Chapter 5. Multisite

A single zone configuration typically consists of one zone group containing one zone and one or more ceph-radosgw instances where you may load-balance gateway client requests between the instances. In a single zone configuration, typically multiple gateway instances point to a single Ceph storage cluster. However, Red Hat supports several multi-site configuration options for the Ceph Object Gateway:

  • Multi-zone: A more advanced configuration consists of one zone group and multiple zones, each zone with one or more ceph-radosgw instances. Each zone is backed by its own Ceph Storage Cluster. Multiple zones in a zone group provides disaster recovery for the zone group should one of the zones experience a significant failure. Each zone is active and may receive write operations. In addition to disaster recovery, multiple active zones may also serve as a foundation for content delivery networks. To configure multiple zones without replication, see Section 5.12, “Configuring Multiple Zones without Replication”.
  • Multi-zone-group: Formerly called 'regions', the Ceph Object Gateway can also support multiple zone groups, each zone group with one or more zones. Objects stored to zone groups within the same realm share a global namespace, ensuring unique object IDs across zone groups and zones.
  • Multiple Realms: The Ceph Object Gateway supports the notion of realms, which can be a single zone group or multiple zone groups and a globally unique namespace for the realm. Multiple realms provides the ability to support numerous configurations and namespaces.
gateway realm

5.1. Requirements and Assumptions

A multi-site configuration requires at least two Ceph storage clusters, and At least two Ceph object gateway instances, one for each Ceph storage cluster.

This guide assumes at least two Ceph storage clusters in geographically separate locations; however, the configuration can work on the same physical site. This guide also assumes four Ceph object gateway servers named rgw1, rgw2, rgw3 and rgw4 respectively.

A multi-site configuration requires a master zone group and a master zone. Additionally, each zone group requires a master zone. Zone groups may have one or more secondary or non-master zones.


The master zone within the master zone group of a realm is responsible for storing the master copy of the realm’s metadata, including users, quotas and buckets (created by the radosgw-admin CLI). This metadata gets synchronized to secondary zones and secondary zone groups automatically. Metadata operations executed with the radosgw-admin CLI MUST be executed on a host within the master zone of the master zone group in order to ensure that they get synchronized to the secondary zone groups and zones. Currently, it is possible to execute metadata operations on secondary zones and zone groups, but it is NOT recommended because they WILL NOT be syncronized, leading to fragmented metadata.

In the following examples, the rgw1 host will serve as the master zone of the master zone group; the rgw2 host will serve as the secondary zone of the master zone group; the rgw3 host will serve as the master zone of the secondary zone group; and the rgw4 host will serve as the secondary zone of the secondary zone group.

5.2. Pools

Red Hat recommends using the Ceph Placement Group’s per Pool Calculator to calculate a suitable number of placement groups for the pools the ceph-radosgw daemon will create. Set the calculated values as defaults in your Ceph configuration file. For example:

osd pool default pg num = 50
osd pool default pgp num = 50

Make this change to the Ceph configuration file on your storage cluster; then, either make a runtime change to the configuration so that it will use those defaults when the gateway instance creates the pools.

Alternatively, create the pools manually. See Pools chapter in the Storage Strategies guide for details on creating pools.

Pool names particular to a zone follow the naming convention {zone-name}.pool-name. For example, a zone named us-east will have the following pools:

  • .rgw.root
  • us-east.rgw.control
  • us-east.rgw.meta
  • us-east.rgw.log
  • us-east.rgw.buckets.index
  • us-east.rgw.buckets.non-ec
  • us-east.rgw.meta:users.keys
  • us-east.rgw.meta:users.swift
  • us-east.rgw.meta:users.uid

5.3. Installing an Object Gateway

To install the Ceph Object Gateway, see the Red Hat Ceph Storage Installation Guide for details.

All Ceph Object Gateway nodes must follow the tasks listed in the Requirements for Installing Red Hat Ceph Storage section.

Ansible can install and configure Ceph Object Gateways for use with a Ceph Storage cluster. For multi-site and multi-site group deployments, you should have an Ansible configuration for each zone.

If you install Ceph Object Gateway with Ansible, the Ansible playbooks will handle the initial configuration for you. To install the Ceph Object Gateway with Ansible, add your hosts to the /etc/ansible/hosts file. Add the Ceph Object Gateway hosts under an [rgws] section to identify their roles to Ansible. If your hosts have sequential naming, you may use a range. For example:


Once you have added the hosts, you may rerun your Ansible playbooks.


Ansible will ensure your gateway is running, so the default zones and pools may need to be deleted manually. This guide provides those steps.

When updating an existing multi-site cluster with an asynchronous update, follow the installation instruction for the update. Then, restart the gateway instances.


There is no required order for restarting the instances. Red Hat recommends restarting the master zone group and master zone first, followed by the secondary zone groups and secondary zones.

5.4. Establish a Multisite Realm

All gateways in a cluster have a configuration. In a multi-site realm, these gateways may reside in different zone groups and zones. Yet, they must work together within the realm. In a multi-site realm, all gateway instances MUST retrieve their configuration from a ceph-radosgw daemon on a host within the master zone group and master zone.

Consequently, the first step in creating a multi-site cluster involves establishing the realm, master zone group and master zone. To configure your gateways in a multi-site configuration, choose a ceph-radosgw instance that will hold the realm configuration, master zone group and master zone.

5.4.1. Create a Realm

A realm contains the multi-site configuration of zone groups and zones and also serves to enforce a globally unique namespace within the realm.

Create a new realm for the multi-site configuration by opening a command line interface on a host identified to serve in the master zone group and zone. Then, execute the following:

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm={realm-name} [--default]

For example:

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=movies --default

If the cluster will have a single realm, specify the --default flag. If --default is specified, radosgw-admin will use this realm by default. If --default is not specified, adding zone-groups and zones requires specifying either the --rgw-realm flag or the --realm-id flag to identify the realm when adding zone groups and zones.

