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Chapter 5. Developing Storage Strategies

One of the more challenging aspects of setting up Ceph Storage clusters and Ceph Object Gateways for production use is defining effective storage strategies. Storage strategies involve the following factors:

See the Storage Strategies guide for general guidance on storage strategies and command line usage.

5.1. Developing CRUSH Hierarchies

When deploying a Ceph cluster and an Object Gateway, typically the object gateway will have a default zone group and zone. The Ceph storage cluster will have default pools, which in turn will use a CRUSH map with a default CRUSH hierarchy and a default CRUSH ruleset.


The default rbd pool may use the default CRUSH ruleset. DO NOT delete the default ruleset or hierarchy if Ceph clients have used them to store client data.

For general details on CRUSH hierarchies, see the CRUSH Administration section of the Storage Strategies guide.

Production gateways typically use a custom realm, zone group and zone named according to the use and geographic location of the gateways. Additionally, the Ceph cluster will have a CRUSH map that has multiple CRUSH hierarchies.

  • System Pools: At least one CRUSH hierarchy will be for system pools and potentially for data. The system pools include .rgw.root and the system pools associated with the zone. System pools typically fall under a single CRUSH hierarchy, and use replication for data durability. A data pool may also use the CRUSH hierarchy, but the pool will usually be configured with erasure coding for data durability.
  • Bucket Index: At least one CRUSH hierarchy SHOULD be for the bucket index pool, where the CRUSH hierarchy maps to SSD drives. Bucket indices can be a performance bottleneck. It is strongly recommended to use SSD drives in this CRUSH hierarchy. DO NOT create partitions for bucket indices on SSDs used for OSD journals . Additionally, a bucket index should be configured with bucket sharding. See Creating a Bucket Index Pool and supporting links for details.
  • Placement Pools: The placement pools for each placment target include the bucket index, the data bucket and the bucket extras. These pools may fall under separate CRUSH hierarchies. Since Ceph Object Gateway can support multiple storage policies, the bucket pools of the storage policies may be associated with different CRUSH hierarchies, reflecting different use cases such as IOPS-optimized, throughput-optimized, and capacity-optimized respectively. The bucket index pool SHOULD use its own CRUSH hierarchy to map the bucket index pool to higher performance SSD drives.

5.1.1. Creating CRUSH Roots

From the command line on the administration node, create CRUSH roots in the CRUSH map for each CRUSH hierarchy. There MUST be at least one CRUSH hierarchy for system pools that may also potentially serve data storage pools. There SHOULD be at least one CRUSH hierarchy for the bucket index pool, mapped to SSDs or other high speed data storage media.

For details on CRUSH hierarchies, see CRUSH Hierarchies. To manually edit a CRUSH map, see Editing a CRUSH Map.

In the following examples, the hosts named data0, data1 and data2 use extended logical names such as data0-sas-ssd, data0-index and so forth in the CRUSH map, because there are multiple CRUSH hierarchies pointing to the same physical hosts.

A typical CRUSH root might represent nodes with SAS drives and SSDs for journals. For example:


root sas-ssd {
  id -1   # do not change unnecessarily
  # weight 0.000
  alg straw
  hash 0  # rjenkins1
  item data2-sas-ssd weight 4.000
  item data1-sas-ssd weight 4.000
  item data0-sas-ssd weight 4.000

A CRUSH root for bucket indexes SHOULD represent SSD drives or other high speed storage media used exclusively for bucket indexes. For example:


root index {
  id -2    # do not change unnecessarily
  # weight 0.000
  alg straw
  hash 0  # rjenkins1
  item data2-index weight 1.000
  item data1-index weight 1.000
  item data0-index weight 1.000

Create a separate CRUSH hierarchy with different SSD drives to store data in SSDs. DO NOT use the same SSD drive to store journals, bucket indexes and data.

