.12. Monitoring Block device images

    Monitoring Block device images

Additional Resources

Chapter 7. Management of Alerts on the Ceph dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can see the details of alerts and create silences for them on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard. This includes the following pre-defined alerts:

  • CephadmDaemonFailed
  • CephadmPaused
  • CephadmUpgradeFailed
  • CephDaemonCrash
  • CephDeviceFailurePredicted
  • CephDeviceFailurePredictionTooHigh
  • CephDeviceFailureRelocationIncomplete
  • CephFilesystemDamaged
  • CephFilesystemDegraded
  • CephFilesystemFailureNoStandby
  • CephFilesystemInsufficientStandby
  • CephFilesystemMDSRanksLow
  • CephFilesystemOffline
  • CephFilesystemReadOnly
  • CephHealthError
  • CephHealthWarning
  • CephMgrModuleCrash
  • CephMgrPrometheusModuleInactive
  • CephMonClockSkew
  • CephMonDiskspaceCritical
  • CephMonDiskspaceLow
  • CephMonDown
  • CephMonDownQuorumAtRisk
  • CephNodeDiskspaceWarning
  • CephNodeInconsistentMTU
  • CephNodeNetworkPacketDrops
  • CephNodeNetworkPacketErrors
  • CephNodeRootFilesystemFull
  • CephObjectMissing
  • CephOSDBackfillFull
  • CephOSDDown
  • CephOSDDownHigh
  • CephOSDFlapping
  • CephOSDFull
  • CephOSDHostDown
  • CephOSDInternalDiskSizeMismatch
  • CephOSDNearFull
  • CephOSDReadErrors
  • CephOSDTimeoutsClusterNetwork
  • CephOSDTimeoutsPublicNetwork
  • CephOSDTooManyRepairs
  • CephPGBackfillAtRisk
  • CephPGImbalance
  • CephPGNotDeepScrubbed
  • CephPGNotScrubbed
  • CephPGRecoveryAtRisk
  • CephPGsDamaged
  • CephPGsHighPerOSD
  • CephPGsInactive
  • CephPGsUnclean
  • CephPGUnavilableBlockingIO
  • CephPoolBackfillFull
  • CephPoolFull
  • CephPoolGrowthWarning
  • CephPoolNearFull
  • CephSlowOps
  • PrometheusJobMissing

Figure 7.1. Pre-defined alerts

Pre-defined alerts

You can also monitor alerts using simple network management protocol (SNMP) traps. See the Configuration of SNMP traps chapter in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Operations Guide.

7.1. Enabling monitoring stack

You can manually enable the monitoring stack of the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, such as Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana, using the command-line interface.

You can use the Prometheus and Alertmanager API to manage alerts and silences.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • root-level access to all the hosts.


  1. Log into the cephadm shell:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell

  2. Set the APIs for the monitoring stack:

    • Specify the host and port of the Alertmanager server:


      ceph dashboard set-alertmanager-api-host 'ALERTMANAGER_API_HOST:PORT'


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-alertmanager-api-host ''
      Option ALERTMANAGER_API_HOST updated

    • To see the configured alerts, configure the URL to the Prometheus API. Using this API, the Ceph Dashboard UI verifies that a new silence matches a corresponding alert.


      ceph dashboard set-prometheus-api-host 'PROMETHEUS_API_HOST:PORT'


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-prometheus-api-host ''
      Option PROMETHEUS_API_HOST updated

      After setting up the hosts, refresh your browser’s dashboard window.

    • Specify the host and port of the Grafana server:


      ceph dashboard set-grafana-api-url 'GRAFANA_API_URL:PORT'


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-grafana-api-url ''
      Option GRAFANA_API_URL updated

  3. Get the Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana API host details:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard get-alertmanager-api-host
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard get-prometheus-api-host
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard get-grafana-api-url

  4. Optional: If you are using a self-signed certificate in your Prometheus, Alertmanager, or Grafana setup, disable the certificate verification in the dashboard This avoids refused connections caused by certificates signed by an unknown Certificate Authority (CA) or that do not match the hostname.

    • For Prometheus:


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-prometheus-api-ssl-verify False

    • For Alertmanager:


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-alertmanager-api-ssl-verify False

    • For Grafana:


      [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-grafana-api-ssl-verify False

  5. Get the details of the self-signed certificate verification setting for Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard get-prometheus-api-ssl-verify
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard get-alertmanager-api-ssl-verify
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard get-grafana-api-ssl-verify

  6. Optional: If the dashboard does not reflect the changes, you have to disable and then enable the dashboard:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph mgr module disable dashboard
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph mgr module enable dashboard

Additional Resources

7.2. Configuring Grafana certificate

The cephadm deploys Grafana using the certificate defined in the ceph key/value store. If a certificate is not specified, cephadm generates a self-signed certificate during the deployment of the Grafana service.

You can configure a custom certificate with the ceph config-key set command.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.


  1. Log into the cephadm shell:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell

  2. Configure the custom certificate for Grafana:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config-key set mgr/cephadm/grafana_key -i $PWD/key.pem
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config-key set mgr/cephadm/grafana_crt -i $PWD/certificate.pem

  3. If Grafana is already deployed, then run reconfig to update the configuration:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch reconfig grafana

  4. Every time a new certificate is added, follow the below steps:

    1. Make a new directory


      [root@host01 ~]# mkdir /root/internalca
      [root@host01 ~]# cd /root/internalca

    2. Generate the key:


      [root@host01 internalca]# openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out $(date +%F).key

    3. View the key:


      [root@host01 internalca]# openssl ec -text -in $(date +%F).key | less

    4. Make a request:


      [root@host01 internalca]# umask 077; openssl req -config openssl-san.cnf -new -sha256 -key $(date +%F).key -out $(date +%F).csr

    5. Review the request prior to sending it for signature:


      [root@host01 internalca]# openssl req -text -in $(date +%F).csr | less

    6. As the CA sign:


      [root@host01 internalca]# openssl ca -extensions v3_req -in $(date +%F).csr -out $(date +%F).crt -extfile openssl-san.cnf

    7. Check the signed certificate:


      [root@host01 internalca]# openssl x509 -text -in $(date +%F).crt -noout | less

Additional Resources

7.3. Adding Alertmanager webhooks

You can add new webhooks to an existing Alertmanager configuration to receive real-time alerts about the health of the storage cluster. You have to enable incoming webhooks to allow asynchronous messages into third-party applications.

For example, if an OSD is down in a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, you can configure the Alertmanager to send notification on Google chat.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with monitoring stack components enabled.
  • Incoming webhooks configured on the receiving third-party application.


  1. Log into the cephadm shell:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell

  2. Configure the Alertmanager to use the webhook for notification:


    service_type: alertmanager
        - "_URLS_"

    The default_webhook_urls is a list of additional URLs that are added to the default receivers' webhook_configs configuration.


    service_type: alertmanager
        - url: 'http:'

  3. Update Alertmanager configuration:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]#  ceph orch reconfig alertmanager


  • An example notification from Alertmanager to Gchat:


    using: https://chat.googleapis.com/v1/spaces/(xx- space identifyer -xx)/messages
    posting: {'status': 'resolved', 'labels': {'alertname': 'PrometheusTargetMissing', 'instance': 'postgres-exporter.host03.chest
    response: 200
    response: {
    "name": "spaces/(xx- space identifyer -xx)/messages/3PYDBOsIofE.3PYDBOsIofE",
    "sender": {
    "name": "users/114022495153014004089",
    "displayName": "monitoring",
    "avatarUrl": "",
    "email": "",
    "domainId": "",
    "type": "BOT",
    "isAnonymous": false,
    "caaEnabled": false
    "text": "Prometheus target missing (instance postgres-exporter.cluster.local:9187)\n\nA Prometheus target has disappeared. An e
    "cards": [],
    "annotations": [],
    "thread": {
    "name": "spaces/(xx- space identifyer -xx)/threads/3PYDBOsIofE"
    "space": {
    "name": "spaces/(xx- space identifyer -xx)",
    "type": "ROOM",
    "singleUserBotDm": false,
    "threaded": false,
    "displayName": "_privmon",
    "legacyGroupChat": false
    "fallbackText": "",
    "argumentText": "Prometheus target missing (instance postgres-exporter.cluster.local:9187)\n\nA Prometheus target has disappea
    "attachment": [],
    "createTime": "2022-06-06T06:17:33.805375Z",
    "lastUpdateTime": "2022-06-06T06:17:33.805375Z"

7.4. Viewing alerts on the Ceph dashboard

After an alert has fired, you can view it on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. You can edit the Manager module settings to trigger a mail when an alert is fired.


