Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Ceph Storage

Chapter 2. Prerequisites

Figure 2.1. Prerequisite Workflow

Ceph Installation Guide 459707 0818 03

Before installing Red Hat Ceph Storage, review the following prerequisites first and prepare each Ceph Monitor, OSD, and client nodes accordingly.

Table 2.1. Prerequisites Checks


Verifying the operating system version


Section 2.1, “Operating System”

Verify the PID count

Enabling Ceph software repositories


Section 2.2, “Enabling the Red Hat Ceph Storage Repositories”

Two installation methods:

Using a RAID controller


Section 2.3, “Configuring RAID Controllers”

For OSD nodes only.

Configuring network Interface


Section 2.4, “Configuring Network”

Using a public network is required. Having a private network for cluster communication is optional, but recommended.

Configuring a firewall


Section 2.5, “Configuring Firewall”


Configuring the Network Time Protocol




Creating an Ansible user


Section 2.7, “Creating an Ansible User with Sudo Access”

Ansible deployment only. Creating the Ansible user is required on all Ceph nodes.

Enabling password-less SSH


Section 2.8, “Enabling Password-less SSH (Ansible Deployment Only)”

Ansible deployment only.

2.1. Operating System

Red Hat Ceph Storage 2 and later requires Ubuntu 16.04 with a homogeneous version running on AMD64 and Intel 64 architectures for all Ceph nodes.


Red Hat does not support clusters with heterogeneous operating systems and versions.

Return to prerequisite checklist

2.1.1. Adjusting the PID Count

Hosts with high numbers of OSDs, that being more than 12, may spawn a lot of threads, especially during recovery and re-balancing events. The kernel defaults to a relatively small maximum number of threads, typically 32768.

  1. Check the current pid_max settings:

    # cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max
  2. As root, consider setting kernel.pid_max to a higher number of threads. The theoretical maximum is 4,194,303 threads. For example, add the following to the /etc/sysctl.conf file to set it to the maximum value:

    kernel.pid_max = 4194303
  3. As root, to load the changes without a rebooting:

    # sysctl -p
  4. As root, verify the changes:

    # sysctl -a | grep kernel.pid_max

2.2. Enabling the Red Hat Ceph Storage Repositories

Before you can install Red Hat Ceph Storage, you must choose an installation method. Red Hat Ceph Storage supports two installation methods:

  • Online Repositories

    For Ceph Storage clusters with Ceph nodes that can connect directly to the Internet, you can use online repositories from the site. You will need your Customer Name and Customer Password received from to be able to use the repositories.


    Contact your account manager to obtain credentials for

  • Local Repository

    For Ceph Storage clusters where security measures preclude nodes from accessing the Internet, install Red Hat Ceph Storage 2 from a single software build delivered as an ISO image, which will allow you to install local repositories.

2.2.1. Online Repositories

Online Installations for…​

  • Ansible Administration Node

    As root, enable the Red Hat Ceph Storage 2 Tools repository:

    $ sudo bash -c 'umask 0077; echo deb $(lsb_release -sc) main | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/Tools.list'
    $ sudo bash -c 'wget -O - | apt-key add -'
    $ sudo apt-get update
  • Monitor Nodes

    As root, enable the Red Hat Ceph Storage 2 Monitor repository:

    $ sudo bash -c 'umask 0077; echo deb $(lsb_release -sc) main | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/MON.list'
    $ sudo bash -c 'wget -O - | apt-key add -'
    $ sudo apt-get update
  • OSD Nodes

    As root, enable the Red Hat Ceph Storage 2 OSD repository:

    $ sudo bash -c 'umask 0077; echo deb $(lsb_release -sc) main | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/OSD.list'
    $ sudo bash -c 'wget -O - | apt-key add -'
    $ sudo apt-get update
  • Ceph Object Gateway and Client Nodes

    As root, enable the Red Hat Ceph Storage 2 Tools repository:

    $ sudo bash -c 'umask 0077; echo deb $(lsb_release -sc) main | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/Tools.list'
    $ sudo bash -c 'wget -O - | apt-key add -'
    $ sudo apt-get update

If you install Red Hat Ceph Storage manually, create an APT preferences file on all nodes. The file ensures that the apt-get utility uses Red Hat Ceph Storage packages from the Red Hat repositories and not from the Ubuntu Xenial repositories that can include a newer version of the ceph package. Using the ceph packages from the Ubuntu Xenial repository causes the installation to fail with the unmet dependencies error.

