Chapter 5. Configuring the Nagios Plugins for Ceph

Configure the Nagios plug-ins for Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.


  • User-level access to the Ceph Monitor node.
  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Access to the Nagios Core Server.


  1. Log in to the monitor server and create a Ceph key and keyring for Nagios.

    [user@mon]# ssh mon
    [user@mon]# cd /etc/ceph
    [user@mon]# ceph auth get-or-create client.nagios mon 'allow r' > client.nagios.keyring

    Each plug-in will require authentication. Repeat this procedure for each node that contains a plug-in.

  2. Add a command for the check_ceph_health plug-in:

    [user@mon]# vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg


    command[check_ceph_health]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ceph_health --id nagios --keyring /etc/ceph/client.nagios.keyring

  3. Enable and restart the nrpe service:

    [user@mon]# systemctl enable nrpe
    [user@mon]# systemctl restart nrpe

    Repeat this procedure for each Ceph plug-in applicable to the node.

  4. Return to the Nagios Core server and define a check_nrpe command for the NRPE plug-in:

    [user@nagios]# cd /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects
    [user@nagios]# vi commands.cfg
    define command{
     command_name check_nrpe
     command_line USER1/check_nrpe -H HOSTADDRESS -c ARG1
  5. On the Nagios Core server, edit the configuration file for the node and add a service for the Ceph plug-in.


    [user@nagios]# vi /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/mon.cfg

    define service {
      use                   generic-service
      host_name             mon
      service_description   Ceph Health Check
      check_command         check_nrpe!check_ceph_health

    The check_command setting uses check_nrpe! before the Ceph plug-in name. This tells NRPE to execute the check_ceph_health command on the remote node.

  6. Repeat this procedure for each plug-in applicable to the node.
  7. Restart the Nagios Core server:

    [user@nagios]# systemctl restart nagios
  8. Before proceeding with additional configuration, ensure that the plug-ins are working.


    [user@mon]# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ceph_health --id nagios --keyring /etc/ceph/client.nagios.keyring


    The check_ceph_health plug-in performs the equivalent of the ceph health command.

Additional Resources

  • See the Ceph Nagios plugins web page for usage.