After creating the realm, radosgw-admin will echo back the realm configuration. For example:

    "id": "0956b174-fe14-4f97-8b50-bb7ec5e1cf62",
    "name": "movies",
    "current_period": "1950b710-3e63-4c41-a19e-46a715000980",
    "epoch": 1

Ceph generates a unique ID for the realm, which allows the renaming of a realm if the need arises.

5.4.2. Create a Master Zone Group

A realm must have at least one zone group, which will serve as the master zone group for the realm.

Create a new master zone group for the multi-site configuration by opening a command line interface on a host identified to serve in the master zone group and zone. Then, execute the following:

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup={name} --endpoints={url} [--rgw-realm={realm-name}|--realm-id={realm-id}] --master --default

For example:

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=us --endpoints=http://rgw1:80 --rgw-realm=movies --master --default

If the realm will only have a single zone group, specify the --default flag. If --default is specified, radosgw-admin will use this zone group by default when adding new zones. If --default is not specified, adding zones will require either the --rgw-zonegroup flag or the --zonegroup-id flag to identify the zone group when adding or modifying zones.

After creating the master zone group, radosgw-admin will echo back the zone group configuration. For example:

    "id": "f1a233f5-c354-4107-b36c-df66126475a6",
    "name": "us",
    "api_name": "us",
    "is_master": "true",
    "endpoints": [
    "hostnames": [],
    "hostnames_s3webzone": [],
    "master_zone": "",
    "zones": [],
    "placement_targets": [],
    "default_placement": "",
    "realm_id": "0956b174-fe14-4f97-8b50-bb7ec5e1cf62"

5.4.3. Create a Master Zone


Zones must be created on a Ceph Object Gateway node that will be within the zone.

Create a master zone for the multi-site configuration by opening a command line interface on a host identified to serve in the master zone group and zone. Then, execute the following:

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zone create
                            --rgw-zonegroup={zone-group-name} \
                            --rgw-zone={zone-name} \
                            --master --default \

For example:

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=us \
                            --rgw-zone=us-east \
                            --master --default \

The --access-key and --secret aren’t specified. These settings will be added to the zone once the user is created in the next section.

5.4.4. Delete the Default Zone Group and Zone

Delete the default zone if it exists. Make sure to remove it from the default zone group first.


The following steps assume a multi-site configuration using newly installed systems that aren’t storing data yet. DO NOT DELETE the default zonegroup, zone, and its pools if you are already using it to store data, or the data will be deleted and unrecoverable.

In order to access old data in the default zone and zonegroup, use --rgw-zone default and --rgw-zonegroup default in radosgw-admin commands.

  1. Remove the zonegroup and the zone:


    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zonegroup remove --rgw-zonegroup=default --rgw-zone=default
    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zone delete --rgw-zone=default
    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zonegroup delete --rgw-zonegroup=default

  2. Update and commit the period if the cluster is in a multi-site configuration:


    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  3. Delete the default pools in your Ceph storage cluster if they exist.


    [root@master-zone]# ceph osd pool delete default.rgw.control default.rgw.control --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
    [root@master-zone]# ceph osd pool delete --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
    [root@master-zone]# ceph osd pool delete default.rgw.log default.rgw.log --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
    [root@master-zone]# ceph osd pool delete default.rgw.users.uid default.rgw.users.uid --yes-i-really-really-mean-it


    After deleting the pools, restart the Ceph Object Gateway process.

5.4.5. Create a System User

The ceph-radosgw daemons must authenticate before pulling realm and period information. In the master zone, create a system user to facilitate authentication between daemons.

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin user create --uid="{user-name}" --display-name="{Display Name}" --system

For example:

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin user create --uid="synchronization-user" --display-name="Synchronization User" --system

Make a note of the access_key and secret_key, as the secondary zones will require them to authenticate with the master zone.

Finally, add the system user to the master zone.

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=us-east --access-key={access-key} --secret={secret}
[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

5.4.6. Update the Period

After updating the master zone configuration, update the period.

# radosgw-admin period update --commit

Updating the period changes the epoch, and ensures that other zones will receive the updated configuration.

5.4.7. Update the Ceph Configuration File

Update the Ceph configuration file on master zone hosts by adding the rgw_zone configuration option and the name of the master zone to the instance entry.


For example:

host = rgw1
rgw frontends = "civetweb port=80"

5.4.8. Start the Gateway

On the object gateway host, start and enable the Ceph Object Gateway service:

# systemctl start ceph-radosgw@rgw.`hostname -s`.rgw0
# systemctl enable ceph-radosgw@rgw.`hostname -s`.rgw0

If the service is already running, restart the service instead of starting and enabling it:

# systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@rgw.`hostname -s`.rgw0

5.5. Establish a Secondary Zone

Zones within a zone group replicate all data to ensure that each zone has the same data. When creating the secondary zone, execute ALL of the radosgw-admin zone operations on a host identified to serve the secondary zone.


To add a additional zones, follow the same procedures as for adding the secondary zone. Use a different zone name.


You must execute metadata operations, such as user creation and quotas, on a host within the master zone of the master zonegroup. The master zone and the secondary zone can receive bucket operations from the RESTful APIs, but the secondary zone redirects bucket operations to the master zone. If the master zone is down, bucket operations will fail. If you create a bucket using the radosgw-admin CLI, you must execute it on a host within the master zone of the master zone group, or the buckets will not synchronize to other zone groups and zones.

5.5.1. Pull the Realm

Using the URL path, access key and secret of the master zone in the master zone group, pull the realm to the host. To pull a non-default realm, specify the realm using the --rgw-realm or --realm-id configuration options.

# radosgw-admin realm pull --url={url-to-master-zone-gateway} --access-key={access-key} --secret={secret}

If this realm is the default realm or the only realm, make the realm the default realm.

# radosgw-admin realm default --rgw-realm={realm-name}

5.5.2. Pull the Period

Using the URL path, access key and secret of the master zone in the master zone group, pull the period to the host. To pull a period from a non-default realm, specify the realm using the --rgw-realm or --realm-id configuration options.