SSL is not supported in Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 cluster.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A running simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) configured.
  • An alert fired.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Customize the alerts module on the dashboard to get an email alert for the storage cluster:

    1. On the navigation menu, click Cluster.
    2. Select Manager modules.
    3. Select alerts module.
    4. In the Edit drop-down menu, select Edit.
    5. In the Edit Manager module window, update the required parameters and click Update.

      Figure 7.2. Edit Manager module for alerts

      Edit Manager module for alerts
  3. On the navigation menu, click Cluster.
  4. Select Monitoring from the drop-down menu.
  5. To view details of the alert, click the Expand/Collapse icon on it’s row.

    Figure 7.3. Viewing alerts

    Viewing alerts
  6. To view the source of an alert, click on its row, and then click Source.

Additional resources

7.5. Creating a silence on the Ceph dashboard

You can create a silence for an alert for a specified amount of time on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • An alert fired.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Cluster.
  3. Select Monitoring from the drop-down menu.
  4. To create silence for an alert, select it’s row.
  5. Click +Create Silence.
  6. In the Create Silence window, Add the details for the Duration and click Create Silence.

    Figure 7.4. Create Silence

    Create Silence
  7. You get a notification that the silence was created successfully.

7.6. Re-creating a silence on the Ceph dashboard

You can re-create a silence from an expired silence on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • An alert fired.
  • A silence created for the alert.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Cluster.
  3. Select Monitoring from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Silences tab.
  5. To recreate an expired silence, click it’s row.
  6. Click the Recreate button.
  7. In the Recreate Silence window, add the details and click Recreate Silence.

    Figure 7.5. Recreate silence

    Re-create Silence
  8. You get a notification that the silence was recreated successfully.

7.7. Editing a silence on the Ceph dashboard

You can edit an active silence, for example, to extend the time it is active on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. If the silence has expired, you can either recreate a silence or create a new silence for the alert.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • An alert fired.
  • A silence created for the alert.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Cluster.
  3. Select Monitoring from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Silences tab.
  5. To edit the silence, click it’s row.
  6. In the Edit drop-down menu, select Edit.
  7. In the Edit Silence window, update the details and click Edit Silence.

    Figure 7.6. Edit silence

    Edit Silence
  8. You get a notification that the silence was updated successfully.

7.8. Expiring a silence on the Ceph dashboard

You can expire a silence so any matched alerts will not be suppressed on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • An alert fired.
  • A silence created for the alert.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Cluster.
  3. Select Monitoring from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Silences tab.
  5. To expire a silence, click it’s row.
  6. In the Edit drop-down menu, select Expire.
  7. In the Expire Silence dialog box, select Yes, I am sure, and then click Expire Silence.

    Figure 7.7. Expire Silence

    Expire Silence
  8. You get a notification that the silence was expired successfully.

7.9. Additional Resources

Chapter 8. Management of NFS Ganesha exports on the Ceph dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can manage the NFS Ganesha exports that use Ceph object gateway as the backstore on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard. You can deploy and configure, edit and delete the NFS ganesha daemons on the dashboard.

The dashboard manages NFS-Ganesha configuration files stored in RADOS objects on the Ceph Cluster. NFS-Ganesha must store part of their configuration in the Ceph cluster.

8.1. Configuring NFS Ganesha daemons on the Ceph dashboard

You can configure NFS Ganesha on the dashboard after configuring the Ceph object gateway and enabling a dedicated pool for NFS-Ganesha using the command line interface.


Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 supports only NFSv4 protocol.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Ceph Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • A dedicated pool enabled and tagged with custom tag of nfs.
  • At least ganesha-manager level of access on the Ceph dashboard.


  1. Log into the Cephadm shell:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell

  2. Create the RADOS pool, namespace, and enable rgw:


    ceph osd pool create POOL_NAME _
    ceph osd pool application enable POOL_NAME freeform/rgw/rbd/cephfs/nfs


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph osd pool create nfs-ganesha
    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph osd pool application enable nfs-ganesha rgw

  3. Deploy NFS-Ganesha gateway using placement specification in the command line interface:


    ceph orch apply nfs SERVICE_ID --placement="NUMBER_OF_DAEMONS HOST_NAME_1 HOST_NAME_2 HOST_NAME_3"


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph orch apply nfs foo --placement="2 host01 host02"

    This deploys an NFS-Ganesha cluster nfsganesha with one daemon on host01 and host02.

  4. Update ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace parameter with the namespace and the service_ID:


    ceph dashboard set-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace POOL_NAME/SERVICE_ID


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-ganesha-clusters-rados-pool-namespace nfs-ganesha/foo

  5. On the dashboard landing page, click NFS.
  6. Select Create.
  7. In the Create NFS export window, set the following parameters and click Create NFS export:

    1. Cluster - Name of the cluster.
    2. Daemons - You can select all daemons.
    3. Storage Backend - You can select Object Gateway.
    4. Object Gateway User - Select the user created. In this example, it is test_user.
    5. Path - Any directory.
    6. NFS Protocol - NFSv4 is selected by default.
    7. Pseudo - root path
    8. Access Type - The supported access types are RO, RW, and NONE.
    9. Squash
    10. Transport Protocol
    11. Clients

      Create NFS export window
  8. Verify the NFS daemon is configured:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph -s

  9. As a root user, check if the NFS-service is active and running:


    [root@host01 ~]# systemctl list-units | grep nfs

  10. Mount the NFS export and perform a few I/O operations.
  11. Once the NFS service is up and running, in the NFS-RGW container, comment out the dir_chunk=0 parameter in etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf file. Restart the NFS-Ganesha service. This allows proper listing at the NFS mount.


  • You can view the NFS daemon under buckets in the Ceph Object Gateway.

    NFS bucket

Additional Resources

8.2. Configuring NFS exports with CephFS on the Ceph dashboard

You can create, edit, and delete NFS exports on the Ceph dashboard after configuring the Ceph File System (CephFS) using the command-line interface. You can export the CephFS namespaces over the NFS Protocol.

You need to create an NFS cluster which creates a common recovery pool for all the NFS Ganesha daemons, new user based on the CLUSTER_ID, and a common NFS Ganesha config RADOS objects.


Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 supports only NFSv4 protocol.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Root-level access to the bootstrapped host.
  • At least ganesha-manager level of access on the Ceph dashboard.


