9.3. Creating a Node DNS Record

For correct communication between the node host (Host 2) and the broker host (Host 1), verify that the host name for Host 1 resolves correctly. See Section 7.3, “Installing and Configuring BIND and DNS” for instructions on BIND server configuration.
Update the DNS records (in these instructions, the Host 1 BIND server) to resolve the host name for Host 2.
Run the following command on Host 1. Replace example.com with the chosen domain name, node with Host 2's short name, and with Host 2's IP address:
# oo-register-dns -h node -d example.com -n
This command is provided as a convenience, equivalent to the nsupdate command demonstrated in the Host 1 configuration.


This step is not performed by the kickstart or bash script, but the named_entries parameter can be used to define all hosts in advance when installing named.