Chapter 3. Fixed issues

3.1. AMQ JMS

  • ENTMQCL-1835 - Consumers using a CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE session do not increment the remote delivery count after session recovery

    In earlier releases of the product, consumers created with a session in CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE mode did not increment the remote delivery count if the session was lost and recovered and the deliveries were not acknowledged after recovery.

    In this release, the client sends delivery state updates for messages as the consumer or session is closed to ensure the delivery count is correctly updated.

3.2. AMQ Python

  • ENTMQCL-1364 - The client abruptly disconnects after a TCP half-close

    In earlier releases of the product, a TCP half-close from a remote peer triggered an AMQP framing error. This appeared as an error even though it was a normal connection close condition.

    In this release, the client correctly closes the connection without error in this case.

  • ENTMQCL-1578 - The client leaks transport and selectable objects

    In earlier releases of the product, circular references in the client implementation caused memory use to increase over time.

    In this release, the circularity of the references is broken so that memory is correctly freed.