5.1.2. Using Logical Host Names in a CRUSH Map

In the CRUSH map, host names must be unique and used only once. When the host serves multiple CRUSH hierarchies and use cases, a CRUSH map may use logical host names instead of the actual host name in order to ensure the host name is only used once. For example, a node may have multiple types of drives such as SSDs, SAS drives with SSD journals and SATA drives with co-located journals. To create multiple CRUSH hierarchies for the same host, the hierarchies will need to use logical host names in lieu of the actual host names so the bucket names are unique within the CRUSH hierarchy. For example, if the host name is data2, the CRUSH hierarchy might use logical names such as data2-sas-ssd and data2-index. For example:

host data2-sas-ssd {
  id -11   # do not change unnecessarily
  # weight 0.000
  alg straw
  hash 0  # rjenkins1
  item osd.0 weight 1.000
  item osd.1 weight 1.000
  item osd.2 weight 1.000
  item osd.3 weight 1.000

In the foregoing example, the host data2 uses the logical name data2-sas-ssd to map the SAS drives with journals on SSDs into one hierarchy. The OSD IDs osd.0 through osd.3 in the forgoing example represent SAS drives using SSD journals in a high throughput hardware configuration. These OSD IDs differ from the OSD ID in the following example.

In the following example, the host data2 uses the logical name data2-index to map the SSD drive for a bucket index into a second hierarchy. The OSD ID osd.4 in the following example represents an SSD drive or other high speed storage media used exclusively for a bucket index pool.

host data2-index {
  id -21   # do not change unnecessarily
  # weight 0.000
  alg straw
  hash 0  # rjenkins1
  item osd.4 weight 1.000

When using logical host names, ensure that one of the following settings is present in the Ceph configuration file to prevent the OSD startup scripts from using the actual host names upon startup and thereby failing to locate data in CRUSH map.

When the CRUSH map uses logical host names, as in the foregoing examples, prevent the OSD startup scripts from identifying the hosts according to their actual host names at initialization. In the [global] section of the Ceph configuration file, add the following setting:

osd_crush_update_on_start = false

An alternative method of defining a logical host name is to define the location of the CRUSH map for each OSD in the [osd.<ID>] sections of the Ceph configuration file. This will override any locations the OSD startup script defines. From the foregoing examples, the entries might look like the following:

osd crush location = "host=data2-sas-ssd"

osd crush location = "host=data2-sas-ssd"

osd crush location = "host=data2-sas-ssd"

osd crush location = "host=data2-sas-ssd"

osd crush location = "host=data2-index"

If one of the foregoing approaches isn’t used when a CRUSH map uses logical host names rather than actual host names, on restart, the Ceph Storage Cluster will assume that the OSDs map to the actual host names, and the actual host names will not be found in the CRUSH map, and Ceph Storage Cluster clients will not find the OSDs and their data.

5.1.3. Creating CRUSH Rulesets

Like the default CRUSH hierarchy, the CRUSH map also contains a default CRUSH ruleset, usually ruleset 0.


The default rbd pool may use this ruleset. DO NOT delete the default ruleset if other pools have used it to store customer data.

See CRUSH Rules for general details on CRUSH Rules. To manually edit a CRUSH map, see Editing a CRUSH Map.

For each CRUSH hierarchy, create a CRUSH rule. The following example illustrates a rule for the CRUSH hierarchy that will store the system pools, including .rgw.root. In this example, the root sas-ssd serves as the main CRUSH hierarchy. It uses ruleset 1 to distinguish itself from the default ruleset 0. The step take sas-ssd line tells the pool to use the sas-ssd root created in CRUSH Root, whose child buckets contain OSDs with SAS drives and SSD journals in a high throughput hardware configuration. The type rack portion of step chooseleaf is the failure domain. In the following example, it is a rack.


rule rgw-system {
 ruleset 1
 type replicated
 min_size 1
 max_size 10
 step take sas-ssd
 step chooseleaf firstn 0 type rack
 step emit

In the foregoing example, if data gets replicated three times, there should be at least three racks in the cluster containing a similar number of OSD nodes.


The type replicated setting has NOTHING to do with data durability, the number of replicas or the erasure coding. Only replicated is supported.

