Release Notes for Apicurio Registry 2.3

Red Hat build of Apicurio Registry 2.3

What's new in Red Hat build of Apicurio Registry

Red Hat build of Apicurio Registry Documentation Team


Describes the Red Hat build of Apicurio Registry product and provides the latest details on what's new in this release.

Chapter 1. Apicurio Registry release notes

Red Hat build of Apicurio Registry 2.3 is provided as a General Availability release. Apicurio Registry is a datastore for standard event schemas and API designs, and is based on the Apicurio Registry open source community project.

You can use Apicurio Registry to manage and share the structure of your data using a web console, REST API, Maven plug-in, or Java client. For example, client applications can dynamically push or pull the latest schema updates to or from Apicurio Registry without needing to redeploy. You can also create optional rules to govern how Apicurio Registry content evolves over time. These rules include content validation and backwards or forwards compatibility of schema or API versions.

1.1. Apicurio Registry installation options

You can install Apicurio Registry on OpenShift with either of the following data storage options:

  • PostgreSQL database
  • Red Hat AMQ Streams

For more details, see Installing and deploying Red Hat build of Apicurio Registry on OpenShift.

1.2. Apicurio Registry supported platforms

Apicurio Registry 2.3 supports the following platform component versions:

  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 - 4.12
  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS
  • Microsoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift
  • PostgreSQL 12 - 15
  • Red Hat AMQ Streams 2.1 - 2.3
  • Red Hat Single Sign-On (RH-SSO) 7.6
  • OpenJDK 11

1.3. Apicurio Registry new features

Apicurio Registry 2.3 includes the following new features:

Apicurio Registry authentication and authorization
  • Expanded role-based authorization - you can now configure role-based authorization in Apicurio Registry, as well as in RH-SSO as previously. If role-based authorization is enabled in the Apicurio Registry application, you can use the web console or REST API to control access.
  • Expanded owner-based authorization - you can now enable the owner-based authorization option at the artifact-group level, as well as at the artifact level as previously.
  • Anonymous read access - when the anonymous read access option is enabled, unauthenticated (anonymous) users have read-only access to all artifacts.
  • Authenticated read access - when the authenticated read access option is enabled, any authenticated user has read-only access to all artifacts, even if the user has not been granted any Apicurio Registry roles.
  • HTTP basic authentication - when this option is enabled, users or client applications can use HTTP basic authentication to access Apicurio Registry.
  • Custom TLS certificate for Kafka storage - when using Kafka for storage, users can now securely connect to Kafka using a custom TLS certificate.
  • Change artifact owner - administrators or artifact owners can change the owner of a specific schema or API artifact by using the REST API or web console.
Operational and monitoring improvements
  • Audit logging - any changes to Apicurio Registry data result in an audit log entry.
  • Prometheus metrics - metrics are exposed in Prometheus format for use in monitoring.
  • Sentry integration - optional integration with Sentry 1.x.
Operator improvements
  • Custom environment variables - you can now set arbitrary environment variables in the ApicurioRegistry custom resource. These variables are applied to Apicurio Registry using the Deployment resource.
  • Support for PodDisruptionBudget - This resource is automatically created to ensure that at most one replica is unavailable.
  • Support for NetworkPolicy - the Apicurio Registry Operator creates an ingress network policy for port 8080.
Artifact references
Artifacts can now reference other artifacts in Apicurio Registry. Many supported artifact types allow references from one file to another. For example, an OpenAPI file might have a data type with a property that references a JSON schema defined in another file. Typically, these references have a syntax specific to the artifact type. You can now use the REST API to create mappings so that type-specific references can be resolved to artifacts registered in Apicurio Registry.
Dynamic global configuration of Apicurio Registry instances
Apicurio Registry has many global configuration options that are typically set at deployment time. A subset of these options are now also configurable at runtime for a Apicurio Registry instance. You can manage these options at runtime by using the REST API or web console. For example, these options include owner-based authorization, anonymous read access, and authenticated read access.
Upload artifact from URL
You can now upload a schema or API artifact from a URL, in addition to the already supported upload from a file. You can upload by using the Apicurio Registry web console or the REST API.
Web console improvements
  • Import and export of Apicurio Registry data - admin users can now use the web console to export all Apicurio Registry data in a .zip file, as well as using the REST API as previously. They can then import this .zip file into a different Apicurio Registry deployment.
  • Full support for artifact properties - artifacts in Apicurio Registry can have user-defined and editable metadata such as name, description, labels (simple keyword list), and properties (name/value pairs). The web console has been enhanced to support displaying and editing properties, in addition to using the REST API as previously.
  • Documentation generation for AsyncAPI artifacts - AsyncAPI artifacts now support the Documentation tab on the artifact details page. This tab displays human-readable documentation generated from the AsyncAPI content. This feature was previously available only for OpenAPI artifacts.
  • Option to display JSON as YAML - for artifact types that are JSON formatted, the Content tab on the artifact details page now supports switching between JSON and YAML formats.
REST API improvements
  • Improved /users/me endpoint - the Apicurio Registry core REST API has a /users/me endpoint that returns information about the current authenticated user. You can use this endpoint to inspect a user’s assigned role and determine their capabilities.
  • Updated support for Confluent Compatibility API - Apicurio Registry now supports the Confluent Schema Registry API version 6.

