Chapter 1. Uploading a collection to Automation Hub


  • You have configured the ansible-galaxy client for Red Hat Automation Hub.
  • You have at least one namespace.
  • You have run all content through ansible-test sanity.
  • You are a Red Hat Connect Partner. Learn more at Red Hat Partner Connect.


To upload your collection using the Automation Hub user interface:

  1. Log in to Red Hat Ansible Automation platform.
  2. Navigate to Automation HubMy Namespaces.
  3. Click a namespace.
  4. Click Upload collection.
  5. In the New collection modal, click Select file. Locate the file on your system.
  6. Click Upload.

To upload a collection using the ansible-galaxy client, enter the following command:

ansible-galaxy collection publish path/to/my_namespace-my_collection-1.0.0.tar.gz --api-key=SECRET

Once uploaded, your collections will enter the partner certification process. Our Partner Engineering team will contact you with the certification status of your collection.