8.9. Management Console

The OpenShift Enterprise Management Console is a web application that is installed on the broker host, and exposes the REST API. The Management Console interacts with OpenShift Enterprise through the REST API in a similar fashion to the client tools.

8.9.1. Installing the Management Console

This section describes how to install the Management Console on a broker host.

Procedure 8.22. To Install the OpenShift Enterprise Management Console:

  1. Install the required software package:
    # yum install openshift-origin-console
  2. Modify the corresponding sample httpd configuration file located in the /var/www/openshift/console/httpd/conf.d directory to suit the requirements of your authentication model. For example, use openshift-origin-auth-remote-user-ldap.conf.sample to replace openshift-origin-auth-remote-user.conf, and modify it as necessary to suit your authentication configuration. This is similar to what was done for broker authentication in the /var/www/openshift/broker/httpd/conf.d/ directory.
  3. Make the service persistent on boot, and start the service using the following commands:
    # chkconfig openshift-console on
    # service openshift-console start
After the Management Console is installed, configure the SESSION_SECRET setting in the /etc/openshift/console.conf file, which is used for signing the Rails sessions. Run the following command to create the random string:
# openssl rand -hex 64


The SESSION_SECRET must be the same across all consoles in a cluster, but does not necessarily need to be the same as the SESSION_SECRET used in /etc/openshift/broker.conf.


Ensure that the CONSOLE_SECURITY setting in the /etc/openshift/console.conf file has the default setting of remote_user. This is a requirement of OpenShift Enterprise and ensures proper HTTP authentication.
Restart the Management Console to apply your changes. This is required each time the SESSION_SECRET setting is modified. Note that all sessions are dropped.
# service openshift-console restart
Access the Management Console from https://broker.example.com/console using a web browser. Use the correct domain name according to your installation.