  1. Log in to the cephadm shell:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell

  2. Create the CephFS storage in the backend:


    ceph fs volume create CEPH_FILE_SYSTEM


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs volume create cephfs

  3. Enable the Ceph Manager NFS module:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph mgr module enable nfs

  4. Create an NFS Ganesha cluster:


    ceph nfs cluster create NFS_CLUSTER_NAME "HOST_NAME_PLACEMENT_LIST"


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph nfs cluster create nfs-cephfs host02
    NFS Cluster Created Successfully

  5. Get the dashboard URL:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph mgr services
        "dashboard": "",
        "prometheus": ""

  6. Log in to the Ceph dashboard with your credentials.
  7. On the dashboard landing page, click NFS.
  8. Click Create.
  9. In the Create NFS export window, set the following parameters and click Create NFS export:

    1. Cluster - Name of the cluster.
    2. Daemons - You can select all daemons.
    3. Storage Backend - You can select CephFS.
    4. CephFS User ID - Select the service where the NFS cluster is created.
    5. CephFS Name - Provide a user name.
    6. CephFs Path - Any directory.
    7. NFS Protocol - NFSv4 is selected by default.
    8. Pseudo - root path
    9. Access Type - The supported access types are RO, RW, and NONE.
    10. Squash - Select the squash type.
    11. Transport Protocol - Select either the UDP or TCP protocol.
    12. Clients

      Figure 8.1. CephFS NFS export window

      Create CephFS NFS export window
  10. As a root user on the client host, create a directory and mount the NFS export:


    mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/
    mount -t nfs -o port=2049 HOSTNAME:EXPORT_NAME _MOUNT_DIRECTORY_


    [root@ client ~]# mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/
    [root@ client ~]# mount -t nfs -o port=2049 host02:/export1 /mnt/nfs/


  • Verify if the NFS daemon is configured:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph -s

Additional Resources

8.3. Editing NFS Ganesha daemons on the Ceph dashboard

You can edit the NFS Ganesha daemons on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • At least ganesha-manager level of access on the Ceph dashboard.
  • NFS Ganesha daemon configured on the dashboard.


  1. On the dashboard, click NFS.
  2. Click the row that needs to be edited.
  3. From the Edit drop-down menu, click Edit.
  4. In the Edit NFS export window, edit the required parameters and click Edit NFS export.

    Edit NFS export window


  • You will get a notification that the NFS ganesha is updated successfully.

Additional Resources

8.4. Deleting NFS Ganesha daemons on the Ceph dashboard

The Ceph dashboard allows you to delete the NFS Ganesha daemons.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • At least ganesha-manager level of access on the Ceph dashboard.
  • NFS Ganesha daemon configured on the dashboard.


  1. On the dashboard, click NFS.
  2. Click the row that needs to be delete.
  3. From the Edit drop-down menu, click Delete.
  4. In the Delete NFS export dialog box, check Yes, I am sure and click Delete NFS export.

    Delete NFS export window


  • The selected row is deleted successfully.

Additional Resources

8.5. Upgrading NFS cluster to NFS-HA on the Ceph dashboard

The Ceph dashboard allows you to upgrade a standalone NFS cluster to NFS-HA.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • A running NFS service.
  • At least ganesha-manager level of access on the Ceph dashboard.
  • NFS Ganesha daemon configured on the dashboard.


  1. On the dashboard, click Cluster.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, click Services.
  3. Click + Create.
  4. In the Create Service window, select ingress service.
  5. Select the required backend service, edit the required parameters, and click Create Service to upgrade.

    Figure 8.2. Create Service window

    Upgrade NFS service window

Additional Resources

Chapter 9. Management of pools on the Ceph dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can create, edit, and delete pools on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.

This section covers the following administrative tasks:

9.1. Creating pools on the Ceph dashboard

When you deploy a storage cluster without creating a pool, Ceph uses the default pools for storing data. You can create pools to logically partition your storage objects on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Pools.
  3. Click Create.
  4. In the Create Pool window, set the following parameters:

    Figure 9.1. Creating pools

    Creating pools
    1. Set the name of the pool and select the pool type.
    2. Select either replicated or Erasure Coded (EC) pool type.
    3. Set the Placement Group (PG) number.
    4. Optional: If using a replicated pool type, set the replicated size.
    5. Optional: If using an EC pool type configure the following additional settings.
    6. Optional: To see the settings for the currently selected EC profile, click the question mark.
    7. Optional: Add a new EC profile by clicking the plus symbol.
    8. Optional: Click the pencil symbol to select an application for the pool.
    9. Optional: Set the CRUSH rule, if applicable.
    10. Optional: If compression is required, select passive, aggressive, or force.
    11. Optional: Set the Quotas.
    12. Optional: Set the Quality of Service configuration.
  5. Click Create Pool.
  6. You get a notification that the pool was created successfully.

Additional Resources

  • For more information, see Ceph pools section in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Architecture Guide for more details.

9.2. Editing pools on the Ceph dashboard

You can edit the pools on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool is created.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Pools.
  3. To edit the pool, click its row.
  4. Select Edit In the Edit drop-down.
  5. In the Edit Pool window, edit the required parameters and click Edit Pool:

    Figure 9.2. Editing pools

    Editing pools
  6. You get a notification that the pool was created successfully.

Additional Resources

  • See the Ceph pools in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Architecture Guide for more information.
  • See the Pool values in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Storage Strategies Guide for more information on Compression Modes.

9.3. Deleting pools on the Ceph dashboard

You can delete the pools on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. Ensure that value of mon_allow_pool_delete is set to True in Manager modules.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool is created.


  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, in Cluster drop-down menu, click Configuration.
  3. In the Level drop-down menu, select Advanced:
  4. Search for mon_allow_pool_delete, click Edit
  5. Set all the values to true:

    Figure 9.3. Configuration to delete pools

    Edit Configuration to delete pools
  6. On the navigation bar, click Pools:
  7. To delete the pool, click on its row:
  8. From Edit drop-down menu, select Delete.
  9. In the Delete Pool window, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete Pool to save the settings:

    Figure 9.4. Delete pools

    Delete pools

Additional Resources

  • See the Ceph pools in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Architecture Guide for more information.
  • See the Pool values in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Storage Strategies Guide for more information on Compression Modes.

Chapter 10. Management of hosts on the Ceph dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can enable or disable maintenance mode for a host in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. The maintenance mode ensures that shutting down the host, to perform maintenance activities, does not harm the cluster.

You can also remove hosts using Start Drain and Remove options in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard .

This section covers the following administrative tasks:


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Hosts, Ceph Monitors and Ceph Manager Daemons are added to the storage cluster.

10.1. Entering maintenance mode

You can enter a host into the maintenance mode before shutting it down on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. If the maintenance mode gets enabled successfully, the host is taken offline without any errors for the maintenance activity to be performed. If the maintenance mode fails, it indicates the reasons for failure and the actions you need to take before taking the host down.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • All other prerequisite checks are performed internally by Ceph and any probable errors are taken care of internally by Ceph.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Hosts.
  3. Select a host from the list.
  4. From the Edit drop-down menu, click Enter Maintenance.

    Figure 10.1. Entering maintenance mode

    Entering maintenance mode

    When a host enters maintenance, all daemons are stopped. You can check the status of the daemons under the Daemons tab of a host.


  1. You get a notification that the host is successfully moved to maintenance and a maintenance label appears in the Status column.

If the maintenance mode fails, you get a notification indicating the reasons for failure.

10.2. Exiting maintenance mode

To restart a host, you can move it out of maintenance mode on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • All other prerequisite checks are performed internally by Ceph and any probable errors are taken care of internally by Ceph.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Hosts.
  3. From the Hosts List, select the host in maintenance.


    You can identify the host in maintenance by checking for the maintenance label in the Status column.

  4. From the Edit drop-down menu, click Exit Maintenance.

    Figure 10.2. Exiting maintenance mode

    Exiting maintenance mode

    After exiting the maintenance mode, you need to create the required services on the host by default-crash and the node-exporter gets deployed.


  1. You get a notification that the host has been successfully moved out of maintenance and the maintenance label is removed from the Status column.

10.3. Removing hosts using the Ceph Dashboard

To remove a host from a Ceph cluster, you can use Start Drain and Remove options in Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • All other prerequisite checks are performed internally by Ceph and any probable errors are taken care of internally by Ceph.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Hosts.
  3. From the Hosts List, select the host you want to remove.
  4. From the Edit drop-down menu, click Start Drain.

    Figure 10.3. Selecting Start Drain option

    Selecting Start Drain option

    This option drains all the daemons from the host.