Apicurio Registry user documentation and examples

The documentation library has been updated with the new features available in version 2.3:

The open source demonstration applications have also been updated:

1.4. Apicurio Registry deprecated features

Apicurio Registry version 1.x
Apicurio Registry version 1.x was deprecated in version 2.0 and is no longer fully supported. For more details, see the Red Hat Application Services Product Update and Support Policy.

1.5. Upgrading and migrating Apicurio Registry deployments

You can upgrade automatically from Apicurio Registry 2.0 to Apicurio Registry 2.3 on OpenShift. There is no automatic upgrade from Apicurio Registry 1.x to Apicurio Registry 2.x, and a migration process is required.

1.5.1. Upgrading a Apicurio Registry 2.0 deployment on OpenShift

You can upgrade from Apicurio Registry 2.0.3 on OpenShift 4.9 to Apicurio Registry 2.3.x on OpenShift 4.11 or later. You must upgrade both your Apicurio Registry and your OpenShift versions, and upgrade OpenShift one minor version at a time.


  • You already have Apicurio Registry 2.0.3 installed on OpenShift 4.9.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Administration and then Cluster Settings.
  2. Click the pencil icon next to the Channel field, and select the next minor candidate version (for example, change from stable-4.9 to candidate-4.10).
  3. Click Save and then Update, and wait until the upgrade is complete.
  4. If the OpenShift version is less than 4.11, repeat steps 2 and 3, and select candidate-4.11 or later.
  5. Click Operators > Installed Operators > Red Hat Integration - Service Registry.
  6. Ensure that the Update channel is set to 2.x.
  7. If the Update approval is set to Automatic, the upgrade should be approved and installed immediately after the 2.x channel is set.
  8. If the Update approval is set to Manual, click Install.
  9. Wait until the Operator is deployed and the Apicurio Registry pod is deployed.
  10. Verify that your Apicurio Registry system is up and running.

Additional resources

1.5.2. Migrating a Apicurio Registry 1.1 deployment on OpenShift

For details on migrating a Apicurio Registry 1.1 deployment to Apicurio Registry 2.x, see Migrating Red Hat build of Apicurio Registry deployments.

1.6. Apicurio Registry resolved issues

Table 1.1. Apicurio Registry resolved issues in version 2.3.0



REST API endpoint for core v1 compatibility not properly protected by authentication.


Web console incorrectly redirects to HTTP instead of HTTPS.


Apicurio Registry throws while uploading a new artifact.


Confluent compatibility layer not working with JSON Schema artifacts.


kafkasql registry storage option throws Expected one element, but found none exception when querying contentIdFromHash.


Confluent compatibility layer’s schema DTO is not fully compatible.