The following example illustrates a rule for the CRUSH hierarchy that will store the data pool. In this example, the root sas-ssd serves as the main CRUSH hierarchy—​the same CRUSH hierarchy as the system rule. It uses ruleset 2 to distinguish itself from the default ruleset 0 and ruleset 1. The step take sas-ssd line tells the pool to use the sas-ssd root created in CRUSH Root, whose child buckets contain OSDs with SAS drives and SSD journals in a high throughput hardware configuration. The type host portion of step chooseleaf is the failure domain. In the following example, it is a host. Notice that the rule uses the same CRUSH hierarchy, but a different failure domain.


rule rgw-throughput {
 ruleset 2
 type replicated
 min_size 1
 max_size 10
 step take sas-ssd
 step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host
 step emit

In the foregoing example, if the pool uses erasure coding with a a larger number of data and encoding chunks than the default, there should be at least as many racks in the cluster containing a similar number of OSD nodes to facilitate the erasure coding chunks. For smaller clusters, this may not be practical, so the foregoing example uses host as the CRUSH failure domain.

The following example illustrates a rule for the CRUSH hierarchy that will store the index pool. In this example, the root index serves as the main CRUSH hierarchy. It uses ruleset 3 to distinguish itself from ruleset 0 through ruleset 2. The step take index line tells the pool to use the index root created in CRUSH Root, whose child buckets contain OSDs SSD drives for high IOPS. The type rack portion of step chooseleaf is the failure domain. In the following example, it is a rack.


rule rgw-index {
 ruleset 3
 type replicated
 min_size 1
 max_size 10
 step take index
 step chooseleaf firstn 0 type rack
 step emit

5.2. Creating the Root Pool

The Ceph Object Gateway configuration gets stored in a pool named .rgw.root, including realms, zone groups and zones. By convention, its name is not prepended with the zone name.


If the Ceph Storage Cluster is running, create an .rgw.root pool using the new ruleset. See the Ceph Placement Groups (PGs) per Pool Calculator and Placement Groups for details on the number or PGs. See Create a Pool for details on creating a pool. In this instance, the pool will use replicated and NOT erasure for data durability. For example:

# ceph osd pool create .rgw.root 32 32 replicated sas-ssd

For system pools, including .rgw.root, the suggested PG count from the Ceph Placement Groups (PGs) per Pool Calculator is substantially less than the target PGs per OSD. Also, ensure the number of OSDs is set in step 3 of the calculator.

Once this pool gets created, the Ceph Object Gateway can store its configuration data in the pool.

5.3. Configuring a Realm

The Ceph Storage pools supporting the Ceph Object Gateway apply to a zone within a zone group. By default, Ceph Object Gateway will define a default zone group and zone.

For the master zone group and zone, Red Hat recommends creating a new realm, zone group and zone. Then, delete the default zone and its pools if they were already generated. Use Configuring a Master Zone as a best practice, because this configures the cluster for Multi Site operation.

  1. Create a realm. See Realms for additional details.
  2. Create a master zone group. See Zone Groups for additional details on zone groups.
  3. Create a master zone. See Zones for additional details on zones.
  4. Delete the default zone group and zone. You MAY delete default pools if they were created, and are not storing client data. DO NOT delete the .rgw.root pool.
  5. Create a System User.
  6. Update the period.
  7. Update the Ceph Configuration file.

This procedure omits the step of starting the gateway, since the gateway may create the pools manually. To specify specific CRUSH rulesets and data durability methods, create the pools manually.

By setting up a new realm, zone group and zone, the cluster is now prepared for expansion to a multi site cluster where there are multiple zones within the zone group. This means that the cluster can be expanded and configured for failover, and disaster recovery. See Expanding the Cluster with Multi Site for additional details.

gateway realm

In Red Hat Ceph Storage 2, multi site configurations are active-active by default. When deploying a multi site cluster, the zones and their underlying Ceph storage clusters may be in different geographic regions. Since each zone has a deep copy of each object in the same namespace, users can access the copy from the zone that is physically the closest to them, reducing latency. However, the cluster may be configured in active-passive mode if the secondary zones are intended only for failover and disaster recovery.


Using a zone group with multiple zones is supported. Using multiple zone groups is a technology preview only, and is not supported in production.

5.4. Creating System Pools

The Ceph Object Gateway uses many pools for various system functions, and a separate set of placement pools for storing bucket indexes, data and other information.

Since it is computationally expensive to peer a pool’s placement groups, Red Hat generally recommends that the Ceph Object Gateway’s system pools use substantially fewer placement groups than data storage pools.

The system pools store objects related to system control, garbage collection, logging, user information, usage, etc. By convention, these pool names have the zone name prepended to the pool name.