# radosgw-admin period pull --url={url-to-master-zone-gateway} --access-key={access-key} --secret={secret}

Pulling the period retrieves the latest version of the zone group and zone configurations for the realm.

5.5.3. Create a Secondary Zone


Zones must be created on a Ceph Object Gateway node that will be within the zone.

Create a secondary zone for the multi-site configuration by opening a command line interface on a host identified to serve the secondary zone. Specify the zone group ID, the new zone name and an endpoint for the zone. DO NOT use the --master or --default flags. All zones run in an active-active configuration by default; that is, a gateway client may write data to any zone and the zone will replicate the data to all other zones within the zone group. If the secondary zone should not accept write operations, specify the --read-only flag to create an active-passive configuration between the master zone and the secondary zone. Additionally, provide the access_key and secret_key of the generated system user stored in the master zone of the master zone group. Execute the following:


[root@second-zone]# radosgw-admin zone create \
                           --rgw-zone={zone-name} \
                           --access-key={system-key} --secret={secret}\
                           --endpoints=http://{fqdn}:80 \


[root@second-zone]# radosgw-admin zone create
                            --rgw-zonegroup=us \
                            --rgw-zone=us-west \
                            --access-key={system-key} --secret={secret} \


The following steps assume a multi-site configuration using newly installed systems that aren’t storing data. DO NOT DELETE the default zone and its pools if you are already using them to store data, or the data will be lost and unrecoverable.

Delete the default zone if needed.

[root@second-zone]# radosgw-admin zone delete --rgw-zone=default

Finally, delete the default pools in your Ceph storage cluster if needed.

# ceph osd pool delete default.rgw.control default.rgw.control --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# ceph osd pool delete --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# ceph osd pool delete default.rgw.log default.rgw.log --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# ceph osd pool delete default.rgw.users.uid default.rgw.users.uid --yes-i-really-really-mean-it

After deleting the pools, restart the RGW process.

5.5.4. Update the Period

After updating the master zone configuration, update the period.

# radosgw-admin period update --commit

Updating the period changes the epoch, and ensures that other zones will receive the updated configuration.

5.5.5. Update the Ceph Configuration File

Update the Ceph configuration file on the secondary zone hosts by adding the rgw_zone configuration option and the name of the secondary zone to the instance entry.


For example:

host = rgw2
rgw frontends = "civetweb port=80"

5.5.6. Start the Gateway

On the object gateway host, start and enable the Ceph Object Gateway service:

# systemctl start ceph-radosgw@rgw.`hostname -s`.rgw0
# systemctl enable ceph-radosgw@rgw.`hostname -s`.rgw0

If the service is already running, restart the service instead of starting and enabling it:

# systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@rgw.`hostname -s`.rgw0

5.6. Configuring the archive sync module (Technology Preview)

The archive sync module leverages the versioning feature of S3 objects in Ceph object gateway to have an archive zone. The archive zone has a history of versions of S3 objects that can only be eliminated through the gateways associated with the archive zone. It captures all the data updates and metadata to consolidate them as versions of S3 objects.


The archive sync module is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend to use them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. See the support scope for Red Hat Technology Preview features for more details.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • root or sudo access.
  • Installation of the Ceph Object Gateway.


  1. Configure the archive sync module when creating a new zone by using the archive tier:


radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup={ZONE_GROUP_NAME} --rgw-zone={ZONE_NAME} --endpoints={http://fqdn:port}[,{http://fqdn:port] --tier-type=archive


[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=us --rgw-zone=us-east --endpoints={http://fqdn:port}[,{http://fqdn:port}] --tier-type=archive

Additional resources

5.7. Failover and Disaster Recovery

If the master zone would fail, failover to the secondary zone for disaster recovery.

  1. Make the secondary zone the master and default zone. For example:

    # radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone={zone-name} --master --default

    By default, Ceph Object Gateway runs in an active-active configuration. If the cluster was configured to run in an active-passive configuration, the secondary zone is a read-only zone. Remove the --read-only status to allow the zone to receive write operations. For example:

    # radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone={zone-name} --master --default --read-only=false
  2. Update the period to make the changes take effect.

    # radosgw-admin period update --commit
  3. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway.

    # systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@rgw.`hostname -s`.rgw0

If the former master zone recovers, revert the operation.

  1. From the recovered zone, pull the realm from the current master zone.

    # radosgw-admin realm pull --url={url-to-master-zone-gateway} \
                                --access-key={access-key} --secret={secret}
  2. Make the recovered zone the master and default zone.

    # radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone={zone-name} --master --default
  3. Update the period to make the changes take effect.

    # radosgw-admin period update --commit
  4. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway in the recovered zone.

    # systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@rgw.`hostname -s`.rgw0
  5. If the secondary zone needs to be a read-only configuration, update the secondary zone.

    # radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone={zone-name} --read-only
  6. Update the period to make the changes take effect.

    # radosgw-admin period update --commit
  7. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway in the secondary zone.

    # systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@rgw.`hostname -s`.rgw0

5.8. Migrating a Single Site System to Multi-Site

To migrate from a single site system with a default zone group and zone to a multi site system, use the following steps:

  1. Create a realm. Replace <name> with the realm name.

    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=<name> --default
  2. Rename the default zone and zonegroup. Replace <name> with the zonegroup or zone name.

    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zonegroup rename --rgw-zonegroup default --zonegroup-new-name=<name>
    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zone rename --rgw-zone default --zone-new-name us-east-1 --rgw-zonegroup=<name>
  3. Configure the master zonegroup. Replace <name> with the realm or zonegroup name. Replace <fqdn> with the fully qualified domain name(s) in the zonegroup.

    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zonegroup modify --rgw-realm=<name> --rgw-zonegroup=<name> --endpoints http://<fqdn>:80 --master --default
  4. Configure the master zone. Replace <name> with the realm, zonegroup or zone name. Replace <fqdn> with the fully qualified domain name(s) in the zonegroup.

