Chapter 2. Enhancements

The enhancements made to AMQ Streams 1.2.

2.1. Container images

This release includes the following changes to the management of container images for AMQ Streams on OpenShift.

2.1.1. New image registry

All AMQ Streams container images are now hosted on the new Red Hat Registry, Unlike, the new registry requires authentication for access to container images.

Your OpenShift installation should be already connected and authenticated against the new registry. If it is not authenticated, you can configure your installation according to the OpenShift version:

Alternatively, you can create your own OpenShift Secret with the registry credentials, and configure AMQ Streams to use it in the STRIMZI_IMAGE_PULL_SECRETS environment variable in the Cluster Operator configuration or through the imagePullSecrets property in the template of your custom resource.

2.1.2. Reduced number of images

The number of container images for AMQ Streams has been significantly reduced. Four container images are now provided:

AMQ Streams ComponentContainer Image

Cluster Operator

Kafka version 2.1

Kafka version 2.2

AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge (Tech Preview)

Previous releases of AMQ Streams provided separate images, for example, for Kafka Connect. These images have been incorporated into the Cluster Operator and Kafka images.

This release includes a new image for the AMQ Streams Kafka Bridge (as a Technology Preview).



java-base, cluster-operator, topic-operator, user-operator, kafka-init


kafka-base, kafka, kafka-connect, kafka-connect-s2i, kafka-mirror-maker, zookeeper, stunnel-base, kafka-stunnel, zookeeper-stunnel, entity-operator-stunnel


kafka-base, kafka, kafka-connect, kafka-connect-s2i, kafka-mirror-maker, zookeeper, stunnel-base, kafka-stunnel, zookeeper-stunnel, entity-operator-stunnel


New image


You can access the AMQ Streams container images in the Red Hat Container Catalog.