  • .<zone-name>.rgw.control: The control pool.
  • .<zone-name>.rgw.gc: The garbage collection pool, which contains hash buckets of objects to be deleted.
  • .<zone-name>.log: The log pool contains logs of all bucket/container and object actions such as create, read, update and delete.
  • .<zone-name>.intent-log: The intent log pool contains a copy of an object update request to facilitate undo/redo if a request fails.
  • .<zone-name>.users.uid: The user ID pool contains a map of unique user IDs.
  • .<zone-name>.users.keys: The keys pool contains access keys and secret keys for each user ID.
  • .<zone-name> The email pool contains email addresses associated to a user ID.
  • .<zone-name>.users.swift: The Swift pool contains the Swift subuser information for a user ID.
  • .<zone-name>.usage: The usage pool contains a usage log on a per user basis.

Execute the Get a Zone procedure to see the pool names.

# radosgw-admin zone get [--rgw-zone=<zone>]

When radosgw-admin creates a zone, the pool names SHOULD be prepended with the zone name. For example, a zone named us-west SHOULD have pool names that look something like this:

{ "domain_root": ".rgw.root",
  "control_pool": ".us-west.rgw.control",
  "gc_pool": ".us-west.rgw.gc",
  "log_pool": ".us-west.log",
  "intent_log_pool": ".us-west.intent-log",
  "usage_log_pool": ".us-west.usage",
  "user_keys_pool": ".us-west.users.keys",
  "user_email_pool": "",
  "user_swift_pool": ".us-west.users.swift",
  "user_uid_pool": ".us-west.users.uid",
  "system_key": { "access_key": "", "secret_key": ""},
  "placement_pools": [
    {  "key": "default-placement",
       "val": { "index_pool": ".us-west.rgw.buckets.index",
                "data_pool": ".us-west.rgw.buckets",
                "data_extra_pool": ".us-west.rgw.buckets.non-ec"
                "index_type": 0

Beginning with control_pool and ending with user_uid_pool, create the pools using the pool names in the zone, provided the zone name is prepended to the pool name. Following the previous examples, pool creation might look something like this:

# ceph osd pool create .us-west.rgw.control 32 32 replicated rgw-system
# ceph osd pool create .us-west.users.uid 32 32 replicated rgw-system

From previous examples, the rgw-system ruleset represents a CRUSH hierarchy of SAS drives with SSD journals and rack as the CRUSH failure domain. See Creating CRUSH Roots, and Creating CRUSH Rulesets for preceding examples.

See the Ceph Placement Groups (PGs) per Pool Calculator and Placement Groups for details on the number of PGs. See Create a Pool for details on creating a pool.


For system pools the suggested PG count from the calculator is substantially less than the target PGs per OSD. Ensure that step 3 of the calculator specifies the correct number of OSDs.

Generally, the .rgw.root pool and the system pools should use the same CRUSH hierarchy and use at least node as the failure domain in the CRUSH ruleset. Like the .rgw.root pool, the system pools should use replicated for data durability, NOT erasure.

5.5. Creating Data Placement Strategies

The Ceph Object Gateway has a default storage policy called default-placement. If the cluster has only one storage policy, the default-placement policy will suffice. This default placement policy is referenced from the zone group configuration and defined in the zone configuration.

See Storage Policies for additional details.

For clusters that support multiple use cases, such as IOPS-optimized, throughput-optimized or capacity-optimized, a set of placement targets in the zone group configuration and a set of placement pools in the zone configuration represent each storage policy.

The examples in the following sections illustrate how to create a storage policy and make it the default policy. This example also assumes the default policy will use a throughput-optimized hardware profile. Topics include:

5.5.1. Creating a Bucket Index Pool

By default, Ceph Object Gateway maps a bucket’s objects to a bucket index, which enables a gateway client to request a list of objects in a bucket among other things. While common use cases may involve quotas where users have a bucket and a limited number of objects per bucket, buckets can store innumerable objects. When buckets store millions of objects, bucket index performance benefits substantially from using SSDs or other high performance storage media to store its data. Additionally, bucket sharding also dramatically improves performance.

See the Ceph Placement Groups (PGs) per Pool Calculator and Placement Groups for details on the number of PGs. See Create a Pool for details on creating a pool.