    The _no_schedule label is automatically applied to the host, which blocks the deployment of daemons on this host.

    1. Optional: to stop the draining of daemons from the host, click Stop Drain option from the Edit drop-down menu.
  5. Check if all the daemons are removed from the host.

    1. Click the Expand/Collapse icon on it’s row
    2. Select Daemons. No daemons should be listed.

      Figure 10.4. Checking the status of host daemons

      Checking the status of host daemons

      A host can be safely removed from the cluster after all the daemons are removed from it.

  6. Remove the host.

    1. From the Edit drop-down menu, click Remove.

      Figure 10.5. Removing the host

      Removing the host
    2. In the Remove Host dialog box, check Yes, I am sure. and click Remove Host.

      Hosts dialog box


  1. You get a notification after the successful removal of the host from the Hosts List.

Chapter 11. Management of Ceph OSDs on the dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can monitor and manage OSDs on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.

Some of the capabilities of the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard are:

  • List OSDs, their status, statistics, information such as attributes, metadata, device health, performance counters and performance details.
  • Mark OSDs down, in, out, lost, purge, reweight, scrub, deep-scrub, destroy, delete, and select profiles to adjust backfilling activity.
  • List all drives associated with an OSD.
  • Set and change the device class of an OSD.
  • Deploy OSDs on new drives and hosts.

11.1. Prerequisites

  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster
  • cluster-manager level of access on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard

11.2. Managing the OSDs on the Ceph dashboard

You can carry out the following actions on a Ceph OSD on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard:

  • Create a new OSD.
  • Edit the device class of the OSD.
  • Mark the Flags as No Up, No Down, No In, or No Out.
  • Scrub and deep-scrub the OSDs.
  • Reweight the OSDs.
  • Mark the OSDs Out, In, Down, or Lost.
  • Purge the OSDs.
  • Destroy the OSDs.
  • Delete the OSDs.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Hosts, Monitors and Manager Daemons are added to the storage cluster.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select OSDs.

Creating an OSD

  1. To create the OSD, click Create.

    Figure 11.1. Add device for OSDs

    Add device for OSDs

    Ensure you have an available host and a few available devices. You can check for available devices in Physical Disks under the Cluster drop-down menu.

    1. In the Create OSDs window, from Deployment Options, select one of the below options:

      • Cost/Capacity-optimized: The cluster gets deployed with all available HDDs.
      • Throughput-optimized: Slower devices are used to store data and faster devices are used to store journals/WALs.
      • IOPS-optmized: All the available NVMEs are used to deploy OSDs.
    2. From the Advanced Mode, you can add primary, WAL and DB devices by clicking +Add.

      • Primary devices: Primary storage devices contain all OSD data.
      • WAL devices: Write-Ahead-Log devices are used for BlueStore’s internal journal and are used only if the WAL device is faster than the primary device. For example, NVMEs or SSDs.
      • DB devices: DB devices are used to store BlueStore’s internal metadata and are used only if the DB device is faster than the primary device. For example, NVMEs or SSDs).
    3. If you want to encrypt your data for security purposes, under Features, select encryption.
    4. Click the Preview button and in the OSD Creation Preview dialog box, Click Create.
    5. In the OSD Creation Preview dialog box, Click Create.
  2. You get a notification that the OSD was created successfully.
  3. The OSD status changes from in and down to in and up.

Editing an OSD

  1. To edit an OSD, select the row.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Edit.
    2. Edit the device class.
    3. Click Edit OSD.

      Figure 11.2. Edit an OSD

      Edit an OSD
    4. You get a notification that the OSD was updated successfully.

Marking the Flags of OSDs

  1. To mark the flag of the OSD, select the row.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Flags.
    2. Mark the Flags with No Up, No Down, No In, or No Out.
    3. Click Update.

      Figure 11.3. Marking Flags of an OSD

      Marking Flags of an OSD
    4. You get a notification that the flags of the OSD was updated successfully.

Scrubbing the OSDs

  1. To scrub the OSD, select the row.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Scrub.
    2. In the OSDs Scrub dialog box, click Update.

      Figure 11.4. Scrubbing an OSD

      Scrubbing an OSD
    3. You get a notification that the scrubbing of the OSD was initiated successfully.

Deep-scrubbing the OSDs

  1. To deep-scrub the OSD, select the row.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Deep scrub.
    2. In the OSDs Deep Scrub dialog box, click Update.

      Figure 11.5. Deep-scrubbing an OSD

      Deep-scrubbing an OSD
    3. You get a notification that the deep scrubbing of the OSD was initiated successfully.

Reweighting the OSDs

  1. To reweight the OSD, select the row.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Reweight.
    2. In the Reweight OSD dialog box, enter a value between zero and one.
    3. Click Reweight.

      Figure 11.6. Reweighting an OSD

      Reweighting an OSD

Marking OSDs Out

  1. To mark the OSD out, select the row.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Mark Out.
    2. In the Mark OSD out dialog box, click Mark Out.

      Figure 11.7. Marking OSDs out

      Marking OSDs out
    3. The status of the OSD will change to out.

Marking OSDs In

  1. To mark the OSD in, select the OSD row that is in out status.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Mark In.
    2. In the Mark OSD in dialog box, click Mark In.

      Figure 11.8. Marking OSDs in

      Marking OSDs in
    3. The status of the OSD will change to in.

Marking OSDs Down

  1. To mark the OSD down, select the row.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Mark Down.
    2. In the Mark OSD down dialog box, click Mark Down.

      Figure 11.9. Marking OSDs down

      Marking OSDs down
    3. The status of the OSD will change to down.

Marking OSDs Lost

  1. To mark the OSD lost, select the OSD in out and down status.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Mark Lost.
    2. In the Mark OSD Lost dialog box, check Yes, I am sure option, and click Mark Lost.

      Figure 11.10. Marking OSDs Lost

      Marking OSDs lost

Purging OSDs

  1. To purge the OSD, select the OSD in down status.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Purge.
    2. In the Purge OSDs dialog box, check Yes, I am sure option, and click Purge OSD.

      Figure 11.11. Purging OSDs

      Purging OSDs
    3. All the flags are reset and the OSD is back in in and up status.

Destroying OSDs

  1. To destroy the OSD, select the OSD in down status.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Destroy.
    2. In the Destroy OSDs dialog box, check Yes, I am sure option, and click Destroy OSD.

      Figure 11.12. Destroying OSDs

      Destroying OSDs
    3. The status of the OSD changes to destroyed.

Deleting OSDs

  1. To delete the OSD, select the OSD in down status.

    1. From Edit drop-down menu, select Delete.
    2. In the Destroy OSDs dialog box, check Yes, I am sure option, and click Delete OSD.


      You can preserve the OSD_ID when you have to to replace the failed OSD.

      Figure 11.13. Deleting OSDs

      Deleting OSDs

11.3. Replacing the failed OSDs on the Ceph dashboard

You can replace the failed OSDs in a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with the cluster-manager level of access on the dashboard. One of the highlights of this feature on the dashboard is that the OSD IDs can be preserved while replacing the failed OSDs.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • At least cluster-manager level of access to the Ceph Dashboard.
  • At least one of the OSDs is down


  1. On the dashboard, you can identify the failed OSDs in the following ways:

    • Dashboard AlertManager pop-up notifications.
    • Dashboard landing page showing HEALTH_WARN status.
    • Dashboard landing page showing failed OSDs.
    • Dashboard OSD page showing failed OSDs.

      Health status of OSDs

      In this example, you can see that one of the OSDs is down on the landing page of the dashboard.

      Apart from this, on the physical drive, you can view the LED lights blinking if one of the OSDs is down.

