7.8.5. Configuring the Standard SELinux Boolean Variables

The standard SELinux policy requires correct configuration of variables for the broker application. Configure these variables using:
# setsebool -P httpd_unified=on httpd_execmem=on httpd_can_network_connect=on httpd_can_network_relay=on httpd_run_stickshift=on named_write_master_zones=on allow_ypbind=on

Table 7.2. SELinux Boolean Variable Options

Boolean Variable Purpose
httpd_unified Allow the broker to write files in the http file context.
httpd_execmem Allow httpd processes to write to and execute the same memory. This capability is required by Passenger (used by both the broker and the console) and by The Ruby Racer/V8 (used by the console).
httpd_can_network_connect Allow the broker application to access the network.
httpd_can_network_relay Allow the SSL termination Apache instance to access the back-end broker application.
httpd_run_stickshift Enable Passenger-related permissions.
named_write_master_zones Allow the broker application to configure DNS.
allow_ypbind Allow the broker application to use ypbind to communicate directly with the name server.
Next, relabel the required files and directories with the correct SELinux contexts:
# fixfiles -R ruby193-rubygem-passenger restore
# fixfiles -R ruby193-mod_passenger restore
# restorecon -rv /var/run
# restorecon -rv /opt


If you use the kickstart or bash script, the configure_selinux_policy_on_broker function performs these steps.