The PG per Pool Calculator recommends a smaller number of PGs per pool for the bucket index pool; however, the PG count is approximately twice the number of PGs as the system pools.

To create a bucket index pool, execute ceph osd pool create with the pool name, the number of PGs and PGPs, the replicated data durability method, and the name of the ruleset. For example:

# ceph osd pool create .us-west.rgw.buckets.index 64 64 replicated rgw-index

From previous examples, the rgw-index ruleset represents a CRUSH hierarchy of SSD drives and rack as the CRUSH failure domain. See Selecting SSDs for Bucket Indexes, Creating CRUSH Roots, and Creating CRUSH Rulesets for preceding examples.


If buckets will store more than 100k objects, configure bucket sharding to ensure that bucket index performance doesn’t degrade as the number of objects in the bucket increases. See Configuring Bucket Sharding. Also see Bucket Index Resharding for details on resharding a bucket if the original configuration is no longer suitable.

5.5.2. Creating a Data Pool

The data pool is where Ceph Object Gateway stores the object data for a particular storage policy. The data pool should have a full complement of PGs, not the reduced number of PGs for system pools. The data pool SHOULD consider using erasure coding, as it is substantially more efficient than replication and can significantly reduce the capacity requirements while maintaining data durability.

To use erasure coding, create an erasure code profile. See Erasure Code Profiles in the Storage Strategies Guide for more details.


Choosing the correct profile is important because you cannot change the profile after you create the pool. To modify a profile, you must create a new pool with a different profile and migrate the objects from the old pool to the new pool.

The default configuration is two data chunks and one encoding chunk, which means only one OSD can be lost. For higher resiliency, consider a larger number of data and encoding chunks. For example, some large very scale systems use 8 data chunks and 3 encoding chunks, which allows three OSDs to fail without losing data.


Each data and encoding chunk SHOULD get stored on a different node or host at a minimum. For smaller clusters, this makes using rack impractical as the minimum CRUSH failure domain when using a larger number of data and encoding chunks. Consequently, it is common for the data pool to use a separate CRUSH hierarchy with host as the minimum CRUSH failure domain. Red Hat recommends host as the minimum failure domain. If erasure code chunks get stored on OSDs within the same host, a host failure such as a failed journal or network card could lead to data loss.

To create a data pool, execute ceph osd pool create with the pool name, the number of PGs and PGPs, the erasure data durability method, the erasure code profile and the name of the ruleset. For example:

# ceph osd pool create .us-west.rgw.buckets.throughput 8192 8192 erasure 8k3m rgw-throughput

From previous examples, the rgw-throughput ruleset represents a CRUSH hierarchy of SAS drives with SSD journals and host as the CRUSH failure domain. See Creating CRUSH Roots, and Creating CRUSH Rulesets for preceding examples.

5.5.3. Creating a Bucket Extras Pool

The data_extra_pool is for data that cannot use erasure coding. For example, multi-part uploads allow uploading a large object such as a movie in multiple parts. These parts must first be stored without erasure coding. Erasure coding will apply to the whole object, not the partial uploads.


The PG per Pool Calculator recommends a smaller number of PGs per pool for the data_extra_pool; however, the PG count is approximately twice the number of PGs as the system pools and the same as the bucket index pool.

To create a data extra pool, execute ceph osd pool create with the pool name, the number of PGs and PGPs, the replicated data durability method, and the name of the ruleset. For example:

# ceph osd pool create .us-west.rgw.buckets.non-ec 64 64 replicated rgw-system

5.5.4. Configuring Placement Targets in a Zone Group

Once the pools are created, create the placement target in the zone group. To retrieve the zone group, execute the following to output the zone group configuration to a file called zonegroup.json:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup get [--rgw-zonegroup=<zonegroup>] > zonegroup.json

The file contents will look something like this:

