Chapter 2. Enhancements

The enhancements added in this release are outlined below.

2.1. Kafka 2.3.0 enhancements

For an overview of the enhancements introduced with Kafka 2.3.0, refer to the Kafka 2.3.0 Release Notes.

2.2. Metrics

The example metrics configuration provided with AMQ Streams has been updated. You can find the example metrics configuration files in the installation ZIP file available for this release from the AMQ Streams download site.

You can set up for monitoring using Prometheus to provide monitoring data for Grafana dashboards. The example configuration is supplied for:

  • Adding metrics configuration to your Kafka cluster
  • Deploying Prometheus and the Prometheus Alertmanager plugin
  • Deploying Grafana

See Introducing Metrics.

2.3. Mirror Maker Healthchecks

You can now configure liveness and readiness probes for Mirror Maker resources. These Healthchecks allow you to check the status of Mirror Maker replicas in your AMQ Streams deployment.

See Kafka Mirror Maker configuration and Healthcheck configurations.

2.4. Custom environment variables

You can now set custom environment variables for Kafka broker, Mirror Maker, and Kafka Connect containers by setting template properties in the resource. For example, you can use the kafkaContainer template property in Kafka.spec.kafka:

# ...
                    - name: TEST_ENV_1
                    - name: TEST_ENV_2
                      value: test.env.two
# ...

You set custom environment variables when configuring distributed tracing, which is a Technology Preview feature in this release.

See Customizing containers with environment variables.