  2. Click OSDs.
  3. Select the out and down OSD:

    1. From the Edit drop-down menu, select Flags and select No Up and click Update.
    2. From the Edit drop-down menu, select Delete.
    3. In the Delete OSD dialog box, select the Preserve OSD ID(s) for replacement and Yes, I am sure check boxes.
    4. Click Delete OSD.
    5. Wait till the status of the OSD changes to out and destroyed status.
  4. Optional: If you want to change the No Up Flag for the entire cluster, in the Cluster-wide configuration drop-down menu, select Flags.

    1. In Cluster-wide OSDs Flags dialog box, select No Up and click Update.
  5. Optional: If the OSDs are down due to a hard disk failure, replace the physical drive:

    • If the drive is hot-swappable, replace the failed drive with a new one.
    • If the drive is not hot-swappable and the host contains multiple OSDs, you might have to shut down the whole host and replace the physical drive. Consider preventing the cluster from backfilling. See the Stopping and Starting Rebalancing chapter in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Troubleshooting Guide for details.
    • When the drive appears under the /dev/ directory, make a note of the drive path.
    • If you want to add the OSD manually, find the OSD drive and format the disk.
    • If the new disk has data, zap the disk:


      ceph orch device zap HOST_NAME PATH --force


      ceph orch device zap ceph-adm2 /dev/sdc --force

  6. From the Create drop-down menu, select Create.
  7. In the Create OSDs window, click +Add for Primary devices.

    1. In the Primary devices dialog box, from the Hostname drop-down list, select any one filter. From Any drop-down list, select the respective option.


      You have to select the Hostname first and then at least one filter to add the devices.

      For example, from Hostname list, select Type and from Any list select hdd. Select Vendor and from Any list, select ATA

      Add device for OSDs
    2. Click Add.
    3. In the Create OSDs window, click the Preview button.
    4. In the OSD Creation Preview dialog box, Click Create.
    5. You will get a notification that the OSD is created. The OSD will be in out and down status.
  8. Select the newly created OSD that has out and down status.

    1. In the Edit drop-down menu, select Mark-in.
    2. In the Mark OSD in window, select Mark in.
    3. In the Edit drop-down menu, select Flags.
    4. Uncheck No Up and click Update.
  9. Optional: If you have changed the No Up Flag before for cluster-wide configuration, in the Cluster-wide configuration menu, select Flags.

    1. In Cluster-wide OSDs Flags dialog box, uncheck No Up and click Update.


  1. Verify that the OSD that was destroyed is created on the device and the OSD ID is preserved.

    OSD is created

Additional Resources

Chapter 12. Management of Ceph object gateway using the dashboard

As a storage administrator, the Ceph Object Gateway functions of the dashboard allow you to manage and monitor the Ceph Object Gateway.

You can also create the Ceph Object Gateway services with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) using the dashboard.

For example, monitoring functions allow you to view details about a gateway daemon such as its zone name, or performance graphs of GET and PUT rates. Management functions allow you to view, create, and edit both users and buckets.

Ceph object gateway functions are divided between user functions and bucket functions.

12.1. Manually adding Ceph object gateway login credentials to the dashboard

The Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard can manage the Ceph Object Gateway, also known as the RADOS Gateway, or RGW. When Ceph Object Gateway is deployed with cephadm, the Ceph Object Gateway credentials used by the dashboard is automatically configured. You can also manually force the Ceph object gateway credentials to the Ceph dashboard using the command-line interface.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Ceph Object Gateway is installed.


  1. Log into the Cephadm shell:


    [root@host01 ~]# cephadm shell

  2. Set up the credentials manually:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-rgw-credentials

    This creates a Ceph Object Gateway user with UID dashboard for each realm in the system.

  3. Optional: If you have configured a custom admin resource in your Ceph Object Gateway admin API, you have to also set the the admin resource:


    ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-admin-resource RGW_API_ADMIN_RESOURCE


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-admin-resource admin
    Option RGW_API_ADMIN_RESOURCE updated

  4. Optional: If you are using HTTPS with a self-signed certificate, disable certificate verification in the dashboard to avoid refused connections.

    Refused connections can happen when the certificate is signed by an unknown Certificate Authority, or if the host name used does not match the host name in the certificate.


    ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-ssl-verify false


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-ssl-verify False
    Option RGW_API_SSL_VERIFY updated

  5. Optional: If the Object Gateway takes too long to process requests and the dashboard runs into timeouts, you can set the timeout value:


    ceph dashboard set-rest-requests-timeout _TIME_IN_SECONDS_

    The default value of 45 seconds.


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph dashboard set-rest-requests-timeout 240

12.2. Creating the Ceph Object Gateway services with SSL using the dashboard

After installing a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, you can create the Ceph Object Gateway service with SSL using two methods:

  • Using the command-line interface.
  • Using the dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • SSL key from Certificate Authority (CA).

Obtain the SSL certificate from a CA that matches the hostname of the gateway host. Red Hat recommends obtaining a certificate from a CA that has subject alternate name fields and a wildcard for use with S3-style subdomains.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Services.
  3. Click +Create.
  4. In the Create Service window, select rgw service.
  5. Select SSL and upload the Certificate in .pem format.

    Figure 12.1. Creating Ceph Object Gateway service

    Creating Ceph Object Gateway service
  6. Click Create Service.
  7. Check the Ceph Object Gateway service is up and running.

Additional Resources

12.3. Configuring high availability for the Ceph Object Gateway on the dashboard

The ingress service provides a highly available endpoint for the Ceph Object Gateway. You can create and configure the ingress service using the Ceph Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • A minimum of two Ceph Object Gateway daemons running on different hosts.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A running rgw service.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. From the Cluster drop-down menu, select Services.
  3. Click +Create.
  4. In the Create Service window, select ingress service.
  5. Select backend service and edit the required parameters.

    Figure 12.2. Creating ingress service

    Creating `ingress` service
  6. Click Create Service.
  7. You get a notification that the ingress service was created successfully.

Additional Resources

12.4. Management of Ceph object gateway users on the dashboard

As a storage administrator, the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to view and manage Ceph Object Gateway users.

12.4.1. Prerequisites

  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.

12.4.2. Creating Ceph object gateway users on the dashboard

You can create Ceph object gateway users on the Red Hat Ceph Storage once the credentials are set-up using the CLI.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.
  3. Click Users and then Click Create.
  4. In the Create User window, set the following parameters:

    1. Set the user name, full name, and edit the maximum number of buckets if required.
    2. Optional: Set an email address or suspended status.
    3. Optional: Set a custom access key and secret key by unchecking Auto-generate key.
    4. Optional: Set a user quota.
    5. Check Enabled under User quota.
    6. Uncheck Unlimited size or Unlimited objects.
    7. Enter the required values for Max. size or Max. objects.
    8. Optional: Set a bucket quota.
    9. Check Enabled under Bucket quota.
    10. Uncheck Unlimited size or Unlimited objects:
    11. Enter the required values for Max. size or Max. objects:
  5. Click Create User.

    Figure 12.3. Create Ceph object gateway user

    Ceph object gateway create user
  6. You get a notification that the user was created successfully.

Additional Resources

12.4.3. Creating Ceph object gateway subusers on the dashboard

A subuser is associated with a user of the S3 interface. You can create a sub user for a specific Ceph object gateway user on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • Object gateway user is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.
  3. Click Users.
  4. Select the user by clicking its row.
  5. From Edit drop-down menu, select Edit.
  6. In the Edit User window, click +Create Subuser.
  7. In the Create Subuser dialog box, enter the user name and select the appropriate permissions.
  8. Check the Auto-generate secret box and then click Create Subuser.

    Figure 12.4. Create Ceph object gateway subuser

    Ceph object gateway create subuser

    By clicking Auto-generate-secret checkbox, the secret key for object gateway is generated automatically.

  9. In the Edit User window, click the Edit user button
  10. You get a notification that the user was updated successfully.