Web console does not properly obey the disable roles feature.


Confluent compatibility API v6 does not return artifact.

Registry- 733

Passing sasl.jaas.config property does not work with JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable.


Web console displays inconsistent modifiedOn date.


Global compatibility rule execution broken for RuleApplicationType.CREATE.


Transitive compatibility rules might give false positives.

Table 1.2. Apicurio Registry resolved issues in version 2.3.3



Avro compatibility check does not work correctly for enum types.


Add option to minify Avro with Apicurio Registry Maven plug-in.


Make max subjects configurable in Confluent compatibility API.


Throw exception when an empty schema is provided in the Confluent compatibility API.


Fix handling of default JSON value in the Confluent compatibility API.


On slow machines, kafkasql storage is not ready for existing messages.


Fix version ordering in Apicurio Registry compatibility rules.


Support application/json in registry export API operation.


Configuring Apicurio Registry event sourcing gives HTTP error.


Protobuf schema version upload failing with NullPointerException.

1.7. Apicurio Registry resolved CVEs

Table 1.3. Apicurio Registry resolved Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) in version 2.3.x



CVE-2022-25858 terser: Insecure use of regular expressions leads to ReDoS.


CVE-2022-37734 graphql-java: DoS by malicious query.


CVE-2022-25857 snakeyaml: DoS due to missing nested depth limitation for collections.

IPT-764, IPT-763

CVE-2022-31129 moment: Inefficient parsing algorithm resulting in DoS.


CVE-2022-25647 Deserialization of untrusted data.


CVE-2022-24773 node-forge: Signature verification leniency in checking DigestInfo structure.


CVE-2022-24772 node-forge: Signature verification failing to check tailing garbage bytes can lead to signature forgery.


CVE-2022-24771 node-forge: Signature verification leniency in checking digestAlgorithm structure can lead to signature forgery.


CVE-2022-26520 jdbc-postgresql: Arbitrary file write vulnerability.


CVE-2022-0536 follow-redirects: Exposure of sensitive information by Authorization Header leak.


CVE-2022-0235 node-fetch: Exposure of sensitive information to an unauthorized actor.


CVE-2022-23647 prismjs: Improperly escaped output allows an XSS vulnerability.


CVE-2022-0981 quarkus: Privilege escalation vulnerability with RestEasy Reactive scope leakage in Quarkus.


CVE-2022-21724 quarkus-jdbc-postgresql-deployment: Unchecked class instantiation when providing plug-in classes.


CVE-2021-22569 protobuf-java: Potential DoS in the parsing procedure for binary data.


CVE-2021-41269 cron-utils: Template injection leading to unauthenticated Remote Code Execution vulnerability.


CVE-2021-37136 netty-codec: Bzip2Decoder doesn’t allow setting size restrictions for decompressed data.


CVE-2021-37137 netty-codec: SnappyFrameDecoder doesn’t restrict chunk length and might buffer skippable chunks in an unnecessary way.

1.8. Apicurio Registry known issues

The following known issues apply in Apicurio Registry 2.3.3:

Apicurio Registry core known issues

IPT-814 - Apicurio Registry logout feature incompatible with RH-SSO 7.6

In RH-SSO 7.6, the redirect_uri parameter used with the logout endpoint is deprecated. For more details, see the RH-SSO 7.6 Upgrading Guide. Because of this deprecation, when Apicurio Registry is secured by using the RH-SSO Operator, clicking the Logout button displays the Invalid parameter: redirect_uri error.

For a workaround, see

IPT-701 - CVE-2022-23221 H2 allows loading custom classes from remote servers through JNDI

When Apicurio Registry data is stored in AMQ Streams, the H2 database console allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code by using the JDBC URL. Apicurio Registry is not vulnerable by default and a malicious configuration change is required.

Apicurio Registry Operator known issues

Operator-42 - Autogeneration of OpenShift route might use wrong base host value

If multiple routerCanonicalHostname values are specified, autogeneration of the Apicurio Registry OpenShift route might use a wrong base host value.

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