9.10.4. Configuring SELinux

Node hosts require a specific SELinux policy and context configuration to operate correctly. Run the following commands to set the required Boolean values:
# setsebool -P httpd_unified=on httpd_can_network_connect=on httpd_can_network_relay=on httpd_read_user_content=on httpd_enable_homedirs=on httpd_run_stickshift=on allow_polyinstantiation=on

Table 9.6. Boolean Value Options

Boolean Value Purpose
httpd_unified Allow the node host to write files in the http file context.
httpd_can_network_connect Allow the node host to access the network.
httpd_can_network_relay Allow the node host to access the network.
httpd_read_user_content Allow the node host to read application data.
httpd_enable_homedirs Allow the node host to read application data.
httpd_run_stickshift Allow the node host to read application data.
allow_polyinstantiation Allow polyinstantiation for gear containment.
Relabel a number of files with the correct SELinux contexts. Specify these contexts with:
# restorecon -rv /var/run
# restorecon -rv /var/lib/openshift /etc/openshift/node.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/openshift


If you use the kickstart or bash script, the configure_selinux_policy_on_node function performs these steps.