12.4.4. Editing Ceph object gateway users on the dashboard

You can edit Ceph object gateway users on the Red Hat Ceph Storage once the credentials are set-up using the CLI.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • A Ceph object gateway user is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.
  3. Click Users.
  4. To edit the user capabilities, click its row.
  5. From the Edit drop-down menu, select Edit.
  6. In the Edit User window, edit the required parameters.
  7. Click Edit User.

    Figure 12.5. Edit Ceph object gateway user

    Ceph object gateway edit user
  8. You get a notification that the user was updated successfully.

Additional Resources

12.4.5. Deleting Ceph object gateway users on the dashboard

You can delete Ceph object gateway users on the Red Hat Ceph Storage once the credentials are set-up using the CLI.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • A Ceph object gateway user is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.
  3. Click Users.
  4. To delete the user, click its row.
  5. From the Edit drop-down menu, select Delete.
  6. In the Edit User window, edit the required parameters.
  7. In the Delete user dialog window, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete User to save the settings:

    Figure 12.6. Delete Ceph object gateway user

    Ceph object gateway delete user

Additional Resources

12.5. Management of Ceph object gateway buckets on the dashboard

As a storage administrator, the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard allows you to view and manage Ceph Object Gateway buckets.

12.5.1. Prerequisites

  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • At least one Ceph object gateway user is created.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.

12.5.2. Creating Ceph object gateway buckets on the dashboard

You can create Ceph object gateway buckets on the Red Hat Ceph Storage once the credentials are set-up using the CLI.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • Object gateway user is created and not suspended.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.
  3. Click Buckets and then click Create.
  4. In the Create Bucket window, enter a value for Name and select a user that is not suspended. Select a placement target.

    Figure 12.7. Create Ceph object gateway bucket

    Ceph object gateway create bucket

    A bucket’s placement target is selected on creation and can not be modified.

  5. Optional: Enable Locking for the objects in the bucket. Locking can only be enabled while creating a bucket. Once locking is enabled, you also have to choose the lock mode, Compliance or Governance and the lock retention period in either days or years, not both.
  6. Click Create bucket.
  7. You get a notification that the bucket was created successfully.

12.5.3. Editing Ceph object gateway buckets on the dashboard

You can edit Ceph object gateway buckets on the Red Hat Ceph Storage once the credentials are set-up using the CLI.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • Object gateway user is created and not suspended.
  • A Ceph Object Gateway bucket created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.
  3. Click Buckets.
  4. To edit the bucket, click it’s row.
  5. From the Edit drop-down select Edit.
  6. In the Edit bucket window, edit the Owner by selecting the user from the dropdown.

    Figure 12.8. Edit Ceph object gateway bucket

    Ceph object gateway edit bucket
    1. Optional: Enable Versioning if you want to enable versioning state for all the objects in an existing bucket.

      • To enable versioning, you must be the owner of the bucket.
      • If Locking is enabled during bucket creation, you cannot disable the versioning.
      • All objects added to the bucket will receive a unique version ID.
      • If the versioning state has not been set on a bucket, then the bucket will not have a versioning state.
    2. Optional: Check Delete enabled for Multi-Factor Authentication. Multi-Factor Authentication(MFA) ensures that users need to use a one-time password(OTP) when removing objects on certain buckets. Enter a value for Token Serial Number and Token PIN.


      The buckets must be configured with versioning and MFA enabled which can be done through the S3 API.

  7. Click Edit Bucket.
  8. You get a notification that the bucket was updated successfully.

12.5.4. Deleting Ceph object gateway buckets on the dashboard

You can delete Ceph object gateway buckets on the Red Hat Ceph Storage once the credentials are set-up using the CLI.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The Ceph Object Gateway is installed.
  • Object gateway login credentials are added to the dashboard.
  • Object gateway user is created and not suspended.
  • A Ceph Object Gateway bucket created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Object Gateway.
  3. Click Buckets.
  4. To delete the bucket, click it’s row.
  5. From the Edit drop-down select Delete.
  6. In the Delete Bucket dialog box, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete bucket to save the settings:

    Figure 12.9. Delete Ceph object gateway bucket

    Ceph object gateway delete bucket

12.6. Monitoring multisite object gateway configuration on the Ceph dashboard

The Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard supports monitoring the users and buckets of one zone in another zone in a multisite object gateway configuration. For example, if the users and buckets are created in a zone in the primary site, you can monitor those users and buckets in the secondary zone in the secondary site.


  • At least one running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster deployed on both the sites.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The multi-site object gateway is configured on the primary and secondary sites.
  • Object gateway login credentials of the primary and secondary sites are added to the dashboard.
  • Object gateway users are created on the primary site.
  • Object gateway buckets are created on the primary site.


  1. On the Dashboard landing page of the secondary site, in the vertical menu bar, click Object Gateway drop-down list.
  2. Select Buckets.
  3. You can see those object gateway buckets on the secondary landing page that were created for the object gateway users on the primary site.

    Figure 12.10. Multisite object gateway monitoring

    Multisite object gateway monitoring

Additional Resources

12.7. Management of buckets of a multisite object configuration on the Ceph dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can edit buckets of one zone in another zone on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. However, you can delete buckets of secondary sites in the primary site. You cannot delete the buckets of master zones of primary sites in other sites. For example, If the buckets are created in a zone in the secondary site, you can edit and delete those buckets in the master zone in the primary site.

12.7.1. Prerequisites

  • At least one running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster deployed on both the sites.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The multi-site object gateway is configured on the primary and secondary sites.
  • Object gateway login credentials of the primary and secondary sites are added to the dashboard.
  • Object gateway users are created on the primary site.
  • Object gateway buckets are created on the primary site.
  • At least rgw-manager level of access on the Ceph dashboard.

12.7.2. Editing buckets of a multisite object gateway configuration on the Ceph dashboard

You can edit and update the details of the buckets of one zone in another zone on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard in a multiste object gateway configuration. You can edit the owner, versioning, multi-factor authentication and locking features of the buckets with this feature of the dashboard.


  • At least one running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster deployed on both the sites.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The multi-site object gateway is configured on the primary and secondary sites.
  • Object gateway login credentials of the primary and secondary sites are added to the dashboard.
  • Object gateway users are created on the primary site.
  • Object gateway buckets are created on the primary site.
  • At least rgw-manager level of access on the Ceph dashboard.


  1. On the Dashboard landing page of the secondary site, in the vertical menu bar, click Object Gateway drop-down list.
  2. Select Buckets.
  3. You can see those object gateway buckets on the secondary landing page that were created for the object gateway users on the primary site.

    Figure 12.11. Monitoring object gateway monitoring

    Multisite object gateway monitoring
  4. Click the row of the bucket that you want to edit.
  5. From the Edit drop-down menu, select Edit.
  6. In the Edit Bucket window, edit the required parameters and click Edit Bucket.

    Figure 12.12. Edit buckets in a multisite

    Edit buckets in a multisite


  • You will get a notification that the bucket is updated successfully.

Additional Resources

12.7.3. Deleting buckets of a multisite object gateway configuration on the Ceph dashboard

You can delete buckets of secondary sites in primary sites on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard in a multiste object gateway configuration.

IMPORTANT: Red hat does not recommend to delete buckets of primary site from secondary sites.


  • At least one running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster deployed on both the sites.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • The multi-site object gateway is configured on the primary and secondary sites.
  • Object gateway login credentials of the primary and secondary sites are added to the dashboard.
  • Object gateway users are created on the primary site.
  • Object gateway buckets are created on the primary site.
  • At least rgw-manager level of access on the Ceph dashboard.


  1. On the Dashboard landing page of the primary site, in the vertical menu bar, click Object Gateway drop-down list.
  2. Select Buckets.
  3. You can see those object gateway buckets of the secondary site here.
  4. Click the row of the bucket that you want to delete.
  5. From the Edit drop-down menu, select Delete.
  6. In the Delete Bucket dialog box, select Yes, I am sure checkbox, and click Delete Bucket.