    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-realm=<name> --rgw-zonegroup=<name> \
                                --rgw-zone=<name> --endpoints http://<fqdn>:80 \
                                --access-key=<access-key> --secret=<secret-key> \
                                --master --default
  5. Create a system user. Replace <user-id> with the username. Replace <display-name> with a display name. It may contain spaces.

    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin user create --uid=<user-id> \
                                --display-name="<display-name>" \
                                --access-key=<access-key> --secret=<secret-key> \ --system
  6. Commit the updated configuration.

    # radosgw-admin period update --commit
  7. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway.

    # systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@rgw.`hostname -s`.rgw0

After completing this procedure, proceed to Establish a Secondary Zone to create a secondary zone in the master zone group.

5.9. Multisite Command Line Usage

5.9.1. Realms

A realm represents a globally unique namespace consisting of one or more zonegroups containing one or more zones, and zones containing buckets, which in turn contain objects. A realm enables the Ceph Object Gateway to support multiple namespaces and their configuration on the same hardware.

A realm contains the notion of periods. Each period represents the state of the zone group and zone configuration in time. Each time you make a change to a zonegroup or zone, update the period and commit it.

By default, the Ceph Object Gateway version 2 does not create a realm for backward compatibility with version 1.3 and earlier releases. However, as a best practice, Red Hat recommends creating realms for new clusters. Creating a Realm

To create a realm, execute realm create and specify the realm name. If the realm is the default, specify --default.

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm={realm-name} [--default]

For example:

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=movies --default

By specifying --default, the realm will be called implicitly with each radosgw-admin call unless --rgw-realm and the realm name are explicitly provided. Making a Realm the Default

One realm in the list of realms should be the default realm. There may be only one default realm. If there is only one realm and it wasn’t specified as the default realm when it was created, make it the default realm. Alternatively, to change which realm is the default, execute:

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin realm default --rgw-realm=movies

When the realm is default, the command line assumes --rgw-realm=<realm-name> as an argument. Deleting a Realm

To delete a realm, execute realm delete and specify the realm name.

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin realm delete --rgw-realm={realm-name}

For example:

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin realm delete --rgw-realm=movies Getting a Realm

To get a realm, execute realm get and specify the realm name.

# radosgw-admin realm get --rgw-realm=<name>

For example:

# radosgw-admin realm get --rgw-realm=movies [> filename.json]

The CLI will echo a JSON object with the realm properties.

    "id": "0a68d52e-a19c-4e8e-b012-a8f831cb3ebc",
    "name": "movies",
    "current_period": "b0c5bbef-4337-4edd-8184-5aeab2ec413b",
    "epoch": 1

Use > and an output file name to output the JSON object to a file. Setting a Realm

To set a realm, execute realm set, specify the realm name, and --infile= with an input file name.

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin realm set --rgw-realm=<name> --infile=<infilename>

For example:

[root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin realm set --rgw-realm=movies --infile=filename.json Listing Realms

To list realms, execute realm list.

# radosgw-admin realm list Listing Realm Periods

To list realm periods, execute realm list-periods.

# radosgw-admin realm list-periods Pulling a Realm

To pull a realm from the node containing the master zone group and master zone to a node containing a secondary zone group or zone, execute realm pull on the node that will receive the realm configuration.

# radosgw-admin realm pull --url={url-to-master-zone-gateway} --access-key={access-key} --secret={secret} Renaming a Realm

A realm is not part of the period. Consequently, renaming the realm is only applied locally, and will not get pulled with realm pull. When renaming a realm with multiple zones, run the command on each zone. To rename a realm, execute the following:

# radosgw-admin realm rename --rgw-realm=<current-name> --realm-new-name=<new-realm-name>

Do NOT use realm set to change the name parameter. That changes the internal name only. Specifying --rgw-realm would still use the old realm name.

5.9.2. Zone Groups

The Ceph Object Gateway supports multi-site deployments and a global namespace by using the notion of zone groups. Formerly called a region, a zone group defines the geographic location of one or more Ceph Object Gateway instances within one or more zones.

Configuring zone groups differs from typical configuration procedures, because not all of the settings end up in a Ceph configuration file. You can list zone groups, get a zone group configuration, and set a zone group configuration.


The radosgw-admin zonegroup operations can be performed on any node within the realm, because the step of updating the period propagates the changes throughout the cluster. However, radosgw-admin zone operations MUST be performed on a host within the zone. Creating a Zone Group

Creating a zone group consists of specifying the zone group name. Creating a zone assumes it will live in the default realm unless --rgw-realm=<realm-name> is specified. If the zonegroup is the default zonegroup, specify the --default flag. If the zonegroup is the master zonegroup, specify the --master flag. For example:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=<name> [--rgw-realm=<name>][--master] [--default]

Use zonegroup modify --rgw-zonegroup=<zonegroup-name> to modify an existing zone group’s settings. Making a Zone Group the Default

One zonegroup in the list of zonegroups should be the default zonegroup. There may be only one default zonegroup. If there is only one zonegroup and it wasn’t specified as the default zonegroup when it was created, make it the default zonegroup. Alternatively, to change which zonegroup is the default, execute:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup default --rgw-zonegroup=comedy

When the zonegroup is default, the command line assumes --rgw-zonegroup=<zonegroup-name> as an argument.

Then, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit Adding a Zone to a Zone Group

To add a zone to a zonegroup, you MUST execute this step on a host that will be in the zone. To add a zone to a zonegroup, execute the following:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup add --rgw-zonegroup=<name> --rgw-zone=<name>

Then, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit Removing a Zone from a Zone Group

To remove a zone from a zonegroup, execute the following:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup remove --rgw-zonegroup=<name> --rgw-zone=<name>

Then, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit Renaming a Zone Group

To rename a zonegroup, execute the following:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup rename --rgw-zonegroup=<name> --zonegroup-new-name=<name>

Then, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit Deleting a Zone Group

To delete a zonegroup, execute the following:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup delete --rgw-zonegroup=<name>

Then, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit Listing Zone Groups

A Ceph cluster contains a list of zone groups. To list the zone groups, execute:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup list

The radosgw-admin returns a JSON formatted list of zone groups.