  "id": "90b28698-e7c3-462c-a42d-4aa780d24eda",
  "name": "us",
  "api_name": "us",
  "is_master": "true",
  "endpoints": [
  "hostnames": [],
  "hostnames_s3website": [],
  "master_zone": "9248cab2-afe7-43d8-a661-a40bf316665e",
  "zones": [
        "id": "9248cab2-afe7-43d8-a661-a40bf316665e",
        "name": "us-east",
        "endpoints": [
        "log_meta": "true",
        "log_data": "true",
        "bucket_index_max_shards": 0,
        "read_only": "false"
        "id": "d1024e59-7d28-49d1-8222-af101965a939",
        "name": "us-west",
        "endpoints": [
        "log_meta": "false",
        "log_data": "true",
        "bucket_index_max_shards": 0,
        "read_only": "false"
  "placement_targets": [
        "name": "default-placement",
        "tags": []
  "default_placement": "default-placement",
  "realm_id": "ae031368-8715-4e27-9a99-0c9468852cfe"

The placement_targets section will list each storage policy. By default, it will contain a placement target called default-placement. The default placement target is identified immediately after the placement_targets section.

Assuming a placement target called throughput-optimized, with throughput-optimized as the default target, the placement_targets section and the default_placement setting of the zone group configuration should be modified to something like this:

  "placement_targets": [
        "name": "throughput-optimized",
        "tags": []
  "default_placement": "throughput-optimized",

Finally, set the zone group configuration with the settings from the modified zonegroup.json file; then, update the period. For example:

# radosgw-admin zonegroup set [--rgw-zonegroup=<zonegroup>] --infile zonegroup.json
# radosgw-admin period update --commit

5.5.5. Configuring Placement Pools in a Zone

Once the zone group has the new throughput-optimized placement target, map the placement pools for throughput-optimized in the zone configuration. This step will replace the mapping for default-placement to its associated pools with a throughput-optimized set of placement pools.

Execute the Get a Zone procedure to see the pool names.

# radosgw-admin zone get [--rgw-zone=<zone>] > zone.json

Assuming a zone named us-west, the file contents will look something like this:

{ "domain_root": ".rgw.root",
  "control_pool": ".us-west.rgw.control",
  "gc_pool": ".us-west.rgw.gc",
  "log_pool": ".us-west.log",
  "intent_log_pool": ".us-west.intent-log",
  "usage_log_pool": ".us-west.usage",
  "user_keys_pool": ".us-west.users.keys",
  "user_email_pool": "",
  "user_swift_pool": ".us-west.users.swift",
  "user_uid_pool": ".us-west.users.uid",
  "system_key": { "access_key": "", "secret_key": ""},
  "placement_pools": [
    {  "key": "default-placement",
       "val": { "index_pool": ".us-west.rgw.buckets.index",
                "data_pool": ".us-west.rgw.buckets",
                "data_extra_pool": ".us-west.rgw.buckets.non-ec"
                "index_type": 0

The placement_pools section of the zone configuration defines sets of placement pools. Each set of placement pools defines a storage policy. Modify the file to remove the default-placement entry, and replace it with a throughput-optimized entry with the pools created in the preceding steps. For example:

"placement_pools": [
    {  "key": "throughput-optimized",
       "val": { "index_pool": ".us-west.rgw.buckets.index",
                "data_pool": ".us-west.rgw.buckets.throughput"}
                "data_extra_pool": ".us-west.rgw.buckets.non-ec",
                "index_type": 0

Finally, set the zone configuration with the settings from the modified zone.json file; then, update the period. For example:

# radosgw-admin zone set --rgw-zone={zone-name} --infile zone.json
# radosgw-admin period update --commit

The index_pool points to the index pool and CRUSH hierarchy with SSDs or other high-performance storage, the data_pool points to a pool with a full complement of PGs, and a CRUSH hierarchy of high-throughput host bus adapters, SAS drives and SSDs for journals.

5.5.6. Data Placement Summary

When processing client requests, the Ceph Object Gateway will use the the new throughput-optimized target as the default storage policy. Use this procedure to establish the same target in different zones and zone groups in a multi-site configuration, replacing the zone name for the pools as appropriate.

Use this procedure to establish additional storage policies. The naming for each target and set of placement pools is arbitrary. It could be fast, streaming, cold-storage or any other suitable name. However, each set must have a corresponding entry under placement_targets in the zone group, and one of the targets MUST be referenced in the default_placement setting; and, the zone must have a corresponding set of pools configured for each policy.

Client requests will always use the default target, unless the client request specifies X-Storage-Policy and a different target. See Create a Container for an object gateway client usage example.