  • The selected row of the bucket is deleted successfully.

Additional Resources

Chapter 13. Management of block devices using the Ceph dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can manage and monitor block device images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard. The functionality is divided between generic image functions, mirroring functions, and iSCSI functions. For example, you can create new images, view the state of images mirrored across clusters, manage or monitor iSCSI targets, and set IOPS limits on an image.

13.1. Management of Block device images on the Ceph dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can create, edit, copy, purge, and delete images using the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.

You can also create, clone, copy, rollback, and delete snapshots of the images using the Ceph dashboard.


The Block Device images table is paginated for use with 10000+ image storage clusters to reduce Block Device information retrieval costs.

13.1.1. Creating images on the Ceph dashboard

You can create block device images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click the Block drop-down menu.
  3. Select Images.
  4. Click Create.
  5. In the Create RBD window, enter the parameters.
  6. Optional: Click Advanced and set the parameters.
  7. Click Create RBD.
  8. Create Block device image.

    Figure 13.1. Create Block device image

    Create Block device image
  9. You get a notification that the image was created successfully.

Additional Resources

13.1.2. Creating namespaces on the Ceph dashboard

You can create namespaces for the block device images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.

Once the namespaces are created, you can give access to the users for those namespaces.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • A Block device image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click the Block drop-down menu.
  3. Select Images.
  4. To create the namespace of the image, in the Namespaces tab, click Create.
  5. In the Create Namespace window, select the pool and enter a name for the namespace.
  6. Click Create.

    Figure 13.2. Create namespace

    Create namespace
  7. You get a notification that the namespace was created successfully.

Additional Resources

13.1.3. Editing images on the Ceph dashboard

You can edit block device images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click the Block drop-down menu.
  3. Select Images.
  4. To edit the image, click its row.
  5. In the Edit drop-down menu, select Edit.
  6. In the Edit RBD window, edit the required parameters and click Edit RBD.

    Figure 13.3. Edit Block device image

    Edit Block device image
  7. You get a notification that the image was updated successfully.

Additional Resources

13.1.4. Copying images on the Ceph dashboard

You can copy block device images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click the Block drop-down menu.
  3. Select Images.
  4. To copy the image, click its row.
  5. In the Edit drop-down menu, select Copy.
  6. In the Copy RBD window, set the required parameters and click Copy RBD.

    Figure 13.4. Copy Block device image

    Copy Block device image
  7. You get a notification that the image was copied successfully.

Additional Resources

13.1.5. Moving images to trash on the Ceph dashboard

You can move the block device images to trash before it is deleted on the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Select Images from the drop-down menu.
  4. To move the image to trash, click its row.
  5. Select Move to Trash in the Edit drop-down.
  6. In the Moving an image to trash window, edit the date till which the image needs protection, and then click Move.

    Figure 13.5. Moving images to trash

    Moving images to trash
  7. You get a notification that the image was moved to trash successfully.

13.1.6. Purging trash on the Ceph dashboard

You can purge trash using the Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is trashed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block:
  3. Select Images.
  4. In the Trash tab, click Purge Trash.
  5. In the Purge Trash window, select the pool, and then click Purge Trash.

    Figure 13.6. Purge trash

    Purge Trash
  6. You get a notification that the pools in the trash were purged successfully.

Additional resources

13.1.7. Restoring images from trash on the Ceph dashboard

You can restore the images that were trashed and has an expiry date on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is trashed.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block:
  3. Select Images.
  4. To restore the image from Trash, in the Trash tab, click its row:
  5. Select Restore in the Restore drop-down.
  6. In the Restore Image window, enter the new name of the image , and then click Restore.

    Figure 13.7. Restore images from trash

    Restore images from trash
  7. You get a notification that the image was restored successfully.

Additional resources

13.1.8. Deleting images on the Ceph dashboard.

You can delete the images only after the images are moved to trash. You can delete the cloned images and the copied images directly without moving them to trash.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created and is moved to trash.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block
  3. Select Images.
  4. To delete the image, in the Trash tab, click its row.
  5. Select Delete in the Restore drop-down menu.
  6. Optional: To remove the cloned images and copied images, select Delete from the Edit drop-down menu.
  7. In the Delete RBD dialog box, click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete RBD to save the settings:

    Figure 13.8. Deleting images

    Deleting images
  8. You get a notification that the image was deleted successfully.

Additional resources

13.1.9. Deleting namespaces on the Ceph dashboard.

You can delete the namespaces of the images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created and is moved to trash.
  • A block device image and its namespaces is created


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation bar, click Block
  3. Select Images.
  4. To delete the namespace of the image, in the Namespaces tab, click its row.
  5. Click Delete.
  6. In the Delete Namespace dialog box, click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete Namespace to save the settings:

    Figure 13.9. Deleting namespaces

    Deleting namespaces
  7. You get a notification that the namespace was deleted successfully.

13.1.10. Creating snapshots of images on the Ceph dashboard

You can take snapshots of the Ceph block device images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Select Images.
  4. To take the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab.
  5. Select Create in the Create drop-down.
  6. In the Create RBD Snapshot dialog, enter the name and click Create RBD Snapshot:

    Figure 13.10. Creating snapshot of images

    Creating snapshot of images
  7. You get a notification that the snapshot was created successfully.

Additional Resources

13.1.11. Renaming snapshots of images on the Ceph dashboard

You can rename the snapshots of the Ceph block device images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Select Images.
  4. To rename the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab.
  5. Select Rename in the the Rename drop-down.
  6. In the Rename RBD Snapshot dialog box, enter the name and click Rename RBD Snapshot:

    Figure 13.11. Renaming snapshot of images

    Renaming snapshot of images

Additional Resources

13.1.12. Protecting snapshots of images on the Ceph dashboard

You can protect the snapshots of the Ceph block device images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.

This is required when you need to clone the snapshots.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Select Images.
  4. To protect the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab.
  5. Select Protect in the the Rename drop-down.
  6. The State of the snapshot changes from UNPROTECTED to PROTECTED.

Additional Resources

13.1.13. Cloning snapshots of images on the Ceph dashboard

You can clone the snapshots of images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created and protected.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Select Images.
  4. To protect the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab.
  5. Select Clone in the the Rename drop-down.
  6. In the Clone RBD window, edit the parameters and click Clone RBD.

    Figure 13.12. Cloning snapshot of images

    Cloning snapshot of images
  7. You get a notification that the snapshot was cloned successfully. You can search for the cloned image in the Images tab.

Additional Resources

13.1.14. Copying snapshots of images on the Ceph dashboard

You can copy the snapshots of images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Select Images.
  4. To protect the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab.
  5. Select Copy in the the Rename drop-down menu.
  6. In the Copy RBD window, enter the parameters and click the Copy RBD button:

    Figure 13.13. Copying snapshot of images

    Copying snapshot of images
  7. You get a notification that the snapshot was copied successfully. You can search for the copied image in the Images tab.

Additional Resources

13.1.15. Unprotecting snapshots of images on the Ceph dashboard

You can unprotect the snapshots of the Ceph block device images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.

This is required when you need to delete the snapshots.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created and protected.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Select Images.
  4. To unprotect the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab.
  5. Select UnProtect in the the Rename drop-down.
  6. The State of the snapshot changes from PROTECTED to UNPROTECTED.

Additional Resources

13.1.16. Rolling back snapshots of images on the Ceph dashboard

You can rollback the snapshots of the Ceph block device images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard. Rolling back an image to a snapshot means overwriting the current version of the image with data from a snapshot. The time it takes to execute a rollback increases with the size of the image. It is faster to clone from a snapshot than to rollback an image to a snapshot, and it is the preferred method of returning to a pre-existing state.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Select Images.
  4. To rollback the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab.
  5. Select Rollback in the the Rename drop-down.
  6. In the RBD snapshot rollback dialog box, click Rollback.

