Chapter 2. Apache Maven and Quarkus

Apache Maven is a distributed build automation tool used in Java application development to create, manage, and build software projects. Maven uses standard configuration files called Project Object Model (POM) files to define projects and manage the build process. POM files describe the module and component dependencies, build order, and targets for the resulting project packaging and output using an XML file. This ensures that the project is built in a correct and uniform manner.

Maven repositories

A Maven repository stores Java libraries, plug-ins, and other build artifacts. The default public repository is the Maven 2 Central Repository, but repositories can be private and internal within a company to share common artifacts among development teams. Repositories are also available from third-parties.

You can use the online Maven repository with your Quarkus projects or you can download the Red Hat build of Quarkus Maven repository.

Maven plug-ins

Maven plug-ins are defined parts of a POM file that achieve one or more goals. Quarkus applications use the following Maven plug-ins:

  • Quarkus Maven plug-in (quarkus-maven-plugin): Enables Maven to create Quarkus projects, supports the generation of uber-JAR files, and provides a development mode.
  • Maven Surefire plug-in (maven-surefire-plugin): Used during the test phase of the build lifecycle to execute unit tests on your application. The plug-in generates text and XML files that contain the test reports.

2.1. Configuring the Maven settings.xml file for the online repository

You can use the online Quarkus repository with your Quarkus Maven project by configuring your user settings.xml file. This is the recommended approach. Maven settings used with a repository manager or repository on a shared server provide better control and manageability of projects.


When you configure the repository by modifying the Maven settings.xml file, the changes apply to all of your Maven projects.


  1. Open the Maven ~/.m2/settings.xml file in a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE).


    If there is not a settings.xml file in the ~/.m2/ directory, copy the settings.xml file from the $MAVEN_HOME/.m2/conf/ directory into the ~/.m2/ directory.

  2. Add the following lines to the <profiles> element of the settings.xml file:

    <!-- Configure the Quarkus Maven repository -->
  3. Add the following lines to the <activeProfiles> element of the settings.xml file and save the file.


2.2. Downloading and configuring the Quarkus Maven repository

If you do not want to use the online Maven repository, you can download and configure the Quarkus Maven repository to create a Quarkus application with Maven. The Quarkus Maven repository contains many of the requirements that Java developers typically use to build their applications. This procedure describes how to edit the settings.xml file to configure the Quarkus Maven repository.


When you configure the repository by modifying the Maven settings.xml file, the changes apply to all of your Maven projects.


  1. Download the Quarkus Maven repository ZIP file from the Software Downloads page of the Red Hat Customer Portal (login required).
  2. Expand the downloaded archive.
  3. Change directory to the ~/.m2/ directory and open the Maven settings.xml file in a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE).
  4. Add the following lines to the <profiles> element of the settings.xml file, where QUARKUS_MAVEN_REPOSITORY is the path of the Quarkus Maven repository that you downloaded. The format of QUARKUS_MAVEN_REPOSITORY must be file://$PATH, for example file:///home/userX/rh-quarkus-1.3.4.SP1-maven-repository/maven-repository.

    <!-- Configure the Quarkus Maven repository -->
  5. Add the following lines to the <activeProfiles> element of the settings.xml file and save the file.


If your Maven repository contains outdated artifacts, you might encounter one of the following Maven error messages when you build or deploy your project, where ARTIFACT_NAME is the name of a missing artifact and PROJECT_NAME is the name of the project you are trying to build:

  • Missing artifact PROJECT_NAME
  • [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project ARTIFACT_NAME; Could not resolve dependencies for PROJECT_NAME

To resolve the issue, delete the cached version of your local repository located in the ~/.m2/repository directory to force a download of the latest Maven artifacts.