To create an APT preferences file on all nodes.

  1. Create a new file in the /etc/apt/preferences.d/ directory named rhcs2:

    $ sudo touch /etc/apt/preferences.d/rhcs2
  2. Add the following content to the file:

    Explanation: Prefer Red Hat packages
    Package: *
    Pin: release o=/Red Hat/
    Pin-Priority: 999

Return to prerequisite checklist

2.2.2. Local Repository

ISO Installations

  • Download the Red Hat Ceph Storage ISO

    1. Visit the Red Hat Ceph Storage for Ubuntu page on the Customer Portal to obtain the Red Hat Ceph Storage installation ISO image files.
    2. Copy the ISO image to the node.
    3. As root, mount the copied ISO image to the /mnt/rhcs2/ directory:

      $ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/rhcs2
      $ sudo mount -o loop /<path_to_iso>/rhceph-2.0-ubuntu-x86_64.iso /mnt/rhcs2

      For ISO installations using Ansible to install Red Hat Ceph Storage 2, mounting the ISO and creating a local repository is not required.

  • Create a Local Repository

    1. Copy the ISO image to the node.
    2. As root, mount the copied ISO image:

      $ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/<new_directory>
      $ sudo mount -o loop /<path_to_iso_file> /mnt/<new_directory>
    3. As root, add the ISO image as a software source:

      $ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
      $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb file:/mnt/<new_directory> $(lsb_release -sc) main"

    If you are completely disconnected from the Internet, then you must use ISO images to receive any updates.

Return to prerequisite checklist

2.3. Configuring RAID Controllers

If a RAID controller with 1-2 GB of cache is installed on a host, enabling write-back caches might result in increased small I/O write throughput. To prevent this problem, the cache must be non-volatile.

Modern RAID controllers usually have super capacitors that provide enough power to drain volatile memory to non-volatile NAND memory during a power loss event. It is important to understand how a particular controller and firmware behave after power is restored.

Some RAID controllers require manual intervention. Hard drives typically advertise to the operating system whether their disk caches should be enabled or disabled by default. However, certain RAID controllers or some firmware do not provide such information, so verify that disk level caches are disabled to avoid file system corruption.

Create a single RAID 0 volume with write-back for each OSD data drive with write-back cache enabled.

If Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) or SATA connected Solid-state Drive (SSD) disks are also present on the controller, investigate whether your controller and firmware support passthrough mode. Passthrough mode helps avoid caching logic, and generally results in much lower latency for fast media.

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2.4. Configuring Network

All Ceph clusters require a public network. You must have a network interface card configured to a public network where Ceph clients can reach Ceph monitors and Ceph OSD nodes.

You might have a network interface card for a cluster network so that Ceph can conduct heart-beating, peering, replication, and recovery on a network separate from the public network.


Red Hat does not recommend using a single network interface card for both a public and private network.

For additional information on network configuration see the Network Configuration Reference chapter in the Configuration Guide for Red Hat Ceph Storage 2.

Return to prerequisite checklist

2.5. Configuring Firewall

Red Hat Ceph Storage 2 uses the iptables service, which you must configure to suit your environment.

Monitor nodes use port 6789 for communication within the Ceph cluster. The monitor where the calamari-lite is running uses port 8002 for access to the Calamari REST-based API.

On each Ceph OSD node, the OSD daemon uses several ports in the range 6800-7300:

  • One for communicating with clients and monitors over the public network
  • One for sending data to other OSDs over a cluster network, if available; otherwise, over the public network
  • One for exchanging heartbeat packets over a cluster network, if available; otherwise, over the public network

Ceph object gateway nodes use port 7480 by default. However, you can change the default port, for example to port 80. To use the SSL/TLS service, open port 443.

For more information about public and cluster network, see Network.

Configuring Access

  1. As root, on all Ceph Monitor nodes, open port 6789 on the public network:

    $ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i <iface> -p tcp -s <IP-address>/<prefix> --dport 6789 -j ACCEPT
  2. If calamari-lite is running on the Ceph Monitor node, as root, open port 8002 on the public network:

    $ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i <iface> -p tcp -s <IP-address>/<prefix> --dport 8002 -j ACCEPT
  3. As root, on all OSD nodes, open ports 6800-7300:

    $ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i <iface> -m multiport -p tcp -s <IP-address>/<prefix> --dports 6800:7300 -j ACCEPT

    Where <ip-address> is the network address of the OSD nodes.

