Chapter 1. 3scale general configuration options

As a Red Hat 3scale API Management administrator, there are general configuration options available to you in your installation or account to adjust settings.

1.1. Configuring a valid login session length

As a Red Hat 3scale API Management administrator, you can configure a valid login session length for the Admin Portal and the Developer Portal so there is a limit for maximum timeout and inactivity.

To implement a valid login session length you must set USER_SESSION_TTL to seconds. For example 1,800 seconds is 30 minutes. If the value is null, that is, not set, or is set to an empty string, the session default length is for 2 weeks.


  • A 3scale account with administrator privileges.


  1. Update the USER_SESSION_TTL value in the system-app secret in seconds:

    $ oc patch secret system-app -p '{"stringData": {"USER_SESSION_TTL": "'1800'"}}'
  2. Rollout system-app:

    $ oc rollout latest dc/system-app