6.2.6. Deploying Sample Broker and Node Hosts Using openshift.sh

The examples in this section show how to install and configure sample broker and node hosts for a simple deployment using the openshift.sh script. Whereas the preceding openshift.sh examples demonstrate various parameters discussed in their respective sections, the examples in this section use a combination of the parameters discussed up to this point to demonstrate a specific deployment scenario. The broker and supporting service components are installed on one host (Host 1), and the node component is installed on a separate host (Host 2).
Deploying a Sample Broker Host Using openshift.sh

For Host 1, the command shown in the example runs the openshift.sh script with:

  • Red Hat Subscription Manager set as the package source.
  • The broker, named, activemq, and datastore options set as the installation components.
  • Unique passwords set for MCollective, ActiveMQ, MongoDB, and the test OpenShift Enterprise user account.
  • Various parameters set for the broker and supporting services.
  • Default values set for all unspecified parameters.

Example 6.9. Installing and Configuring a Sample Broker Host Using openshift.sh

$ sudo sh openshift.sh install_method=rhsm rhn_user=user@example.com rhn_pass=password sm_reg_pool=Example_3affb61f013b3ef6a5fe0b9a install_components=broker,named,activemq,datastore mcollective_password=password1 mongodb_broker_password=password2 openshift_password1=password3 domain=apps.example.com hosts_domain=hosts.example.com broker_hostname=broker.hosts.example.com named_entries=broker:,activemq:,node1: valid_gear_sizes=medium default_gear_size=medium default_gear_capabilities=medium 2>&1 | tee -a openshift.sh.log
In this example, script output is logged to the openshift.sh.log file. If a new kernel package was installed during the installation, the host must be restarted before the new kernel is loaded.
Deploying a Sample Node Host Using openshift.sh

For Host 2, the command shown in the example runs the openshift.sh script with:

  • Red Hat Subscription Manager set as the package source.
  • The node option set as the installation component.
  • The same unique password set for the MCollective user account that was set during the broker host installation.
  • Various node parameters set, including which cartridges to install.
  • Default values set for all unspecified parameters.

Example 6.10. Installing and Configuring a Sample Node Host Using openshift.sh

$ sudo sh openshift.sh install_method=rhsm rhn_user=user@example.com rhn_pass=password sm_reg_pool=Example_3affb61f013b3ef6a5fe0b9a install_components=node mcollective_password=password1 domain=apps.example.com hosts_domain=hosts.example.com node_hostname=node1.hosts.example.com broker_ip_addr= broker_hostname=broker.hosts.example.com node_profile=medium cartridges=php,ruby,postgresql,haproxy,jenkins 2>&1 | tee -a openshift.sh.log
In this example, script output is logged to the openshift.sh.log file. If a new kernel package was installed during the installation, the host must be restarted before the new kernel is loaded.