  4. As root, on all object gateway nodes, open the relevant port or ports on the public network.

    1. To open the default port 7480:

      $ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i <iface> -p tcp -s <IP-address>/<prefix> --dport 7480 -j ACCEPT
    2. Optionally, as root, if you changed the default Ceph object gateway port, for example to port 80, open this port:

      $ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i <iface> -p tcp -s <IP-address>/<prefix> --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
    3. Optionally, as root, to use SSL/TLS, open port 443:

      $ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i <iface> -p tcp -s <IP-address>/<prefix> --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
  5. As root, make the changes persistent on each node:

    1. Install the iptables-persistent package:

      $ sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent
    2. In the terminal UI that appears, select yes to save current IPv4 iptables rules to the /etc/iptables/rules.v4 file and current IPv6 iptables rules to the /etc/iptables/rules.v6 file.


      If you add a new iptables rule after installing iptables-persistent, add the new rule to the rules file:

      $ sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4

Return to prerequisite checklist

2.6. Configuring Network Time Protocol


If using Ansible to deploy a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, then the installation, configuration, and enabling NTP is done automatically during the deployment.

You must configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP) on all Ceph Monitor and OSD nodes. Ensure that Ceph nodes are NTP peers. NTP helps preempt issues that arise from clock drift.

  1. As root, install the ntp package:

    $ sudo apt-get install ntp
  2. As root, start the NTP service and ensure it is running:

    $ sudo service ntp start
    $ sudo service ntp status
  3. Ensure that NTP is synchronizing Ceph monitor node clocks properly:

    $ ntpq -p

Return to prerequisite checklist

2.7. Creating an Ansible User with Sudo Access

Ansible must login to Ceph nodes as a user that has passwordless root privileges, because Ansible needs to install software and configuration files without prompting for passwords.

Red Hat recommends creating an Ansible user on all Ceph nodes in the cluster.


Do not use ceph as the user name. The ceph user name is reserved for the Ceph daemons.

A uniform user name across the cluster can improve ease of use, but avoid using obvious user names, because intruders typically use them to for brute force attacks. For example, root, admin, or <productname> are not advised.

The following procedure, substituting <username> for the user name you define, describes how to create an Ansible user with passwordless root privileges on a Ceph node.

  1. Use the ssh command to log in to a Ceph node:

    $ ssh <user_name>@<hostname>

    Replace <hostname> with the host name of the Ceph node.

  2. Create a new Ansible user and set a new password for this user:

    $sudo adduser <username>
  3. Ensure that the user you added has the root privileges:

    $ sudo cat << EOF >/etc/sudoers.d/<username>
    <username> ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL
  4. Ensure the correct file permissions:

    $ sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/<username>

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2.8. Enabling Password-less SSH (Ansible Deployment Only)

Since Ansible will not prompt for a password, you must generate SSH keys on the administration node and distribute the public key to each Ceph node.

  1. Generate the SSH keys, but do not use sudo or the root user. Instead, use the Ansible user you created in Creating an Ansible User with Sudo Access. Leave the passphrase empty:

    $ ssh-keygen
    Generating public/private key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/ceph-admin/.ssh/id_rsa):
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /ceph-admin/.ssh/id_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /ceph-admin/.ssh/
  2. Copy the key to each Ceph Node, replacing <username> with the user name you created in Creating an Ansible User with Sudo Access and <hostname> with a host name of a Ceph node:

    $ ssh-copy-id <username>@<hostname>
  3. Modify or create (using a utility such as vi) the ~/.ssh/config file of the Ansible administration node so that Ansible can log in to Ceph nodes as the user you created without requiring you to specify the -u <username> option each time you execute the ansible-playbook command. Replace <username> with the name of the user you created and <hostname> with a host name of a Ceph node:

    Host node1
       Hostname <hostname>
       User <username>
    Host node2
       Hostname <hostname>
       User <username>
    Host node3
       Hostname <hostname>
       User <username>

    After editing the ~/.ssh/config file on the Ansible administration node, ensure the permissions are correct:

    $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config

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