    "default_info": "90b28698-e7c3-462c-a42d-4aa780d24eda",
    "zonegroups": [
} Getting a Zone Group

To view the configuration of a zone group, execute:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup get [--rgw-zonegroup=<zonegroup>]

The zone group configuration looks like this:

    "id": "90b28698-e7c3-462c-a42d-4aa780d24eda",
    "name": "us",
    "api_name": "us",
    "is_master": "true",
    "endpoints": [
    "hostnames": [],
    "hostnames_s3website": [],
    "master_zone": "9248cab2-afe7-43d8-a661-a40bf316665e",
    "zones": [
            "id": "9248cab2-afe7-43d8-a661-a40bf316665e",
            "name": "us-east",
            "endpoints": [
            "log_meta": "true",
            "log_data": "true",
            "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
            "read_only": "false"
            "id": "d1024e59-7d28-49d1-8222-af101965a939",
            "name": "us-west",
            "endpoints": [
            "log_meta": "false",
            "log_data": "true",
            "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
            "read_only": "false"
    "placement_targets": [
            "name": "default-placement",
            "tags": []
    "default_placement": "default-placement",
    "realm_id": "ae031368-8715-4e27-9a99-0c9468852cfe"
} Setting a Zone Group

Defining a zone group consists of creating a JSON object, specifying at least the required settings:

  1. name: The name of the zone group. Required.
  2. api_name: The API name for the zone group. Optional.
  3. is_master: Determines if the zone group is the master zone group. Required. note: You can only have one master zone group.
  4. endpoints: A list of all the endpoints in the zone group. For example, you may use multiple domain names to refer to the same zone group. Remember to escape the forward slashes (\/). You may also specify a port (fqdn:port) for each endpoint. Optional.
  5. hostnames: A list of all the hostnames in the zone group. For example, you may use multiple domain names to refer to the same zone group. Optional. The rgw dns name setting will automatically be included in this list. You should restart the gateway daemon(s) after changing this setting.
  6. master_zone: The master zone for the zone group. Optional. Uses the default zone if not specified. note: You can only have one master zone per zone group.
  7. zones: A list of all zones within the zone group. Each zone has a name (required), a list of endpoints (optional), and whether or not the gateway will log metadata and data operations (false by default).
  8. placement_targets: A list of placement targets (optional). Each placement target contains a name (required) for the placement target and a list of tags (optional) so that only users with the tag can use the placement target (i.e., the user’s placement_tags field in the user info).
  9. default_placement: The default placement target for the object index and object data. Set to default-placement by default. You may also set a per-user default placement in the user info for each user.

To set a zone group, create a JSON object consisting of the required fields, save the object to a file (e.g., zonegroup.json); then, execute the following command:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup set --infile zonegroup.json

Where zonegroup.json is the JSON file you created.


The default zone group is_master setting is true by default. If you create a new zone group and want to make it the master zone group, you must either set the default zone group is_master setting to false, or delete the default zone group.

Finally, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit Setting a Zone Group Map

Setting a zone group map consists of creating a JSON object consisting of one or more zone groups, and setting the master_zonegroup for the cluster. Each zone group in the zone group map consists of a key/value pair, where the key setting is equivalent to the name setting for an individual zone group configuration, and the val is a JSON object consisting of an individual zone group configuration.

You may only have one zone group with is_master equal to true, and it must be specified as the master_zonegroup at the end of the zone group map. The following JSON object is an example of a default zone group map.

    "zonegroups": [
            "key": "90b28698-e7c3-462c-a42d-4aa780d24eda",
            "val": {
                "id": "90b28698-e7c3-462c-a42d-4aa780d24eda",
                "name": "us",
                "api_name": "us",
                "is_master": "true",
                "endpoints": [
                "hostnames": [],
                "hostnames_s3website": [],
                "master_zone": "9248cab2-afe7-43d8-a661-a40bf316665e",
                "zones": [
                        "id": "9248cab2-afe7-43d8-a661-a40bf316665e",
                        "name": "us-east",
                        "endpoints": [
                        "log_meta": "true",
                        "log_data": "true",
                        "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
                        "read_only": "false"
                        "id": "d1024e59-7d28-49d1-8222-af101965a939",
                        "name": "us-west",
                        "endpoints": [
                        "log_meta": "false",
                        "log_data": "true",
                        "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
                        "read_only": "false"
                "placement_targets": [
                        "name": "default-placement",
                        "tags": []
                "default_placement": "default-placement",
                "realm_id": "ae031368-8715-4e27-9a99-0c9468852cfe"
    "master_zonegroup": "90b28698-e7c3-462c-a42d-4aa780d24eda",
    "bucket_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "max_size_kb": -1,
        "max_objects": -1
    "user_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "max_size_kb": -1,
        "max_objects": -1

To set a zone group map, execute the following:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup-map set --infile zonegroupmap.json

Where zonegroupmap.json is the JSON file you created. Ensure that you have zones created for the ones specified in the zone group map. Finally, update the period.

# radosgw-admin period update --commit

5.9.3. Zones

Ceph Object Gateway supports the notion of zones. A zone defines a logical group consisting of one or more Ceph Object Gateway instances.

Configuring zones differs from typical configuration procedures, because not all of the settings end up in a Ceph configuration file. You can list zones, get a zone configuration and set a zone configuration.


All radosgw-admin zone operations MUST be executed on a host that operates or will operate within the zone. Creating a Zone

To create a zone, specify a zone name. If it is a master zone, specify the --master option. Only one zone in a zone group may be a master zone. To add the zone to a zonegroup, specify the --rgw-zonegroup option with the zonegroup name.


Zones must be created on a Ceph Object Gateway node that will be within the zone.

[root@zone] radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zone=<name> \
                [--endpoints=<endpoint:port>[,<endpoint:port>] \
                [--master] [--default] \
                --access-key $SYSTEM_ACCESS_KEY --secret $SYSTEM_SECRET_KEY

Then, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit Deleting a Zone

To delete zone, first remove it from the zonegroup.

