9.8.2. Installing Add-on Cartridges

The following table lists the add-on cartridges available for installation.

Table 9.3. Available Add-on Cartridges

Package Name Description
openshift-origin-cartridge-cron Embedded crond support.
openshift-origin-cartridge-jenkins-client Embedded Jenkins client.
openshift-origin-cartridge-mysql Embedded MySQL.
openshift-origin-cartridge-postgresql Embedded PostgreSQL.
openshift-origin-cartridge-mongodb Embedded MongoDB. Available starting in OpenShift Enterprise 2.1.1.
Install any add-on cartridges using the following command:
# yum install package_name


If you use the kickstart or bash script, the install_cartridges function performs this step. This function currently installs all cartridges listed. Edit this function to install a different set of cartridges.