Appendix B. JDBC database connection URLs for databases with development support

You can use a JDBC database connection URL to connect to a relational database. Each database has its own format of the database URL that contains information about the database itself and other configuration properties.

The following examples show you JDBC database connection URLs for databases with development support. For more information about development support, see the Development Support Scope of Coverage page.

B.1. Derby database URL example

Derby is an embedded database that can run as a server, based on a file, or live in memory.

Configuration options



jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/myDB, jdbc:derby:memory:myDB;create=true

Additional resources

B.2. H2 database URL example

H2 is an embedded database that can run as a server, based on a file, or live completely in memory.

Configuration options

jdbc:h2:{ {.|mem:}[name] | [file:]fileName | {tcp|ssl}:[//]server[:port][,server2[:port]]/name }[;key=value…​]


jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/test, jdbc:h2:mem:myDB

Additional resources

Revised on 2021-04-19 12:03:09 UTC