# radosgw-admin zonegroup remove --rgw-zonegroup=<name>\

Then, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit

Next, delete the zone.


This procedure MUST be executed on a host within the zone.

Execute the following:

[root@zone]# radosgw-admin zone delete --rgw-zone<name>

Finally, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit

Do not delete a zone without removing it from a zone group first. Otherwise, updating the period will fail.

If the pools for the deleted zone will not be used anywhere else, consider deleting the pools. Replace <del-zone> in the example below with the deleted zone’s name.


Once Ceph deletes the zone pools, it deletes all of the data within them in an unrecoverable manner. Only delete the zone pools if Ceph clients no longer need the pool contents.


In a multi-realm cluster, deleting the .rgw.root pool along with the zone pools will remove ALL the realm information for the cluster. Ensure that .rgw.root does not contain other active realms before deleting the .rgw.root pool.

# ceph osd pool delete <del-zone>.rgw.control <del-zone>.rgw.control --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# ceph osd pool delete <del-zone> <del-zone> --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# ceph osd pool delete <del-zone>.rgw.log <del-zone>.rgw.log --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
# ceph osd pool delete <del-zone>.rgw.users.uid <del-zone>.rgw.users.uid --yes-i-really-really-mean-it

After deleting the pools, restart the RGW process. Modifying a Zone

To modify a zone, specify the zone name and the parameters you wish to modify.


Zones should be modified on a Ceph Object Gateway node that will be within the zone.

[root@zone]# radosgw-admin zone modify [options]


Then, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit Listing Zones

As root, to list the zones in a cluster, execute:

# radosgw-admin zone list Getting a Zone

As root, to get the configuration of a zone, execute:

# radosgw-admin zone get [--rgw-zone=<zone>]

The default zone looks like this:

{ "domain_root": ".rgw",
  "control_pool": ".rgw.control",
  "gc_pool": ".rgw.gc",
  "log_pool": ".log",
  "intent_log_pool": ".intent-log",
  "usage_log_pool": ".usage",
  "user_keys_pool": ".users",
  "user_email_pool": "",
  "user_swift_pool": ".users.swift",
  "user_uid_pool": ".users.uid",
  "system_key": { "access_key": "", "secret_key": ""},
  "placement_pools": [
      {  "key": "default-placement",
         "val": { "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index",
                  "data_pool": ".rgw.buckets"}
  } Setting a Zone

Configuring a zone involves specifying a series of Ceph Object Gateway pools. For consistency, we recommend using a pool prefix that is the same as the zone name. See Pools_ for details of configuring pools.


Zones should be set on a Ceph Object Gateway node that will be within the zone.

To set a zone, create a JSON object consisting of the pools, save the object to a file (e.g., zone.json); then, execute the following command, replacing {zone-name} with the name of the zone:

[root@zone]# radosgw-admin zone set --rgw-zone={zone-name} --infile zone.json

Where zone.json is the JSON file you created.

Then, as root, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit Renaming a Zone

To rename a zone, specify the zone name and the new zone name. Execute the following on a host within the zone:

[root@zone]# radosgw-admin zone rename --rgw-zone=<name> --zone-new-name=<name>

Then, update the period:

# radosgw-admin period update --commit

5.10. Zone Group and Zone Configuration Settings

When configuring a default zone group and zone, the pool name includes the zone name. For example:

  • default.rgw.control

To change the defaults, include the following settings in your Ceph configuration file under each [client.rgw.{instance-name}] instance.



The name of the zone for the gateway instance.




The name of the zone group for the gateway instance.




The root pool for the zone group.




The root pool for the zone.




The OID for storing the default zone group. We do not recommend changing this setting.



5.11. Manually Resharding Buckets with Multisite

To manually reshard buckets in a multisite cluster, use the following procedure.


Manual resharding is a very expensive process, especially for huge buckets that warrant manual resharding. Every secondary zone deletes all of the objects, and then resynchronizes them from the master zone.


  • Stop all Ceph Object Gateway instances.


  1. On a node within the master zone of the master zone group, execute the following command:


    # radosgw-admin bucket sync disable --bucket=BUCKET_NAME

    Wait for sync status on all zones to report that data synchronization is up to date.

  2. Stop ALL ceph-radosgw daemons in ALL zones.
  3. On a node within the master zone of the master zone group, reshard the bucket.


    # radosgw-admin bucket reshard --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --num-shards=NEW_SHARDS_NUMBER

  4. On EACH secondary zone, execute the following:


    # radosgw-admin bucket rm --purge-objects --bucket=BUCKET_NAME

  5. Restart ALL ceph-radosgw daemons in ALL zones.
  6. On a node within the master zone of the master zone group, execute the following command:


    # radosgw-admin bucket sync enable --bucket=BUCKET_NAME

The metadata synchronization process will fetch the updated bucket entry point and bucket instance metadata. The data synchronization process will perform a full synchronization.

Additional resources

5.12. Configuring Multiple Zones without Replication

You can configure multiple zones that will not replicate each other. For example you can create a dedicated zone for each team in a company.


  • A Ceph Storage Cluster with the Ceph Object Gateway installed.


  1. Create a realm.

    radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=realm-name [--default]

    For example:

    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=movies --default
        "id": "0956b174-fe14-4f97-8b50-bb7ec5e1cf62",
        "name": "movies",
        "current_period": "1950b710-3e63-4c41-a19e-46a715000980",
        "epoch": 1
  2. Create a zone group.

    radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=zone-group-name --endpoints=url [--rgw-realm=realm-name|--realm-id=realm-id] --master --default

    For example:

    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=us --endpoints=http://rgw1:80 --rgw-realm=movies --master --default
        "id": "f1a233f5-c354-4107-b36c-df66126475a6",
        "name": "us",
        "api_name": "us",
        "is_master": "true",
        "endpoints": [
        "hostnames": [],
        "hostnames_s3webzone": [],
        "master_zone": "",
        "zones": [],
        "placement_targets": [],
        "default_placement": "",
        "realm_id": "0956b174-fe14-4f97-8b50-bb7ec5e1cf62"
  3. Create one or more zones depending on your use case.

    radosgw-admin zone create
                 --rgw-zonegroup=zone-group-name \
                 --rgw-zone=zone-name \
                 --master --default \

    For example:

    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=us \
                                                  --rgw-zone=us-east \
                                                  --master --default \
  4. Get the JSON file with the configuration of the zone group.

    radosgw-admin zonegroup get --rgw-zonegroup=zone-group-name > zonegroup.json

    For example:

    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zonegroup get --rgw-zonegroup=us > zonegroup.json
  5. In the file, set the log_meta, log_data, and sync_from_all parameters to false.

