Chapter 2. Red Hat 3scale API Management 2.9

This document is intended for use with Red Hat 3scale API Management 2.9 On-premises.

2.1. New features

2.1.1. Major features

2.1.2. Minor features

  • Support for the latest draft of RFC for HTTP rate limiting headers (JIRA #3795).
  • Configuration of the URL Rewrite policy rules based on HTTP methods (JIRA #5259).
  • Triggering of webhooks based on Admin API actions (JIRA #4703).
  • API endpoint to delete the pricing rules of a metric or an application plan (JIRA #4771).
  • 3scale toolbox command to export all services taken from the latest proxy configuration for a given environment (JIRA #669).
  • Standardized approach to report errors in 3scale toolbox to ensure consistency and lack of ambiguity (JIRA #2349).
  • Improved import command for application plans in 3scale toolbox (JIRA #3874).
  • Customization of the storage class for every PersistentVolumeClaim (JIRA #4651).
  • Prometheus metrics for APICast: status and content_caching (JIRA #5417 and JIRA #5439).

2.2. Technology Preview features

  • High Availability (HA) and Evaluation (Eval) OpenShift templates (JIRA #1168).
  • 3scale operator for capabilities: It allows using custom resources to define 3scale tenants, APIs, plans, limits, metrics and other definitions to set them into a 3scale installation (JIRA #1798).
  • Using the 3scale operator, monitor resources with Prometheus and Grafana (JIRA #4639 and JIRA #4641).
  • Metering labels for 3scale pods so you can get pre-defined reports from the metering operator, and see usage data (JIRA #5765).
  • Backup and Restore functionality via the 3scale operator (JIRA #4746).

2.3. Resolved issues

  • Included validation to prevent the configuration of negative values trial periods (JIRA #1758).
  • Zync now refers to the HTTP scheme and port number of the Public Base URL (JIRA #3545).
  • SSO Integrations is now highlighted in the vertical navigation (JIRA #3548).
  • Improved performance with many backends or products (JIRA #3592).
  • Added validation to avoid the generation of proxy configs for products that do not have any backend (JIRA #3626).
  • Improved performance when APIcast uses a large body to perform a call with Forward proxy (JIRA #3863).
  • Host header is now set if HTTP_PROXY is configured (JIRA #4178).
  • When using the OpenID connect authentication method, the Example curl for testing is now hidden (JIRA #4384).
  • An Admin user in member role now has access to backend usages (JIRA #4489).
  • Accurate error message when entering many characters in proxy domains (JIRA #4658).
  • Path based routing now matches arguments (JIRA #5149).
  • IP Check policy now strips the port (JIRA #5258).

2.4. Known issues

  • ProxyRule removes trailing slashes (JIRA #3872).
  • The position of a mapping rule defined in a YAML file is ignored (JIRA #5747).
  • Wrong metadata in some packages (JIRA #5682).
  • RESOLVED in 3scale 2.9.1: The Suspend button is visible when the tenant is already suspended (JIRA #5738).
  • RESOLVED in 3scale 2.9.1: When using the ServiceAccount authentication option for Service Discovery, the imported API is not visible in the Admin Portal (JIRA #5089). To work around this issue, you have these options:

    • Rename the project and/or service in OpenShift, so the final APIcast URL does not contain labels with more than 63 chars.
    • Modify the URL templates in sandbox_proxy.yml so the risk of having long URL labels is mitigated.

2.5. Documentation

Supported configurations

Security updates

Upgrade guides

  • If your 3scale template-based installation runs with Oracle Database, refer to the Section 2.6.1, “Future changes” section for more details about the supported Oracle Database versions.
  • Check the procedures to upgrade your 3scale installation from 2.8 to 2.9, for the following deployments:

  • A post-upgrade step for provisioning APIs in the Developer Portal has been added. For more information, see the Preface in the Migrating 3scale guide.

Resolved issues in documentation

2.6. Changes in 3scale

This section lists the future changes for 3scale 2.9

2.6.1. Future changes

  • In 3scale 2.9.1, support for Oracle 12c will be replaced with Oracle 19c. If you are using 3scale with Oracle DB, keep 3scale 2.8 until 2.9.1 is released, and then upgrade the database version to Oracle 19c. This setting ensures that your 3scale installation is under a supported configuration.

In 3scale 2.9.1, there are changes in the announcement of the support for Oracle 12c. For more details, refer to Support for Oracle Databases in the 2.9.1 release notes.

  • Currently, when Proxy Update is used, it creates a new APIcast configuration version for the Staging environment with the updated settings. This will not be the case in future releases; users will need to use the new Proxy Config Promote endpoint for this purpose.
  • Support for Redis 3.2 will be removed in future versions.