    Figure 13.14. Rolling back snapshot of images

    Rolling back snapshot of images

Additional Resources

13.1.17. Deleting snapshots of images on the Ceph dashboard

You can delete the snapshots of the Ceph block device images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • A snapshot of the image is created and is unprotected.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Select Images.
  4. To take the snapshot of the image, in the Images tab, click its row, and then click the Snapshots tab.
  5. Select Delete in the the Rename drop-down:

    Figure 13.15. Deleting snapshot of images

    Deleting snapshot of images
  6. You get a notification that the snapshot was deleted successfully.

Additional Resources

13.2. Management of mirroring functions on the Ceph dashboard

As a storage administrator, you can manage and monitor mirroring functions of the Block devices on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.

You can add another layer of redundancy to Ceph block devices by mirroring data images between storage clusters. Understanding and using Ceph block device mirroring can provide you protection against data loss, such as a site failure. There are two configurations for mirroring Ceph block devices, one-way mirroring or two-way mirroring, and you can configure mirroring on pools and individual images.

13.2.1. Mirroring view on the Ceph dashboard

You can view the Block device mirroring on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.

You can view the daemons, the site details, the pools, and the images that are configured for Block device mirroring.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • Mirroring is configured.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Click Mirroring.

    Figure 13.16. View mirroring of Block devices

    View mirroring of Block devices

Additional Resources

13.2.2. Editing mode of pools on the Ceph dashboard

You can edit mode of the overall state of mirroring functions, which includes pools and images on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • Mirroring is configured.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Click Mirroring.
  4. In the Pools tab, click the peer you want to edit.
  5. In the Edit Mode drop-down, select Edit Mode.
  6. In the Edit pool mirror mode window, select the mode from the drop-down, and then click Update. Pool is updated successfully

    Figure 13.17. Editing mode in mirroring

    Editing mode in mirroring

Additional Resources

13.2.3. Adding peer in mirroring on the Ceph dashboard

You can add storage cluster peer for the rbd-daemon mirror to discover its peer storage cluster on the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • Two healthy running Red Hat Ceph Storage clusters.
  • Dashboard is installed on both the clusters.
  • Pools created with the same name.
  • rbd application enabled on both the clusters.

Ensure that mirroring is enabled for the pool in which images are created.


Site A

  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. From the Navigation menu, click the Block drop-down menu, and click Mirroring.
  3. Click Create Bootstrap Token and configure the following in the window:

    Figure 13.18. Create bootstrap token

    Create bootstrap token
    1. Choose the pool for mirroring for the provided site name.
    2. For the selected pool, generate a new bootstrap token by clicking Generate.
    3. Click the Copy icon to copy the token to clipboard.
    4. Click Close.
  4. Enable pool mirror mode.

    1. Select the pool.
    2. Click Edit Mode.
    3. From the Edit pool mirror mode window, select Image from the drop-down.
    4. Click Update.

Site B

  1. Log in to the dashboard.
  2. From the Navigation menu, click the Block drop-down menu, and click Mirroring.
  3. From the Create Bootstrap token drop-down, select Import Bootstrap Token.


    Ensure that mirroring mode is enabled for the specific pool for which you are importing the bootstrap token.

  4. In the Import Bootstrap Token window, choose the direction, and paste the token copied earlier from site A.

    Figure 13.19. Import bootstrap token

    Create bootstrap token
  5. Click Submit.

    The peer is added and the images are mirrored in the cluster at site B.

  6. Verify the health of the pool is in OK state.

    • In the Navigation menu, under Block, select Mirroring. The health of the pool is OK.

Site A

  1. Create an image with Mirroring enabled.

    1. From the Navigation menu, click the Block drop-down menu.
    2. Click Images.
    3. Click Create.
    4. In the Create RBD window, provide the Name, Size and enable Mirroring.


      You can either choose Journal or Snapshot.

    5. Click Create RBD.

      Figure 13.20. Create mirroring image

      Create mirroring image
  2. Verify the image is available at both the sites.

    • In the Navigation menu, under Block, select Images. The image in site A is primary while the image in site B is secondary.

Additional Resources

13.2.4. Editing peer in mirroring on the Ceph dashboard

You can edit storage cluster peer for the`rbd-daemon` mirror to discover its peer storage cluster in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • Mirroring is configured.
  • A peer is added.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Click Mirroring.
  4. In the Pools tab, click the peer you want to delete.
  5. In the Edit Mode drop-down, select Edit peer.
  6. In the Edit pool mirror peer window, edit the parameters, and then click Submit:

    Figure 13.21. Editing peer in mirroring

    Editing peer in mirroring
  7. You get a notification that the peer was updated successfully.

Additional Resources

13.2.5. Deleting peer in mirroring on the Ceph dashboard

You can edit storage cluster peer for the`rbd-daemon` mirror to discover its peer storage cluster in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Dashboard is installed.
  • A pool with the rbd application enabled is created.
  • An image is created.
  • Mirroring is configured.
  • A peer is added.


  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. On the navigation menu, click Block.
  3. Click Mirroring.
  4. In the Pools tab, click the peer you want to delete.
  5. In the Edit Mode drop-down, select Delete peer.
  6. In the Delete mirror peer dialog window, Click the Yes, I am sure box and then Click Delete mirror peer to save the settings:

    Figure 13.22. Delete peer in mirroring

    Delete peer in mirroring
  7. You get a notification that the peer was deleted successfully.

Additional Resources

Chapter 14. Activating and deactivating telemetry

Activate the telemetry module to help Ceph developers understand how Ceph is used and what problems users might be experiencing. This helps improve the dashboard experience. Activating the telemetry module sends anonymous data about the cluster back to the Ceph developers.

View the telemetry data that is sent to the Ceph developers on the public telemetry dashboard. This allows the community to easily see summary statistics on how many clusters are reporting, their total capacity and OSD count, and version distribution trends.

The telemetry report is broken down into several channels, each with a different type of information. Assuming telemetry has been enabled, you can turn on and off the individual channels. If telemetry is off, the per-channel setting has no effect.

Provides basic information about the cluster.
Provides information about daemon crashes.
Provides information about device metrics.
Provides user-provided identifying information about the cluster.
Provides various performance metrics of the cluster.

The data reports contain information that help the developers gain a better understanding of the way Ceph is used. The data includes counters and statistics on how the cluster has been deployed, the version of Ceph, the distribution of the hosts, and other parameters.


The data reports do not contain any sensitive data like pool names, object names, object contents, hostnames, or device serial numbers.


Telemetry can also be managed by using an API. For more information, see the Telemetry chapter in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Developer Guide.


  1. Activate the telemetry module in one of the following ways:

    • From the banner within the Ceph dashboard.

      Activating telemetry banner
    • Go to Settings→Telemetry configuration.
  2. Select each channel that telemetry should be enabled on.


    For detailed information about each channel type, click More Info next to the channels.

  3. Complete the Contact Information for the cluster. Enter the contact, Ceph cluster description, and organization.
  4. Optional: Complete the Advanced Settings field options.

    Set the interval by hour. The module compiles and sends a new report per this hour interval. The default interval is 24 hours.

    Use this to configure an HTTP or HTTPs proxy server if the cluster cannot directly connect to the configured telemetry endpoint. Add the server in one of the following formats: or https://ceph:telemetry@10.0.01:8080

    The default endpoint is telemetry.ceph.com.

  5. Click Next. This displays the Telemetry report preview before enabling telemetry.
  6. Review the Report preview.


    The report can be downloaded and saved locally or copied to the clipboard.

  7. Select I agree to my telemetry data being submitted under the Community Data License Agreement.
  8. Enable the telemetry module by clicking Update.

    The following message is displayed, confirming the telemetry activation:

    The Telemetry module has been configured and activated successfully

14.1. Deactivating telemetry

To deactivate the telemetry module, go to Settings→Telemetry configuration and click Deactivate.

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