            "id": "72f3a886-4c70-420b-bc39-7687f072997d",
            "name": "default",
            "api_name": "",
            "is_master": "true",
            "endpoints": [],
            "hostnames": [],
            "hostnames_s3website": [],
            "master_zone": "a5e44ecd-7aae-4e39-b743-3a709acb60c5",
            "zones": [
                    "id": "975558e0-44d8-4866-a435-96d3e71041db",
                    "name": "testzone",
                    "endpoints": [],
                    "log_meta": "false",
                    "log_data": "false",
                    "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
                    "read_only": "false",
                    "tier_type": "",
                    "sync_from_all": "false",
                    "sync_from": []
                    "id": "a5e44ecd-7aae-4e39-b743-3a709acb60c5",
                    "name": "default",
                    "endpoints": [],
                    "log_meta": "false",
                    "log_data": "false",
                    "bucket_index_max_shards": 11,
                    "read_only": "false",
                    "tier_type": "",
                    "sync_from_all": "false",
                    "sync_from": []
            "placement_targets": [
                    "name": "default-placement",
                    "tags": []
            "default_placement": "default-placement",
            "realm_id": "2d988e7d-917e-46e7-bb18-79350f6a5155"
  6. Use the updated JSON file.

    radosgw-admin zonegroup set --rgw-zonegroup=zone-group-name --infile=zonegroup.json

    For example:

    [root@master-zone]# radosgw-admin zonegroup set --rgw-zonegroup=us --infile=zonegroup.json
  7. Update the period.

    # radosgw-admin period update --commit

5.13. Configuring multiple realms in the same storage cluster

This section discusses how to configure multiple realms in the same storage cluster. This is a more advanced use case for multi-site. Configuring multiple realms in the same storage cluster enables you to use a local realm to handle local Ceph Object Gateway client traffic, as well as a replicated realm for data that will be replicated to a secondary site.


Red Hat recommends that each realm has its own Ceph Object Gateway.


  • The access key and secret key for each data center in the storage cluster.
  • Two running Red Hat Ceph Storage data centers in a storage cluster.
  • Root-level or sudo access to all the nodes.
  • Each data center has its own local realm. They share a realm that replicates on both sites.
  • On the Ceph Object Gateway nodes, perform the tasks listed in the Requirements for Installing Red Hat Ceph Storage found in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Installation Guide.
  • For each Ceph Object Gateway node, perform steps 1-7 in the Installing the Ceph Object Gateway section of the Red Hat Ceph Storage Installation Guide.


  1. Create one local realm on the first data center in the storage cluster:


    radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME --default


    [root@rgw1 ~]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=ldc1 --default

  2. Create one local master zonegroup on the first data center:


    radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --endpoints=http://RGW_NODE_NAME:80 --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME --master --default


    [root@rgw1 ~]# radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=ldc1zg --endpoints=http://rgw1:80 --rgw-realm=ldc1 --master --default

  3. Create one local zone on the first data center:


    radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME --master --default --endpoints=HTTP_FQDN[,HTTP_FQDN]


    [root@rgw1 ~]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=ldc1zg --rgw-zone=ldc1z --master --default --endpoints=

  4. Commit the period:


    [root@rgw1 ~]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  5. Update ceph.conf with the rgw_realm, rgw_zonegroup and rgw_zone names:


    rgw_realm = REALM_NAME
    rgw_zonegroup = ZONE_GROUP_NAME
    rgw_zone = ZONE_NAME


    rgw_realm = ldc1
    rgw_zonegroup = ldc1zg
    rgw_zone = ldc1z

  6. Restart the RGW daemon:


    systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@rgw.$(hostname -s).rgw0.service

  7. Create one local realm on the second data center in the storage cluster:


    radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME --default


    [root@rgw2 ~]# radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=ldc2 --default

  8. Create one local master zonegroup on the second data center:


    radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --endpoints=http://RGW_NODE_NAME:80 --rgw-realm=REALM_NAME --master --default


    [root@rgw2 ~]# radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=ldc2zg --endpoints=http://rgw2:80 --rgw-realm=ldc2 --master --default

  9. Create one local zone on the second data center:


    radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME --master --default --endpoints=HTTP_FQDN[, HTTP_FQDN]


    [root@rgw2 ~]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=ldc2zg --rgw-zone=ldc2z --master --default --endpoints=

  10. Commit the period:


    [root@rgw2 ~]# radosgw-admin period update --commit

  11. Update ceph.conf with the rgw_realm, rgw_zonegroup and rgw_zone names:


    rgw_realm = REALM_NAME
    rgw_zonegroup = ZONE_GROUP_NAME
    rgw_zone = ZONE_NAME


    rgw_realm = ldc2
    rgw_zonegroup = ldc2zg
    rgw_zone = ldc2z

  12. Restart the RGW daemon:


    systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@rgw.$(hostname -s).rgw0.service

  13. Create a replicated realm on the first data center in the storage cluster:


    radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=REPLICATED_REALM_1 --default


    [user@rgw1 ~] radosgw-admin realm create --rgw-realm=rdc1 --default

    Use the --default flag to make the replicated realm default on the primary site.

  14. Create a master zonegroup for the first data center:


    radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=RGW_ZONE_GROUP --endpoints=http://_RGW_NODE_NAME:80 --rgw-realm=_RGW_REALM_NAME --master --default


    [root@rgw1 ~]# radosgw-admin zonegroup create --rgw-zonegroup=rdc1zg --endpoints=http://rgw1:80 --rgw-realm=rdc1 --master --default

  15. Create a master zone on the first data center:


    radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=RGW_ZONE_GROUP --rgw-zone=_MASTER_RGW_NODE_NAME --master --default --endpoints=HTTP_FQDN[,HTTP_FQDN]


    [root@rgw1 ~]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup=rdc1zg --rgw-zone=rdc1z --master --default --endpoints=

  16. Create a replication/synchronization user and add the system user to the master zone for multi-site:


    radosgw-admin user create --uid="r_REPLICATION_SYNCHRONIZATION_USER_" --display-name="Replication-Synchronization User" --system
    radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=RGW_ZONE --access-key=ACCESS_KEY --secret=SECRET_KEY


    [root@rgw1 ~]# radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zone=rdc1zg --access-key=3QV0D6ZMMCJZMSCXJ2QJ --secret=VpvQWcsfI9OPzUCpR4kynDLAbqa1OIKqRB6WEnH8

  17. Commit the period:


    radosgw-admin period update --commit

  18. Update ceph.conf with the rgw_realm, rgw_zonegroup and rgw_zone names for the first data center:


    rgw_realm = REALM_NAME
    rgw_zonegroup = ZONE_GROUP_NAME
    rgw_zone = ZONE_NAME


    rgw_realm = rdc1
    rgw_zonegroup = rdc1zg
    rgw_zone = rdc1z

  19. Restart the RGW daemon:


    systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@rgw.$(hostname -s).rgw0.service

  20. Pull the replicated realm on the second data center:


    radosgw-admin realm pull --url= --access-key=ACCESS_KEY --secret-key=SECRET_KEY


    radosgw-admin realm pull --url= --access-key=3QV0D6ZMMCJZMSCXJ2QJ --secret-key=VpvQWcsfI9OPzUCpR4kynDLAbqa1OIKqRB6WEnH8

  21. Pull the period from the first data center:


    radosgw-admin period pull --url= --access-key=ACCESS_KEY --secret-key=SECRET_KEY


    radosgw-admin period pull --url= --access-key=3QV0D6ZMMCJZMSCXJ2QJ --secret-key=VpvQWcsfI9OPzUCpR4kynDLAbqa1OIKqRB6WEnH8

  22. Create the secondary zone on the second data center:


    radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zone=RGW_ZONE --rgw-zonegroup=RGW_ZONE_GROUP --endpoints= --access-key=_ACCESS_KEY --secret-key=SECRET_KEY


    [root@rgw2 ~]# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zone=rdc2z --rgw-zonegroup=rdc1zg --endpoints= --access-key=3QV0D6ZMMCJZMSCXJ2QJ --secret-key=VpvQWcsfI9OPzUCpR4kynDLAbqa1OIKqRB6WEnH8

  23. Commit the period:


    radosgw-admin period update --commit

  24. Update ceph.conf with the rgw_realm, rgw_zonegroup and rgw_zone names for the second data center:


    rgw_realm = REALM_NAME
    rgw_zonegroup = ZONE_GROUP_NAME
    rgw_zone = ZONE_NAME


    rgw realm = rdc1
    rgw zonegroup = rdc1zg
    rgw zone = rdc2z

  25. Restart the Ceph Object Gateway daemon:


    systemctl restart ceph-radosgw@rgw.$(hostname -s).rgw0.service

  26. Log in to the second data center and verify the synchronization status on the master realm:


    radosgw-admin sync status


    [root@rgw2 ~]# radosgw-admin sync status
              realm 59762f08-470c-46de-b2b1-d92c50986e67 (ldc2)
          zonegroup 7cf8daf8-d279-4d5c-b73e-c7fd2af65197 (ldc2zg)
               zone 034ae8d3-ae0c-4e35-8760-134782cb4196 (ldc2z)
      metadata sync no sync (zone is master)

  27. Log in to the first data center and verify the synchronization status for the replication-synchronization realm:


    radosgw-admin sync status --rgw-realm RGW_REALM_NAME


    [root@rgw1 ~]# radosgw-admin sync status --rgw-realm rdc1
              realm 73c7b801-3736-4a89-aaf8-e23c96e6e29d (rdc1)
          zonegroup d67cc9c9-690a-4076-89b8-e8127d868398 (rdc1zg)
               zone 67584789-375b-4d61-8f12-d1cf71998b38 (rdc2z)
      metadata sync syncing
                    full sync: 0/64 shards
                    incremental sync: 64/64 shards
                    metadata is caught up with master
          data sync source: 705ff9b0-68d5-4475-9017-452107cec9a0 (rdc1z)
                            full sync: 0/128 shards
                            incremental sync: 128/128 shards
                            data is caught up with source
              realm 73c7b801-3736-4a89-aaf8-e23c96e6e29d (rdc1)
          zonegroup d67cc9c9-690a-4076-89b8-e8127d868398 (rdc1zg)
               zone 67584789-375b-4d61-8f12-d1cf71998b38 (rdc2z)
      metadata sync syncing
                    full sync: 0/64 shards
                    incremental sync: 64/64 shards
                    metadata is caught up with master
          data sync source: 705ff9b0-68d5-4475-9017-452107cec9a0 (rdc1z)
                            full sync: 0/128 shards
                            incremental sync: 128/128 shards
                            data is caught up with source

  28. To store and access data in the local site, create the user for local realm:


    radosgw-admin user create --uid="LOCAL_USER" --display-name="Local user" --rgw-realm=_REALM_NAME --rgw-zonegroup=ZONE_GROUP_NAME --rgw-zone=ZONE_NAME


    [root@rgw2 ~]# radosgw-admin user create --uid="local-user" --display-name="Local user" --rgw-realm=ldc1 --rgw-zonegroup=ldc1zg --rgw-zone=ldc1z


By default, users are created under the default realm. For the users to access data in the local realm, the radosgw-admin command requires the --rgw-realm argument.